What’s the deal with bird flu? Is it actually something we should be worried about? What’s the history of it? And why has there been a focus on it and why have millions of chickens been slaughtered because of it?
Jacob Diaz, an independent researcher, explains today some of its history. He goes over what has happened this time around (and when initial bird flu “outbreaks” took place in the 2000s). He covers the flaws in the PCR testing and the logic of the supposed sickness and how the fear may be a tool to influence us to rely on Big Food and Big Pharma, rather than on independent small farmers and our own wherewithal for our health.
Follow Jacob on Instagram: @undercovervirologist
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.Introduction To Bird Flu Concerns
One cat died, three farmers had pinkeye, some chickens tested positive from the PCR test, and millions of chickens have been slaughtered to ostensibly prevent contagion. What is going on? This is episode 490 and our guest is Jacob Diaz. He is an independent researcher investigating contagion, viruses, and all things related to bio-terrain and wellbeing. Jacob explains what happened in the 2000s with the so-called outbreaks of bird flu. He offers his perspective on how the whole concept of bird flu is a tool to influence the public away from real food and to create dependence on big food and big pharma.
He goes over the literature to make his case, the literature indicates that the flu is not a foodborne pathogen and that contagion from animal to animal or even animal to people is very rare, if not completely impossible. He also reviews bird flu symptoms and what he suspects is the root cause of the concerns. He lays it all out in a candid fashion and reminds us that taking our health into our own hands keeps us independent and healthy, something that is threatening to political and corporate interests.
Before we get into the conversation, I want to invite you to the Wise Traditions Conference in Orlando this October 2024. Join us. It is going to be a marvelous event. It is a gathering focused on real nourishing food and nourishing talks from speakers like Dr. Stephen Hussey, Manel Ballester, and Sophia Eng, and longtime favorites like Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, with many more.
Together we’ll enjoy Wise Traditions-friendly food, benefit from the wisdom shared on the stage, and the friendships made in the convivial atmosphere. Join us. Go to the Wise Traditions website now to reserve your place and get your tickets. I hope to see you there from October 25th to the 27th, 2024 in Orlando, Florida.
Follow our Jacob on Instagram @UndercoverVirologist.
Register to attend the Wise Traditions Conference in Orlando
Check out our sponsors: Sacred Hunting and Paleo Valley
Welcome to the show, Jacob.
Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.
This bird flu thing is all over the news and some people are up in arms. I am so curious. We’re going to start from square one. I heard that there were some cats or a cat that died that got the bird flu. What does that have to do with anything? Take it from the top.
When you go to the authority statements, even they say that animal-to-animal transmission is particularly rare and hard to prove. This was done years ago. They did studies and they failed. They had several cats on a farm that drank some raw milk from a cow that supposedly had birth flu and it had neurological symptoms and died. That’s it. There was no evidence to suggest anything was there in the milk.
They test with PCR, which we know how malicious PCR is. We don’t know what was in the cow’s milk. For all we know, the cow is being fed something garbage and all that trash was in the milk and it poisoned the cat. It happens. All poisons in a mammal will be in its milk but again, there was no evidence to suggest that it was any virus. As I said off-screen, with these raw milk false testimonials of how poisonous they are and how horrible it is, there’s never any evidence. There’s nothing.
It’s usually governmental agencies that have a false report. They’ll go into these farms. They’ll raid it without any evidence to suggest anything is happening there. When I read this story about cats, it didn’t seem very logical and rational to me. It looked like it was more of a hit piece than anything but even if something did happen with the cat, it’s not the bird flu and we’ll get into that now.
Talk to us about what is the premise out there about bird flu.
The belief essentially is that these birds, specifically in factory farms, which is a huge clue as to what’s happening, get sick. We know that if you feed a human garbage food, you bombard them with LED lights, and you don’t have them go outside, a human will get sick. What makes you think that a tiny 4-pound bird wouldn’t get sick from the same environment? With the bird flu, the authorities will claim that it’s influenza that attaches to the bird, infects it, and can be spread to other animals via the feces specifically, or the urine or spit.
The symptoms are very nonspecific. You have ruffled fur. You have neurological pathologies. You have gastrointestinal issues. The eggs are very weak. The eggs come out thin and not very nutritious. It’s a lot of different symptoms that they want to claim that this virus. Honestly, it is hard to find what is real and causes these symptoms.
