What if everything we’ve been told is backwards?
Peanuts have been labeled bad for us due to mycotoxins, but what if they’re actually protective—especially against EMFs? And copper, once a staple in our lives through pipes, tools, and cups, has been replaced with iron, PVC, and plastic. Why did we move away from this beneficial material?
In this episode, Matt Roeske of Cultivate Elevate explores “inverted truths” about our health and well-being. From climate change and its manufactured narrative to the real story behind peanuts, copper, and water scarcity, Matt challenges mainstream assumptions. He invites us to think critically and rediscover what truly supports health and balance.
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.Could peanuts be protective against certain cancers? Why is copper an overlooked element for supercharging our crops? What if weather manipulation is behind climate change and not our incandescent light bulbs or cow burps and farts? This is episode 510 and our guest is Matt Roeske. Matt is the Founder of Cultivate Elevate. It educates and empowers people to rise above fear and seek out solutions for well-being.
Matt invites us to ask questions, as he does. He’s going to highlight what he calls inverted truths, things that we’ve been told are bad but are good for us and vice versa. These include, for example, peanuts. He extols their health benefits. Yes, peanuts that we’ve been told are full of mycotoxins. Also, copper. How for hundreds of years humanity has used copper as a tool and then we don’t. We use iron instead. Why is that?
He talks about what was the catalyst for him to consider that weather manipulation was taking place. Matt has come across documents and patents that indicate that the government is behind this weather manipulation and perhaps that is what’s leading to climate change and not what we’ve been told. Finally, Matt shares conclusions from his research and he invites us to get curious alongside him about the truth and the inversion of the truth.
Before we get into the conversation, are you feeling overwhelmed, trying to live a more self-sufficient, natural lifestyle? You’re not alone. That’s where the Gubba Homestead Podcast comes in. Gubba’s wisdom is a breath of fresh country air with practical tips on gardening, canning, raising chickens, and even creating a homestead if that’s what you’d like to do in your suburban backyard. Every episode is inspiring and empowering, showing you that independence from the system is not just a dream but doable. Learn ancestral skills and reclaim your freedom. Check out the Gubba Homestead Podcast. You can listen to it on your favorite podcast app. You’re going to love it.
Welcome to the show, Matt.
Thank you for having me on.
Exploring A Childhood Love For Peanuts
This is going to be a fantastic conversation I can tell already. I’m so excited. I’ve been following you for a while and I like the fact that you are a regular guy trying to bring the truth to bear. You’re also curious and you do a lot of research. I want to start this conversation by talking about peanuts. Like you, I had a lot of peanut butter growing up. Tell us a little bit about your relationship with peanuts and peanut butter and why things shifted.
This is a great one. As a kid, I was eating tons of peanuts and peanut butter all the time. I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the first eighteen years of my life. I’ll never forget my mom switched it up and tried to give me a turkey sandwich. I remember I came home that day and I was like, “What are you doing? Why are we eating turkey? We’re supposed to be having peanut butter.”
In my twenties, I stopped eating peanut butter. This is where everybody started shifting to almond butter and this whole thing about almonds. A lot of this stuff didn’t make any sense. A lot of people were telling me that they have allergies to peanut butter and then the peanuts, or something about the climate, the peanuts, and whatever else. It’s strange.
The Peanut Butter Comeback Story
There was this large area of my life where I got rid of peanuts completely. One day, I saw Azure Market. They have organic peanut butter and I thought, “I’m going to eat it again.” I feel like there’s something missing. I’m disconnected from peanut butter. I remember I got a jar and finished the entire jar in one day. I started to think about EMF sensitivity.
I started thinking about how we’re missing certain nutrients and the peanut has a lot of these nutrients. I started going down all these rabbit holes about when people would become allergic to peanut butter or peanuts, it was because they were vaccinated. They put peanut oil in the vaccines. It was an adjuvant 65. People started having all these peanut allergies. That happened before they started transitioning people to eating almonds.
I remember. I used to fly and they’d offer peanuts on the plane and then that stopped. I heard that in elementary schools, they would have a no-peanut policy for certain tables. I was also scratching my head like, “What’s happening?” I put two and two together as you did about peanut proteins or oils being put in as adjuvants into vaccines and causing reactions but I didn’t know that there were nutrients in peanuts that do us good. Can you go into that a little bit?
