The Wise Traditions podcast is a fun and easy way to access information related to the Weston A. Price Foundation and its Wise Traditions diet and principles. Launched in January 2016, it now has over 450,000 downloads. It is a 30-minute show that is full of valuable content related to your health, featuring interviews with outstanding guests in the fields of health, food, and farming. You will benefit from their wisdom and learn all about how to achieve and maintain good health naturally.
Our podcast host and producer is DC chapter leader Hilda Labrada Gore. She is a wife and mother of four, a health coach and fitness professional. She knows how to ask guests just the right questions to bring out the information you want to hear most.
Wise Traditions is available on YouTube, iTunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Google Play Music, tunein and here on this website. Just scroll down and click on the episode of your choice to listen now!
Every episode features:
– practical tips for living a healthier, more vibrant life
– accurate, relevant information
– down-to-earth discussions
– insights on wellness
If you’re already loving the show, please support it by rating and reviewing it on iTunes. Click here to get to the show’s home page and click on “ratings and review” there. It’s that easy!
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# 89 Migraine relief with Jodi Ledley Show Notes
Jodi Ledley was fighting a life-long battle with migraines and chronic pain to no avail. These were not simple headaches but rather debilitating incidents of excruciating pain that sent her to the ER on many occasions and were simply putting her on the sidelines of life. She spent thousands of dollars with medical professionals but received no resolution until she discovered what was triggering her health concerns: monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG, an excitotoxin, was causing serious neurological disruption for Jodi.
She found relief as she began to remove MSG from her diet, and her family’s health improved, as well. Now, through her book and speaking engagements, Jodi has encouraged thousands to follow in her footsteps. Migraine-sufferers, those with ADD, ADHD, and anxiety can all benefit by eliminating foods from their diet that contain this additive.
In today’s episode, you will learn how to detect MSG in your food–it goes by over 70 different names on food labels–and how to make changes to your diet that will improve your own health and the health of your loved ones.
Learn more about Jodi’s journey at adventureswithjodi.com.
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#88 Get off the sugar rollercoaster w/ Lindsea Willon Show Notes
Many of us are stuck on a blood sugar rollercoaster and we don’t even know it. We find ourselves reaching for a muffin at 10 a.m. and can’t make it through the day without a mid-afternoon cup of coffee or energy drink. It’s so common, we’ve come to regard it as normal.
Today, an expert in nutritional science and kinesiology, Lindsea Willon, joins us to explain how we can make different choices to avoid blood sugar spikes and dips. She offers practical tips like reminding us not to take sugar into our bodies “unopposed”–meaning vegetables and fruits should be eaten with some kind of fat to slow down their absorption into our blood stream.
By eating differently, we can avoid short-term issues, like headaches, sleeplessness, PMS, and getting “hangry.” Proper nutrition can also help us avoid more serious health concerns like diabetes, PCOS, joint pain, and injuries.
Lindsea understands, both intellectually and from life experience, the importance of a healthy diet. An athlete in college, her poor diet led to injury and fatigue. Now, she fuels herself with nutrient-dense foods and encourages others to do the same. Her goal is for everyone to experience the energy and vitality that is their birthright. This episode will certainly give you the tools needed to get on the right track and to get off the blood sugar rollercoaster for good!
To find out more about Lindsea’s practice, visit biodynamicwellness.com.
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#87 Simple and fearless healthy living w/ Hilary Boynton Show Notes
#86 The benefits of acupressure for children w/ Cheryl Harris Show Notes
Rather than providing a “one size fits all” approach to wellness, Oriental Medicine recognizes that each of us has a unique constitution.This Eastern practice dates back at least 3000 years, but its teachings are just as relevant and powerful today as ever.
Acupuncturist Cheryl Harris discusses the benefits of acupressure (and acupuncture) on some of her youngest patients. She discusses its efficacy as “preventative maintenance medicine,” grounding the children emotionally and shoring them up physically. You will even get to hear from some of the children she works with on the show!
Cheryl knows what she’s talking about! She has a Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and she is also certified in Five-Element Acupuncture. She speaks to how the five elements–wood, fire, earth, metal, and water–appear in nature and in our own temperaments.
You will find this to be a fascinating conversation that calls us all back to live in tune with nature and our own nature. Cheryl reminds us how beautiful and simple the journey to good health can be.
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#85, Let’s heal the planet, Sarah Savory Show Notes
Many conservation groups hold a piece of the puzzle when it comes to saving our planet. They focus on saving a particular species or on planting trees. Sarah Savory suggests that we must step back and look at the big picture for a more cohesive approach to regenerate the land. And the land is indeed key, because if it becomes infertile, there will be nothing for the animals to eat, and they will indeed become extinct, despite our best efforts.
Sarah Savory is a children’s book author and conservation advocate (and, yes, the daughter of famed wildlife biologist Allan Savory) who knows how to explain in simple terms what is happening to our planet. She is a proponent of holistic management, an approach to greening the earth by properly managing livestock…and our own choices. Sarah invites us to examine how we are living and either contributing to, or alleviating, the issues that lead to desertification.
Sarah discusses the challenges she sees in Zimbabwe, her native country, and those that are common all over the world. She describes what led her to write children’s books on the topic of conservation. You will be moved by her clarity, conviction, and call to action.
Learn more about Sarah and her books at sarahsavory.com.
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#84 Ground zero of most health disorders, Kiran Krishnan Show Notes
Do you eat all the right foods but still struggle with health concerns? Do you feel like your health recovery is characterized by forward progress, followed by inevitable setbacks? Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan explains in detail what he believes is the “ground zero” of most health disorders: a weakened mucosa layer between the skin and the cellular lining. When the mucosa layer is defective, it becomes permeable, allowing toxins into our system that wreak havoc with our health. And some of these toxins are found even in the very food we eat!
When our bodies are invaded in this way, it naturally elicits an inflammatory response. And inflammation, as we know, is associated with autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses. From his studies, Kiran is convinced that many conditions that present quite differently—such as heart disease, arthritis, Hashimoto’s and Alzheimer’s, for example—stem from the root issue of a weak mucosa layer.
In today’s episode, Kiran reveals not only the problem but the solution: how to strengthen our body’s defense systems by increasing microbial activity in the mucosa layer. This episode is a great resource for anyone who has an inflammatory condition or knows someone who is struggling with one!
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#83 The power of real food to treat MS, Terry Wahls Show Notes
Over 15 years ago, physician Terry Wahls was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. Being a doctor, she dove into the scientific literature looking for a cure to this progressive disease. Though she got the best conventional medicine had to offer, her health declined to such a degree that three years later even a strong breeze could cause her sensitive body pain.
After much research, she came to the conclusion that, rather than taking supplements, she should identify the foods where the nutrients could be found. It wasn’t long before real food had turned her health around. Now, she is an author and researcher that advocates the power of real food in recovery from multiple sclerosis and a host of other conditions—including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, auto-immune conditions, scleroderma, mental health concerns, neurological disorders, depression, anxiety, bipolar issues, Alzheimer’s, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s, and even primary care problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
“Our cells are starved for the building blocks we need,” she says. She is convinced that real food is the answer to improve our health and give our bodies a chance to detox and thrive.
For more on Terry’s story and protocol, visit terrywahls.com.
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#82 How to fix our broken food system, Pam Hess Show Notes
What can we do to help those in food deserts? How can we address food insecurity and inequality? Pam Hess, the Executive director of Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture, discusses what we can do as individuals and organizations to make whole, real foods available in cities and rural areas where choices are limited.
She discusses the mission of Arcadia: growing food and farmers, creating demand, and making fresh food accessible to low-income families. Their mobile market service brings fruits, vegetables, eggs, and grass-fed meats to under-served communities. By accepting food stamps and providing vouchers, Arcadia gives people the opportunity to nourish themselves well for improved health and a more positive future. Their model is holistic and replicable. You will be inspired to help reduce barriers to healthy food and to work for food justice.
Learn more about Arcadia’s work in D.C. at arcadiafood.org.
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#81 Why is our food system so broken?, Pam Hess Show Notes
Why is fast food cheap while real, organic food is so expensive? Why are there “food deserts” not only in cities, but in rural areas around the country? How did the invention of the automobile and the grocery cart affect our food-buying habits? Pam Hess, the Executive Director of Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture, explains our broken food system and how it has set the stage for our current health crisis.
All of us should have the choice to purchase nutritious real food where we live, but many cannot. Pam has a firm grasp on the history of our nation that has led us to this point. There are political and economic forces that affect the availability of food in our neighborhoods. She touches on the impact of WWII, the Cold War, crop subsidies, and the free market.
Pam has solid ideas about where we are and what we need to do to remedy the situation. You will get the big picture of what has led our nation to this point—why real food is in short supply and how this negatively impacts our health.
Learn about her center at arcadiafood.org.
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#80 Wise Traditions for really busy people, Susana Hill and Leslie Schall Show Notes
Do you feel like you’re often on the run? Does the idea of improving your diet (or your family’s diet) overwhelm you? Susana Hill and Leslie Schall can help! They are young moms who have been on the same treadmill many of us are on and they’ve got simple ideas that can help us transition to the Wise Traditions (real food) diet.
They share a bit of their own story today, and how they themselves were able to transition to a healthier diet and lifestyle. They share ideas that will help us avoid guilt, help us take our time in making changes, and making sure the changes in our eating patterns stick. In fact, Susana and Leslie are so good at helping others in this area that they’ve established The Wellworks Project for companies and individuals to discover ways to eat better that, well, work!
Leslie and Susana are big fans of the Wise Traditions diet! But they readily admit how overwhelming it can all seem at first when you are transitioning from fast food to real food. If you want a solid place to start to make the switch, listen now and please share this episode so that others can do the same. You will all gain insight and encouragement that you can immediately apply to your own busy life.