What they’ll do is they’ll use PCR to test these chickens and that these chickens are not eating a proper diet. They’re eating GMO corn. They’re highly inbred. Their bodies are not very structured properly. They’re very fat. They’re eating the feces and being exposed to all the waste in these farms and they get sick. It’s pretty logical.
The Impact Of Unhealthy Farming Practices
These concentrated animal feeding operations, I’ve seen videos of workers coming into the hoop house or whatever it is, and they’re wearing hazmat suits because it’s such a poor inhabitable place.
It’s not a surprising thing that some of the birds will have green diarrhea, a fever, or a discharge from the eyes because all of that waste is being breathed right into the respiratory system. If they develop a cough, they’ll be like, “The bird has bird flu. This chicken needs to be tested.” When they test a bird, then comes the culling, which leads to millions of birds dying for nothing.
Speaking of culling. I’ve heard of some farms that practice regenerative farming practices. They have their animals out in pasture. The chickens have some free-range situations. How could officials come in and cull their chickens if they’re not in the conditions you’re describing?
In a lot of these farms, maybe 1, 2, or a couple of dozen or whatnot chickens may test positive. The surrounding farms will also be affected. It’s a form of contact tracing they did with COVID. You were near somebody so now you’re at risk even though, based on their own literature, the transmission of pathogenicity is very rare.
If one farm has a couple of chickens that test positive, now another farm that is 6 miles away is also going to get people coming in there to test their chickens. Inevitably, since PCR is very easy to manipulate, you’ll get positives. What I’m seeing with my research and others, most of these regenerative farms that are pasture-raised or free-range chickens, they’re not sick at all. They’re healthy. The meat is very nutritious as well. It’s the factory-raised chickens that are getting sick left and right and that is the whole terrain of it. You treat these chickens like trash, you feed them trash, and if they’re not living properly, they’ll get sick. Now, you want to blame a virus on the environment that you gave the chickens.
However, if they’ve had these CAFOs for a while, why is there a sudden concern? Maybe these animals have been sick for a while. How come all of a sudden they’re like, “This is bird flu.”
Yearly Pandemics And Food Supply Control
It’s because they love their yearly pandemics. That’s what they like to do. We just got over COVID. COVID supposedly ended in 2023. Now, we have to push more towards that 2030 agenda, the controlling of the food supply. They want to control the vegetables and produce so they spray it constantly with these GMO feeds, fungicides, and herbicides. They do the same thing with the meat. They want to make lab-grown meat. They want to stop you from drinking raw milk. They want to control all of the food supply.
They love their yearly pandemics—keeping us in fear and reliant on the system.
How do they do that? They scare you away from the meat. They scare you away from the raw milk. Now, let’s eat the blended bugs that we have, or let’s eat the lab-grown meat or the soy meat, whatever you want because we can control that. It’s because farmers who are treating their animals with respect in the way that they’re supposed to be treated and providing natural healthy food are a threat to the system, and bird flu is a perfect way to bring that control onto them.
Let’s go back to the puzzle pieces that they’re putting together to say there’s an issue with bird flu. One was this cat that died. One was a farmer with pink eye. I’m confused.
In my post, I did provide a lot of details for the past supposed outbreaks and it’s all ridiculous. One of them was in 2003 where they claimed some birds died of bird flu, even though they were on an isolated island for the whole winter so there’s no way for them to have gotten any sort of bird flu. However, here in the United States, there were three dairy workers in different states, Texas and Michigan, I believe the other one was Iowa or something like that.
Mind you, America has over 100,000 dairy workers and hundreds upon hundreds of dairy farms. You only had three workers test positive with a PCR. Three of them had conjunctivitis, also known as eye inflammation or pink eye and that’s it. One of them tested negative for a nasal swab so they had to retest their eye and got a positive. There’s no real cause for concern.
Even in the case out of Texas, the Texas Ministry of Health said that human-to-human transmission or whatnot is extremely rare. There’s no real public worry here. It’s just three people that had pinkeye and we don’t even know why. In farms, you do have a potential for using chemicals and being exposed to feces and/or putting dirt in your eye, but they’re not looking at those environmental factors.
From your tone, Jacob, I can tell that you’re skeptical. I am too. I get it but certain nations are taking this very seriously. If I’m not mistaken in Australia, there have been some lockdowns and issues with their farming. Do you know anything about that or are you just focused on the US?
Skepticism And International Responses
I’ve looked into the reports out of Australia. In my post, I focus more on Europe, especially in the early 2000s, there’s a lot of things in Europe. They were locking towns down and supermarkets. They were keeping people in their homes. The military got involved. The police authorities got involved. It was COVID all over again. They locked things down to control where people got their food.