I was getting into everything related to the fats and the vitamins that are in peanuts. It’s wild because the first diesel engine could run on peanut oil. I started to think, “There seems to be much more of a reason that we’ve moved away from peanut oil.” 1) You could use it as fuel. 2) You can also use it for lighting up lanterns. It was a complete protein. That’s what I thought was interesting. They’re talking about the vitamins and the minerals of peanut butter were a complete protein.
It’s interesting because, with the food pyramid and all the nonsense we’ve been told, everything’s always inverted. What was weird was that when I started talking about this, everybody started coming after me about mold. They’re like, “Why are you telling people to eat peanut butter? There’s mold, aflatoxins, and all this stuff.” I keep hearing the same response over and over. I go, “This is strange. It’s like somebody’s put out this memo and everybody read it. All of a sudden, we’ve got to attack people with peanuts.”
The food pyramid is nonsense. We have been told everything is always inverted.
I started doing experiments and eating large amounts of organic peanut butter. I had no issues. I felt stronger. I slept better. My brain felt clear. I felt like myself like how I used to feel in my 18, 19, and 20s. I never felt tired or lethargic. I started putting two to two together and going, “This starts to make sense.” With the rollout of all the nonsense cell phone towers that they love to keep putting all over the place and whatever else, I started thinking about EMF sensitivity and how peanuts can help as a solution to EMF sensitivity.
If you wanted to roll out a new form of technology and remove a staple from the diet of all the people who were helping them and giving them nutrients, vitamins, and all these things, this would be the one. When I started getting into everything related to the health benefits of peanuts, there was George Washington Carver, who had 300 different inventions with peanuts and all the stuff he was making with peanuts.
You start to sit there and go, “Everybody used to be eating these. All of a sudden, they vanished and we switched to this almond.” This almond doesn’t make a lot of sense because there’s a lot of water that’s being used and all this. It’s very inverted. We’re going from the Earth, which I’ve started to think about like roots. It’s everything that’s deep in the Earth and all of the alchemy that takes place because it’s in the soil and Earth. That relates to Nathan B. Stubblefield and his inventions of the Earth battery.
If you think about peanuts, it’s the same thing with the Earth’s energy and the Earth batteries. We have almonds over here and you’re switching. The weird part as we’re taking it to the next level of almonds is people used to eat bitter almonds. The bitter almonds contain B17. In the 1940s and ‘50s, they started switching out to sweet almonds and everybody started eating sweet almonds. They lost the bitters and then the peanuts and they got switched to something sweet that doesn’t have the same nutrient profile anymore.
I noticed that this whole bait and switch took place in such a short period. I started to think, “Maybe we need to go back.” I started going back to eating peanut butter and going, “This is what I’ve been missing the whole time.” Once again, every time I talk about it, I get attacked and I’m like, “It’s just peanut butter.” Nature gives us everything. There’s nothing nature is going to give us to harm us, unless they tamper it, spray it with pesticides, and do all these horrible things.
The other part. As I realized, for example, here in America, we’ve lost a lot of our staple crops. A lot of the things that used to grow all the time and grow organically have all vanished, even hemp, which is another one. It was banned by DuPont and lobbied against. You start to see all these things that have been removed and maybe we should go back. That’s where I started going, “I’m going to eat a lot of peanut butter again.” I feel great and it’s amazing.
Peanuts And EMF Sensitivity Connection
You mentioned the pyramid. We would do well to turn it upside down because what did they have at the top? It was fats and that’s what we need more of. We started going skimpy on the fats and it started causing havoc with our health. I want to understand the connection you’re making between peanuts and EMF sensitivity. Are you saying that there’s something protective about peanuts?
Yes. I would say the oil or the minerals in the peanuts provide the nutrients to help keep the cells healthy. Dr. Tom Cowan talks about how the water falls apart with the EMFs. Anytime you’re pinged with too many EMFs, the shell of the cell starts to fall apart. It’s the same thing with those peanuts. They’re bringing that back in. I started to think, “I’ve been impacted by cell phone towers and all this stuff.” I started eating peanut butter and I was like, “Maybe I’m not impacted as much anymore.”