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#79 Vegetables: our vitamin pills Tom Cowan Show Notes
“Eat your veggies!” We’ve heard this over and over and today we learn more about the “why” behind the charge! Author and holistic physician Dr. Tom Cowan refers to vegetables as our vitamin pills. They’re not primarily for calories or protein in our diet. We need their disease-fighting properties: the phytonutrients, the antioxidants, the minerals and vitamins that they offer! Vegetables help protect us against cancer, stroke, arthritis, diabetes, and more.
Did you know that some indigenous groups thrived eating 10-15 different vegetables a day? And over 100 in a year? Tom recommends that we follow their example by diversifying the vegetables on our plates. He also explains why vegetables should complement, but not replace, fats and proteins in the diet.
Eating more vegetables might seem like a chore. Tom admits that he used to spend a lot of time chopping and preparing veggies but not anymore. In today’s episode, he reveals how he manages to eat plenty of vegetables without spending all of his time in the kitchen. You will certainly be inspired by all of the helpful information he shares about the critical role vegetables play in our overall health and you will discover practical tips for introducing a greater variety into your own diet.
Learn more about the vegetable powders he prepares here: drcowansgarden.com.
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#78 Bonus episode: nutrition hacks Show Notes
Is fasting good for you? How should your diet change as you age? What’s the best way to lose unwanted pounds? Why do “diet dictocrats” still insist we eat a low-fat diet, when the science points in a different direction? In today’s conversation with Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, we touch on all of these topics.
It is a “best of” bonus episode, featuring excerpts from articles in the Wise Traditions spring journal. You’ll learn why nothing is off the table on the Wise Traditions diet. You’ll hear about the misguided advice given to diabetic children and adults. You’ll gain insight from Dr. Cowan’s suggestions on balancing calorie intake and activity level. And, finally, you’ll be shocked by some myth-busting related to the “Blue Zones” take on the traditional diets of Costa Ricans.
There are nutrition and wellness hacks in every segment of this episode. Listen closely and you will be the better for it!
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#77 Throw off your toxic burden w/ Zen Honeycutt Show Notes
Toxins in our food and in our environment are wreaking havoc on our health. In today’s episode, Zen Honeycutt, the founder of Moms Across America, describes the most common toxins, what they do to us, and how to protect ourselves against them.
She goes into particular detail about the chemicals used in conventional agriculture and how they disrupt our gut health and the endocrine system. All of us are negatively impacted by toxins, of course, but Zen also explains how children are especially vulnerable to their effects.
Zen talks about how her mission to help people ease their toxic burden began with the desire to see her son overcome a life-threatening nut allergy. She made a bold promise to help him get better, which she was able to keep primarily by reducing his exposure to GMOs and pesticides.
Eliminating toxins from our diets is a great start for our own health. It’s also critical to take steps to achieve change on a greater level. Zen brings up current events including a growing case against Azure Organic Farm in Oregon. She emphasizes that in our communities, our cities, and on our farms, we must advocate for what is best for all of us. Zen will inspire you with stories of her own family’s fight for health and her call to action for a better future for all of us.
Learn more about Zen and her mission at momsacrossamerica.com.
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#76 Childbirth: keeping it natural w/ Genevieve Howland a/k/a Mama Natural Show Notes
Childbirth is unpredictable, wild, and primal. We have “modernized” childbirth, making it clinical, sterilized, and on a timetable. Genevieve Howland, a/k/a Mama Natural, recognizes that pregnancy and birth are normal, and that having a baby is a wondrous biological process and rite of passage—not a medical condition.
In that light, Genevieve discusses how to prepare for a more natural childbirth experience and how to “naturalize” a c-section. Her goal is to educate mothers and fathers about their options during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. She covers everything from nutrition choices that aid in labor and delivery, steps to take to avoid “the cascade” of medical interventions, and the importance of skin-to-skin contact immediately after baby is born.
Genevieve offers tremendous insights on pregnancy and childbirth throughout the entire episode. It is beautiful to recognize that wise traditions apply to food and nutrition, of course, and also to childbirth.
Check out mamanatural.com for resources and videos.
# 75 How much fat should we eat? (Principle #7) w/ Sally Fallon Show Notes
Some of us eat low-fat diets. Others eat high-protein/low-carb. But very few of us eat high-fat diets. All of the healthy people groups that Dr. Weston A. Price studied ate diets higher in fat than those we eat today. This is one reason that in today’s conversation, Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, suggests that we all could benefit from upping our fat intake.
More fat in our diet? Why? And how much should we be eating? What is a healthy fat, anyway? And are animal fats even necessary? Sally meticulously answers all of these questions and more, as she dives into Principle #7 of the Wise Traditions diet.
She explains in detail the role of fats in biochemical body processes and the role fat played in traditional diets. She makes a compelling case for animal fats, in particular, since the body requires arachidonic acid to function properly and this omega-6 fatty acid is found only in animal fats.
After listening to this episode, you will be prepared to challenge the diet dictocrats, and you will probably also be craving a hearty serving of butter, which you may enjoy guilt-free.
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#74 The farm as healthcare provider, Doug Flack Show Notes
Health care today is often, in reality, “sick care.” We turn to medical professionals for the treatment and management of sickness and disease. Farmer Doug Flack is an activist who suggests a very different approach. He believes we should turn to the land to cultivate optimal health. He is convinced that we must develop healthy soil for healthy people. For this reason he asserts that the farm should be our primary health provider.
He has spent years investigating and developing his approach to wellness. His studies have led him to the conclusion that industrialized farming and industrial food products are the reason for the lack of wellness in our modern society. Now, Doug spends his time cultivating the land, producing nutrient-dense foods, and advocating for farmers’ rights and consumers’ health in Vermont and around the nation and the world.
In today’s conversation, Doug explains why healthy soils are critical for our health and our future. While conventional farmers strip the soil of nutrients and rely on chemical inputs, Doug enhances soil function and fertility organically. And, of course, food raised on such land is an important part of a truly healthy diet. This episode not only encourages us to nourish ourselves with these staples, but it also reminds us that, in doing so, we are supporting soil fertility and soil champions like Doug Flack.
Visit his website for more info at flackfamilyfarm.com.
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#73 Drink your bugs, Hannah Crum Show Notes
Do you crave sodas? You’re in luck! You can drink “the original sodas” when you add naturally fizzy fermented drinks to your diet! They are more hydrating, and re-mineralizing than plain water. And they have numerous health benefits: they can aid digestion, circulation, improve health concerns, and even clear up skin issues.
Hannah Crum, the author of “The Big Book of Kombucha,” is a fermented drink expert. Today, she discusses a wide variety of fermented drinks: from kefir to kvass, to ginger beer, and more. She dives into the history of these drinks, how to make them, and how they can benefit your body. Hannah stresses the importance of “drinking your bugs” for upping the bacterial diversity of your microbiome. Such diversity is critical for strengthening the immune system, detoxing, boosting energy and more! The result? A strengthened, healthy, and resilient body.
Learn more at her website: kombuchakamp.com
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#72 Fighting for health freedom Show Notes
One in six children in the U.S. has a developmental disability; one in four is medicated; one in 48 has autism. (This means that approximately every 7 minutes, a child is diagnosed with autism.)
All of these statistics are alarming, so what can we do to stem the tide? The West Virginians for Health Freedom are an advocacy group that are stepping into the fray and fighting for informed consent, parental rights, and religious and medical exemptions to vaccinations. In West Virginia, children are required to have 24 doses of vaccinations prior to kindergarten. And exemptions are hard to come by.
Today you will hear from five remarkable women who are involved in this group: Chanda Adkins, a pharmacist; Afsaneh Faerber, an attorney; Holly Garrison, a chiropractor; Lori Jones, a certified natural health professional; and Elizabeth Murphy, the co-founder of West Virginians for Health Freedom. Each has a story to tell related to vaccine-injury that has motivated them to get involved in this field.
These women are well-informed with stats specific to the nation and their state, in particular. They will inspire you with their determination and efforts in this endeavor. If you are uncertain about why there is a growing public outcry against vaccinations, you will find yourself moved by their questions and arguments in favor of the individual’s right to refuse a vaccination for themselves or their children. And you will certainly want to roll up your sleeves and get involved in this effort for the sake of future generations.
Learn more at West Virginians for Health Freedom!
Listen to Del Bigtree of “Vaxxed” talk about the CDC coverup.
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#71 Holistic choices, Tré Cates Show Notes
Many of us want to care for our bodies, our families, our community. Tré Cates of the Savory Institute challenges us to consider how our individual choices impact the whole world! Living holistically means looking at the big picture and considering how every choice—from where we choose to live, to the clothing we buy, to the food we eat—can move us closer to our life goals and help the earth at the same time.
This interview took place at the Africa Centre for Holistic Management in Zimbabwe, a Savory Institute hub. It is a learning center that encourages people from around the world to learn to work the land in a sustainable, regenerative manner. There, Tré tells story after story about the land’s restoration under proper management.
This episode can help us get a better handle on managing our own lives properly. As Tré explains the holistic principles of the Savory Institute, he reminds us of our own responsibility to live sustainably. The work of the Savory Institute sheds light on the importance of cooperative, respectful, holistic attitudes that can help all of us make choices that go “beyond organic” for better health and a better world!
Learn more at Savory Institute.
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#70 The antidote to Alzheimer’s, Amy Berger Show Notes
Alzheimer’s disease seems to strike indiscriminately and those receiving the diagnosis have little reason for optimism. Conventional medicine offers medication that is designed to slow the pace of cognitive decline but seems to lack efficacy. For her new book, “The Alzheimer’s Antidote,” certified nutrition specialist Amy Berger has synthesized medical research to shed light on new options that offer relief and hope to those who suffer with Alzheimer’s and to their caregivers.
