What are the consequences of this worldwide vaccination mobilization? Dr. Larry Palevsky, a NYS-licensed pediatrician and a past president of the American Holistic Medical Association, offers words of warning on today’s podcast. First, he says that the COVID-19 injections are not necessarily vaccines, as we understand them, but rather an mRNA technology (on which there is no safety data).
He also expresses concern about the lipid nanoparticles they contain–that have been shown to cause damage to reproductive systems, the brain, liver, kidney, and heart. He discusses the censorship of treatments that have shown promise and why he believes such treatments have been pushed aside.
Finally, he sheds light on the big picture–where we’re headed and why we need to turn around, before we hit the point of no return.
Listen to the podcast here:
The COVID Shot: No Turning Back
Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
We have been told repeatedly that the COVID-19 injections are safe and effective but there is more to this story than we’ve been told. Our guest is Dr. Larry Palevsky. He is an NYS Licensed Pediatrician who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness. Dr. Palevsky is a Diplomat of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and the past President of the American Holistic Medical Association. Larry challenges what we’ve heard and what we think we know related to the COVID-19 shots. He covers a lot of ground starting with his concerns about the mRNA, the messenger RNA technology. He discusses the problem with instructing the body to fight spike proteins and the damage lipid nanoparticles can do to the body. He talks about the alarming number of deaths associated with these injections documented by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. He explains in no uncertain terms how the injections are DNA-altering gene therapy, which could be leading us down a road from which there is no return. Before we get into the conversation, I want to give a shout-out to our sponsors.
Thank you to our sponsor, Earth Runners at EarthRunners.com and use the code WISETRADITIONS for 10% off at checkout.
Welcome to the show, Larry.
Thank you, Hilda. It’s a pleasure to be here.
I’ve heard you say that you’re not even sure the COVID-19 vaccine is a vaccine. Can you explain that a little bit?
When we were taught in medical school what makes an injection of vaccine, I went down those specific criteria to associate it with the COVID-19 injection. What I found was that this COVID-19 injection doesn’t fit any of the criteria of what makes an injection a vaccine. We were told as medical students and residents that an injection becomes a vaccine if it gives you antibody immunity to a specific virus or to a specific single bacterium. We are told that it’s a vaccine if you are protected from getting that virus or bacterial infection when you get this injection. We are told that an injection becomes a vaccine if it reduces death from that virus or bacteria, reduces hospitalizations and reduces severe symptoms of you getting that bacterial or viral infection. We’re told an injection is a vaccine if you are not going to carry the germ anymore whether it’s a bacteria or a virus and we’re told that you’re not going to transmit it to others and that those five criteria will make an injection of vaccine.
When the injection came out, this is what the authorities said, “We don’t know if this injection will give you immunity to SARS-CoV-2 virus and infection.” That makes the first criteria not work. “We don’t know if it will protect you from getting a SARS-CoV-2 viral infection.” That’s the second criteria that don’t fit. “We never tested whether or not this injection will reduce deaths, hospitalizations or severe illness and it may decrease your symptoms from SARS-CoV-2 viral infection.” They weren’t sure but they said may. They said that “We don’t know if it will stop the transmission of the virus from one person to the next.” It didn’t fit any other criteria that make an injection a vaccine.
Some people would say, “It’s just because it was fast-tracked.” They have to call it a vaccine because the public understands what a vaccine is. If they called it an injection, people wouldn’t want it.
You look at the ingredients themselves. Messenger RNA technology and the Pfizer and the Moderna injections have never been used in vaccines before to demonstrate the reduction of an infectious disease outbreak. We have no history that this technology works to reduce infectious diseases. There’s no precedence at all. There’s no understanding of what happens to this technology once it’s injected into the body short-term or long-term. We have no safety data on what it does once it’s injected. They’re using ingredients that are known toxins that can cause major damage to the health of the body and that were not tested for safety or for biological mechanisms in these injections.
I have two questions for you. One, how was this technology used before if not for injections? Number two, what are the ingredients that are so toxic that you’re talking about?