There’s something missing. I can’t put my single finger on what exactly it is because our testing is so flawed. It’s not even funny. I started to realize that maybe there’s some connection here. I had people in our telegram channel, everybody bought a whole bunch of Azure peanut butter. People started sending me messages like, “This is the best thing ever again.” It connects them back to when they were a kid eating peanut butter and going, “I don’t know why I stopped.”
It’s wild because you sit there and think about how much we’ve been disconnected and how certain things we maybe used to do as a kid that we don’t do anymore. Those things are impacting our health. It’s an interesting thing. It made me realize a lot. I went through a whole bunch of documents and papers. There was a big one on cancer, too. They were saying that peanuts were protective or anti-cancer for breast cancer, prostate cancer, and stomach cancer.
Those are three of the biggest ones in America. All of a sudden, the peanut is gone. Prostate, we know, gets impacted by EMFs. I started thinking that something was fundamentally missing from us with the peanut. As that went away, all of a sudden those things also began to spike. EMFs also went up. I’m not going to hate that. I can talk about that for hours too, as well. Also, the radio signals and everything else. It’s interesting because certain foods were also removed at the same time. You see that the charges go up.
Speaking of traditions and things that we did as a kid that we don’t do now, one of the Wise Traditions principles is to soak nuts and dehydrate them because sometimes there are anti-nutrients in nuts that make them difficult to digest. Are you on that camp or do you go for peanuts no matter what?
I’ve read into that in the soaking of the legumes because peanuts fall into the legume family and everything. I’ve tried everything. I go with how I feel but it feels like a very organic, natural brand. I find the right people who do the right thing and then I feel that they’re doing it properly. When I consume it, it’s the same thing but yes, I have heard about that and the soaking.
It’s the same with how you soak chickpeas and everything. I’ve gone down that rabbit hole too. For me with a lot of the things, it’s me exploring, changing everything, going backwards, and doing the opposite. I’ve been doing a lot of stuff with carnivore, understanding that, and going, “It makes a lot of sense.” It’s all these different things and going with how my body feels and seeing where it goes from there. That’s the best.
Discovering Electric Culture For Gardening
Going with curiosity, I love that. One of the things that first made you come on my radar was how you started exploring electroculture. That is using a simple copper wire wrapped around a stick, if I understand it properly, in gardening. Talk to us a little bit about how you got into that and what difference it makes to the produce.
This is a big rabbit hole. This goes back to the Rockefellers and their taking over the educational system in the 1900s. The agricultural section is taking over that as well. You’re going back to when a lot of things were changed. A lot of people were using iron. The biggest misconception is we use lots of iron in our soil. We got iron tools and everything. When you’re putting all this iron into the soil, what you’re doing is creating a lot of heat and rust. That’s why the slugs start to come in. They’re trying to clean up all that rust.
The Role Of Copper In Agriculture
When you put copper into the soil, all of a sudden, the slugs don’t come around anymore because they don’t need to eat copper. They’re there to eat the rust. When you get into our gardening and what we’re doing, Viktor Schauberger talked about how if we use copper in our soils, we’ll increase yields, grow more food, and have more pollinators, bees, and birds.
I did an experiment with this because when I started researching this topic back in 2020 and 2021, we were having food shortages and that whole thing, that funny one that they were telling us. I thought there’s got to be a solution. I started looking into electroculture and saw that it dates back to 1835 and the Royal Agricultural Society writing essays on electroculture.
I then see that the US Department of Agriculture is experimenting with electroculture. I thought I was going to give it a shot because clearly, somebody’s on to something. I kept seeing all these pictures of giant tomatoes, giant potatoes, big produce, and all these things. I thought that maybe the secret to the 2,000-pound pumpkins is energy. We don’t understand that concept of the ether and all this beautiful etheric energy that’s all around us.
What I did was I got a piece of wood, wrapped it with copper, and put it into my Moringa plant, which was on the balcony on the main street with the noise and everything else. I decided I was going to give it a whirl and see what happens. My Moringa pods that were produced were 17 to 22 inches. The average Moringa pod is only 6 inches usually that I’ve seen but these are produced in 17 to 22 inches. I had a friend who decided, “I’m going to try the same thing.” He was in Florida and he produced 35-inch Moringa pods.