In today’s conversation, Amy reveals that impaired glucose metabolism and insulin signaling are at the root of the disease. This is why some call Alzheimer’s “Type 3” diabetes. The brain is starving for fuel, in effect. Part of the solution includes giving the brain an alternate fuel source: ketones (which are found in coconut and MCT oils, for example).
This episode enumerates practical steps for those caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s, those who hope to avoid the disease in the future, and even those who simply want to sharpen their own cognitive functions.
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#69 Improve Your Microbiome, Kiran Krishnan Show Notes
We are not alone! Did you know that we are 10 times more bacteria than we are human? The bacteria that live in (and on us) play a significant role in how our body responds to stress, food, and our environment. In today’s episode, microbiologist Kiran Krishnan helps us gain a clearer understanding of the human microbiome and how it relates to our overall health.
Many health conditions–including skin issues like psoriasis and eczema to diabetes and Chron’s disease, to candida, yeast issues, and even arthritis and cancer–can stem from an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. Kiran explains why popping a probiotic pill is not the solution and he offers refreshingly different suggestions for what to do to improve the health and strength of your own microbiome.
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#68 The “Healthy” label, Pam Schoenfeld Show Notes
The Food and Drug Administration is considering changing the “use of the term ‘healthy’ in the labeling of human food products.” At a recent public hearing on this topic, registered dietician Pam Schoenfeld attended and spoke, representing both the Weston A. Price Foundation and the American public. Her purpose was to remind the FDA (and all in attendance) that there are many foods right now that would not qualify as “healthy” under current (and perhaps future) labeling practice. And yet, these foods offer important nutrients that are under-represented in the diet of most Americans.
In today’s episode, Pam discusses exactly what she was planning on saying at the hearing, and why. She is passionate about educating the public, and public officials, about the benefits of traditional, whole, real foods. Pam, herself, came to the Wise Traditions diet later in life, and she wishes she had known many years ago what she now knows.
She touches on the vitamins and minerals that are critical to our well-being–including choline and vitamin A. She talks about nutrient-density and how these foods offer what we need most. She also addresses why it’s so important for us to keep advocating for real health foods (found in real food, of course) and she concludes with specific instructions for how to add your voice to this health-saving and life-critical discussion.
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# 67 Negative charge creates positive energy, Dr. Gerald Pollack Show Notes
We have often heard it said that water is critical for our health, but Dr. Gerald Pollack adds a surprising twist to that familiar conversation. Water has long been considered to have only three phases: liquid, solid, or gas. Jerry and his colleagues have been studying a fourth phase of water, as it appears in our bodies, called EZ or “exclusion zone” water. Jerry has written a whole book about this subject entitled “The Fourth Phase of Water.” In it, and in today’s conversation, he explains how our overall health is tied to the level and charge of EZ water in our bodies.
He discusses the properties of EZ water and the importance of its negative charge. He makes a case for maintaining and building on the EZ water by tapping into the negative energy all around us. Jerry recommends simple steps to do this including “grounding” (getting our bare feet in contact with the earth), spending time in an infrared sauna, getting more oxygen, drinking spring water, and taking aspirin regularly. It’s a fascinating conversation with some fresh ideas on how to maintain and improve our health, naturally.
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#66 Fibro Hope, Leah McCullough Show Notes
Leah McCullough was in pain, discouraged, and exhausted. She had spent the last six years of her illness in bed for 12-16 hours a day. She had tried over 50 medications with no positive results. Fibromyalgia seemed like a life sentence for Leah. She is one of 5 million sufferers in the U.S. (It is the most common musculoskeletal condition after osteoarthritis).
Through her journey, Leah learned that susceptibility to disease comes from a variety of factors: toxins in our environment, damaged digestive systems, vaccinations, antibiotics, poor nutrition, our genetic makeup and even our outlook and attitudes.
Leah was determined to turn things around. Healing began with meditation and prayer. It continued through adopting the Wise Traditions diet, addressing her leaky gut, and assisting her body with detoxification. She now reaches out to help others diagnosed with fibromyalgia and other autoimmune diseases. The story of how she regained her health will inspire you to make changes of your own!
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#65 Why We Need Animal Fats, Sally Fallon Morell Show Notes
There’s a lot of confusion around what constitutes a healthy fat. In today’s episode, Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, makes a solid case for including animal fats in our diet, based on her book “Nourishing fats: why we need animal fats for health and happiness.” For decades, animal fats and saturated fats have been maligned as unhealthy, but the evidence points in the opposite direction.
It’s time to unlearn the propaganda and become reacquainted with the happy, healthy truth. Saturated fats have an important role to play in our physical and emotional wellness. Sally tells the history of when & why companies began pushing their pseudo oils and fats. And she then gives the science behind why animal fats are so beneficial–how they have been found to be protective against cancer, and provide vitamins A, D, and K that are essential for proper neurological function and emotional well-being, for example.
You will hear specifics about how and why butter, lard and tallow can all be embraced as part of your daily diet. Once you do so, you and your family will be all the healthier (and happier) for it!
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#64 The Vaccine Industry and Your Rights, Alan Phillips Show Notes
Vaccines in the United States are required at birth, for daycare, school and college enrollment, for military members, foreign adoptions and more. Why the big push to vaccinate ourselves and our children? Learn about the influences that affect our vaccination policies and about your rights related to vaccinations.
Alan Phillips, the nation’s leading vaccine rights attorney, speaks with authority about what shapes the vaccine industry and how it has become corrupted by money and power. He is convinced that vaccine policy law is “really a pharmaceutical marketing policy much more than it is a genuine health policy.” And he cites legal evidence to make his case. Consequently, his life’s mission is to help individuals understand their rights to obtain vaccine exemptions and waivers. Thanks to today’s conversation, you will better understand the big picture and be equipped to make a more informed decision about how to proceed when it comes to the vaccination issue and safeguarding your family’s health.
#63 Heal Your Gut, Hilary Boynton Show Notes
Processed foods, prescription medicines, sugar, toxins in and around us–these are feeding the bad bacteria in our gut and compromising our gut health, and consequently our overall health. Certified holistic health counselor Hilary Boynton discusses how to address a leaky gut and reverse the trend of deteriorating health.
She knows what she’s talking about since she and her family have faced many health challenges of their own, including eczema, epilepsy, infertility, and cancer. You will be riveted by her story and encouraged by the practical steps she gives for approaching the well-known GAPS (gut and psychology syndrome) diet to heal the gut.
Hear Hilary recount how her family got started on the GAPS diet and how they have benefited from it. Her son, who at two years of age couldn’t speak and who was on the autistic spectrum, is now her “smartest kid,” reading and writing at grade level. For other children, speech delays disappeared and skin issues resolved. Her daughter had fewer epileptic seizures. Her husband lost weight.
As the author of the “Heal your gut cookbook,” Hilary has heard from many whose lives have also benefited from the GAPS diet and a new emphasis on real food for lasting health.
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#62 Diabetes & diet, Daphne Olivier Show Notes
Daphne Olivier has a genetic pre-disposition to diabetes. Since she doesn’t have it (yet), she is doing all that is within her power to keep it that way. But she is not keeping her secrets to herself. She is a dietician and a certified diabetes educator who can help all of us understand it better, learn how to manage it with real food, and discover how to avoid it altogether, as she has done.
Daphne has a private nutrition practice in Louisiana where she has seen it all! She works with people with varying degrees of metabolic disorders including insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, types 1 and 2 diabetes, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. In today’s episode, she discusses strategies to recover health, including getting adequate sleep, avoiding stress, and eating less processed food.
Daphne’s private practice is called “My Food Coach” and in today’s show, she coaches all of us to adopt the “best lifestyle” to maintain and regain our health.
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#61 Glyphosate: the weed-killer that hurts people too Show Notes
Glyphosate is a weed-killer considered “safe” and “non-toxic” by the FDA and EPA but scientist Stephanie Seneff believes otherwise. And she is not alone! An avid researcher and brilliant mind (Stephanie holds a PhD from MIT), Stephanie will convince you that we should take a second look at this pervasive herbicide that is used in your neighborhood and on industrial farms, across the nation, and around the world. Touted as a help to battle pesky weeds and improve our crop yields, it may be unintentionally damaging our health in unprecedented measure.
Studies have shown that glyphosate is problematic and Stephanie is convinced that it is contributing to the rising incidence of auto-immune disorders including autism, ADHD, diabetes, Alzheimers, and more. She discusses in today’s episode how to avoid it (eating an organic diet is key) and how to take action to help stop its encroachment on the health of the human race.
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#60 Energy, health, & vitality, Kenneth Morehead Show Notes
There is more to food than meets the eye! Food has energy that ascends and descends, and warms and cools our bodies. Conventional western medicine focuses on the physical. But Dr. Kenneth Morehead explains how limited that approach can be. He is a licensed doctor of oriental medicine and is a nationally board-certified acupuncture orthopedist. As such, he has quite a different take on how to approach wellness!
In today’s episode, he covers a myriad of topics, originating from Asian medicinal principles. He looks at how specific foods affect our vitality. He discusses how our eating habits and diet should change as we age. And he discusses the effects of a variety of foods and how they can help address health concerns. Dr. Morehead’s main objective is to teach us to pay attention to our bodies so that we can achieve better balance and health.
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#59 What causes heart attacks?, Dr. Tom Cowan Show Notes
For decades, heart patients have been treated with stents, bypass procedures, low-fat diets, and drugs to lower their cholesterol. The theory that heart attacks are caused by blockages in the arteries is accepted as the last word on heart disease. And this explains why doctors work tirelessly to unblock them. But what if the theory is incorrect? What if blockages aren’t actually the cause of heart attacks?
Dr. Tom Cowan brings some surprising data to light that puts into question the cause and treatments of cardiovascular disease, and heart attacks, in particular. He explains how the heart can effectively create its own “bypass” when major arteries are clogged. He points to remarkable studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of a little-known plant to treat angina. And he gives some sound advice about how to avoid heart disease altogether–including eating a nutrient-dense diet, avoiding stress, and living in a way that nurtures the parasympathetic nervous system.