Messenger RNA technology was attempted before with Coronavirus vaccines and it failed in animal studies because when the animals got the injection, they were fine then when they were exposed to the live Coronavirus itself, they all died. The Messenger RNA technology was also used to try to make an RSV vaccine, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, and that failed. It was also attempted to be used for a dengue fever vaccine and that failed. The technology itself has never been proven to work to reduce infectious diseases. Animal studies indicate that there’s a downside to using this technology. The other thing is that there are ingredients called polyethylene glycol and something called a lipid nanoparticle which is a vague description. What I did was I looked up in the literature what a lipid nanoparticle is. It is a fatty particle that’s small. Lipid, fat, nanoparticle, small. The features of lipid nanoparticles are that they can travel anywhere in the body through any barrier, that’s their ability.
I opened up the literature and it says, “Lipid nanoparticles have been shown to cause damage to the following tissues, male and female reproductive systems, brain, lung, liver, kidney and heart.” There’s no safety profile of using this lipid nanoparticle in this injection in humans. After a while, more information came out about this lipid nanoparticle that some people were saying is something called SM-102 which is a chemical that has never been tested for safety, is known to be toxic and can cause cancer and infertility as two of the criteria. How do people thinking that this injection is safe even if you don’t know SM-102? It’s a lipid nanoparticle. The literature is ripe with information about the dangers of bodily exposure to it.
The general public hasn’t taken the time to explore the research to find out more about these lipid nanoparticles. It’s a miracle if they know anything about what is being injected into their arm. What they see on the screens are incentives like free beer, free childcare and lottery entries if you happen to get the shot. This is valuable information there. How did you dive into it? What made you want to do that?
When people hear the authorities say “safe and effective” and they’re living in a panic and a fear that there’s a deadly virus going around and they hear that they will now have the chance to go back to the life that they thought they were living in with such pride and glory, they’re not going to want to know that their authority isn’t doing the right thing by them. They’re just going to trust and falsely idolize and worship the authority to whom they attribute such great altruism and to whom they don’t accept the possibility that they will do anything to harm them. I went to medical school, I graduated in 1987 from NYU School of Medicine. I did a three-year pediatric residency at Mount Sinai in New York and another year of fellowship at NYU School of Medicine Bellevue Hospital in the Outpatient Department.
In those eight years, there was something that was drilled into my head which was think. If somebody shows you a study, tear it apart, look at it, examine it and don’t be afraid to find fault in it. There are times when the evidence is manipulated because of a bias or prejudice. Don’t be afraid to work it through because you may come up with an answer that you don’t like and doesn’t fit the narrative. Back in 1998, a mother came up to me and said, “Dr. Larry, did you know there’s mercury in vaccines?” This is fifteen years after starting medical school. All I said was no. What it said to me was, “Something I didn’t know.” Number one, why didn’t I know it? Number two, why is mercury in there? Number three, what is mercury doing? Number four, what else is under this rock? What else do I need to know that I don’t know? That’s how I was taught as a medical student resident. I was taught to work through a problem, think through, figure out what you don’t know, examine it, test it, ask questions and come to some conclusion. What I quickly found back in the late ‘90s and throughout the years is don’t ask questions.
The opposite of what you have been told early on or trained to do.
I’m vilified for using the skills that I was taught by my mentors to critically think through a problem and come to a conclusion that may or may not be positive or pleasant but at least you’re answering questions. You’re looking through things. I’ve been getting the finger-wag for the better part of twenty years. When this came up, I thought, “Why not apply the same principles?” I also realized that the spike protein was the material in the injection that was supposed to be part of the virus. Only to find that the spike protein is not part of the virus, that it’s a manmade bioweapon and is not specific to any virus. It’s similar to many tissues in your body. If you’re going to make an antibody against spike protein, you’re going to start attacking your own body. I kept going. I was like, “There’s more here.”
This is the conversation we want to have on this show where we’re helping people think, evaluate and ask questions. I have heard about the spike protein but I have understood it quite differently. I’ve understood it as part of the virus that they were injecting into people, like the way vaccines are supposed to work that the body recognizes it and fights it. You’re saying that the spike protein is something that’s a part of many cells in our body. If indeed our body’s going to mount an attack or a defense against that, we could be in big trouble.
