Tell House Ag Cmte to Vote YES on HB 1131, Jan. 17th
Support Raw Dairy Product Sales in North Dakota
House Bill 1131 (HB 1131), legislation that would legalize unregulated sales of raw milk products direct from a farm to an “end consumer” is before the House Agriculture Committee and is scheduled for a hearing Friday, January 17 at 8:30 a.m.
Last session the state enacted legislation legalizing unregulated sales of raw milk from farmer direct to consumer; HB 1131 is a great opportunity to further expand consumer choice and enable the farmer to make a better living.
1. Call and/or email House Agriculture Committee members and ask that they vote YES on HB 1131. Below are Talking Points you may want to include in your message.
It is especially important to contact a committee member if you are a constituent; see individual list below. You may copy/paste this block of addresses to email all committee members:
mbeltz@ndlegis.gov; dorihauck@ndlegis.gov; kanderson@ndlegis.gov; gdobervich@ndlegis.gov; dhenderson@ndlegis.gov; dholle@ndlegis.gov; jahoverson@ndlegis.gov; dhkiefert@ndlegis.gov; denehring@ndlegis.gov;
solson@ndlegis.gov; nrios@ndlegis.gov; cschreiberbeck@ndlegis.gov; btveit@ndlegis.gov; dvollmer@ndlegis.gov
2. Attend the Friday 8:30 a.m. hearing on January 17th and testify before the House Ag Committee and/or submit testimony through the online portal by 7:30 a.m. January 17th.
Submit testimony (.pdf or .txt files) and register to testify remotely or in person at
Scroll down the webpage, enter your contact information then under “Agenda” select the appropriate options for “8:30 AM | HB 1131”.
In-Person Meeting Location:
Room 327C, ND State Capitol
600 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505
1. Tell your story of how raw milk products have benefited your health or the health of your family member.
2. Raw milk products have a great track record for food safety. Products like raw butter and raw kefir have few, if any, illnesses attributed to their consumption.
3. Passage of HB 1131 would enable farmers to make a better living. Making products like raw yogurt and raw kefir generate a better return for the farms than do sales of fluid raw milk. There is booming demand not only for raw milk but for other raw dairy products as well.
4. The bill supports consumer choice. The consumption of all raw milk products is legal in North Dakota. Consumers should be able to obtain those products from North Dakota farmers.
Further alerts will be sent out on HB 1131 as events warrant.
House Agriculture Committee for 2025 regular session –
Please contact your representative directly if listed below. To find your legislator, enter your address “house number” only and your zip code then scroll down to your street address at
Rep. Mike Beltz (R-20), Chairman
Hillsboro, ND
Cell 701-430-1209
Rep. Dori Hauck (R-36), Vice Chairman
Hebron, ND
Rep. Karen A. Anderson (R-19)
Grafton, ND
Cell 701-520-0559
Rep. Gretchen Dobervich (D-11)
Fargo, ND
Cell 701-361-5627
Rep. Donna Henderson (R-15)
Calvin, ND
Home 701-697-5104
Cell 701-370-3250
Rep. Dawson Holle (R-31)
Mandan, ND
Cell 701-214-9506
Rep. Jeff Hoverson (R-3)
Minot, ND
Cell 701-340-8237
Rep. Dwight Kiefert (R-24)
Valley City, ND
Home 701-845-0760
Work 701-845-0760
Cell 701-490-0443
Rep. Dennis Nehring (R-23)
Williston, ND
Home 701-875-4257
Cell 701-609-0869
Rep. SuAnn Olson (R-8)
Baldwin, ND
Home 701-258-3887
Cell 701-220-0907
Rep. Nico Rios (R-23)
Williston, ND
Rep. Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (R-25)
Wahpeton, ND
Cell 701-899-3232
Rep. Bill Tveit (R-33)
Hazen, ND
Home 701-748-2812
Cell 701-870-4014
Rep. Daniel R. Vollmer (R-6)
Willow City, ND
HB 1131 Status page –
HB 1131 Text –
Submit Testimony for 1/17 Hearing on HB1131 –
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