This show will make you question conventional wisdom related to the heart. And you will be very glad it did.
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#58 Should we eat grains? (Principle #6) w/ Sally Fallon Morell Show Notes
Some trendy diets restrict the intake of grains. It’s no wonder why! Many people seem to be gluten-intolerant or have sensitivities to wheat. Others are simply trying to eat low-carb for weight loss. But we may be unnecessarily depriving ourselves of foods that can benefit our health and have been enjoyed world-wide for thousands of years.
Looking to the traditions of the past, we discover the secret for including grains, seeds, and nuts in our diet today. In this episode, Sally Fallon Morell, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, explains principle #6 of the Wise Traditions diet: how to ferment, soak, and sprout grains, seeds, and nuts for optimal nutrition and ease of digestion. She goes into detail about the benefits of the preparation processes, and of the risks that result when we do not take care to prepare these foods in this way.
Best of all, she gives clear tips for what steps we can take to begin eating seeds, nuts, and grains prepared in the traditional manner. In a nutshell, she answers the question “Should we eat grains?” with a resounding “Yes!”
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#57 Beyond food: invisible variables that affect our health, Ben Greenfield Show Notes
Forget the resolutions! Fitness guru Ben Greenfield wants you to look beyond food and exercise to improve your wellbeing in this new year! In today’s episode, he discusses the importance of invisible variables that affect our health. We can eat the cleanest, most pure diet in the world and yet, at the same time, neglect some important factors that affect our bodies in significant ways.
Our environment and how we interact with it has a powerful effect on our health. Ben dives into the spirit and the science related to maximizing our bodies’ potential. He explores the effect of music on the spirit, vitamin D on the heart and skin, and the stress-reduction that comes with being surrounded by nature. He touches on posture, sunshine, and clean air. He reviews the physiological impact of our ever-connected lives (with computers, wifi radiation, bluetooth technology and more) and gives ideas on how to mitigate the damage.
As you listen to today’s show, you will be as invigorated as if you took a brisk walk on a winter morning. As a matter of fact, we suggest that you do just that!
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#56 Best of 2016, Go With Your Gut Show Notes
Do you feel like a ball of symptoms? Like one thing after another is going wrong with your body? Your body is sending you a message that something is off. It’s time to stop suppressing symptoms. It’s time to begin digging deeper to find the path to healing.
Today, you will hear from guests from three of our most popular episodes in 2016! The common thread from all three is the need to go with your gut when it comes to improving your health. You’ll hear from a holistic doctor, a dairy farmer, and a world-renown neurological and nutrition expert. Each guest advocates listening to your heart, inquiring with your mind, and believing what your gut is telling you about what your body needs to regain health and balance.
This episode challenges you to bring some healthy skepticism to your approach to wellness, to make dietary changes to help heal your gut, to try something new.
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#55 The Motherhood Diet, Sandrine Perez Show Notes
All of us want to have happy, healthy children. Diet makes a difference in our own health; naturally, it makes a difference for our children’s health, as well. But can what we eat before we even become pregnant affect our baby’s health? What about our diet during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding?
Sandrine Perez addresses all of the above in today’s discussion. Sandrine is the founder and head of Nourishing Our Children, a project of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Established in 2005, the mission of Nourishing Our Children is to educate and inspire parents to return to the whole, natural foods that have produced generation after generation of healthy children.
Sandrine sets forth exactly what foods help the babies develop well in the womb, and which foods should be avoided. The information she shares is based on the research of Dr. Weston A. Price, that showed a strong tie between the diet of the mother and the health of her offspring.
Over the years, Sandrine has seen proof of the efficacy of this diet, with mother after mother in her community birthing and raising healthy, happy children following the guidelines set forth in today’s episode. Whether you are a mother now (or hope to be one at some juncture), this show is for you. Learn now what to eat pre-conception, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding for the sake of future generations.
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#54 Vaxxed, Producer’s Commentary, Del Bigtree Show Notes
This is an important episode on a very controversial topic. Producer Del Bigtree gives the back story on how he got involved in the making of the movie “Vaxxed.” Some call the movie “anti-vaccine” but its focus is on Dr. William Thompson, the whistleblower at the Center for Disease Control who exposed the manipulation of the results of a study on one vaccine: the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella).
Some question the motives of the key players in this explosive story–Brian Hooker, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Dr. Thompson. But Bigtree calls into question the motives of those trying to silence him (and others) who want to help parents make informed decisions when it comes to vaccinations.
All critical thinkers will welcome the information he brings, and the passion with which he presents it. He touches on California’s SB 277 law, which restricts parental rights, by mandating vaccinations for children to attend school, making no allowances for exemptions. He discusses the CDC’s goal, called “Healthy People 2020,” that is pushing for 100% compliance with the adult vaccination schedule.
With his movie, and in this interview, Bigtree’s goal is to alert Americans to the threats to their civil liberties, and to motivate them to advocate for their own health and the health of their children.
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#53 Make Mead Like a Viking, Jereme Zimmerman Show Notes
What is mead and why should you make it? (And why should you make it like a Viking, of all things?!) Jereme Zimmerman, the author of “Make mead like a Viking,” explains all of the above in this light-hearted episode. Mead is a unique honey-based fermented drink that is simple and fun to make. Jereme unlocks the brewing secrets of the ancient Norse, as he demystifies the process of home-brewing mead. You’ll learn lots about mead today and you’ll hear Jeremy’s own story about he got into brewing it, and how he began to embrace the natural, homesteading lifestyle.
In the conversation, Jereme makes a case for including more ferments in our diets. There are health benefits related to making your own ferments, of course (whether you’re making mead, kombucha, sauerkraut, or kefir). The active enzymes and probiotics in such foods are great for gut health; the antioxidants are cancer-fighting agents; and our immune systems benefit from all of the above. But our lives are enhanced by more than just the physical boost of these foods. Making mead (and other fermented foods) requires cooperation with nature, which makes us more sensitive to life’s beauty and mystery. And in the process of mead-making, bonds are built with the community around us. So, get to making your fermented drink and raise a glass to your health!
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#52 Practical Tips for Parents, Kelly Moeggenborg Show Notes
Tired of food battles and complaints at the dinner table? Do you worry that your kids not getting enough of the good stuff? Does your idea of whipping up a quick meal include a visit to the neighborhood fast food restaurant? Kelly Moeggenborg has been there and done that. Today, she has tips to help you transition your family to a more nutrient-dense, real food diet. She also has practical suggestions that will save you both time and money.
Kelly understands the challenges parents face because she is still in the trenches herself. This is one reason she launched the “Kelly the Kitchen Kop” blog in 2008; she wanted to build a community where people could exchange ideas about how to best overcome poor dietary patterns. You will enjoy learning from all she has gleaned over the years and will most certainly walk away with a tip or two that you can apply immediately that will improve your own health and that of your family.
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#51 Farming as it Should Be, Will Harris Show Notes
Will Harris. a fourth-generation cattleman, is the owner of White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, GA. Will attended the University of Georgia’s School of Agriculture, where he was trained in industrial farming methods. But in 1995, he decided to turn things around and return to farming the land in the manner his great-grandfather had done, 130 years before. He does not use pesticides and chemical fertilizers on the land or antibiotics or growth hormones on the animals. As Will puts it, “We take care of the land and herd, and they take care of us.”
This is why his farming method is farming at its best, and as it should be. His family and farm employees consistently look out for the animals, the land, and the people who produce and consume their goods.Their production practices are fair, sustainable, and humane.
In today’s episode, Will tells the story of the beauty and benefits of regenerative agriculture. Not only will you be charmed by his southern drawl but you will also come to understand how and why he transitioned to regenerative agriculture and how you can support this movement. It begins with knowing your farmer and proceeds with making conscious decisions about what you put on your plate. A healthy diet for people begins with a healthy environment on the farm where the food was cultivated and raised.
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#50 Myths and Truths of GMOs, Jeffrey Smith Show Notes
Jeffrey Smith is is the founder and leader of the institute for Responsible Technology. He is also a bestselling author, filmmaker, and expert on genetically-modified organisms. In today’s episode, he carefully and thoroughly explains what GMOs are, what crops have been genetically modified in the U.S., the impact they have had on our health and what we can do about their growing presence in our diets.
Jeffrey has had years of extensive research on the topic. He refutes what the FDA says about their safety, and he busts some myths related to GMOs (that they can help feed the world, and that they reduce the amount of pesticides used by farmers, for example). He also provides clear evidence to support their detrimental effects on animals and people. Problems associated with GMO foods include: gastrointestinal problems, immune system issues, reproductive damage, and conditions that affect organ function. Studies also point to premature death, tumors, possible cancer, and hormone disruption. Some people suffer brain fog, fibromyalgia, immune system concerns, anxiety, depression, pain, headaches, and skin conditions, as a result of eating GMO food.
The list of concerns is long, but there is still hope. Jeffrey gives concrete tips about how to protect yourself and your family from the health risk GMOs pose. He also makes a plea for activism to make a difference on a larger scale.
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#49 Avoiding Mold Cheryl Ciecko Show Notes
Many of us see mold as an unsightly annoyance or an occasional irritant to our breathing, but it’s much more than that! Cheryl Ciecko, a licensed architect, explains how it is a toxin that can easily grow in our office buildings or homes, and threaten our health.
Cheryl’s ten-year-old daughter started having health concerns that seemed to appear overnight. She struggled with migraines and coughing fits; the doctors diagnosed asthma. Finally, they were able to pinpoint mold as the culprit of her deteriorating health. They found it in their home’s duct work.
