If you feel worn out and wrecked, like your life and hormones are out of balance, you are not alone. It’s a symptom a lot of us deal with, a common result of our 24/7 busy lifestyle. The good news is that you aren’t stuck! There are some simple ways to get your life (and hormones) back on track!
Dr. Tami Meraglia, author of “The Hormone Secret,” offers insights on just that: how to regain hormonal balance and health. She discusses how women can naturally support their bodies before, during, and after menopause. She talks about testosterone (yes, women need this, too), thyroid health, and what inhibits its proper function. Finally, she reminds us that lab results on paper don’t tell the whole story.
Visit Dr. Tami’s website: biothrivelife.com
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.If your hormones are shot, there are many ways to get back on track. This is episode 489. Our guest is Dr. Tami Meraglia, the author of The Hormone Secret. She works with both men and women and helps them correct hormone imbalances and deficiencies. In this episode, Tami offers ideas, particularly for women, to learn how to naturally harmonize their bodies before, during, and after menopause. She goes over the factors that get our hormones out of whack in the first place, including a 24/7 lifestyle and the stress that comes with it.
She explains the role of various hormones in giving us the vitality and peace we seek. She also covers the role of testosterone for women and natural traditional herbs that can help women regain their vitality. Finally, she covers the importance of hormone replacement therapy as we age, and she explains why fine is not good enough. She wants every woman to feel fabulous.
A quick heads-up. In this episode, Tami does recommend bioidentical hormones. It’s a protocol that the Weston A. Price Foundation does not necessarily endorse. Before you get into the conversation, I want to tell you that we have resources in Spanish at the Weston A. Price Foundation. We have a podcast in Spanish called Tradiciones Sabias, hosted by Annette and Alberto Medina. In addition, we have wonderful pamphlets. We have an Instagram account in Spanish @WestonAPriceEspanol. Go to our website and click on the tab that says WAPF en Español on the homepage.
Check out Weston A. Price Foundation’s Resources in Spanish
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Welcome to the show, Tami.
I’m so grateful to be here. Thank you.
I’m excited to talk about all things hormonal health for women. I want to start with a story of that biohacker who walked through your doors and how you were able to help her with her hormonal health imbalance.
I always feel like I work for my patients, so I’m going to listen to them and respect their wishes. There are a lot of extremes in healthcare. You’ve got your traditional medical doctors who are only focused on diseases and conditions. If we renamed healthcare to sick care, we wouldn’t have as much frustration because it really has nothing to do with your health, wellness, prevention, longevity, or vitality, but when we’re sick, I’m awfully glad that we have it there for us.
The other extreme is a host of influencers and everything from A to Z that is telling you, “Don’t ever eat gluten. Don’t touch the paper receipts because you’re going to get toxic chemicals. Don’t go for a walk. You have to put 60 pounds on and go for a ruck.” There are all these extremes. She was buying into all of this and making herself crazy. I would respect and we would investigate them through the lens of who I am. I’m an MD, but I’m also certified in naturopathic medicine. You can either call me the most cynical naturopath in the world or the most open-minded MD. Either one works.
She has been my patient for almost fifteen years. Most of my patients have been with me for over a decade. She said to me, “I’m doing less and feeling better than I ever have in the last fifteen years.” Her blood work looks like somebody fifteen years younger. She is so peaceful. That’s the thing. Homeostasis is a state of ease. It is not a push all the time. Women who sometimes want to optimize their health get sucked into this male version of working out hard, running hard, pushing hard and fast, and not eating. It’s not for us perimenopausal and menopausal women. The vast majority of us do much better when we harmonize instead of hack.
I love that. You’re right. A lot of us get caught up in what the influencers or the young 30-something guys are saying that we should do when we’re not men. We have a different rhythm. Talk to us a little bit about hormonal balance. Why are our hormones apparently so out of whack for so many women?
