It has helped bring relief from joint pain, asthma, vision issues, Lyme’s disease, heart conditions, digestive problems, wrinkles, and more. What is it exactly? It’s emu oil, the best fat you’ve never heard of! Emu oil is a super food of sorts, rich in vitamins K2 and MK4. On today’s episode Dr. Will Schlinsog and Dr. Sylvia Onusic explain the many benefits of emu oil. They discuss emu oil’s anti-inflammatory properties, what makes it a fantastic source of vitamins K2 and MK4 (the “activator X” that Dr. Price often spoke of), and how it can be used topically and internally to improve our health. They also relate many anecdotes of people (and even animals) who have had promising responses to this unique fat.
You will certainly be intrigued about this beneficial heretofore overlooked fat. Give a listen. It may be just the thing your body needs to restore your health.
Highlights from the conversation include:
- how Will got interested in the emu oil
- highly anti-inflammatory properties of emu oil
- how emu oil is also effective to help heal the gut
- what makes emu oil unique compared to other fats
- how the emu lives on the oil while protecting its eggs
- how emus are raised
- the fact that emu oil is rich in vitamin K2 and MK4 (the vitamins Dr. Price considered “activator X”
- the benefits of vitamin K2 – bones, smoother skin, dental health, fertility, joint health, gut health, heart health – anti-angiogenic
- Dr. Price’s discoveries related to diet and health & how there was something in butter oil that was improving health: healing cavities, etc. but he couldn’t pinpoint what “activator X” was
- how “activator X” put vitamins A and D into action in the body
- how excellent emu oil has K2 and high levels MK4
- how emu oil was used in traditional diets in Australia
- the difference between vitamin K2 and MK4 exactly
- the foods that offer MK4
- how dietary trends have made most of us deficient in these vitamins
- the differences emu oil makes topically and internally
- how a food (like emu oil) is most likely to be well-assimilated into your body
- anecdotes about relief from joint pain, asthma, vision issues, healing from Lyme’s, etc.
- how Will helped athletes and the sick improve through the use of emu oil
- why emu oil can do so much for so many
Pubmed.com – site for research on varied foods (and emu oil)
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