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Fermented Cod Liver Oil Sally Fallon Morell discusses the latest
lab results for fermented cod liver oil
Getting Informed about 5G Katie Singer outlines constructive actions
for citizens concerned about 5G
Ketones and the Ketogenic Diet Jack Williamson Cameron reviews
the health benefits
Ukraine’s Traditional Foods Michael Merrill describes the Ukrainian
diet of traditional and newfangled foods
- President’s Message: Interesting Times
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats
- Reading Between the Lines Merinda Teller considers historical views on health and disease
- The Wise Traditions Pantry Kelly the Kitchen Kop shares sixteen tips to help overweight children
- Homeopathy Journal Joette Calabrese discusses homeopathy for postpartum depression
- Technology As Servant John Moody on greenhouses and high tunnels
- WAPF Podcast Interview Theodora Scarato talks about EMFs and 5G
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Tim’s DVD Reviews
- Legislative Updates Judith McGeary keeps us up to date on
federal policy
- Vaccination Updates Kendall Nelson reviews polio vaccine history
- A Campaign for Real Milk:
- Healthy Baby Gallery: More Wise Traditions babies!
President’s Message
by Sally Fallon Morell
“May you live in interesting times” is said to be a Chinese expression, a blessing or a curse depending on your point of view. Unfortunately, the times we are living in are getting just a little too interesting, with the elimination of the religious exemption to vaccinations this year in Maine and New York—following California’s removal of the philosophical and religious exemptions in 2015.
While we at the Weston A. Price Foundation like to emphasize the positive, it’s hard to see a solution if you live in those states and want to protect your children. The choices are narrowing down to home school or move—and even requiring vaccinations for home schoolers may be in the sights of the vaccinators.
While the recent votes in Maine and New York are bad news indeed, they have not discouraged us from redoubling our efforts. Let’s be thankful we did have some victories this year—staving off attempts to remove religious and philosophical exemptions in Alabama, Arizona and Minnesota. Many of our members have been extremely active in these efforts; for example, in Minnesota WAPF chapter leaders purchased copies of Neil Z. Miller’s recent book, Review of Critical Vaccine Studies, and gave a copy to every legislator. See page 86 for a review of our victories and setbacks so far in 2019. Also, see Kendall Nelson’s excellent article on the sordid history of polio vaccinations on page 77.
On a more positive note, we are gearing up for another great annual conference, this time in Allen, Texas, north of Dallas. The location is a brand new hotel that is offering great prices for us allowing us to offer you lower registration fees than last year, and lower the overall cost thanks to a more reasonable room rate. We will have our additional activities: a pre-conference raw milk fundraiser reception on Thursday and our annual guided farm visit on Monday. As usual the exhibit hall is free and open to the public.
In addition to perennial favorite speakers, new faces this year include David Diamond, PhD, Becky Plotner, ND, Robert Quinn, Timothy Weeks, DC, Peter Ballerstedt, PhD, Joseph Tarantolo, MD, Jerry Tenant, MD, Esther Gokhale, Janin Farzen, Ben Edwards, MD, Pam Schoenfeld, RD and Karen Randall, DO.
No other health conference offers participants such delicious meals, along with so many interesting speakers and exhibits at such a reasonable rate. Early bird rates apply and we also have drawings for early registrants, so register early.
For details, see pages 14-17, or visit wisetraditions.org. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
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