The Hormone Secret
I wrote a book called The Hormone Secret because I was getting so frustrated in my practice. When I did family medicine, I would have all these women come to me and they would say, “I’m not feeling myself. I’ve lost my joy. I’ve lost my enjoyment. I don’t laugh. I’m 10 or 15 pounds overweight. I’m tired. I get irritated easily. My sleep is not great,” and on and on.
I would run the CBC and the thyroid and look for anemia and all these things, but when they came back, I would tell them they were fine. That’s when I realized A) Fine is a four-letter word. Nobody wakes up in the morning saying, “I want to be fine today.” You want to be fabulous. The second thing is that the absence of disease does not equal wellness. I realized then that I had to switch gears.
The absence of disease does not equal wellness.
I finished my traditional medical training and started my naturopathic training so that I could focus on wellness and vitality. I was thinking, “What is the missing piece here?” I started on gut and liver health. I was like, “That’s the key. That’s so important. We’ve got to fix our gut. We’ve got to fix our liver.” People were feeling so yucky. They didn’t do the work to fix their gut. It involves changing your diet and doing a lot of different things.
I thought, “I wonder if I address their hormones first and get them feeling better. Would they then have the energy to explore other areas of their health like the microbiome and all of that?” It turns out hormones were a game-changer. Hormones, and especially testosterone for women, which is not always tested for, discussed, or addressed. We only need a little bit, but it has an outsized role in how we look, feel, and function.
This is so fascinating. Let’s talk about hormones in general, and then I do want to talk about testosterone. What hormones are we talking about that can get out of balance?
When you’re going through perimenopause, which starts in your late 30s and can last over 10 years, or menopause, your hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and even your DHEA and your testosterone are moving to be produced in your adrenal glands. These tiny little glands are the size and shape of a walnut and they sit one on top of your kidneys. They have to produce all of your hormones that deal with stress, like cortisol, adrenaline, etc.
They’re also being asked to produce all of the hormones that bless you, like progesterone, which is called the valium that bathes the female mind and allows you to sleep through the night and not wake up wide awake between 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning or want to choke somebody because you’re so irritated because you don’t have any.
The problem is that our 24/7 lifestyle is taxing our adrenal glands at an earlier and more significant stage than ever before, which leaves our bodies in a deficit of those hormones that need to be produced to bless our lives. That’s not happening because it’s cortisol. Your adrenal glands don’t know that graphic is not life and death, that the deadline isn’t life and death, or that the social media posts that hurt your feelings and cause a feeling of trauma aren’t going to affect your life and death. Our bodies were designed to produce cortisol for a short amount of time so you could run away from the bear, and then you either got eaten or you got away. It wasn’t designed to go on and on.
Relentlessly. What you’re saying sounds to me like even the experience of 20-somethings, let alone perimenopausal and menopausal women.
I’ve had women in their late 30s that have undetectable progesterone levels. One day, I’m going to buy a case of red capes because so many women out there are still showing up. They’re showing up at work. They’re showing up in their families. They’re showing up in their partners, marriages, or relationships and they have no chemicals or hormones to help them do that. I want them to know that they’re Wonder Woman for being able to even show up the way they are, but it doesn’t have to be that hard. There are so many things that we can do.
Power Of Thoughts And Feelings
Some of the things you’ve talked about sound like they’re external to us, like the demands from work, that deadline, the traffic, maybe the demands at home with the children or the spouse, some tensions, or what have you. What internal things also affect our hormones, do you think?
This is my very favorite thing to talk about. I’m so glad you asked. Our thoughts and our feelings affect every single cell in our body. People go, “That sounds woo-woo,” and all of that. Stay with me for a moment. If you’re in the car and you hear a siren and see lights behind you, your body will react. Your eyes will dilate. Your palms will get sweaty. Your breathing will get rapid. Your heart rate will increase. You’ll have a full-on physical cellular response to a thought that you are going to get pulled over.
