Concerning the right to health and medical freedom of choice, the case of Sarah Hershberger is the one to rally around. This has been in all major media outlets this week.
Sarah Hershberger is the 10-year-old, Medina County Ohio Amish girl that escaped with her parents from the US in Sept. 2013 to avoid hospital demands and court orders to undergo 27 months of experimental chemotherapy in a research project. Sarah had received natural treatments at home and fled the U.S. for further treatments and is now 100% free from cancer, according to the parents. They want to return home without fear of being arrested and Sarah being taken away. The Hershberger and their family are organic vegetable and maple syrup producers.
With the full blessing of the family and their bishop, the Foundations for Health Education have a fundraiser called Sarah’s Health Freedom Fund. Also, we have a paper version PDFs of this story and a petition especially for Amish and those without internet. WAPF members and chapter leaders can print these out and find others who may also want to. Most people, even the Amish, do not know the situation at all! (We can even send you copies by mail.)
The PDFs can be accessed at the link below. All we ask is if you want to participate, please let us know about it.
Sadly, the national and local news coverage this story received was, at best, one sided. Team up and help get the word out: our health freedoms depend on it-the outcome of this case will affect us all! Learn what happened to the Hershergers, access the PDFs and donate at Sarah’s Health Freedom Campaign page
Thank you!
David M. Augenstein, MSc, PEng
Director, Foundations for Health Education
WAPF member, Ohio
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