Essentially what they were saying was that the spike protein is the part of the virus that enters the cell and that it’s the spike protein itself in the COVID-19 illness that causes the disease. They found that the spike protein crosses the blood-brain barrier, enters the brain and causes neurological damage. It attaches to the heart muscle and causes heart disease. It gets into the lungs and causes lung disease. It gets into the blood and causes clotting and hypoxia. It gets into the liver and causes liver damage. It gets into the male and female reproductive systems and causes those symptoms that we see in the male and female reproductive systems. The spike protein they’re saying is the part of the virus that causes the disease state of COVID-19. Why would you take an injection that causes your body to manufacture spike protein? That’s what the mRNA technology is meant to do. It’s meant to take the genetic instructions of the spike protein and tell your body, “Make spike protein.”
I do want to know why. In other words, is this a big mistake or an intentional thing? You called these spike proteins a bioweapon. You’re seeing it more as the ladder, it’s something intentional.
Nowhere in virology or microbiology does the spike protein exist naturally in nature. It only existed in SARS-CoV-1, MERS and SARS-CoV-2. The Salk Institute did a study that showed that the spike protein alone without Coronavirus attached to it gave you the symptoms of COVID-19. You didn’t need a Coronavirus to make you sick, you just needed the spike protein which then makes you question, “This is not a virus if you don’t need a Coronavirus.” They used a pseudovirus to present the spike protein itself to human tissue and saw that it caused the same damage done to the body as if people were getting natural COVID-19 symptoms.
With the knowledge that you have, why did the doctors, the World Health Organization and others promote this vaccine or technology that is dangerous to our health?
I can’t get into their heads. The answers should come from the whole issue of the EUA which is the Emergency Use Authorization. It was passed so that they could get this injection into the public without FDA approval. What the EUA says is that if there is no successful medical treatment, intervention or prevention that could either treat or prevent COVID-19, they can put in an experimental injection in the hopes that it would prevent the illness or potentially treat it. When COVID-19 happened around the world, you had doctors screaming, “I gave my patients hydroxychloroquine, zinc, ivermectin, vitamin C, vitamin D, glutathione, iodine, hyperbaric oxygen and ozone therapy.” The list went on. The medical community said, “Shut up. Don’t talk about it.” The thing is that Dr. Fauci himself published a study in 2005 indicating that hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment against SARS-CoV-1.
Somebody once asked me, “How did people know to look for hydroxychloroquine?” They knew because Fauci published a study. When you saw the censorship of medical doctors around the world who also said that putting patients on ventilators was a mistake, you knew that there was a different agenda. The only way to push through an injection like this is if you could show that there were no effective treatments or preventions against SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 illness. When you started to see that all this information was oppressed, the doctors were censored and that the literature indicating their success was wiped out, you knew that this was not about protecting people against infection. This was against mandating an intervention that when you uncovered the rock, you realize that all the literature about mRNA technology and even the EUA requests from the manufacturers are that this was a gene therapy and a transgene insertion. In other words, we’re going to alter your human DNA permanently with this messenger RNA technology.
People are not aware that if you open up the textbooks and the actual material that’s published by the manufacturers whether it’s in the patents or in their EUA requests, it doesn’t say that it’s a vaccine. It says that it’s gene therapy and transgene insertion. “We’re putting in genes to alter your chromosomes.” You hear the experts say, “It’s not going to alter your human DNA.” Where’s the study that shows that? There’s no science but there is precedence to show in the literature that this mRNA technology is used to alter your own genes.
You’ve given us enough information to realize that we should at least pause before proceeding to get this injection. Yet there is so much pressure all around us, even pressure that we should do it for other people. What’s the logic behind that?
There’s a longstanding belief, I say belief because it’s not a fact, that when enough people are vaccinated against a disease, that germ that causes the disease is no longer able to circulate in society. Therefore, you will see a reduction of the disease from that germ but that’s a hypothesis and a theory. No one has ever studied that if you give enough people the measles vaccine, for example, that the measles virus is going to suddenly no longer be in existence to circulate in society. This is why we say, “You got to give the COVID-19 injection to everybody to take care of everyone else,” who may be can’t because there’s that underlying belief that when you give injections that you categorize as a vaccine, you are stopping the circulation of the organism in society. I will say this very confidently, that has never been proven to be true that the germ that you vaccinate against if you vaccinate enough percentages of people that that germ suddenly no longer circulates in society. That is false 100%.