I like to compare our thoughts and feelings to a doctor’s prescription. Your thoughts and your feelings write the prescription, and they write the prescription for exactly what it is. I write a prescription for fear, anxiety, worry, or stress. What do you do with a prescription? You take it to the pharmacy. The pharmacist is your pituitary. That is the master gland that dispenses the chemicals and hormones that match the prescription. A pharmacist doesn’t change the prescription. It doesn’t say to the patient, “That’s going to make you feel terrible. You shouldn’t feel that.” It dispenses.
All of these chemicals and hormones are released into our entire body based on our thoughts and feelings, and they affect the activity of every cell in our body. The good news is if our thoughts and our feelings can make us sick, then could they make us feel great? The answer is yes. We also can have thoughts and feelings that produce oxytocin, which is a really wonderful hormone that will make you feel more connected and help you digest and feel wonderful. It isn’t just external environmental things that affect us. We are the CEOs of our own health.
We are the CEOs of our own health.
Those are powerful words to think about. I want to go back to what you were saying earlier about testosterone. Most of us think that’s a male hormone and it has nothing to do with women. Talk to us about its role in women’s health.
I think of hormones as a symphony. Many years ago, I danced professionally in a ballet company. That was my first career. The symphony was a second love. I love dancing because of the music, I found out. Hormones are like the symphony. If you have the string part of the symphony that sounds terrible, the whole symphony sounds terrible. If you leave out testosterone, you are not addressing the whole symphony.
Many times in traditional medicine, you are having women get estrogen and progesterone checked. If you have a hysterectomy, they don’t even care about progesterone. What about the fact that we have testosterone receptors in our brains and our muscles? Testosterone has been used to treat depression. It has everything to do with our fat-muscle ratio. It helps with our bone health. It helps with energy.
With women, they think, “It’s about libido.” Yes, but it’s not in the top five. Energy is 1 of the top 5 things that if your testosterone is going down or is non-existent, then you’ll find an improvement in your energy not just throughout the day but recovering from when you do exercise and your ability to build muscle. When we’re in menopause, no matter what you do or don’t do, you lose muscle every year if you don’t change what you’re doing and do more resistance training and weight training. That’s partly due to the loss of the ingredient called testosterone, which helps make it.
Hormone Replacement Therapy And Natural Alternatives
If I’m hearing you correctly, there are things we can do both with our thoughts to produce the oxytocin with movement to get back what we’re losing with the testosterone. What else can we do to reclaim our hormonal health?
The research is abundantly clear that hormone replacement therapy, if done in perimenopause or within ten years of your last menstrual period, has a host of protective health benefits. One of the big ones is cardiovascular disease. Another is dementia, osteoporosis, and genital urinary symptoms. People think, “What is that?” That is getting frequent urinary tract infections or having painful sex and things like that. This will prevent that from happening.
When you’re in full-on menopause and your body’s not producing these hormones anymore, it’s impossible to find a supplement or a lifestyle that’s going to restore them all the way. I’m not saying that every single solitary person is a great candidate for hormone replacement therapy, but there are way more women who would benefit from having that conversation with their provider than are even being given the choice.
That’s my big thing. You should have the choice. If you choose to go through the last season of your life without the support of hormone therapy because you have received all the information and you are not basing your decision on misinformation, lack of information, fear, or a patriarchal society that doesn’t pay for these things for women, then that’s not okay with me. If you choose to do that after having been fully informed, then I respect you. You’re the CEO. I work for my patients. You should fire your doctor if they’re not serving you. Up until that, we can support our hormones. Remember. It’s really through supporting the adrenal glands.
One of my favorite things to look at is bioavailability. Our testosterone, our estrogen, and things like that, but mostly estrogen and testosterone, are being carried around by a protein called the sex hormone binding globulin. Think of it as a bus taking these hormones from A to B. You don’t necessarily sometimes need more testosterone. Maybe get some of the testosterone off the bus and get more bioactivity. Taking 500 to 1,000 milligrams of maca, which is an herb, and you can make maca chicken or take it in a capsule form as well, can kick your testosterone off of the sex hormone binding globulin and increase your bioavailability testosterone levels.
