Why the War on Meat?
The Fat Emperor Podcast #16
By Ivor Cummins
Dr. Gary Fettke is an orthopedic surgeon in Australia who had the unmitigated gall to question how much sugar hospital patients were getting in their meals. For his dangerous promotion of low-carb diets, he was reported to the medical board. The medical board decided that, as an orthopedic surgeon, he was not allowed to give dietary advice to his patients even if it was shown to be medical best practice. If that was not absurd enough, he was further banned from discussing diet with his patients for the rest of his life.
Had the medical board shown the slightest hint of sanity, the decision might have been left alone. As it was, the decision was not left alone and was brought up for review. The decision was thrown out, and the board actually issued an apology. It is hard for me to imagine an arrogant board making an apology, but apparently, that is a thing. It happened. We live in strange times.
The good doctor’s wife, Belinda Fettke, was not amused. And not appeased. This incident triggered a long and intense investigation into what the real agenda was and who was behind it.
The dietary guidelines that are aggressively promoted by the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and by governments around the world have clearly proven to have a very poor track record. The standard excuse for the guidelines’ failure is that people are not following the guidelines. The problem with that excuse is that people are following the guidelines. Meat and dairy consumption has dropped significantly over the last century while cereal grain consumption has gone up, and yet the world population gets sicker and obesity rates continue to climb. We are learning all the insidious side effects of malnutrition, from obesity and physical deterioration to mental weakness, dysfunction and gullibility. So many believe every moronic thing their government-backed experts tell them.
What Belinda Fettke found was that her husband’s big “crime” was not so much his low-carb stand but his promotion of meat. Who has a problem with meat? Vegans come readily to mind. She kept drilling and filled in more details and tracked it all the way back to the temperance movement of the early 1800s. She discovered that the ADA was founded by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
The Fettkes are very clear that they are not against religion, not against the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and not even against vegans. If you want to live on kale, cauliflower and graham crackers, good for you. Enjoy. But when you try and force that on everybody, you have just crossed a line you cannot cross.
Dr. Fettke further found that the Adventists own the largest cereal company in Australia as well as a large number of cereal companies in the U.S. Those companies feed 10 percent of their profits back to the church. They are small but well-funded and strategically placed. They control one of the most prominent nutrition organizations in the world (ADA). They have members on medical boards everywhere and strong ties to major universities around the world, including Harvard. The corporate ties are not secret. They are all in the annual reports.
There are no accusations of evil conspiracy, but this podcast well illustrates how good intentions mixed with conflicts of interest and regulatory overreach can go wrong. It gives us one more reason not to blindly accept expert opinion just because it is “expert.” Dr. Gary said, “Science evolves by being challenged, not by being followed.” Someone who talks like that will turn my thumb UP every time.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2019
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Thank you for sharing this very important message to help people understand the anti-meat agenda isn’t just from Vested Interests but from ideology, too.