I started thinking, “With the whole food shortages, we’re just not utilizing the proper materials and the energy.” When I started going through all of this, I started to go through the rabbit hole. Around 1933, you had FDR passed the Agriculture Assessment Act. This act was saying, “Abundance was a burden and that farmers were paid to destroy their crops.” This was during the Great Depression when people were starving.
Abundance was a burden?
Yes, that’s what he said. That’s his quote. With all these people preaching electroculture from the 1900s to the 1930s until after World War II, they’re all called woo-woo, sorcery, quackery, and all those other things. As I started to explore all this, I found that all these people who’ve been practicing different forms of electroculture and having this remarkable success not only would use copper but would use color, crystals, sound, and all these different things that they would implement into their garden and things would go bananas.
I started to realize that this connection between copper is something that we used to have. Think of everybody who used to have copper pipes in their house. The government started paying people to get rid of them and switched to DuPont plastic pipes instead. Copper has a deep connection with us. There are still over 25 million people with copper pipes in America. You start to sit there and see there’s this strong connection to copper.
As we switched to iron and made everything into iron, we had all this rust and heat come around. The soil started to get clumpy and hard to work with. People would move to another land because they were like, “This land is not fertile anymore so we’ll move to the next.” With copper, what they noticed was when they would take copper shovels and stick them into the earth, they would slide right in but with an iron shovel, the guy had to jump on it, step on it, and try to get in there.
You start to see this disconnection from energy, materials, sacred metals, and all of these things, and how we’re doing everything backward. The whole electroculture journey has completely blown my mind because I realized that everything can be done using copper, cobalt glass, uranium glass, and all these different materials. We use stained glass windows and all these things. We could be using all these things and we don’t have to do the stuff that we’re doing with pesticides, chemicals, and fertilizers.
All of Justin Christofleau’s talks on electroculture in 1901 and 1905 were about how we don’t have to use chemicals, toxins, or any of the systems. Who owns that system? Rockefellers and Rothschilds. It always leads back to those two. I’ve started to realize that every rabbit hole I’ve gone down always leads back to them. They have control over the food supply, medical supply, educational system, and financial system. When you have control over those four things, you then control the people.
Huge corporations have control over the food and medical supply, as well as over the educational and financial system. When you have control over these four things, you control the people.
What we have to do as a collective or a beautiful community is tap back into what we used to do, try some new things, and see what happens. I’m working on a book. It will be done soon. That goes through so much of this information that I’ve gone through. I’ve shown all the before and after pictures of all of my beautiful people on my Telegram channel showing their beautiful results.
I realized that we don’t have to live in fear, have a scarcity mindset, and sit here and think that we should be dependent on grocery stores with LED lights, Wi-Fi inside of them, and all kinds of weird things. We should be able to grow food for ourselves. That’s my mission on that. It’s been mind-blowing going through this. Cathedral has stained glass windows, sound, frequency, bells, and all enhanced plant growth. You start to sit there and go, “If I start doing the same thing, my plants should go wild too.”
If you use sound, copper, and light, those don’t make any money for whoever wants to sell the fertilizer and maybe the pharmaceuticals. Our backs went out because we were working so hard. You’ve got to follow the money trail and realize our autonomy, independence, and returning to Wise Traditions is better for us but not necessarily for those in power or the status quo.
That’s why a lot of these books were destroyed, burned, and vanished. Any of these things on these topics in newspapers also vanished as well. As I’ve gone through these rabbit holes, I’ve realized that a lot of this information has been removed from the curriculum and us learning all of these things because then you control people. You could tell them the narrative and what you want to tell them. People would believe because they go, “This is what we’ve been doing.”
When I first started talking about copper, people were like, “We don’t have copper tools.” I was like, “We once did.” We had a lot of copper, bronze, and brass tools but as those companies were bought out or they went under, iron took their place. Even with the fertilizer companies, phosphate fertilizer companies in Florida, and all the poisons that relate to fluoride, because that’s where that starts to lead into that rabbit hole, all those are toxic poisons that they’re trying to sell people.
Rudolf Steiner talked a lot about this. “In the future, they’ll give you a bunch of poisons. They’ll dim the soul, the spirit, and things like that.” If you think of everything in an energetic way, even relating to the peanuts, there’s an energy that comes with everything. It’s the same with copper. There’s an energy that comes with it and we got to tap back into that.