Because we use it as a narrative and we suck on it like it’s mother’s milk, it’s not true but we don’t think it through. I once asked the pediatrician, “What happens to the measles virus when we give the injection?” The pediatrician is like, “What do you mean? It stops the spread.” I said, “How does the measles vaccine make the measles virus disappear from the body of people who get the vaccine?” She said, “I don’t understand.” I said, “You’re putting the live measles virus into the body when you give the vaccine. How do you stop the spread of that from person to person and make it no longer circulate if you’re putting the live measles virus into the body?” She said to me, “Let’s talk about something else.”
Dr. Larry speaks to us about the consequences of this experimental injection and provides practical advice to protect our health and seek the truth.
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What are some of the consequences of indeed injecting ourselves or our children with this technology?
It depends on what media source you use. I don’t use mainstream media because it doesn’t give me the truth. It may give the truth to other people but it doesn’t give me the truth. There’s a system in the United States called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, VAERS. It was set up in 1986 as part of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act whereby people were meant to use it especially practitioners to report adverse events from vaccinations. Before COVID, it was well-understood that less than 10% of all adverse events are reported to VAERS. It’s not a very adequate system to understand the adverse events that are happening when vaccines are given. HHS was tasked with writing a report every two years in the Act on updating the American public on the safety concerns and the updates of things that are happening with the research, manufacturing process and what’s happening in the field with vaccines and injury and death.
In 1986, HHS was tasked with writing a report every two years. It is now 2021 and the HHS has not written one report in the 35 years to update the American public on the safety profiles. If you look how many vaccines have we added to the schedule since 1986? Haemophilus influenza B, hepatitis B, flu, varicella, MMR, Gardasil, injectable polio, the DTaP versus the DTP, meningococcal vaccine. We’ve added a slew of them They haven’t done their job. We don’t have much of a reporting system. What we do have is over 4,700 reported deaths associated with the COVID-19 injections. If you look at the previous 35 years, we are seeing more reported deaths than we’ve seen reported in 35 years associated with the vaccine.
Since injuries and deaths are under-reported, the idea is that represents a small percentage of those who even made that association.
There was a study out of Harvard that showed less than 1% of all adverse events are reported. 4,700 deaths at less than 1% should give you almost 500,000 deaths. There are over 200,000 reports of adverse events that are also reported to VAERS. Our information tells us that VAERS is about three months behind in entering all of the data. There’s evidence that some of the data is not even being allowed to be reported. They’re wiping out some of the data. There are hospitals where people are dying and the doctors are calling it COVID deaths and not in any way relating it to whether the person got the COVID injection days, weeks or two weeks right before it. We’re not getting true data at all. In 1976, when the swine flu injection was implemented, I’ve seen several different reports so I don’t know which the right answer is, upwards of 53 people died when the swine flu vaccine was implemented.
They halted it. You have people in this country whose family members are dying after the shot and they are still going out to get the shot anyway. That’s the disconnect. That’s the cognitive dissonance. That’s why we can have over 4,700 deaths that may be less than 1% of the true number of people dying. 200,000 adverse events, which may be 20 million adverse events or more. That’s why people are like, “There’s a dead horse on my lawn but I don’t smell it, I don’t see it. I don’t know it’s there.” That’s why people continue to get it.
The other factor is they think they’re more likely to die of the disease than to have a rare reaction to the injection.
What the media has portrayed is that this disease is deadly. If we look at the true data, the recovery rate from the COVID symptoms is well over 99% in most populations except for the elderly and those who are morbidly obese where it might be lower 94%, 95% recovery rate. If you add in the fact that we have tools to prevent the illness and treat those who get the illness, we see a greater recovery rate than 94% or 95%. The public doesn’t hear that. What they hear is, “Look how many people are dying from COVID.” They’re taught that even someone who has a positive nasal swab test is diseased. What they’re not aware of is that the PCR nasal swab is an inaccurate, inefficient and false understanding of whether somebody has SARS-CoV-2 virus.