People and the governments are going to freak out because it’s the playbook. That’s what they did with COVID. That’s what they did with the HIV. What they’ll do is maybe 1 or 2 chickens may get sick. They kill 47 million chickens and then claim the bird flu is killing these chickens, but when you look closely at the report, all of them were not killed by bird flu. They were killed by gassing or chopping off their heads or whatnot and then they perpetuate this whole freaky pandemic when it was never there in the first place.
Think critically. If 47 million chickens are culled for one case, something isn’t adding up.
Did you say 47 million chickens?
Yes. One Iowa farm had one positive case and four million chickens were slaughtered as a result. In the United States since 2022, 92.3 million chickens have been murdered because of a nearby case of bird flu. In Texas, I believe this recent case of wild birds. They weren’t even the birds on the farm. They were wild birds that had tested positive and were dead on the farm. They tested them. It’s ridiculous when you think about it.
What is this doing to our food supply?
The more I’ve learned about terrain and healthy food, your health is predicated on the quality of the food that you eat. If you are going to your local farm, to your local butcher, to your local raw milk farm, you’re getting quality real food. Your health is no longer reliant on the system that they want you to rely on. The pharmaceutical system, which is in cahoots with the Food and Drug Administration, the food system, the food pyramid, and all that. They want you to eat the food that they make because it makes you sick.
It goes back to what I said in the beginning. If they can control the food supply to scare you away from eating chickens or from eating grass-fed beef or raw milk, you then will rely on what they provide as a solution. Now, you are a customer, which is why everyone will call the farmer people the far-right people who like to eat real food conspiracy theorists because you’re not relying on the system. I’m not political. I like to eat real food. That doesn’t mean I’m some dangerous conspiracy theorist. It just means that I like to rely on me for my own health but they don’t like it that you’re not a product of the system. That’s all it is. It’s all profit-driven.
Choose real food, not what the system feeds you. Your health depends on it.
They’re not giving thought to anybody’s health. There’s a concern with the bottom line or fattening the pockets.
What Klaus Schwab said a couple of years ago, “You’ll own nothing and be happy,” that also has to do with your food. You’re not going to be able to grow your own food. You’re not going to be able to rely on your farms. I’m going to be interviewing my raw milk farmer in a couple of weeks, but when I talk to them, it’s tough on them. The things that they have to go through and the legal loopholes and all the testing they have to do are getting harder and harder for farms to survive and that’s by design.
Coming up, Jacob goes over the literature that indicates no pathogenicity, and he explains why the PCR test is unreliable to diagnose anything.
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Do you think the smaller farms are being targeted as opposed to the bigger, let’s say Tyson or Perdue chicken operations?
Absolutely. The Raw Milk Farm USA got raided. A lot of local raw milk farms are getting raided because of the belief that there is supposed transmission there, even though bird flu is stated to not be a foodborne pathogen and even though pasteurized milk has more incidents of bird flu cases. It’s hilarious. They’ll say, “Pasteurization got rid of the virus.” That’s just circular reasoning. However, when you look at the outbreaks, it’s all coming from factory farms, yet all these factory farms are not being shut down. The one dairy farm that may or may not have a case, “Shut them down,” because it’s controlled because big food and big pharma are married.
You alluded to this earlier, but I want to go back to it. Talk to us about what’s being said about the transmission of bird flu, animal to human, and then human to human.
In my post, I do go through some studies that if anyone wants to go, you can look at the sources yourself. To paraphrase, there’s no proof that there is any high pathogenicity between humans. Human-to-human transmission is virtually non-existent in the literature. Even pathogenicity from animal to animal is very rare. They say that you can pass it with feces or whatnot, but a cow on a farm that may or may not be sick is not going to get a chicken on the same farm sick.
There’s no real proof. As I stated, there is no known proof that there is a foodborne pathogen risk with bird flu regarding the milk or meat. This goes back to the whole PCR stuff. They’re not testing a virus in the milk or the meat. They’re finding genetic sequences in PCR that when you amplify it enough, you’re going to get a positive test. They’re not finding anything there.
In Texas, for instance, as I said with this case, the Texas Ministry of Health said that there’s no real risk to the public. The World Health Organization stated that the public risk is relatively low and that any real risk would have to do with direct contact with animals. However, if that were the case, why are we only seeing three cases in dairy workers when there’s supposedly a very pathogenic virus going around? It doesn’t make any sense. How many farmers are there in America? There are millions of farmers and you can only get three.