There is an energy that comes with everything. We just have to tap back into that.
When you talk about energy, it makes me think of 5G towers and non-native electromagnetic frequencies. Are these also attracted by those copper coils that we put in the garden or are they somehow helping to stay off those non-native electromagnetic frequencies?
This is an interesting one because I’ve started to think of the antennas as the primary energy. The Earth’s energy is primary. The cell phone technology that they sell us is secondary and it’s very inefficient. I was in New York City and went to AntennaSearch. I looked up Central Park and it said that there were 9,000 antennas within a 3-mile radius around Central Park and then there were 575 towers. The funny thing is even trying to do any GPS to get a direction doesn’t work.
I sat there and thought, “This is the most inefficient technology I’ve ever seen. How do you put 10,000 towers somewhere and none of them work?” That’s what I started to realize. They can put this stuff in places but the Earth’s energy is number one. When I got into Nathan B. Stubblefield’s research with his Earth batteries and Earth telephone, where he used to take a copper rod and stick it into the Earth, and he would call his friends and family through the Earth, I started to realize that there’s much more potential with the Earth’s energy.
There’s much more beautiful energy that is being pulsed from the Earth all the time rather than these man-made frequencies. With the whole thing, I’ve realized that these antennas are not picking up on those frequencies. They’re picking up on the Earth’s frequencies and the pulses that are coming from the Earth. This goes into the ether, the theory energy, that’s always pulsing around us all the time.
I’ve had people who live near this stuff and their plants still do very well. I started to realize that there is an energy that we do not see because we are not taught about it. Ether was removed from the periodic table around 1908. That whole thing was taken away and then we stopped learning about it. We’ve been frozen in time seeing the tangible but then we don’t see any of the stuff that we can’t see, which is another frequency.
Unveiling Weather Modification Practices
There’s a lot to digest here but I want to move on to another inverted truth and it has to do with climate change. We have heard the mantra so much that the earth is warming up or cooling down, whatever the case may be. They’re saying climate is changing and it’s because of either the cattle or humanity. What do you make of all that? Is that propaganda or is it based on some truth?
There are a couple of things with this. Some of the heating that they could say that’s taking place is the cell phone towers. They’re heating things. They’re microwaves. If you go on to Arizona and you type in Microwave Tower Road, there’s a whole bunch of cell phone towers on there. There are microwave signals which are being used within the realm. That’s for sure.
With the whole climate change thing, one day it’s cold, one day it’s hot. One day, the polar ice caps are melting and we’re supposed to be flooded away. One day, we’re supposed to stay in our house and not use our light bulbs or whatever else. The narrative switches to whatever the narrative they would like to tell us so that they can have carbon taxes and try to say, “You need to pay more for this. We need to track you for this.”
I’ve started to realize that it’s such a scam when it gets into the whole climate change thing because of the fact that you have three letter agencies, the Department of Defense, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Agriculture modifying our weather on a daily basis. I’ve shown this with the Weather Modification Act of 1976, weather modification documents from 1979, and all the three-letter departments, which are all orchestrating climate change every single day.
Those acts and patents I’ve seen that are related to weather modification, speaking on behalf of how the government perceives it and conveys it, they say, “We are trying to prevent drought by cloud seeding so that there will be rain and maybe we’re trying to manipulate the weather but it’s all for the people’s good like moving hurricanes away.” I did see a post of yours that showed a diagram of a plane’s trajectory near where Hurricane Helene passed but what if the government was trying to move the storm pattern out to sea rather than to hit anybody in Tennessee or North Carolina?
I would love to say that they would love to do that but through my research of all the things that I’ve started to research like Project Cirrus, which is where the government and General Electric cloud seeded a hurricane in the 1950s and ‘60s, it went horribly wrong. They flooded all the surrounding towns and took no accountability for that.
Mother Nature is so beautiful and it does its beautiful thing. When you mess with that, you’re going to get the other side. This is what took place in Dubai as well. Dubai paid $11 billion to cause storms and get some rain. They said they need some rain because they’re running out of water. That’s what they tell us. They flooded the whole town and put everything underwater.
