Dietary trends come and go. How can we possibly know what’s best to eat? Dr. Weston A. Price traveled the world to find what the healthiest people ate. The diets varied greatly depending on what part of the world the indigenous groups inhabited—the Swiss ate a diet rich in dairy products; the Inuit in Alaska ate a lot of fish and whale blubber, etc. But while the dietary specifics were different, traditional diets had much in common, as well. This is the crux of the Wise Traditions diet. It is not a list of do’s and don’ts, but rather a guide for healthy eating, wherever you live, based on wise ancestral food ways! On today’s episode, Sally Fallon Morell, the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, takes us back to the basics. She explains the 11 principles that were compiled through scientific research and the work of Dr. Weston A. Price, to make up the Wise Traditions diet. The list of simple nutritional guidelines helps ease the burden of stress that comes from trying to eat well. Together, we will learn from the wise diets of the world and incorporate what we can to live the healthiest way possible!
- how the Wise Traditions diet is descriptive (explaining how to eat the healthiest foods), rather than prescriptive (do’s and don’ts)
- how the dietary principles were taken from studies by Dr. Price and studies that built on his findings
- an overview of the 11 principles of the WAPF diet
- the importance of clearing the cupboards of processed foods
- the role of fat-soluble activators
- how ethnic heritage plays a role in food preferences and tolerances
- the importance of eating organ meats
- how difficult it is on our bodies when we avoid meat products in the diet
- why child spacing is included as one of the principles
- the spacing that is recommended between babies, that allows the mother to recuperate and offer her growing babythe most nutrients
- how grains, nuts, and seeds can be prepared to ease digestion and improve the bio-availability of nutrients
- how eating this way can benefit your children’s health and reverse trends that jeopardize our health
The Wise Traditions principles – https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/abcs-of-nutrition/principles-of-healthy-diets-2/
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