Jodi Ledley was fighting a life-long battle with migraines and chronic pain to no avail. These were not simple headaches but rather debilitating incidents of excruciating pain that sent her to the ER on many occasions and were simply putting her on the sidelines of life. She spent thousands of dollars with medical professionals but received no resolution until she discovered what was triggering her health concerns: monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG, an excitotoxin, was causing serious neurological disruption for Jodi.
She found relief as she began to remove MSG from her diet, and her family’s health improved, as well. Now, through her book and speaking engagements, Jodi has encouraged thousands to follow in her footsteps. Migraine-sufferers, those with ADD, ADHD, and anxiety can all benefit by eliminating foods from their diet that contain this additive.
In today’s episode, you will learn how to detect MSG in your food–it goes by over 70 different names on food labels–and how to make changes to your diet that will improve your own health and the health of your loved ones.
In this episode of Wise Traditions, Jodi Ledley joins us to talk about her life-long journey battling migraines and chronic pain, and how she was able to stop them by removing excitotoxins from her diet. Excitotoxins cause nerves to rapid fire and can cause serious neurological disruption. They include monosodium glutamate. MSG, artificial sweeteners, and other food additives and chemicals.
In addition to pain and migraines, people suffering with ADD, ADHD, and anxiety can find relief by eliminating foods that contain excitotoxins. Unfortunately, avoiding MSG isn’t as easy it as it may seem. Almost all processed foods contain it in one form or another, and it can be called by over 70 different names on food labels. The solution? According to Jodi, it’s threefold: prepare your own food, source food from trusted local vendors, and make sure to always read the ingredient labels.
This episode highlights:
- Why conventional medicines and treatments didn’t alleviate Jodi’s pain
- That excitotoxins can be found in both food and fragrances
- Why you should avoid products containing ingredients like yeast extract, soy protein, and protein isolates
- The reason those sensitive to glutamates shouldn’t simmer their bone broth for more than three hours
- That food companies do not have to disclose what “natural flavors” are, even in organic products
- How every member of Jodi’s household resolved health issues (ADD symptoms, excess weight, asthma, and high blood pressure) by abstaining from food additives and chemicals
- The national restaurant chain that excludes MSG from all its menu items
- The “12 Spoon” restaurant rating project which will soon help you locate WAPF-approved restaurants in your area
- Why cooking whole foods at home is the guaranteed way to avoid consuming MSG
Adventures with Jodi: How one girl stopped Migraines and Chronic Pain and accidentally improved her family’s health!
by Jodi Ledley
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