The problem is that when you’re messing with the climate, you don’t know the short-term problems that will be caused and then the long-term. For example, here in Arizona, the only time I see clouds is when a plane goes out and sprays straight lines in the sky. All of a sudden, it becomes a new season. That’s what I started to realize because here we have crystal blue skies every single day. It’s very obvious. All of a sudden, they’ll say, “There’s a monsoon coming on the news.” I’m like, “Really? I’m watching it form as we speak.”

This is where I started to realize that they will try to push this narrative that it’s all our fault. How about this perfect example? They tell me it’s my light bulbs. My incandescent light bulbs are the problem with the climate. They say they’re using too much energy but an electric vehicle or AI uses 100,000 times more energy than my beautiful little incandescent light bulb.
Are you serious?
Yes, the difference is mind-blowing. They banned our incandescent bulbs and switched people to LED bulbs, which are linked to cataracts, mess with the mind, and are a street light. That’s what it is. You ban that, switch me to this, and then tell me my light bulbs are inefficient but then you use this technology on this side, which is horribly inefficient. You start to sit there and go, “What’s the longest-standing light bulb in the United States?” It’s an incandescent bulb called the centennial bulb. It’s still lit in California. It’s been burning for hundreds of years.
If we’re talking about efficiency, we’ve already had it. That’s the thing. We get this whole bait and switch and then you say it’s my car’s fault. We’ve had cars that ran on water and air. We’ve had electric vehicles since 1888. You start to see all these things and go, “We already had all that but for some reason, we’re not using it. All of a sudden, it’s my fault.” They’re going to spray the skies to fix the problem but then it’s like, “What happens when you cause droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, and all types of things?” You say, “Whoops.” That’s when we start to see this whole bait and switch, “It’s my issue.” If that was the case, then why are you doing that?
Here’s another one to add to this, which people can look into. Wilhelm Reich created a cloudbuster in the 1950s. It could counter the stuff that’s going on in the air. About a couple of years later, he was put in jail. When was the same time in which weather modification started taking place like crazy? It was in the 1950s post World War II. They had access to all this information and thought, “Let’s start messing with the weather and see what happens.”
The thing is a lot of people will say, “This is changing.” It’s changing so rapidly that it doesn’t make any sense. If we look back in the past about what the temperatures were, the storms, and all of these things, we start to see everything’s on a cycle and repeat. This is where it started blowing my mind. All these storms and things keep repeating. It’s almost like somebody had access to technology a long time ago. It’s been repeated over and over again because we’re not aware. For example, if there was a book or information that was published on this topic, it’s gone. We don’t know these things so then we sit there and go, “Operation Mockingbird is telling me the truth today at 6:00 PM.” That’s how I see it.
I hope that this conversation is going to help people do a little research of their own. People might have been tracking with us so far on the peanut and the electroculture thing but when we talk about weather manipulation, a lot of people dig their heels in and think it’s almost like a conspiracy theory. They don’t think there’s any evidence to point to the fact that the government is doing this, even though the government has out and admitted it.
That’s the thing. You can go to Google, type in weather modification patents, and it’ll come up with every single thing. This is the part that people have to think about. These were approved by the United States government. If I try to submit a patent, it has to be approved by somebody. I can’t just send it in and it gets posted. Someone has to approve it. There was the 1951 Patent Secrecy Act, which was supposed to protect certain patents from getting out to the public because they could threaten the United States.
When you start to think about all these weather patents, which are all publicly listed, “Here you go, this is how you design it, and all these things,” those would be threats to the United States. When I started looking at Project Cirrus, Operation Popeye, Operation Sea Mist, and all these different things that have been taking place over the country all the time, I started thinking, “What is real? What are our actual seasons?”
This is where I’ve gone down the rabbit hole to try to understand. When did all of this begin? These patterns date back all the way to the 1900s. What are the real seasons that we’re supposed to be experiencing? Are we supposed to be experiencing 80 degrees like an island every single day? These are things. It’s asking questions and everybody should do that but that’s how my whole thing began.
The whole reason that I went down this rabbit hole was in 2012. I was in Chicago and there was a storm that came by called the derecho. I was like, “Derecho? I’ve never heard of derecho.” It’s like, “There’s a fast-acting derecho coming.” I remember the sky went completely green. It’s almost like the aurora borealis or whatever that is. I thought, “This is weird. I’ve never seen this before.”