We don’t have adequate scientific information to offer to the public. They’re just waiting for the authority they trust wholeheartedly to give them the answer. I likened this to the biblical era of Noah and the flood where God said to people stop worshiping false gods and false idols. The people went on to worship false gods and false idols and God killed them with the flood. Noah was the only one left with his family and the 2×2 animals that he had. That’s what we’re seeing. We’re seeing people who are heading right into the flood, who think that they’re going into some freedom and panacea. What they’re not aware of is that this technology has been used in the past to depopulate insects and animals that were overflowing in their communities which then killed them off.
We can’t go to that sinister place that these authorities may be creating a depopulation agenda even though we’re seeing over a 400% increase in miscarriages in women who are either given the shot or exposed to others who have gotten the shot. We’re seeing all sorts of menstrual changes that are happening in women. We’re seeing testicular pain and erectile dysfunction in men. We’re seeing a reduction in sperm counts and viable eggs in people who are been getting the injection. People don’t see that there’s a dead horse on their lawn and it smells, reeks and it’s an eyesore, they walk right past it and go right back into their house.
Going back to the Noah illustration. Maybe people saw a few raindrops but didn’t take warning. People have had the injection they’re like, “I was fatigued for a couple of days and now I’m fine,” because it hasn’t come full force yet. The spike proteins’ interaction with their body hasn’t fully taken place.
Nor the other chemicals.
You did talk about people’s reactions who’ve been near someone with it. That leads me to my next question about shedding. I know many people who are not going to get the injection or get this technology but they’re concerned about being around those who have. What can you tell us about that?
There’s a lot of concern because the authorities say there’s no evidence of shedding or transmission. If you look under that rock, what study does that come from? Where have you tested the saliva, the exhalation, the air, the urine, the skin and the stool of people who are getting the injection to see how long or if any material comes out of their body and if it transmits? What’s interesting is that in Pfizer’s clinical trial of the injection, they warned people who got the injection not to have sexual intercourse for the first four weeks and not to get pregnant during the trial. My question to that is what did they know?
We don’t know what’s coming out of people’s bodies who get the injection because we don’t know what’s in the injection. People have conjectured it’s spike protein. Therefore, people have recommended, “Make sure you have high levels of vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc. Make sure that you’re getting your glutathione.” All the other things that people are trying to do. You hear people saying, “Take pine needle tea, dandelion tea, fennel seed and anise seed.” We’re swimming in open water with all of these remedies because we don’t know, we don’t have specific studies that say, “This is what’s going to protect you.” We also don’t know what’s coming out of people’s bodies. Other people have conjectured that it could be a spike protein antibody passing. Some people have conjectured it could be messenger RNA. The more sinister and rather nefarious information that’s coming out is that there are magnetized nanoparticles that are in the injection that is being transmitted from person to person. Those are concerning. There are tons of literature to show not only the use of messenger RNA technology to create self-spreading vaccines but to also utilize magnetized nanoparticles as a way to expose the non-injectors to the material that’s in the injection.
That is a very bleak scenario for us to consider. I always like to end on a more hopeful note. Let me ask you this. If the reader could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
Stop listening to mainstream media. That’s the first thing. I’ll do 1, 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D so I won’t go to 2, 3 and 4 and I’ll stay within the 1. One, stop reading what the mainstream media puts out. You have StandForHealthFreedom.com, MakeAmericansFreeAgain.com, Weston A. Price Foundation, GreenMedInfo.com, Vaxxter.com, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and I do a Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P every Thursday night at 7:00 PM. You have the National Vaccine Information Center. You have many other resources, BardsFM with Scott Kesterson, all of these freedom fighters who are doing their best to expose what is going on in a nefarious way. You have AIPAC. You have Children’s Health Foundation, ChildrensHealthDefense.org, which is also putting out a tremendous amount. You have Dr. Mercola, he’s putting out true information and getting canned for it. His life is being threatened. There are lots of ways to get information out. There’s Thrivetime Show which Clay Clark is doing in Tampa in the middle of June 2021 and in Anaheim later in 2021.
These are opportunities for people to become aware that something else is going on. Something else that’s not necessarily what mainstream media is feeding us. Especially now that we see all these emails that Dr. Fauci is being accused of writing and putting out saying he knew it was a bioweapon, masks didn’t work and hydroxychloroquine worked. He made it all up. You have to say to yourself, “What’s true here?”
He knew the asymptomatic carriers were not the drivers of the disease.
