Seeing 2020: The Censored Science of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Executive producer Court Koshar, MD
Directed by Adam Mariner
Several doctors in this video discuss what has been happening over the last year and a half. Never before have they seen grandchildren blamed for infecting and killing grandparents. Never have they seen doctors afraid to treat their patients. Never has anyone believed that healthy people spread disease.
Science and censorship
We are told to “follow the science,” but how can we do that when science is no longer allowed? Without free debate of different ideas and theories, there is no science. Instead, censorship has become pervasive on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and Twitter. George Washington said, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter.”
One doctor recounts a censorship experience that sounds like something out of Monty Python. After two massive studies showed hydroxychloroquine to be safe, Facebook posted on its site an admission that they erroneously censored doctors who spoke about hydroxychloroquine. The doctor posted that admission on his Facebook page. Can you guess what happened next? Yes, he was censored. Facebook is so censor-happy, they even censor themselves.
The film covers the irrationality of the medical industry in some detail. Dr. Lee Merritt talks about a study published by Chinese authors in the journal Virology that showed you could stop replication of influenza A in a petri dish using chloroquine (an earlier version of hydroxychloroquine). That information couldn’t be allowed to get out or the whole vaccine industry would collapse overnight.
When The Lancet published a study against hydroxychloroquine based on a massive amount of data, independent researchers wondered where this large database that no one had heard of came from. They traced it back to a company call Surgisphere, which only had three or four employees, none of them doctors. Did these employees have names like Larry, Curly and Moe? I don’t know, but when asked for their data, they could not produce them. That forced The Lancet to retract the study, something that rarely happens. The original study garnered front-page headlines, while the retraction was a back-page footnote. Many still refer to the study as though it were valid.
Hydroxychloroquine has been approved for sixty-five years and has a better safety track record than aspirin. Why is it considered safe for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, but not Covid? Doctors who prescribe hydroxychloroquine are punished for violating “protocol.” How do you have a protocol for a new disease?
The medical mafia has ignored the negative mental, emotional and physical effects of lockdowns and masks. In Las Vegas, the child suicide rate doubled from the previous school year. As a result, Las Vegas reopened schools. There is no science supporting these restrictive measures—only politically-motivated experts—but unfortunately, many people can’t tell the difference.
Medical dictatorship
The medical industry has gone beyond just irrational behavior and crossed into an illegal and immoral swamp. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), of course, is a major cog in this swamp. When I hear the letters “CDC,” I get this mental image of a seedy sea of conniving bureaucrats creating recommendations that they believe carry slightly more weight than tablets of stone from Mt. Sinai. The CDC has become a key part of the rising medical dictatorship that decrees we must stop doing those things that make us human and instead wear our face diapers and get our experimental clot shots. Despite a recent high court ruling that the seedy sea has no authority to mandate anything, they not only continue to mandate but “recommend” things like rent moratoriums (in other words, stealing property from every landlord in the country). If memory serves, those stone tablets contained a recommendation which, when translated into quaint Old English, went something like, “thou shalt not steal.” I guess that is old-school, outdated and irrelevant.
If they are going to make such demands, is it too much to ask for at least one scientific study to back them up? So far, we are still waiting. While the seedy sea has been confusing itself with the Almighty, others have done real science on the effectiveness of all these demands, and they just don’t work—no matter how loudly the experts insist that they do. If we persist in enslaving ourselves to the rising medical dictatorship, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The thumb is UP for this video.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2021
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