Is that part of the hormone replacement therapy, taking maca? Could it be or is that a separate thing?
It depends on who you see as a provider. We didn’t have any new patients for five years and we opened our practice again. We’re nationwide, and it’s because of this need. I like to focus on what the patient will do. There’s no point in giving you a list of five supplements if you hate taking pills, you forget all the time, and all of that stuff. I need to understand you so that I can customize and personalize it. There are nutritional things. For example, when you eat can affect the functioning of your adrenal gland and the production of your hormones as much as what you eat.
It’s the timing.
It’s the same as sleep or exercise. I’m married to an Italian. We drink coffee. Coffee on an empty stomach first thing in the morning is like slapping your adrenal glands across the face to wake them up. If you already have adrenal fatigue, you are not going to be very happy with yourself.
Coming up, Tammy goes over a few ancient herbs that are efficacious for vitality and restoring hormone balance as we age. She also offers surprising and free tips for upping testosterone and hormone balance.
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I don’t know much about hormone replacement therapy, so I was encouraged to hear you say maca and maybe there are other natural ways to do it because I thought it was all a conventional treatment for women as they were aging.
Not at all. The other thing is I don’t think that women realize that bioidentical hormones are available at your regular pharmacy. I get my bioidentical micronized progesterone from Safeway and it costs me $3.97 for a 1-month supply. There’s this app called GoodRx that tells you which pharmacy has the best prices. These are the things that you need to be getting your physician to work with you on, like, “Where’s the most affordable place? Where can I get this? What else can I do?” You shouldn’t be in charge. They should be offering you these things.
Tongkat Ali is another Indonesian herb that has been shown in research to increase your body’s testosterone as well. Ashwagandha is another one. These are ancient herbs that used to be for vitality. It’s no wonder because they increase your testosterone. Guess what else does? Exercise. Using your large muscles will increase your testosterone.
Importance Of Sleep
A study showed that standing like Wonder Woman in a powerful position increases your level of testosterone. There are all kinds of things that you can do. Sleep is one of the most powerful health-enhancing tools that you have in your toolkit. If your butt is not in bed before 10:00 on a regular basis so that you can visit the 5 levels of sleep before your body starts producing that cortisol to wake you up at about 4:00 AM, you’re not going to be at your best. Your hormones aren’t going to be optimized. It’s like filling up a tub with a leak.
That’s such a good point. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, who is one of our good friends here at the foundation, suggests getting in bed at 8:00. In other words, the earlier you go to bed, the more time for that melatonin to be released and the more quickly you can get into that deep sleep, which is very restorative. I’m all about the early bedtime. I wanted to ask you if you understand some of these things not just scientifically or intellectually but from personal experience.
I went to med school later because my first career was as a ballet dancer. There’s a real benefit to that. I didn’t swallow all the Kool-Aid. I remember learning about stomach acid and how we have to give patients a PPI or a histamine blocker, and we have to squash down or block the release of stomach acid. I’m like, “How do we have less acid when we’re in our 40s and 50s?” We did when we were 18. There are a bunch of 18-year-old football players who eat pizza, drink some Coke, lie down, and go to sleep without having any acid reflux. That doesn’t make any sense to me at all. I didn’t swallow all of the Kool-Aid.
I was older. I was married. I had my 1st child in residency in my 1st year. I was shooting on myself. I’m tired. I have a baby. I’m back at work and I’m working 80 hours, etc. I would lie down on the floor between patients under my desk. I was so tired. It had been a year since I’d given birth, so I thought, “Maybe I’ll check my hormones.” I did what I usually do for my patients. I checked everything and it was fine. For some reason, I was like, “What about the rest of the hormones I’ve been learning about? What if I checked everything?” Lo and behold, 0.1 was my measurement of testosterone.