We’re going to hit in part two a little bit more about viruses and the PCR test and some of the issues with these things but since you’ve mentioned the PCR test a couple of times, let’s talk about it. It is a test that was never meant to diagnose or identify a virus. That’s what I understand from the person who invented it.
The method initially was to amplify genetic material, and it does that by multiplying it. If I take a penny and then multiply that penny, it becomes two pennies and then four pennies, and then eight pennies. It essentially doubles with every cycle of the genetic material to study it better. What they did was take that method and use it as a tool to diagnose you, even though it was never meant to be used in that way.
It’s not even a test. It’s an amplifying tool. It’s like seeing a little microscope to see your little fingerprint is somehow a test to see if you have a disease. It makes no sense. They manipulated this “test” into making people think it means that you’re sick. Even though Kary Mullis who developed the method said it can’t tell you that you’re sick and it can’t tell you that whatever was found in you was going to get you sick in the first place.
Just because a test is positive doesn’t mean you’re sick. PCR tests are a tool, not a diagnosis.
That’s what Kary Mullis himself said. The more you do the cycles to amplify it, let’s say to continue your illustration with a penny, the more you multiply the penny, the more pennies you’re going to have and that would be the positive result. The fewer pennies that you multiply, the fewer pennies that you have. That would be the negative. That’s why some people say you can get the result you want. You can manipulate the test in such a way that you’ll get positive outcomes and you manipulate it in such a way that you get negative outcomes.
Anthony Fauci in 2021 I believe was quoted saying that anything above a 25-cycle threshold is useless. They were using in labs 45, 50, and 55-plus cycles with COVID, which is why everybody and their mother were testing positive because a cycle threshold was so ridiculously high. When people started getting their little pokey-pokies, they took all the vaccinated people and started bringing down their cycle thresholds to the 20s and 30s even though they still led all the COVID cases so it didn’t work for them. In the same thing with bird flu, these cows and chickens, you’re looking at anywhere between 35 cycles to 65 cycles. They’re going to get a positive test. It’s inevitable.
People are still using the PCR test, I believe. I ran into a neighbor one day. She was wearing a mask and she said, “I’m sorry. I have COVID.” I looked at her puzzled and I said, “Is that still a thing?”
It was never a thing, but it’s annoying. I’m seeing it here too in New York. A lot of people are like, “I’m testing positive.” “Is it COVID or is the 55 different trails in the sky that are making you sick or the crappy food that you’re eating?” I think it’s the latter.
Back to the bird flu, you said that there is a very negligible incident or likelihood that any human could get it. Is this why people are wearing masks? I don’t know if you know, but I’ve seen a lot of people wearing masks on planes now and in different local public places.
I believe so. I’ve seen more masks and I think it is the combination of both the news mentioning COVID again. You know during the election year, everything is going to be heightened. Everything is going to be huge in the news. You then have the incidents of bird flu and COVID altogether. You’re going to get people that are going to put their masks on. It’s inevitable. Does it help you? No. It just suffocates you slowly but if you want to do it to feel safe, go ahead. There’s no threat of bird flu to humans. There’s barely a threat to bird flu with even birds. Let’s be real here.
The Threat Of Bird Flu To Humans
The real threat may be what you were saying earlier, which is these sickly birds and these poor conditions are not contributing to our health. They’re doing the opposite.
As I said, they’re being fed GMO cornmeal. They’re being fed waste. Chickens eat anything. They’re pooping and they’re going to eat the poop and all of that stuff. You are what you eat. All of that stuff will then accumulate in their tissues. Now, they’re fatty. They’re high in all these acids that are not good for you.
You’re going to eat that and now you’re going to get sick from the stuff that they ate. It’s a downstream thing. How do you fix this? You give chickens what they’re supposed to eat and you treat them right because they’re animals. They’re not humans, but they’re animals. Give them what they need and they’ll be healthy. It’s simple stuff.
They can find what they need. Aren’t they omnivores? Won’t they find the little worm or take out a dead raccoon?
Which is why the food range is so good. You let them do their thing. Any supplemental feed, you can give them bugs. They’re going to eat bugs. They primarily eat bugs, worms, and stuff but they’ll eat anything. Give them food scraps or something. Not GMO garbage. It’s not going to be good for them.
Chickens eat bugs, so we don’t have to. What is happening in the news? Has this died down or are they going to keep plugging away at it in terms of maintaining the public’s anxiety, shutting down farms, and whatnot?
