The Arizona Legislature is considering a bill, HB 2162, that would eliminate the personal belief exemption to vaccines. This means that the only way a child could attend school without having the full CDC-recommended schedule of vaccines would be with a medical exemption. (Arizona does not have a separate religious exemption.)
While every state allows medical exemption to vaccination, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain a medical exemption in practice. Almost all states also allow religious exemption, personal belief exemptions, or both. In the two states that only allow medical exemptions – California and Mississippi – families have reported extreme difficulty in getting a medical exemption.
Personal and religious freedoms should be protected. Forcing parents to choose between education and vaccinating their children with numerous vaccines is simply wrong.
Now is the time to let your representatives know you OPPOSE HB 2162. Just a few minutes of your time can make a difference.
Contact your Arizona State House Representative and urge him/her to oppose HB 2162.
You can look up who represents you:
Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.
Sample script:
“Hi, my name is ____ and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask State Representative____ to oppose HB 2162, which would remove personal belief exemptions to vaccination for school children.
Under this bill, only medical exemptions would be available because Arizona does not allow for separate religious exemptions. But it is extremely difficult to find a doctor to write a medical exemption because of the undue pressure created by the authorities and medical associations.
As recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court – and evidenced by the $4 billion that has been paid by the federal government to victims – vaccines can injure and kill an individual. Parents need to be able to make informed choices about their children’s care based on their specific situation, not forced to choose between educating and vaccinating their child.
I urge State Representative _____ to oppose HB 2162 and to encourage Representative Alma Hernandez to pull her bill down.”
You may wish to use a couple of the talking points below. Don’t copy all of them – just use them as ideas to help structure your own message.
- It is immoral for the government to force a person to inject a pharmaceutical product into their body, since any medical procedure carries a risk of injury.
- The risk to other children from unvaccinated children is no greater than the risk created by the shedding of live viruses by those who are vaccinated. Medical authorities recommend that people who are immune compromised avoid vaccinated children because of the risk of shedding. See https://www.westonaprice.org/public-health-officials-know-recently-vaccinated-individuals-spread-disease/ (footnotes to the article includes specific citations.) And those who are vaccinated should not be at risk from either population, if vaccines are effective.
- TheS. Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe” and to cause injury and death in some recipients. The US Government has paid out more that $4 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to VAERS. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/
- Vaccine makers and the healthcare providers who administer them bear zero liability for vaccine injuries and deaths.
- Drug makers have paid the U.S. Government billions of dollars in criminal and civil FRAUD penalties. Skepticism of the pharmaceutical industry is well deserved.
- There are hundreds of new vaccines in development including some of the following in clinical trials: HIV, herpes, E. coli, dengue fever, avian influenza, smallpox, tuberculosis, typhoid, norovirus, cholera, smoking cessation, syphilis, and gonorrhea. If vaccine manufactures and others who profit from forced vaccination convince legislators to take away our right to delay or decline a vaccine now, what will our future look like?
- Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm. Vaccine ingredients vary, but may contain a variety of toxic ingredients including but not limited to; mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, cells from fetuses, cells from monkey kidneys, chicken egg proteins, gelatin, and viruses. http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm
- There are many other ways to stay healthy: a healthy diet, adequate rest, sunshine and exercise, etc. without any risk of vaccine injury.
Read HB 2162 text here: https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/54leg/1r/bills/hb2162p.pdf
Read this article on vaccine mandates: https://www.westonaprice.org/vaccine-mandates/
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Thank you Dr. Price, for sending out such information for people to read and to review. We MUST change our mindsets and become PRO-ACTIVE for our children and grandchildren’s sakes.
Vaccinations are frightening because they ARE being forced on us without proper research. The loss of parental rights is being established through this terrifying process of having our own rights negated so that big-pharma can continue to profit from injecting our children with an ever-increasing number of vaccinations. It is especially unnerving since the uninformed public seems to accept this process blindly.
Thank you again for helping to inform.
Doctors cannot give anyone a vaccination without consent.It is a violation of right to consent laws.I for one will never give my consent to a doctor or anyone else for that matter.Vaccines are untested.Humans are the test subjects to see if they are going to work,or if they are going to kill you.To top it off,vaccines are preserved with the toxins,formaldehyde and aluminum which cause cancer,and Mercury which causes nerve damage in every part of the body.The CDC has lied to everyone saying vaccines are safe.None of them are safe.The new hexavalent vaccine is killing babies.NO baby or child up to three years of age should be vaccinate,because they don’t have an immune system built up to take on those vaccines.A baby and child up to three years of age gets it’s immunity from their mother.The vaccine manufacturers have inserted live viruses into vaccines as well.People are going through the incubation period and then are falling sick and ending up in the hospital,where some are dying.I believe it’s all a part of the globalist agenda to depopulate the planet through mysterious deaths in which they blame on the flu or flu related symptoms.What the vaccine manufacturers and the CDC are doing is committing PREMEDITATED MURDER!
My son had a seizure at his 4 months shots. I of course never vaccinated him again.. He is 20… My daughter has not had one vaccination and I have always used the philosophical exemption. She is now 16 in high school. I sure hope this does not pass because for College you have to fill out the exemption as well.
Knowing what I know about Agenda 21 and Common Core, parents should be joining together to create alternative schooling for their children anyway!
Yeah it is a joke with Common Core. I am a single parent of two kids so I never felt like i had a choice to do home schooling, however, if I had a different life scenario, I would have loved to do home schooling with my kids.