What’s the normal level?
Between 2 and 5. It’s 3 or 4, but it depends on your age. We want you to be optimal for your age. I don’t want my 60-year-olds to have the same level as my 23-year-olds. It was very low. I didn’t feel like I had the time or energy to focus on changing my lifestyle or my food or taking a bunch of supplements because I was working as a resident, etc.
I chose to use one milligram of topical testosterone from a compounding pharmacy because that dose wasn’t available at a regular pharmacy and my life changed overnight. Within a week, I was like, “I’m back. It’s nice to meet you, Tami. Where have you been?” That was it. You can’t skip corners. To have it all, you’ve got to look at it all.
Three Pillars Of Optimal Health
You’ve been at this for a little while.
Over twenty years.
That’s a little while in the grand scheme of life. What do you consider to be the essential pillars for optimal health?
There are three. One is structure. If you have a broken bone, you have to get that fixed. There’s no essential oils or nutrition that’s going to fix it. It might help it, but it’s not going to fix it. Number two is chemicals. Hormones are chemicals. Our food becomes chemicals inside of us. We have chemicals outside of us that affect us, like pesticides and all kinds of things. The third thing is the thing that I don’t think is woven into the health picture, and that’s energy and frequency. Every cell in your body has an electrical current. If you change the frequency, you can change the outcome of a stem cell becoming something else inside your body or the functioning.
We have this part of health that’s partitioned off. We have amazing people like Dr. Joe Dispenza, Deepak Chopra, and all of those who have carved out this, but it needs to be into and with the others. If you have all three of those pillars intact and optimized, you’re like a rocket with three engines. You’re going to go straight up. It’s going to be amazing. Your body is strong and resilient. If you only have two, you probably think that you’re healthy and that there’s nothing wrong, but it only takes a job loss, a relationship breakup, or a worldwide pandemic to make you unwell. If you have one, you probably already have a diagnosis or a condition.
I’m going to let that sink in for a minute. You said the three pillars are structure, chemicals, and energy. Each of those, we want to find a way to shore up and address. I’m guessing from this conversation so far that the first thing we might need to do is assess what you’ve been saying and see where we’re at.
I don’t know if I’m right, but I am biased. You can’t go through all the training I did with being an MD. I am biased that if you don’t test, you are guessing. If you don’t test, you can’t know if what you’re doing is worth the time, energy, and money because you don’t know if it did anything. At the very beginning, a lot of my patients are like, “What does the lab work say?” I say, “I don’t know. We have to filter it through what you’re feeling and how you’re doing.” It matters subjectively, but you still have to have data.
I like that you’re saying that you have to filter it. The normal testosterone levels vary depending on age, but it’s between 2 and 5. Let’s say someone has a level six and it’s a woman, but she’s feeling good or whatever. I want to say not everybody fits within the framework that conventional medicine offers us.
Those people’s bodies forgot to read the textbook, and that’s okay.
Speaking of those people, you’ve worked with a number of clients. Tell me the story of a client who maybe did some of this assessment, looked at those pillars, and made some shifts and what happened as a result. I know you’ve seen so many people, but can you think of one story that you’d like to share with us?
Yeah. I’m blessed to treat a lot of celebrities, movie stars, singers, and professional athletes. I live in Seattle, so the Seahawks. For those people, it’s harder for them to realize because they’re already performing at a high level. Some of the movie stars, the women that are getting into their 50s still want to be their best. They don’t want to be having hot flashes on set. They don’t want to have brain fog when they’re trying to figure out how to memorize their lines.
They want to also look their best without looking like they’ve been done, going to a plastic surgeon, and doing all of that. One particular woman has been seeing me for about eight years. She texts me all the time and says, “I know I resist you because I’m so busy not to get these blood tests, but every time I do and we do a little tweak, my life gets sweeter.” Isn’t that a beautiful word?