There are many other places mold can grow, undetected. In this episode, you’ll learn about the myths associated with mold (for example, it is commonly thought that bleach can remediate it, but it cannot), where it can grow, how it affects your health, and how to guard against it in your own home.
#48 Detox mercury safely, Andy Cutler Show Notes
Mercury is recognized by health organizations across the globe as toxic to humans. However many of us are unaware of our exposure to it and how it is negatively impacting our health and causing chronic conditions and diseases.
Dr. Andy Cutler has a PhD in chemistry from Princeton, and a BS in physics from the University of California. He himself struggled with symptoms that no doctor could explain. He discovered that the root cause of his issues was mercury toxicity caused by the amalgam fillings in his own mouth. On a quest to improve his own health, Andy became a pioneer of a form of chelation for metal toxicity that is unique in its approach, and is safe and successful, where many others are not.
In today’s episode you will learn about the symptoms of mercury toxicity and how they can be addressed to restore health. We can be exposed to mercury in many ways, including through “silver” fillings, vaccinations, and various consumer products. Andy points to mercury as the underlying cause of conditions such as MS, Parkinsons, allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, and autism. Mercury toxicity can also be at the root of depression, anxiety, ADD, memory issues, fibromyalgia, asthma, OCD, autoimmune disorders, brain fog, nervous system disorders, developmental delays, and more.
Andy has a pragmatic chelation protocol which will help those with heavy metal toxicity find relief and health. Listen and you’ll understand why Andy is in such demand as a detox consultant.
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#47 Fuel For the Athlete Ben Greenfield Show Notes
Athletes seek to maximize their performance, often at the expense of their long-term health and longevity. Ben, a former bodybuilder, is an ironman triathlete, speaker, and author who understands how to nourish the body for both peak results and optimal health. He has a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the University of Idaho in sports science and exercise physiology. Ben coaches and trains individuals for general health, longevity, weight loss, lean muscle gain, holistic wellness, and sports performance–using a real food protocol.
Says Ben, “I love getting fit, feeling good about the way my body looks, and fulfilling my deep-seeded drive to live life to the fullest by achieving difficult feats of physical performance. But I was fed up with feeling like crap from all the extreme exercising, strange foods, feeling of constant stress and soreness, and worry about the toll my hectic lifestyle was taking on my body. So I have found a way of training, eating and living that is perfectly healthy and natural, but still allows me to look, feel and perform at my peak capabilities.”
As a consultant to many athletes, Ben has noticed a trend of acne, digestive issues, and adrenal issues that plague those who fuel their bodies with what Ben calls “franken fuels.” In today’s episode, he contrasts popular sports drinks, gels, and bars with the real fuel the athlete needs to turbocharge their performance without sacrificing gut health. He gets into the science of how various proteins, fats, and carbs work in our bodies. He talks about his own sweet spot of carb/protein/fat percentages and what foods he recommends for everyone to include in their diet. You will be fascinated by what he has to say and will want to apply it to your own diet, training, and lifestyle.
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#46 Beth Lambert Why Are Our Children So Sick? Show Notes
This is the question many of us are asking! There is a grave health crisis that is affecting the next generation. In increasing numbers, children and young people are struggling with allergies, eczema, inflammatory conditions, autism, autoimmune disorders, asthma, reflux, sensory issues, GI issues, ADHD, and more. In today’s episode, Beth Lambert describes the “perfect storm” that is assailing our children’s health. She also has several ideas in how to navigate that storm.
Beth has an M.A. from Fairfield University, with a concentration in American Healthcare. The mother of three young children, Beth’s interest in health concerns grew as she dealt with her own daughter’s “leaky gut.” Conventional medicine didn’t have answers beyond some therapies and pharmaceutical drugs. Beth wanted something more.
She overhauled her family’s diet and their environment and was able to turn her daughter’s health around in approximately nine months. Her eyes were opened to the need around her, as she observed that other families were also in crisis related to their children’s health issues. She went on to do extensive research and is now the author of “A compromised generation.” You will be encouraged by Beth’s story and the health improvements of others that she recounts, who are a part of her “Documenting Hope” project.
Listen closely and learn what steps you can take to improve your own health and that of the next generation.
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#45 – Nina Teicholz The Skinny on Fat Show Notes
Nina Teicholz spent nearly a decade researching nutrition policy and dietary fat, culminating in the publication of her spellbinding book “The Big Fat Surprise.” In it, she explains the politics, personalities, and history of how we came to believe that dietary fat is bad for health. Her book was the first mainstream publication to make the full argument for why saturated fats–the kind found in dairy, meat, and eggs–are not bad for health.
In today’s episode, she discusses what initially propelled her to pursue this topic. You will be intrigued by the answers (and stonewalling) she encountered on her quest to find out more. What she discovered has led her to become an advocate for changing our diets to improve our health. Steps include avoiding vegetable oils and, of course, embracing saturated fats in their place.
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#44 Sally Fallon Morell Priniciple #5, Lacto-fermented Foods Show Notes
Traditional diets are high in enzymes and beneficial bacteria. Lacto-fermented foods are prepared by cultures worldwide to preserve food, boost their vitamin and mineral content, and aid digestion. In today’s episode, Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, explains Principle #5 of the Wise Traditions diet: how all traditional peoples include lacto-fermented foods in their diets.
She gets specific about the foods that are particular to various regions around the world–like sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi, fermented fish, yogurt, kefir, and such. She discusses the fermentation process and gives the scientific basis for embracing these foods in our modern diet. She touts the improved vitamin and mineral content of such foods, their protective characteristics against disease (including cancer), and how they boost the immune system.
She gives practical advice for how to begin introducing these foods into your diet. If you apply her tips, your tastebuds will be thrilled and your health will greatly benefit!
#43 Lance Roll Beautiful Broth Show Notes
Bone broth is growing in popularity for all of the right reasons. It offers an astounding number of benefits for our health. In today’s episode, chef Lance Roll explains how first and foremost, it helps heal our gut, improving our digestion and the absorption of nutrients from all that we eat. Broth has anti-inflammatory properties, in addition to healthy fats and minerals. It makes an excellent recovery drink for athletes and many consider it something of a “weight loss secret.”
You can hear the excitement in Lance’s voice as he tells stories about individuals whose conditions cleared up from eczema and leaky gut, to ulcerative colitis. Lance was once a chef who was primarily concerned with making flavorful dishes; since he became familiar with the Weston A. Price Foundations and the Wise Traditions diet, he makes sure to cook up dishes that are nutrient-dense, as well as flavorful!
#42 Mandy Blume Real Food Changes Lives Show Notes
Mandy loves sharing the importance of the food we put into our bodies. After fostering many children and adopting, each child became her inspiration to step out and reach more people with the message of health recovery through real food. She studied at California Polytechnic State University, and graduated with degrees, along with cooking and nutritional credentials; but what will blow you away is the way she rolls up her sleeves to impact foster children and foster homes. She has a passion for changing the world, starting with those in the U.S. foster care system.
In today’s episode, she talks about how she helps children transition from the standard American diet (S.A.D.) to real food. She has witnessed first-hand the turn-around that takes place when children are fed food that has the power to nourish and heal.
Her simple healing principles can be applied to anyone’s life–young and old alike. Listen and learn about her transformational Real Food Recovery protocol.
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#41 Sandeep Agarwal On Fat, Raw Milk and Ghee Show Notes
Sandeep Agarwal had a young son with chronic health conditions–he caught colds easily, had chest congestion, and developed asthma. As Sandeep began to research ways to help him, he came across the principles of the Weston A. Price Foundation. They resonated with him, as he remembered the foods his ancestors enjoyed in India; they included raw milk, full fat foods, and ghee.
In today’s episode, you will hear the results of Sandeep’s research, which led him to ancient Indian texts that confirmed what he saw playing out in his own family: that traditional foods support and enhance our health. He discovered that ayurvedic traditions embraced raw milk and ghee for their healing properties.
His family tweaked their diet to include these foods and they also began avoiding sweets, and making other dietary changes that followed the wise tradition principles. Today, they enjoy good health and they run a business which provides organic ghee and other Indian spices and foods.
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#40 Linda Elsegood Autoimmune Help with LDN Show Notes
Linda Elsegood suffered from MS and was wheelchair-bound, when she first heard about LDN, low dose naltrexone. She researched it and began taking it around 2000. Her health and life turned around. Motivated to help others, she has since edited “The LDN book” and hosted conferences to educate medical professionals and lay people alike.
LDN can be an effective treatment for a variety of autoimmune disorders including alopecia (hair loss), Crohn’s, cancer, autism, depression, restless leg syndrome, asthma, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and Lyme disease. Though it is a pharmaceutical drug, many consider it to be a sort of holistic medication, because of its safety and efficacy.
In this episode, you’ll hear about the original uses of LDN and its off-label uses that are showing tremendous success. You’ll her about the doctors who are currently conducting studies to learn more; and discover resources to educate yourself on LDN. All in all, you will learn much and find Linda’s personal story compelling and her efforts to help others, inspiring.
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#39 Dr. Louisa Williams Radical Medicine Show Notes
Dr. Louisa Williams is a naturopathic doctor who is committed to helping people restore their health by getting to the true root or underlying cause of disease. In today’s episode, she touches on some lesser known “obstacles to cure” and gives practical ideas for finding the best dental and overall health care to achieve the optimal and vibrant health that is our most important birthright.
She discusses the underlying issues that may be linked to chronic auto-immune diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, lupus, and Lymes disease. She even addresses dental focal infections, root canals, gingivitis and more. She tells you what to look for when searching for a dentist, and how to protect your health proactively. She leaves no stone unturned as she explains in simple terms the way our bodies function and how everything is interconnected.
