The Big Secret: A Survival Guide for the New Millennium
Directed by Alex Voss & Susan Downs, MD
Written by Keith Harrison
We often hear that “the science is settled.” That is ironically not so much a scientific statement as it is a religious statement. It implies that science is perfect, beyond question. Nothing more to see here. Are vaccines safe and effective? The science is settled. No advancement is possible.
When the “health” industry makes such a statement, we had better hope that isn’t true. Half the American population has chronic disease. Americans’ health is bad and getting worse. If the science is settled and there is no question we are on the best and only path, the outlook seems grim to me. It’s like jumping off a one-hundred story building and believing you can fly. As you pass the fiftieth story, you see you are still airborne and conclude you can indeed fly. The science is settled. Even though you are trending down rapidly, the science is settled. Anyone who disagrees is a conspiracy theorist.
How did we get here? How were we convinced that drugs and vaccines are the only way to health? The Big Secret gives us the history of how John Rockefeller bought Standard Oil and eventually took over the oil business in the United States. He then took over the pharmaceutical industry. It is not a coincidence that many drugs are petroleum-based products. At the time, allopathic medicine had competition from other approaches like homeopathy and chiropractors, but as Rockefeller became known as the richest man in the world, large donations to legislators and grants to allopathic organizations nearly destroyed the competition.
The result, at this point, is that today’s children are not expected to live as long as their parents. The most popular statin drugs succeed in lowering cholesterol (which is an essential nutrient in every cell of the body and the basis of all hormones) but do not prevent heart attacks. Peter Glidden, ND lists statins’ side effects, which include cancer, birth defects, peripheral neuropathy, kidney failure, dementia and. . .death.
Do the companies test these drugs? Yes, there are lots of tests. The tests with positive outcomes get published. The tests with negative results are buried. And while the drug industry is actively causing a lot of damage, it is actively ignoring damage done by other industries. In this video, we see charts showing how liver, kidney and bladder cancers as well as strokes are rising parallel with the increasing use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in the weed-killer Roundup. Glyphosate is verywhere, and blood tests have shown it is in everybody. Aluminum and fertilizer factories dispose of fluoride waste that is too toxic to dump in landfills or streams by putting it in municipal water supplies.
The system we have today was not produced by science but by politics and a lot of money. We are well below the fiftieth floor now. You can put your faith in the experts of this system if you wish. You might want to flap harder. The thumb is UP.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2019
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I agree wholeheartedly. How can it be resolved when we don’t know the cause of 80% of diseases or is that convenient as well (treat symptoms-forever). Same with Lyme disease – it’s solved but a million people suffering say otherwise. Evidence based medicine seems more financially based. I vote for logically based any day. I been chronically ill after the MMR and HepB. Learned I had Lyme at some point earlier in life that was not treated and over years of trying to get answers and still don’t have them all 10 years later to boot. The illness began within 48 hours of those shots though for sure!!!
“As estatinas mais populares conseguem diminuir o colesterol (que é um nutriente essencial em todas as células do corpo e a base de todos os hormônios), mas não previnem os ataques cardíacos. ”
Sou testemunha disso, por 3 vezes. Estive morrendo aos poucos.
Vivo com Magnésio e Colesterol Total 254, faz anos, sem tóxicos e com qualidade de vida.
Grato sou eu, quando encontro gente que persegue vertical a verdade das coisas.
Sorry, I translate. Grateful is me. when I meet people who are vertically pursuing the truth of things.
This review says Thumbs up, but the review is sorted under “Thumbs Down DVDs/Media”. Thought you should know.
Thanks Trevor. We have fixed that now.