I don’t usually use those words because I like medical data, but I thought it was a really great description.
What would you say to the person who’s like, “I don’t like that sweeter thing either.” All this paying attention to the individual patient is a lot of hokeyness or too woo-woo. We need to focus on the numbers and getting the numbers in the right range.” This is the question. Have you worked with patients or clients who got into the right range and weren’t feeling sweet?
Absolutely. In fact, a lot of my patients come to me because they’ve had their regular physician prescribe them thyroid and it didn’t feel any better. They wanted to have a higher dose, but their doctor refused as if it’s like heroin or something. It’s crazy. Doctors don’t prescribe thyroid. They come to me and say, “Are you willing to prescribe a higher dose to see how I do?”
I say, “If you are willing to do a follow-up, I am because my first job is to keep you safe.” We have a membership model, so our patients have unlimited support. Lots of my patients come to us because they’ve been put into the cookie cutter of, “I’ve had my regular doctor say X, Y, and Z and it didn’t help me. I need more, I need less, or I need something different.”
Thyroid Issues
Speaking of thyroid, why do so many women, as they get older, start to have issues with their thyroid function?
That’s a whole episode in and of itself. A lot of it has to do personally. Your thyroid needs iodine. You can get a big goiter and hypothyroidism if you don’t have it. That’s why it was put in salt, etc. Fluoride inhibits that whole process and so does bromide. Our wheat is brominated.
Also, our water is fluoridated.
There’s a production of something called Reverse T3. Your thyroid produces all these amazing hormones, but they’re not active, so it goes down a further stream and becomes activated. It has this little enzyme called 5 prime deiodinase, the iode is because it has iodine in it, and it uses that to convert it to free T3, which is the active form of thyroid in your body and does all the work. In some people, that prime of the enzyme is lost, so you have five deiodinases instead. It still produces T3, but it produces Reverse T3, which has no activity. It’s a dud. The problem with this is that it’s the perfect size and shape, so it fits into your receptor, so a good free T3 can’t fit and has no activity.
We find that some people’s bodies produce Reverse T3 when they eat gluten. Some people’s bodies reproduce Reverse T3 because they have mercury in their system. If you don’t check if somebody has Reverse T3, how do you even know what’s going on? You don’t want to check everybody for mercury toxicity and tell every single person to never eat gluten again. You got to test. When you test intentionally, you can get exponential results.
Those results are needed now more than ever. I feel like it’s not just older women that are struggling. All women, 21 and up, seem to be, at least in the Western world, so stressed and so fatigued. They’re losing their hair. I’m like, “Why are they losing their hair? They’re twenty-something.” They’re really out of balance. They’ve got acne and they’re 30. I wonder what they should address 1st of the 3 pillars you mentioned, the structure, the chemicals, or the energy, and how they could approach that.
Usually, the chemicals are the easiest. They’re the big hitters. I had 2 patients who had their 1st appointment. They’re in their 30s. Their concern is their skin. They’ve never had acne and they have cystic acne that won’t go. They’re healthy. They work out and drink water, but it’s getting worse and worse. Addressing hormones first is a big deal.
Acne is red and angry-looking because it’s inflamed. Are you eating something that you might be sensitive to? It turns out that with this one woman, we got back her food sensitivity and her top three sensitivities were things that she ate every single solitary day, thinking that they were healthy choices. She stopped. Her skin looks better in one month than it has for a year. It’s data.
What were the three things for her? I’m curious.
For her, it was almonds. Almonds are healthy for you, right?
Everyone thinks so.
She was having almonds for a snack. She was having almond milk in her protein shake, etc. She was having dairy. She was eating Greek yogurt because she wanted to increase her protein every day and things like that. The third one was cheese, which is whey. It’s not quite dairy. She was eating a lot of cheese. She knew it wasn’t great for her, but she didn’t realize that it was causing her acne or contributing to her acne.