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#38 Principle #4 – Sally Fallon Morell All traditional cultures cooked some of their food, and ate some of their animal products raw Show Notes
Every traditional culture ate some form of their animal foods raw. Every culture also cooked some of their food. In today’s episode, Sally Fallon Morell explains the benefits of both cooking some food and eating some raw. While cooking does destroy enzymes, it also can make certain foods easier to digest (particularly vegetables). Eating raw animal foods ensures that we can enjoy the benefits of certain enzymes and particularly vitamin B6.
Sally describes various dishes from around the world that feature raw meat or fish products (such as steak tartare). She also gives ideas for those new to the idea of consuming raw animal products. She suggests starting with dairy products, like raw milk or cheese.
Many who recommend a raw diet would not include raw animal products in the mix. But Sally points out that science backs this traditional practice. She affirms that raw animal products can increase our energy and mental clarity, and help improve various body functions.
#37 Bonus Episode: Behind the Scenes at WAPF Show Notes
When the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) says that it’s committed to “food, farming and the healing arts,” they mean it. In today’s episode, you’ll hear directly from the office staff members about WAPF’s mission.
The bottom line? WAPF is a non-profit group dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism. It supports a number of movements that contribute to this objective including accurate nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming, pasture-feeding of livestock, community-supported farms, honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban on the use of soy formula for infants.
The backbone of WAPF is its members. They are the ones that know exactly what’s going on in their own neighborhoods, and counties (and countries), and they are most able to mobilize when action is required to defend food freedom and to help disseminate important food resource information. In particular, there are 600 chapter leaders worldwide who puts hands and feet to the work that is needed to help restore and maintain the health of people all over the world.
In today’s episode, you will get a glimpse of the office work of the WAPF staff, which undergirds what is happening “in the field,” so to speak. You’ll also learn about WAPF’s most current projects (such as their international outreach efforts).
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#36 Pete Kennedy Protecting Food Freedom Show Notes
Do you want the option of buying raw milk legally in your state? Would you like to have chickens in your backyard? The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) works hard to defend your right to obtain the food of your choice from the source of your choice. Pete Kennedy, an attorney in Florida, is on the board of the FTCLDF and he has personally been involved in representing and counseling farmers who are simply trying to provide local, sustainable foods to their neighbors, schools, and grocery stores.
Many of us know that good health begins at the dining room table. The healthiest diets are those made up of nutrient-dense, organic foods from small local farmers, not from the industrial food complex. Listen to Pete and learn about the influences at play on what is available to us as consumers, and how you can make a difference in the fight for food freedom.
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#35 Cilla Whatcott The Green Vaccine? Show Notes
There is lots of controversy and discussion on the topic of vaccination these days—some touting their benefits and others, their risks. Cilla Whatcott stays above the fray. She is not interested in being a part of any camp, but rather wants to empower parents and health care professionals about their choices, by educating them about homeopathy and homeoprophylaxis (HP). In today’s episode, you will become familiar with this safe alternative to vaccination. Some call HP the “green vaccine” because it does not cause harm but rather provides natural protection against disease. The goal of homeopathy is to educate the immune system and to help the body rediscover how to heal itself. Homeopathy combats chronic health issues including recurring ear infections, asthma, coughs, and more.
Cilla has a PhD in homeopathy, which she pursued after her one year-old daughter became ill with aseptic meningitis. She is the Director of Worldwide Choice and is a strong advocate for health care options.
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#34 Razi Berry Tired of being tired Show Notes
In her twenties, Razi Berry was suffering from fibromyalgia, fatigue, and pain. Her doctors told her that she should go on medication and disability for the rest of her life. Unwilling to accept their prognosis, Razi became her own “health detective.” She began exploring alternatives and came upon naturopathic therapies that have helped restore her to full health today. She had fertility issues, hair loss, and more. Now, she enjoys good health and vitality. She is able to homeschool her two young daughters and oversee her award-winning journal, “The Naturopathic Doctor News & Review.”
Naturally, Razi is a proponent of organic, whole foods over fad diets. Her heart’s desire is to empower people to take charge of their health and discover the vibrant health they were intended to enjoy.
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#33 Allan Savory Holistic Management – Livestock Only Hope Part 2 Show Notes
As a young environmentalist, Allan Savory was convinced that animals were overgrazing, and therefore, turning fertile land into deserts. Many scientists held that same opinion (and some still do). Now, Allan believes that livestock are “our only hope” for greening the world’s deserts and reversing climate change.
In today’s episode, he explains in detail why many efforts to restore the earth (involving the use of technology, fire, rest, or planting trees or crops) are ineffective or temporary solutions, at best. He addresses directly some of the ideas presented in the movie “Cowspiracy,” including his “tragic error” of culling elephant herds (which he and others thought would help heal the land—it did not).
The health of the land is tied to our own. Listen carefully to consider how you can get involved to make a difference in the preservation of our world for the survival of what Allan calls “team humanity.”
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#32 Allan Savory Holistic Management Part I Show Notes
Are you concerned about our planet’s degradation? Allan Savory has fresh ideas for how to reverse the situation and restore our deteriorating grasslands. As a young man studying zoology and botany in South Africa, he challenged the presuppositions regarding what was causing climate change. He, too, at one point, thought that perhaps too many animals was the problem, but he came to a different conclusion when he saw the ineffectiveness of that approach.
Now he believes that the answer can be found in holistic management. The idea is to properly manage the tools at our disposal, including animals! Holistic management can also be applied to our own lives, whether we live in cities or farms. It’s a concept that can improve the environment and health of “team humanity” all over the globe.
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#31 Lierre Keith Vegetarianism Reconsidered Show Notes
#30 Sally Fallon Morell Nutrient Density Show Notes
Do you want to get the most out of your food? There are so many different approaches to eating healthily, how do you know what’s best? Sally Fallon Morell explains, in clear, simple terms, how to maximize each bite. In today’s episode, she emphasizes the most important (yet often overlooked) Wise Traditions dietary principle: nutrient density. Traditional diets were very nutrient-dense: high in vitamins and minerals and replete with the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K. Processed, packaged foods tout “added vitamins and minerals” but real foods are naturally power-packed with what we need for building strong, healthy bodies!
She goes into detail about why A, D, and K are so important and how they work together and should be in balance in our food (and in our bodies). She lists foods where these critical vitamins can be found. She tells stories of those whose lives have been changed through better nutrition. And she gives practical suggestions for what to include in your diet (or your children’s diets) to eliminate fatigue and improve mood and optimism.
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#29 Bonus Episode A Maasai Story Show Notes
Dickson Ole Gisa, a leader in his Maasai village, contacted the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) in 2014, saying, “Please send someone over. We’re all getting sick!” Dickson had found out about the principles of the foundation and the Wise Traditions diet, and they really resonated with him and his community’s experience.
WAPF did send leaders to his village in Matapato, Kenya, in 2015 and, in partnership with Dickson, began spreading the word about the link between good nutrition and overall health.
In today’s fascinating conversation, Dickson recounts his childhood dietary habits and where his people are today. He talks about the allure of “foreign foods” and the corresponding rise in the incidences of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases heretofore unknown by his village.
Dickson’s community in Oiti is taking steps to return to their traditional diet. This episode may inspire you to do the same!
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#28 Chris Masterjohn Fat Does a Body Good Show Notes
Confused by fat? One minute we’re told to stay away from it; the next, we’re told to embrace it. What’s best? Chris Masterjohn demystifies the matter in today’s discussion. Chris has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and is an assistant professor at Brooklyn College in New York. He explains in detail fat’s function in our bodies and how we should approach including it in our diet. He explains the need to take into account our genetics, our constitution, our ancestry, and even our careers, as we tweak our diets to find our “sweet spot.”
He touches on some heady stuff: cholesterol levels, the LDL/HDL ratio, and the difference between saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats. He also points out which foods contain what kind of fat. Along the way, he helps us move from fear of fat to a place of understanding and freedom. “Fear is disempowering,” says Chris. Fat has an important role to play in our bodies and embracing it is a step in the right direction, a step toward good health.
Also by Chris Masterjohn – Saturated Fat Does a Body Good
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#27 Vicki Braun Take Charge of your Fertility
Vicki Braun has over 30 years of experience helping couples understand and enhance their mutual fertility. She has a background in the sciences–a B.S. in biology and chemistry and an M.S. in microbiology–so she is well-equipped to understand female hormonal physiology and is able to problem-solve issues related to fertility cycles.
Vicki has seen many concerns over the years, ranging from irregular menstrual cycles to PCOS, endometriosis, and fertility issues. She has seen many women and men turn things around through dietary and lifestyle changes. A certified GAPS practitioner, she offers help in correcting hormonal and gut flora imbalances that can negatively affect fertility and overall health. She warns against the long-term use of birth control pills and she also points to toxicity as damaging to the reproductive system.
Plain spoken and direct, Vicki offers practical tools for those who wish to better understand their own bodies’ cycles and improve their fertility.
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#26 Sandra Van Gilder Myths and truths of sleep and exercise
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#25 Dr. Felix Liao Open Wide
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#24 Dr. Ann Childers Nutrition and sleep are key for kids
Dr. Ann Childers had a health crisis that made her examine the role of nutrition in physical and mental health. Soon she began applying her new-found information in her practice. She began emphasizing a nutrient-dense diet and sufficient sleep for the children and adolescents in her care. She soon noted that many experienced relief and healing from all types of conditions including: anxiety, ADD, trouble concentrating, poor behavior, digestive issues, Type II diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Even those suffering from emotional or mental issues like depression, suicidal thoughts and self-harm were improving with this simple, straightforward protocol. Children, adolescents, and adults alike will benefit from Ann’s approach and advice in today’s episode.