Arizona has had a Philosophical Exemption since I moved here 21 years ago… when did that change???
They currently have a Philosophical Exemption and then the Medical Exemption that a doctor has to fill out. Arizona is trying to get rid of the Philosophical Exemptions
Some of my thoughts:
1. The media ought to actually read some of those peer reviewed “junk science” journals that deal with the professional, scientific concerns about vaccine safety. I tried to send a bunch of abstracts and links to a major newspaper but the MAILER DAEMON rejected my attempt.
2. The measles virus has a protein that resembles a brain signaling protein. An immature immune system can get them mixed up and attack brain cells instead of the virus. That is why certain neurological disorders (like autism) have a strong auto immunity component. The body is attacking its own tissues. The measles vaccine can cause this problem too. But note that it is the body’s response, not the vaccine itself, that is at the root of the problem.
3. There appear to be effective alternatives to obviate the problems described in #2. The CDC and FDA should develop and publish them. They would satisfy BOTH the pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine camps if the ill-informed media pundits would stop shooting their mouths off
4. I am appending some comments I have published on this topic.
Brian Fraser
In my opinion, vaccinations should be a voluntary choice by a well-informed adult. Vaccinations should not be mindlessly and mandatorily imposed by panicked legislators and medical committees who are in bed with the vaccine manufacturers. Vaccines are clearly useful, but alternatives are useful and readily available too. People should be permitted to exercise their own well-informed judgement. And I believe it is a “Breach of Duty” for legislators and medical committees when they do not point out viable alternatives. Such a breach produces disrespect for the law, disrespect for legislators, mistrust for our medical and science institutions, and disrespect for law enforcement. Eventually this will result in wide-spread lawlessness, as people seek their own form of “justice”. See also Due Diligence.
My review of the literature suggests that the MMR vaccine does not actually cause autism. But there is a loose end here involving autoimmunity, signaling proteins, and immature immune systems, especially in malnourished moms-to-be and in young children. This in turn leads me to suspect iodine deficiencies (among other things), especially in the United States. Iodine is needed for infant brain development. It is also needed for proper functioning of the immune system. And it aids the body in ridding itself of toxic metals like lead, mercury, and aluminum.
The public should be wary about the word games being played here by the media. A lot of people get sick during cold weather. So does cold weather cause disease? No. The cause is usually various viruses, not the weather itself. However, cold weather favors many of these viruses. And so there is a correlation, but not necessarily a direct causation. The autism/vaccine controversy involves similar convolutions and obfuscations. Read this excerpt from CBS news:
For example, there’s no evidence autism is caused by the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and no evidence it’s caused by thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative sometimes used in vaccines. (www.cbsnews . com/news/ohio-teen-ethan-lindenberger-defies-mother-and-gets-vaccinated/ )
I’ll let the reader decide if CBS is motivated to simply present the truth, or if they have some other agenda.
Additionally, most of the media pundits on this topic have never even read the paper that started it all. (http://feingold . org/Research/PDFstudies/RETRACTED-Wakefield1998html.pdf The Lancet, Volume 351, Issue 9103, Pages 637 – 641, 28 February 1998 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(97)11096-0 Cite or Link Using DOI RETRACTED: “Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children”, Dr AJ Wakefield FRCS, SH Murch MB, A Anthony MB, J Linnell PhD, DM Casson MRCP, M Malik MRCP, M Berelowitz FRCPsych, AP Dhillon MRCPath, MA Thomson FRCP, P Harvey FRCP, A Valentine FRCR, SE Davies MRCPath, JA Walker-Smith FRCP ) Here is a short excerpt:
Disintegrative psychosis is recognised as a sequel to measles encephalitis, although in most cases no cause is ever identified.14 Viral encephalitis can give rise to autistic disorders, particularly when it occurs early in life.15 Rubella virus is associated with autism and the combined measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (rather than monovalent measles vaccine) has also been implicated. Fudenberg16 noted that for 15 of 20 autistic children, the first symptoms developed within a week of vaccination. Gupta17 commented on the striking association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination and the onset of behavioural symptoms in all the children that he had investigated for regressive autism. Measles virus18, 19 and measles vaccination20 have both been implicated as risk factors for Crohn’s disease and persistent measles vaccine-strain virus infection has been found in children with autoimmune hepatitis.21
We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described.
Virological studies are underway that may help to resolve this issue. If there is a causal link between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and this syndrome, a rising incidence might be anticipated after the introduction of this vaccine in the UK in 1988. Published evidence is inadequate to show whether there is a change in incidence22 or a link with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. 23
Moreover, the CDC and FDA need to be more helpful in finding and recommending workable solutions to the autism/vaccine controversy. For instance, the CDC had an opportunity to intervene with a workable non-vaccine option in the Disneyland measles cases:
“Previous reports have shown various fatty acids and fatty acid derivatives to display an antiviral activity. Lauric acid and monolaurin are effective at inactivating HIV, measles, herpes simplex virus, vesicular somatitis, visna virus, and CMV.” Pharmacognosy Research, Ian E. Cock, and Liisa Kukkonen 2011 Apr-Jun; 3(2): 85–94.
Instead, we have the CDC playing games of “exact words”, legislators passing stupid, Draconian laws, and various factions of the public screaming at each other, and pursuing blame and etiologies, not solutions.
Brian Fraser