I think that their goal is to shut down raw milk entirely because I saw a post recently on Twitter where someone had stated that an airport had announced to find anyone that was near a farm that had a positive case of bird flu. They had tried to say that they couldn’t get on a plane or whatnot because they were living near that bird flu case.
If that anecdote is true, and they’re already trying to stop people from traveling, that’s how COVID started. This can get bad very quickly, which is why I made this post. I was like, “This is all crap. Don’t believe any of it.” At my job, they play the news 24/7. It’s annoying, but I hear bird flu maybe once every hour. I’m like, “They’re pushing this. It’s getting to that point.” Will it get to the point after the election where it’s still a thing? We don’t know. Maybe this is just more fear, but we’ll see where it goes.
The Role Of Media And Health Organizations
I get why the media is always putting forth these stories because good news doesn’t sell. They need the boy bites the dog as opposed to the dog bites the boy. That’s why I get where they’re going there but what is happening on the world level in terms of the World Health Organization and other such? What are they saying?
It’s the same stuff. They haven’t made any announcement regarding a big threat. They have been pretty quiet about this. The World Health Organization as of 2017 has stated that there’s no real public risk. It’s the same thing with the Texas Ministry of Health. It’s the same thing with the CDC. There’s relatively no real risk but again, those agencies answer to people. Those people who want to push this are going to inevitably get their little boy toys in the woo and then the World Health Organization and CDC to push this.
They did it with COVID. COVID wasn’t a thing until event 201 where they did their little simulation and then got the CDC and World Health Organization to do their bidding. If Bill Gates wants to make a bird flu vaccine, he’s going to make a bird flu vaccine and perpetuate this bird flu pandemic. It’ll eventually happen but as of right now, there have been no real statements of fear from those agencies yet.
Who would the bird flu vaccine be for, the birds or the people?
I think it would be probably for both. If they’re vaccinating the birds, that’s even worse for us. I didn’t even mention the preventative measures that these birds are given. They’re given antibiotics constantly, which is destroying their microbiome and their organs and they’re giving vaccinations. Who’s to say that these birds aren’t getting sick from the very things you’re giving them as supposed medicines? It’s ridiculous. They’ll find a way eventually to try to make a bird flu vaccine. I heard it from the grapevine. I think they’ll try.
What do you say to people who are genuinely concerned about the health and welfare of the animals who think this is a contagious thing? The birds are catching something and it could lead to animal-to-human transmission.
In all honesty, what I would say is to look at the evidence for yourself and come to your own conclusion. If you truly believe that they found a contagious organism in the tissues of these chickens or cows or whatever, then don’t eat the meat. I see no threat because the literature doesn’t show a threat. It doesn’t establish a contagious organism is there. If there was a real contagious organism, they wouldn’t have to kill 45 million chickens because a couple of them got sick.
All of them would be sick, but they’re not. That shows you right then there that there’s no real contagion. If you do have a belief that something is going on, get your meat from a local farm or get from organic well-sourced supermarkets that provide quality meat, then you’re good because we’re only seeing this issue with factory-farmed meat.
Do you know what they did to all of those slaughtered chickens?
They throw them out. Do you mean how they killed them?
Where did they end up?
They have rules. They can’t feed them to humans because of the supposed bird flu, or whatever in their organs, which is not true because they’re not sick. My knowledge is they are incinerated. They are gassed and they are all beheaded. They use them whether as fertilizer or just burn them. By all accounts, they burned them. They did the same thing with the bovine epidemic in England where they took the cows that weren’t even sick and they burned them alive.
That’s what I believe they’re doing. Every farm does something different. I know the recent owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves had a farm that had a supposed positive case and they culled millions of chickens. You could only do that with a giant incinerator so I would gather that it is the primary way that they’re getting rid of the chickens.
Some people might be surprised that those of us who eat meat feel sorrow about this, but I feel like my big sorrow is how they handled it, but also that no one benefited. In other words, when there is an animal that goes to slaughter or is processed on a farm, it’s either sold for consumption or eaten there. There’s a gratitude. There’s a give and take. The farmer has cared for this animal and now we’re receiving its life and into ourselves. It’s building our bodies and so forth. This is one big waste.
I agree. That’s what they want to perpetuate. It’s this reliance on them to provide the food because there is somehow a food epidemic. There’s a food shortage. That’s what they want you to think. They want you to think that there is a limit on meat. They want you to think that cow farts cause climate change. It’s all connected in some way. We limit people’s reliance on the farmers and the interchange.