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#23 Mark McAfee Raw Milk Revealed
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#22 Chris Kresser The Wisdom of Our Ancestors
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#21 Sally Fallon Morell All Traditional Cultures Consume Some Sort of Animal Food
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#20 Richard Morris A Life Unburdened
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#19 Tressie Taylor Fight autism and win
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Joel Salatin is the renowned farmer of Polyface Farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Today’s episode centers around the concept behind Joel’s upcoming book “The marvelous pigness of pigs.” You’ll learn more about what sets Polyface apart from countless conventional farms. Joel’s heart is central to his approach to the animals and the land. His ethics and faith imbue in him a desire to honor and celebrate the uniqueness of each animal he raises. He respects the pigness of pigs, the cowness of cows, and so on. He challenges us to look at our choices through that same ethical paradigm and to opt out of the industrial food complex: for our health, the good of the land, and the nurturing of the animals under our care.
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#17 Leslie Manookian Vaccines: what’s all the fuss about? (Part 2)
Are you willing to take a closer look at the vaccine issue? Where does the truth lie? The media tells us that anyone who questions the efficacy of vaccines is anti-science. In fact, there are “hundreds and hundreds of peer-reviewed studies [which] document the problems with vaccines, and yet these are not being acknowledged,” says our guest Leslie Manookian. In today’s episode, she explores the reasons for the cover-up. She also delves into studies that show the link between vaccines and myriad illnesses such as autism, cancer, seizures, auto-immune disease, behavioral problems, speech delays, and much more. But there is no need to despair. Backed by promising studies, Leslie presents some sound alternatives to vaccinations.
Leslie is the writer and producer of the award-winning documentary “The Greater Good.” She encourages everyone to look into this issue carefully, as current vaccination schedules may be jeopardizing our health. Leslie says, “We have essentially swapped the short-term suppression of disease for the prospect of very expensive, very debilitating life-time chronic disease.”
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#16 Leslie Manookian Vaccines: what’s all the fuss about? (Part 1)
Don’t vaccines keep us healthy and disease-free? Aren’t they the greatest invention of mankind? Many of us, including Leslie Manookian, once held these beliefs. In this episode, Leslie brings to light facts found in scientific studies, books, and other resources that persuaded her to reconsider her thinking on the matter. This episode is dedicated to educating ourselves on this topic that is so very critical to our health and the health of our loved ones.
Today, Leslie gives us a “peek behind the veil” of the vaccine industry. There, we discover more machinations than we may have ever imagined. She explores the purpose behind the the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Law of 1986, a law passed to protect vaccine manufacturers from liability from lawsuits. She clearly articulates the preponderance of evidence (much of it recognized by the government) that demonstrates a link between vaccinations and chronic illnesses ranging from asthma, allergies, and joint pain, to the more serious, like cognitive issues, autism, and even death.
Leslie Manookian is a successful Wall Street business executive turned award-winning filmmaker. She conceived, wrote and produced the “The Greater Good” a documentary exploring vaccines. She is a board member and a chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation. She is a qualified homeopath and holds an MBA from the University of Chicago, a BA from Middlebury College, and M.L.C.Hom from Lakeland College of Homeopathy.
Link for Listening or Downloading
#15 Jesse Straight Straight Talk from a Farmer
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#14 Celeste Longacre In the Garden
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#13 Sally Fallon Morell Principle #1 – No refined or denatured foods
The healthiest, most robust, vibrant, fertile peoples around the world have no refined or denatured foods in their diets. Nothing important was taken out, nor were foods unnaturally processed or changed. Dr. Weston A. Price studied people groups all around the world and found that this was one element that all of their diets had in common. This is why it is Principle #1 of 11 principles of healthy diets based on Dr. Price’s findings and the continued research of the foundation.
Sally Fallon Morell explains why whole, real foods, processed in traditional ways, are so critical for health. She touches on how modern processes make the nutrients in foods less available, while traditional processes improve the quality of our food and make the vitamins and minerals more accessible. She emphasizes the importance of getting our fats right, and of avoiding refined sweeteners and additives. Listen and learn how these simple, practical steps can bring about improved health and weight loss.
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#12 Hannah Crum “Kombucha Mamma” Kombucha Craze
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#11 Adrienne Hew A fresh take on real food
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#10 Charlotte Smith Raw Milk: One Story
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#8 Joel Salatin Food, Glorious Food
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#7 Stephanie Seneff, PhD Hidden Dangers to Our Health
#6 Philip Weeks Make Yourself Better
#5 Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride The Gut: Key to Good Health
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride explains how a variety of physical, psychological, neurological, and autoimmune disorders—from allergies and asthma to digestive problems and mental health issues—can be addressed and resolved naturally. Concurring with Hippocrates’ quote, “All diseases begin in the gut,” she expounds on the critical connection between our digestive system and our overall health. This episode also explores the important role of food in healing the gut. Thousands have been helped by Dr. Campbell-McBride’s GAPS diet, presented in her book, “Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural treatment for autism, dyspraxia, ADD, dyslexia, ADHD, depression, and schizophrenia.”
#3 Will Winter Holistic Health for the Two-legged and the Four-legged
Will Winter is a charming storyteller. A holistic veterinarian, Will demonstrates a keen understanding of both two-legged and four-legged animals. He touches on a number of topics in today’s discussion: from the expense of eating organic foods (and why it’s worth it) to the reason he was a vegetarian for 23 years.
He is the local chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation for Minneapolis-St. Paul and moderates several web discussion groups about sustainable, local, and nutrient-dense food as well as for the natural rearing of pastured livestock. He is the author of “The Holistic Veterinary Handbook.”
#4 Kim Schuette Gentle Detox
Lots of groups promote detox plans that involve serious fasting, special products, or costly programs. In contrast, nutritionist Kim Schuette gives us detox home therapies that are simple, effective, and inexpensive. Her practical tips include eating nutrient-dense foods and drinking raw apple cider vinegar. Listen in for details that will help your body cope with toxin overload, and give you better digestion and glowing skin, as well.
Kim has been in private practice in the field of nutrition since 1999. In 2002, she established Biodynamic Wellness where she and her staff address digestive disorders, ADD, autism, and other health concerns.
#2 Tom Cowan The Deeper Reasons Behind Why People Get Sick
“My name is Tom. They nicknamed me “Doubting Thomas” when I was young. Don’t believe anybody. Don’t believe me. Don’t believe your doctor.” Dr. Tom Cowan is a holistic doctor who is extremely skeptical of current conventional, and even holistic, medical practices. Find out why you should be, too! Learn about the role of nutrition in your health and what Tom recommends for those seeking to improve their health.
#1 Sally Fallon Morell Introduction to Wise Traditions
“So the foods that people are avoiding today, that they think they shouldn’t eat, are the foods that we really do need to eat!” Sally Fallon Morell, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation explains the importance of eating nutrient-dense food to maintain health. Good nutrition is critical for wellness and avoiding chronic and acute disease. This episode sheds light on the purpose behind the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Wise Traditions podcast.
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Enjoy a farm tour of Will Harris’ White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, GA! Or check out a tour of Sally’s farm, led by Sally herself. Or listen to a lively discussion held in Zimbabwe at the Savory Institute’s Center for Holistic Management. There are lots of pre-recorded live events to choose from! Just click on “Wise Traditions LIVE” on the mixlr app below. And then click on “showreel” to listen to any of the above, and then some!
Hilda Labrada Gore is on Mixlr
Hilda Labrada Gore is the host and producer of the Wise Traditions podcast. Launched in January 2016, it has been wildly successful with hundreds of thousands of listens! She is a wife and mother of four who is passionate about the Wise Traditions diet and WAPF mission. Hilda has also been an active participant in WAPF’s international initiatives, representing WAPF on trips since 2015 to Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Peru. Among other things, Hilda is a speaker (on nutrition and podcasting), a certified integrative nutrition health coach, a fitness professional, the Washington, DC WAPF chapter leader, and a consultant for those who want to launch health and wellness podcasts. Find out more at holistichilda.com.
Interested in sponsoring a podcast? Click here for information and here contract.
Questions? Contact podcast@westonaprice.org.
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Greatly anticipating your podcast
It’s out now! Have you gotten to listen yet? Let us know your thoughts!
Will the podcast be available and auto communicated to podcast subscribers @ the App or iTunes stores?
Can’t wait to dig in! Please get Dina Falconi scheduled for at least an hour! She is fantastic. I want to learn more from her!
Me, too!!
Awesome! Tell us what you think of these first few episodes!
Oh joy! I am looking forward to these.
Tell us what you think on iTunes (Rate and Review)! Thanks, Ann!
Your passion and energy will be invigorating to all who listen! Go Hilda!
Thanks so much, Mary! I am loving this opportunity to help get these life-giving principles out there!
I would like to appreciate the good work and efforts, I will be available to spread and preach this message through maasai land, it’s a message of hope.
Wonderful, Dickson! Let us know if you are able to hear the episodes on your phone or laptop in Kenya!
What a great idea! I’ve been sharing the principles with friends for years and two actually joined a few years ago! Can’t wait for the new venue.
It’s so easy to share these podcasts. On iTunes, look for the word “Get” on the right-hand side of each episode. The dropdown menu includes ways to share on social media (FB and Twitter) and to copy the link to send to a friend!
Hope you can continue to make an impact with the podcast as a new tool!
Have you listened yet, Dianna? What do you think?
This is a GREAT addition to educating ourselves and others that show interest in life-changing nutrition! THANKS!
There has been a lot of positive buzz and response to the podcast! We’re thrilled!
Great job, Hilda! I’m still trying to catch up!
Let us know what you think, Elizabeth!
Fantastic! You are going to be on iTunes!
How about wise traditions video conferences as well?
We can look into this, Walter. Thanks for the suggestion!
Much appreciated!
Excellent! If you like the podcasts, Demis, please review it on iTunes! The more 4- and 5-star ratings we get, the more we will get noticed! 🙂
Thanks for making this knowledge so easily available to all of us.You are doing a tremendous job, standing against the current and allowing people to make educated choices for their health.
God bless you all and your work.