The Power Of Meditation
This has been so interesting. I want to ask you a question I would like to pose at the end. If the audience could do only one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
Meditate. Meditation is that thought and that feeling that writes the prescription for calming, rejuvenating, and healing hormones to be released into your body. If you have everything else, you need to meditate. If you do nothing else, you need to meditate because it’s going to make you feel better right away. I wish we could charge $5,000 for it because then, people would be like, “I’m not wasting this. I’m going to meditate,” but it’s free. The thing I want to tell you is when you start meditating, you are going to suck. It’s going to be awful, or maybe not. It’s okay. There’s no such thing as bad meditation.
If you have everything, you need to meditate. If you do nothing, you need to meditate. It will make you feel better right away.
I’m so thankful you took the time to be with us. Thank you so much.
Thank you. I’m honored to be here.
Our guest was Dr. Tami Meraglia. Visit her website, BioThrive Health, to learn more. You can find me at Holistic Hilda. This is a review from Apple Podcasts entitled Better Than Gold! News said, “Hands down, this show is one of the most valuable discoveries I’ve made. I stumbled onto the exceptionally assembled landmark book of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price. Its content and timeliness have inspired me as it was written over 80 years ago prior to commercialized foods infiltrating every culture.”
“This led me to what I’d argue is one of the most enlightening shows available. It is a treasure trove of authentic, wisely guided, nature-centered discussions when they are needed most. Since we are all faced with food counterfeits and threats to our health, this discovery came at a great time for me. I’ve read over 70 episodes, shared dozens, tested the ideas, and joined the Weston A. Price Foundation today.”
“Hilda gets my sincerest accolades and thanks for guiding excellent discussions and bringing to light areas of legitimate value. I only wish I had dialed into this twenty years ago, but I’m glad to have this resource now. It really is better than gold.” News, this is an amazing review. It means so much to us. You are tuning in, and the changes you’ve experienced are the reason we do what we do. I want to thank each of you for tuning in. Stay well and keep your feet on the ground and your face to the sun.
About Dr. Tami Meraglia
Dr. Tami Meraglia specializes in hormones, weight loss and Regenerative Medicine. She is best selling author of The Hormone Secret, has appeared on Good Morning America, Fox, ABC, NBC and many podcasts, radio shows, documentaries and summits as a health expert. She is the owner of BioThrive in Seattle and also sees patients across the USA via Telehealth.
Important Links
- BioThrive Health
- The Hormone Secret
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- Apple Podcasts – Wise Traditions
- Tradiciones Sabias
- Check out Weston A. Price Foundation’s Resources in Spanish
- Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation
- Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
- Paleovalley
- Sacred Hunting
- Holistic Hilda
Carmen Willey says
I was so excited when I saw the podcast about hormones and getting them back into where they need to be, but was so disappointed by the end of the podcast. The lady clearly did not align at all with Weston a price’s values (nor mine). I would love to hear another podcast on hormones and a way to support them naturally through food, habits, and herbs/supplements.
Lisa Sterling says
I was equally disappointed and came on here to voice that. Thank you!
Martha K Stalcup says
I have to agree with the previous comments from Carmen about this guest; I was intrigued by the title but realized her treatment approach to hormone imbalances does not align with WAP guidelines, nor mine. As a compounding pharmacist trained in functional medicine as well as bio-identical hormone therapy (currently recovering from the drugwashing from conventional “medicine” after 40 years in practice!), I was particularly concerned with her statement that bio-identical micronized progesterone is available through a Goodrx card for $3.97! My first thought was that she must be referring to a softgel prescription product made with peanut oil – which, to my thinking, is not bio-identical to human progesterone. Second and less relevant thought was how detrimental the so-called discount cards like GoodRx are to a pharmacy’s profit margins (just as modern “health” insurance is not designed to improve patient health).