I love meat, but I understand if I have well-sourced quality meat as opposed to tractor farm meat, I will benefit better and I feel a lot better when I eat that. I want the animals that I eat to be treated well because they are living organisms. They do have a semblance of feeling so we want them to be treated with respect. I’m going to eat it, but I want it to be healthy. I think it’s logical.
As Sally Fallon Morell puts it, “We want our cattle just to have one bad day.” In other words, all their days are great. It’s even debatable if the day in which they give their life is bad because if death isn’t the end, it’s simply a way of nature recycling.
That’s what nature does. Nature is all about recycling and symbiosis. Everything is connected. You shouldn’t feel bad about eating meat because it’s a part of life. They eat grass, they poop in the grass, and the grass grows. It’s a cycle. We should do the same thing as long as it’s respectful.
Jacob, what brought all of this bird flu stuff to your attention?
I saw the news report and then I saw the raw milk farm post about it and I was like, “Let me look into this.” It’s the same thing as with every supposed epidemic. It’s all crap. All of it.
I’m excited to talk with your colleagues, Alec Zeck and Jamie Andrews.
What we’re working on as a group is so ridiculously huge that we are essentially conducting experiments to officially disprove the whole idea of virology, which for many people may seem a little unorthodox, but when you look into it, you’ll realize that there is real substance to it. That’s all I’ll say.
We are excited about that and I can’t wait to talk to them. I have one more question to pose that I always pose at the end of the show. If the audience could only do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
Conclusion: Importance Of A Healthy Diet
Drink raw milk. In all honesty, I grew up with all the vaccines. I had a lot of crappy food given to me. My parents didn’t know any better but when I improved my diet, eating a lot of fermented foods, eating grass-fed meats, making sure all my food was well sourced, and drinking raw milk every day, I felt so much better significantly. The diet is the primary way your body will use fuel and your diet is going to be the image of your health. I think your diet and primarily eating single-ingredient foods like raw milk is the best thing you can do.
Thank you so much for your time. It’s been a pleasure, Jacob.
Thank you very much.
Our guest was Jacob Diaz. Follow him on Instagram @UndercoverVirologist. You can find me at Holistic Hilda. Now, for a letter to the editor from the Wise Traditions Journal Spring 2024 Edition. “I have been so lost the last few years with experts saying so many different things regarding diet and health. I have found myself exhausted trying to find the right path in nutrition and health in general for my family and myself. Eat only meat because vegetables and fruit are trying to kill you. Eat only vegetables and fruit because meat is trying to kill you. Grains will kill you. Ancient grains are so valuable and nutritious. All these claims have been sucking the life and health out of me. How do I even lead my children?”
“Worse is I have found myself at the end of it all with health issues, even though I say no to most conventional foods and have for many years now, all because of the vacillating advice out there. I think my liver, kidneys, intestines, and thyroid are all struggling. I have been eating meat for only three years, and before that, I was a vegetarian for ten. All this vacillating, not knowing what to do. Your simple reply in a desperate moment has given me more confidence in Weston A. Price’s traditional way of eating. At least with me and my diet, I was able to conceive. By the way, my little guy slept through the night and his skin looked so much better. He said it’s hardly itchy. Nothing has worked on his rash until we took your suggestion and rubbed it with goose fat.”
This is a letter from Candace, from California. Candace, thank you for your testimonial. You too can write us a letter to the editor simply by writing us at Info@WestonAPrice.org and tell us a story of your healing journey. Whatever you care to share with us on the topic of your choice, do write us. We love to hear from you. Thank you so much for tuning in, my friend. Stay well and remember to keep your feet on the ground and your face to the sun.
About Jacob Diaz
Jacob Diaz is an independent researcher turned bioterrain expert who is currently studying to become a naturopath. Like many others, he began his health career in 2020 when he noticed how much things didn’t make sense regarding the covid narrative.
After studying the work of Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andy Kaufman, Amanda Vollmer, Dr. Stephen Lanka, and others, he began seeking out these experts and developing friendships with them.
He now uses social media to educate the public about BioTerrain Medicine and the falsehoods of Germ Theory. He thoroughly enjoys teaching people how to heal themselves and improve their terrains with empowering information and is eager to start his own practice to help people one-on-one.
Important Links
- @UndercoverVirologist – Instagram
- Post that Jacob refers to in the podcast
- Info@WestonAPrice.org
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