Put them on Stitcher too please, not everyone is on itunes.
We’re working on it, Reino! Thanks! (For now, you can download and listen from the westonaprice.org website.
Reino, we’re on Stitcher now! Check us out!
This is a great idea not only for our education but for our education of our clients we work with.
Sometimes we struggle a little to teach our clients that a nutrient dense whole foods diet is the best way go. If clients hear it from someone else maybe in a little different context it can reinforce our teaching.
Appreciate it so much.
Thank you
Great! We hope this will be a good tool for sharing these ideas with clients, family, and friends! Keep up the good work, Gloria!
Please add to Stitcher!
Looking forward to this podcast!
Working on this, Dan! We have an application in and we’re waiting to hear back from them!
We’re on Stitcher now, Dan! Check it out!
Another request here to make these available on Stitcher. I do not use itunes.
We’re trying to get on Stitcher, Sarah. Will let you know as soon as we do!
We’re on Stitcher now, Sarah!
Thank you for these!
How do those with an Android device subscribe? Please provide an RSS or OPML.
We’ll get going on this, Alex! Our original goal was just to get the podcast episodes out there. Now, they are also download-able from iTunes and the westonaprice.org site.
More options coming soon! 🙂
Alex, we’re on Stitcher now. Working on the RSS feed next! Stay tuned….
Just listened to my first Wise Traditions podcast — Will Winter. Wow — he doesn’t mince words! LOVED IT.
Have you posted somewhere about how to leave a review? I’ve gone to itunes and just don’t see anywhere about how to do that.
Thanks for doing this podcast, Hilda. I thought you were a very thoughtful and pleasant interviewer.
Thanks so much, Kate! Here’s the step by step for the review.
1. Go to the iTunes Store.
2. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page.
3. Under the word “Explore” you’ll see the word “Podcasts.” Click on “Podcasts.”
4. In the search box, type in “Wise Traditions.”
5. Look below the episodes for the podcast picture of the little boy.
6. Once you click on the podcast itself (not just the individual episodes).
7. To the right of the podcast title, you’ll see three categories: Details Ratings and Reviews Relate
8. Click on “Ratings and Reviews” and let us know what you think!
Thanks SO much for your help. The more people review, the more the word will get out!!!
love the podcast but please keep the volume consistent between the intro and the podcast content. Listening to this while drifting off to sleep and then being shocked by the loud intro .
thanks for the effort!
Thanks for the feedback, Walter! We don’t want the intro to be jarring! We’ll work on this.
Is there a way to SUBSCRIBE to the podcasts so we get notice when a new one is released???? If so, please tell how the steps.
Hi, Elaine! If you have an iPhone just click on “Subscribe” when you find the podcast in the iTunes Store. If you have an Android, you can subscribe via Stitcher. Go to Stitcher.com and get the app, so that you can subscribe to Wise Traditions through them. I understand you can also get every episode through the RSS (see the icon at the top of this podcast page) but I’m not very well-versed with RSS. Let us know if you have success! Thanks for listening!
Hi, I am a fan and musician, please let me redo your opening theme song. It sounds like an 80’s infomercial. Seriously, first impressions matter to people tuning in. Other than that, I applaud your work. It’s sad that doctors in the early 20th century may have been better than many doctors one hundred years later. During that time we’ve seen the invention of airplanes, computers, the internet, cell phones, yet because of corruption, conventional health and medicine have gone down the drain. Keep up the good work.
Ha, ha, ha! John, I totally hear you! Feel free to see what you can come up with and email me at podcast@westonaprice.org with some clips or send them via google drive to wapfdc@gmail.com (my chapter leader email address).
I appreciate your encouragement and welcome any music you may send my way!
Hi Hilda,
How about an episode on death? Seriously. What got me thinking on this was this podcast that I stumbled upon:
I’m not Orthodox myself but an Anglican (I’m UK based) but a lot of this made sense to me.
There are huge issues here around pollution. Apparently in the US chemical embalming is fairly common – I hadn’t known this – but these chemicals leach into the soil. The interviewee in this podcast days that this came in during the American Civil War as a way to get officers’ bodies home for burial but almost immediately was pushed at the public out of business interest. This man says that morticians in the US use 263 chemicals dangerous enough to have handling sheets written for them. That’s going into the soil. He also says that metal coffins are now common in the US and these leach. He advises his Christian Orthodox listeners to ask for a “Jewish casket” since these are still made from plain deal boards.
There are also issues around cremation – since plastic fittings in coffins get burnt, putting dioxins and other substances into the environment. There’s also a problem with people’s mercury-amalgam fillings getting vaporised into the atmosphere. I checked online and the British Guardian newspaper says that some 16% of mercury in the environment gets there from cremations.
This is disturbing. One might say here are we in the US – and to some extent in Western Europe, too – polluting the Earth even in death! I can’t recall any comment on this on the WAPF site. Even Salky Fallon has, as far as I know, said nothing. But here, surely, is an issue.
In the Middle Ages people would have been buried in a simple winding sheet with no metals or plastics or furnaces involved. When they got to the end of the field they’d have begun again at the beginning, putting the bones of those they dug up in an ossuary or crypt. No pollution involved and a simple, non-ostentatious and respectful way to treat the dead. We seem to have come a long way from this. Although, having said that, this is not a recent abnegation. I notice that Evelyn Waugh was satirising GH’s modern way of death some seventh years ago in “The Loved One”
So how about it? There could well be a podcast episode here.
Very intriguing thoughts, Michael. Wow. It hadn’t crossed my mind, but you’ve made some really good points. I’ll bring it up to the leadership in the Foundation and see what they say.
Hilda, I tried to post the comment below for episode 31, but it did not take.
Kudos to Lierre for the work that she is doing. I went through a similar change in mindset, in that I had bought into the same ideas, though in my case I became a vegetarian (not a vegan) and didn’t have the health issues that she suffered from. I too came to the conclusion that the vegans did not have the right solution… that we can raise nutritious food ecologically and be healthy as omnivores.
I am not sure that “capitalism” is the problem, though, if one takes that term to mean the operations of a free market. It may well be that government subsidies and other interventions (e.g. the legal tolerance for the terrible pollution from the CAFO system) have greatly distorted the normal workings of the marketplace and created the Frankenstein industrial food system that we have in place today. So, beyond educating vegans and vegetarians on dietary needs, we must eliminate the numerous government interventions which are propping up our very unnatural approach to farming and animal husbandry.
Thanks for your comments, David.I’m glad to know that you came to the same conclusion, food-wise. And I appreciate your perspective on the roots of the food system problem. Keep listening and don’t hesitate to give us feedback again!
Hi Hilda,
I have been loving the podcast and I never miss an episode! I’m trying to locate a story I recently heard about cystic fibrosis and I’m trying to remember if it was this podcast that I heard it or another. Wondering if you or anyone here can remember if it was one of these podcasts and if so, which one?
Hi, Kelsey!
Thanks for listening! We have not done an episode on cystic fibrosis, so I would suggest checking in with the other podcasts you listen to!
P.S. If you like our show, please review us on iTunes. We have THOUSANDS of listeners, but only 46 reviews! And reviews give people an idea of whether a show is worth listening to, or not! Thanks so much!
I’m trying to actually download these podcasts, not merely listen to them while I have access to the internet. The difference being, that once a podcast is downloaded, it is in a file that can then be moved from device to device (e.g., from my desktop to my smartphone, so I can listen to it in the car). However, all I can get these podcasts to do is merely play, not to actually download. Am I doing something wrong? I would happily pay to actually download these podcasts.
Hi, Corby!
I know what you’re talking about. There is a difference between listening and downloading. If you click on any of the links for episodes on this page, right underneath the play button of the show are the words: Download this episode. Click on that and you should be able to download the show and move the file around, from device to device, as you’d like.
Let us know if that works!
P.S. If you can, please review us on iTunes. The more reviews we get, the more it helps get our show more visibility! Thanks!!!
Hi Hilda and WAPF,
Thank you for producing such a wonderful resource. I am a member from Washington state and I am currently travelling in South America, specifically in Bolivia at the moment. In one for your recent episodes on fermented foods with Sally you mention, near the end of the episode, a fermented food called curtido made in Latin America. I have been asking around and no one seems to know what I am talking about! Can you explain what it is made out of and which countries it is commonly found in? Thank you!
Kelly, try Google-ing cortido. Various recipes out there but the high level description would be sauerkraut with oregano. Origin appears to be El Salvador. Good luck in your search.
I listened to all the podcasts, #66 today. Love it! Soooo good!
Please get an extra microphone so both person in the interview have a good audio input. On this specific podcast there is too much echo on the interviewee’s voice. Sorry, it’s my education in sound engineering that’s annoying me a bit. But really, it will immensely improve the quality of the interviews by doing this simple thing. God bless. Peter from Denmark
We’re working on the sound, Peter. Thanks for listening! So grateful that you are enjoying the show…and all the way from Denmark, too!
Just wondering what WAPF stance is on Chia Seeds. I don’t think they can be sprouted, can they?
Hi, Elaine! I ran your question by Sally because I really didn’t know what WAPF thought about chia seeds. Here is her reply: “Might be good as some kind of flavoring, but they are should not be used as a substitute for real food.” Hope this is helpful!
Also, if you are enjoying the podcast, please rate and review it on iTunes. The more favorable reviews we get, the more we can attract new listeners!
Thank you for your very informative podcast. I have learned and been challenged so much in my thinking about different aspects of health.
I most recently listened to episode 489 with Dr. Tami Meraglia and immediately got her book. Unfortunately, it was very disappointing. She demonizes saturated fat, promotes cooking with PUFAs, and promotes a plant-heavy “3 meals a day plus snacks” way of eating. While her herbal recommendations may be helpful, overall her philosophy is not in line with ancestral wisdom. It’s a shame that your podcast episode with her will end up promoting her book.