On November 1st, 2014 join thousands of nurses nationwide as we march in protest in our home cities against mandatory vaccines.
On November 1, Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines members will be marching and demonstrating peacefully in their home towns to protest firings, forced vaccination, loss of income, loss of privacy, etc. and informing private citizens of the truth about flu vaccines, and the truth about the 90% rule.
Join us! Help us! We need you.
More information to come once we have dates and times available! We will be posting these on our website at
Contact Erin Randles for more information.
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I want to get involved with nurses against mandatory vaccines.
I wish that I could make contact with NAMV not just to win an argument with a misguided nurse but to show that are many Health Care professional personnel that are in agreement with Robert Kennedy Jr. He has President Donald Trump’s ear on this issue. Please communicate with me I want documentation that what NAMV is responding to is a valid criticism of those that have put mercury into human bodies, that is not rational decision. Congressmen and women were bribed with 101 million dollars in 1986 and since, to pass The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. My cell telephone number is 1-925-727-5743
Has anyone been following how NYT and WAPO , and other media is demonizing vaccine choice and even printing comments calling for the deaths of vaccine choice proponents? and what is currently happening in Washington State? what happened to the movement?
The NAMV organization appears to have been destroyed, but by who? The founders of the organization have broken off all contact. Who silenced them?