1A is to stay away from mainstream media. 1B, get your diet in order, whole foods, whole organic foods, grow your own foods if you can, eat all colors of the rainbow. All food groups. Vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains and raw dairy. At least the raw cheeses, raw yogurts and raw creams. Know your source, know your A2 casein proteins. Stay away from your A1 casein which is predominantly American cows, goats and sheep. Some farms in the United States providing A2 casein. Water is your main beverage. Herbs and spices, in-season organic fruit, eat colorful and balanced meals. Take warm foods, balance it with cool foods. Take damp foods, balance it with dry foods. Relationships, maintain connected relationships. Have your own connections, make sure you’re connected to a higher power, whatever that looks like for you.
Some people call it God, Allah, spirit or higher power. Maintain a practice that helps you vibrate at a higher frequency. Look for the truth, search for truth, watch the levels of certainty that you maintain in your life that could push you down an unfortunate path because we’re at a very uncertain time. Be open to uncertainty, to the unknown, to learning new things, to knowing that you were wrong and someone else was right. Be able to look through the eyes of other people to understand how another viewpoint could be incorporated into your being. Get good sunshine, get sleep, exercise, take downtime time.
What you’re saying resonates with me and with everyone reading because we’re all about ancestral health practices. It included many of these things. Seeking the spirit, being in the sunshine, honoring our sleep, staying in the community and seeking the truth which is part and parcel of what you’re talking about. Thank you so much for that advice here at the end and for the whole conversation. It’s been fantastic. I look forward to talking to you again sometime.
Thank you, Hilda. It’s a pleasure.
Our guest was Dr. Larry Palevsky. Visit his website for more at DrPalevsky.com. You can find him all over the place on BitChute, MeWe, Telegram and more. For a review from Apple Podcasts, Household06 said this, “Critical thinking isn’t dead. I admire the integrity and courage of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Wise Traditions, Holistic Hilda and the many informative and intelligent guests. I share the episodes within our family of five and with family and friends across the globe. My takeaways never waiver from thinking critically and believing in the body’s innate designed to fight and heal.” Thank you, Household06, this means the world. You, too, can get a shout-out if you rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts. I read them regularly. Thank you so much for reading. Stay well. Hasta pronto.
Dr. Palevsky is a NYS licensed pediatrician, who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness. Dr. Palevsky received his medical degree from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987, completed a three-year pediatric residency at The Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC in 1990, and served as a pediatric fellow in the ambulatory care out-patient department at Bellevue Hospital, NYC, from 1990-1991. Since 1991, his clinical experience includes working in pediatric emergency and intensive care medicine, in-patient, and out-patient pediatric medicine, neonatal intensive care medicine, newborn and delivery room medicine, and conventional, holistic and integrative pediatric private practice.
Dr. Palevsky is a diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, and Past–President of the American Holistic Medical Association. He received his pediatric board certification in 1990, and passed his pediatric board recertification exams in 1997, 2004, and 2011. In his current pediatric practice, Dr. Palevsky offers well-child examinations, consultations and educational programs to families and practitioners in the areas of preventive and holistic health; childhood development; lifestyle changes; nutrition for adults, infants and children; safe, alternative treatments for common and difficult to treat acute and chronic pediatric and adult conditions; vaccination controversies; mindful parenting; and rethinking the medical paradigm. Additionally, he teaches holistic integrative pediatric & adolescent medicine to parents, and medical and allied health professionals, both nationally & internationally, and is available for speaking engagements worldwide.
Important Links:
- American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine
- American Holistic Medical Association
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
- EarthRunners.com
- WestonAPrice.org
- NashFamilyFish.com
- StandForHealthFreedom.com
- MakeAmericansFreeAgain.com
- GreenMedInfo.com
- Vaxxter.com
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
- Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P – podcast
- National Vaccine Information Center
- BardsFM
- Children’s Health Foundation
- ChildrensHealthDefense.org
- Dr. Mercola – Joseph Mercola
- Thrivetime Show
- DrPalevsky.com
- BitChute – Dr. Larry Palevsky
- MeWe – Dr. Larry Palevsky
- Telegram – Dr. Larry Palevsky
- Apple Podcasts – Wise Traditions
John says
Thank you for this wealth of great information.
