Plantar fasciitis, back, knee, and leg pain all seem to be nothing out of the ordinary these days. And yet, up until roughly 50 years ago, we walked with little complaint. That’s when modern shoe companies began designing footwear with so much padding and arch support that—instead of allowing our feet to flex, bend and move—they have unintentionally weakened our muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Today, Steven Sashen, the co-founder of Xero Shoes, a minimalist footwear company, makes a case for why we need a more ancestral and natural barefoot experience. He talks about the problems most footwear creates, the challenges of transitioning back to bare feet (or minimalist footwear), and why not all shoes called “barefoot” shoes are good for us. He also tells stories (including his own) of those who have benefited from the freedom and fun found in allowing our body to do what is natural—namely, giving our feet the freedom of connecting with the ground and moving us the way intended.
Highlights from the conversation include:
– the 10,000 year old sandal that inspired Steven to start his company
– how many third world countries don’t have the foot issues that we have
– the loss of balance and agility when wearing shoes
– what high heels do to our feet and posture
– the challenge of transitioning back to bare feet
-how not all “barefoot or minimalist” shoes are exactly as advertised
– why plantar fasciitis is so common
– the hype of “stimulating orthotics”
– success stories from individuals who transitioned to bare feet
– how a growing number of podiatrists, chiropractors and physical therapists are being turned on to the message of minimal footwear
– how going barefoot (or minimalist) can allow us to use our muscles, tendons and ligaments in our legs as shock absorbers which takes the pressure off of the knees, feet and back
– Steve’s practical advice for making the switch and for living a different kind of lifestyle
Steve’s website – Xeroshoes.com
Video for how to make your own sandals
BYU study – Sarah Ridge – The Effect of Minimalist Running Shoes
Irene Davis – study at Harvard on “barefoot running”

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