The storm came in and flooded everything instantaneously. It was very fast-tracking. It was a circle ball that went over Chicago, flooded everything, and then went away. I was, “What the heck just happened? I’ve never seen something like this.” I started going down all these rabbit holes, all these different documents and weather modifications like the US Air Force will attempt to control the weather by 2025 and all these different things, patents, and technologies, which were used in war.
For example, Cuba used to have lots of organic sugarcane at one time. They used the weather to flood those farms out so that they don’t have that sugarcane anymore. You start to see all these things. It’s almost like somebody’s using this stuff against us. That’s what we’re dealing with and then trying to sell me something different. It’s a lot to take in.
Sometimes I feel like it’s hiding in plain sight too. Someone told me that in 2001, there was a hurricane and tornado control device. This was a patent that was approved by the US government. It’s like, “Could it be any more obvious that they are trying to use weather patterns to maybe alarm us about climate change and get us to swap out our incandescent bulbs for bulbs that are less healthy for us?” It’s right there.
It’s like Count Olaf. I don’t know if you ever saw that cartoon. He’s the bad person and the kids are like, “He’s right in front of you.” They’re like, “It’s Count Olaf. It’s the bad person.” I was looking at a patent from 2020 in June, which was approved. It was a patent to modify the weather using sound frequencies and steer storms. It was disclosed to 21st Century Fox, which I thought was interesting. They also talked about Walt Disney. I’m like, “Walt Disney needs to know about this weather modification patent?”
It was then the Aurora Advocate Health Fund, which is the fifth-largest health fund in the United States. Lastly, the Catholic Church. I sat and thought, “Why would the church need to know about this?” That’s the thing. The more I would dig going through these things on weather modification, the more none of this made sense but if you wanted somebody to believe things or you wanted to orchestrate climate lockdowns type of nonsense like they tried to do in 2020 with the pandemic nonsense, you would make people believe so that you could try to push a plan.
We’ve seen this before if we go on this topic, the running out of water. This is a big one. They always tell us, “We’re running out of water on the planet that’s all water.” It doesn’t make any sense at all, first off but second off, there’s a good one for this. Lake Elsinore in the 1950s starts to run dry. All the people in the town start freaking out that there’s no water in Lake Elsinore. The geologists at that time decide they want to build a pipeline.
This is the traditional story you always hear. You want to build this pipeline to get water to bring it into Lake Elsinore. They build the pipeline and it runs dry. There’s a dowser. When you get into dousing water or finding unlimited water underneath our feet, this dowser comes out and says, “Why don’t you drill right here? There’s a water vein right here. Tap into that.” They said, “We don’t do dousing, woo-woo, or any of that.”
Unlimited Water Beneath Our Feet
They build another pipeline and it runs dry again. The guy comes back out again and he’s like, “I told you the first time you can drill right here. It’ll refill the water.” This is where we’re getting into primary water. It’s the water that’s coming up from the earth every single day. This is why we’re never running out. There are beautiful water veins underneath us. This is why people’s basements flood. The water comes up from the earth into the basement.
There’s beautiful primary water that has been shown by Paul Power. He’s got some great work on this. The book New Water for a Thirsty World is another great one. They drill where the dowser says, find water, and refill Lake Elsinore. He said, “That’s all you had to do this whole time. There was water right there.” Lake Elsinore has never run dry since this. Paul Power also drilled about ten other wells in California, which have been pumping out millions of gallons every single day.
When they say, “We’re running out of water,” there’s unlimited water underneath our feet. They fixate on cloud seeding. We need rainwater but we have unlimited water underneath our feet. Why do I have to mess with the sky? The more crazy part is the government knows this. They assisted with the projects with Paul Power in the 1950s in California. They know of primary water. The book, New Water for a Thirsty World, was also burned in California.

You sit there and go, “Why are you trying to get rid of this information? Why are you fixated on trying to give us this water from above, instead of this water from below?” When we talk about etheric energy, the water from below is spiraling and vortexing. It has a life force and all that beautiful energy. There’s no fluoride and chemicals in it either too.