I would be interested in hearing a WP analysis of the non-MRNA vaccines Johnson & Johnson and Novavax. Are these relatively safer, if people have to take something for work, school, or travel?
Joseph Likely says
Okay there is so much stuff in this interview I can’t address all of it but a few things that stood out:
1) “Nowhere in virology or microbiology does the spike protein exist naturally in nature. It only existed in SARS-CoV-1, MERS and SARS-CoV-2.”
I looked that up and that is definitively wrong. Lots of viruses have spike proteins in nature, from influenze to Rabies.
2)“What happens to the measles virus when we give the injection?”
The human immune system contains cells called B cells, to oversimplify things what these cells do is they take the informaton of pathogens like Viruses that infect the body and create proteins called antibodies that can attach onto the viruses and disable them, protecting that body from disease. However in order to make antibodies the virus needs to infect the body so the B Cells can make antibodies specific for the virus. Becauses of this most diseases can only infect you once. Where vaccines come in is they inject a weaken or dead form of the virus, or with the new mrna vaccines just part of the virus, so your B Cells can learn to make antibodies for that virus without the danger of getting infected by the real thing.
There question answered.
3)”No one has ever studied that if you give enough people the measles vaccine, for example, that the measles virus is going to suddenly no longer be in existence to circulate in society.”
Yes we have. We;ve given nearly everyone measles vaccines and measles did stop circulating. Then when anti-vaxxers reached critical mass once someone took a trip to a country where not everyone had been vaccinated they brought measles back with them and new measles outbreaks happened, but only among the unvaccinated. What more do you need? If vaccines don’t work please tell me why no one has gotten smallpox in fourty years?
4)”There was a study out of Harvard that showed less than 1% of all adverse events are reported. 4,700 deaths at less than 1% should give you almost 500,000 deaths.”
No it does not mean that. The 1% are the few cases where the adverse effects are severe. Most adverse effects are very mild and not worth reporting.
Also citiation needed for the claimed 4700 deaths. Or anything else in this thing really.
DougP says
1) I think the author means that the spike protein does not exist in nature in isolated form. The spike protein in the new V is synthetic and originated in a laboratory, not in nature.
2) This is false equivalency. When the immune system runs into a wild virus, there is a complex response that leads to true and lasting immunity. Va__ines do not replicate this. Immunity is not about simply producing antibodies. That is a cartoon version of immunity sold by the industry to the ignorant public.
3) Mortality from smallpox and measles and most of the infectious plagues was already near zero before va__ines were in wide use. Know your history.
4) The Harvard study showed precisely what the above article says it showed.
Joseph Likely says
1) Got a source for that? because everything I can find from actual microbiologists says that there is nothing to indicate the virus comes from a lab.
2) Uh no. The immune systems responce to vaccines isn’t that different from a wild virus. Yes what I’m saying in one paragraph is an oversimplification, but notheless doctors do know how vaccines work.
Something else I notice is the strange contradictions on this site over what causes disease, in one breath saying covid is made in a lab and elsewhere claiming that viruses are harmless and 5G is the cause (despite covid existing in places without 5G). These claims can’t both be true.
3) That is complete nonsense, the smallpox vaccine was invented in the 1790s when smallpox was on of the leading causes of death worldwide. And Measles was widespread in the united states when the vaccine was introduced and only declined afterwards. Again if what you say is true why are measles outbreaks happening again, but almost only among the unvaccinated?
4) No the stidy did not find this. Most vaccine reactions are minor and severe reactions are reported at much higher rates https://vaxopedia.org/2019/09/03/percentage-of-reports-to-vaers/
I will admit that I am not an expert on immunology or virology by any means, but the overwhelming majority of those who are strongly opposse anti-vaccination and well, I’m on the autism spectrum and can say easily that what this website says on the matter is wildly wrong and deeply offensive so I see little reason to trust you over them.
Shirley Jacobson says
Thank you for very interesting interview. I am coming more to the opinion side that terrain is the most important element in health. Dr. Palevsky perhaps you have references for some of the statements by Mr. Likely. Would be helpful.
It would be helpful if Joseph Likel’ys comments would be addressed if references could be found. I’ve not been successful in finding answers.
Ginny Scott RN, BSN says
Please add FLCCC to your group of advocates for COVID relief and proactive protocols. Love your article.