So, what’s the deal with fat? If it’s really so good for us, why is there still so much conventional dietary dogma warning us of its perils, and how can we learn to discern which voices to listen to when it comes to something so important like our health?
Heart health expert & author Dr. Stephen Hussey offers common sense and scientific insight on the role fat should have in our diet. His starting point is our body’s penchant for burning fat, from the beginning of time. He busts the myth that blames heart disease on fat consumption. And he explains how we can benefit from including more fat in the diet and which fats are the best “starter” fats (like egg yolks, for example)!
Highlights of the conversation include:
- How being diagnosed with asthma at age 2 started his health journey
- Addressing the root cause of disease, not the symptoms
- How we can prevent heart disease
- Why the standard “heart healthy” diet doesn’t hold up
- The importance of fat-soluble vitamins
- Learn what makes vitamin K2 so special
- Learn what fuel source our hearts prefer
- Why studies on fat and heart disease aren’t conclusive
- How evolution fits into our needs for dietary animal fats
- Why chronic disease epidemic is a symptom, not the problem
- How environmental stressors affect our health
- Why Stephen is a fan of the minimalist movement
- “Starter fats” Stephen recommends: egg yolk, bone marrow, beef tallow
- The changes we can make towards a true heart healthy diet
Dr. Stephen Hussey’s website
Maria Emmerich’s keto cookbooks
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Sarah says
Can you point me in the direction of information regarding the hereditary factor? My husband 53, lean and active eats all fats but Widowmaker was 98% blocked.