If you try to brainwash people that they need atmospheric water when there’s all this groundwater underneath, you see how we’ve been duped. My whole journey is realizing I’m duped on everything. I’ll admit it. Once I started looking like, “Why are you pushing this thing so much,” it started going, “Water was put on the stock market in 2020 to adjust the price.” It so happened there was a drought that summer too. I’m starting to connect the dots or follow the money.
People who know about the Weston A. Price Foundation have known that for a long time. We’ve been advocates for examining everything we’re told closely. Sally wrote the book, Nourishing Traditions, and she said it was to challenge the politically correct dietocrats or people who are saying, “We should eat this way.” She’s like, “Wait a minute. What has served humanity since the beginning of time?” She invited us to reexamine the dietary guidelines and what we were being told versus what’s worked for humanity. I sensed that.
Matt, I love your curious spirit and the fact that you’re exploring and testing things on yourself. We also tell people to pick and choose from the Wise Traditions dietary guidelines. You don’t have to adhere to all eleven. Try them out and see how they go. You’re going to find this newfound energy and strength and find what serves you best. Matt, I would love to talk to you more but I’m going to have to wrap up. I want to pose to you the question I love to pose at the end of every program. If the audience could only do one thing or they could take one step in a direction to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
The Power Of Grounding And Nature
Barefoot grounding all the way. Going out into nature and connecting to the pulsing frequencies of the Earth is number one. The nature frequencies that are all around us are waiting for you to take part in it. The birds are out there. I’m feeding the chipmunks every day. The chipmunks come around. Everybody’s waiting for us to explore, be in there, and be connected to nature.

When it comes to health issues, a lot of the time, people are disconnected from going outside. They spend too much time in places with windows that block the UV spectrum, which is the most healing, sitting indoors too much with too many screens and all this stuff, and not being exposed to that beautiful UV spectrum. That’s another rabbit hole. Read Jacob Liberman’s Light and those books. Being connected to nature is number one. We don’t spend enough time on it. If you spend enough time in it, you’ll start to see that those clouds don’t look real and it goes like that.
I love it, Matt. Thank you so much for your time. On behalf of the Weston A. Price Foundation, we appreciate you.
Thank you for having me on.
Our guest was Matt Roeske. You can visit his website, Cultivate Elevate, to learn more. I am the host and producer of this show on behalf of the Weston A. Price Foundation. You can find me at Holistic Hilda. Here’s a review from Apple Podcasts. Jordan said, “It’s refreshing learning so much information in such an upbeat and refreshing man. I look forward to these episodes.” Jordan, thank you so much for your review. You too may leave us a review and go to Apple Podcasts, click on ratings and reviews, give us as many stars as you’d like, and tell the world why they should follow the show too. Thank you so much for reading, my friend. Stay well. Remember to keep your feet on the ground and your face to the sun.
About Matt Roeske
Matt Roeske founded Cultivate Elevate to bring back information that has been suppressed and caused our society to become sicker and weaker. The mission is to educate and empower individuals to rise above the state of fear because there are always solutions.
Important Links:
- Cultivate Elevate
- Wise Traditions Podcast 495 – Past episode
- New Water for a Thirsty World
- Nourishing Traditions
- Light
- Wise Traditions on Apple Podcasts
- Gubba Homestead Podcast
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I appreciate your podcast with Mr Roeske. One thing, though……how do y’all think about God and Jesus Christ? I sort of felt like something was missing without that reference.
Mother Earth is a reference found in new age or new thought….which come out of Hinduism. The wisdom is God’s though……lots of plain truth and common sense..thanks…
Thank you for “advertising Jesus.”
Yes, that is what we need to be careful about. It is easy for we fallen humans to go down fruitless and dangerous paths. Intellectual curiosity is the near occasion of sin that I have to be really careful about because it is surely a dangerous temptation to sin for me.
All of this new bombshell way to understand things about health and well being is very interesting to me but it is also, because of my individual spiritual weakpoints or vulnerabilities, something I need to pursue but in a moderate way.
Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Yes, the bible also says a lot about Light but really, the One Who is Truth and Life is our true and balanced proper way of learning and pursuing health.
I would love to hear Sally Fallon Morrell’s take on the peanuts not being soaked. I wonder if there are exceptions to this rule…