Photos from Sally Fallon Morell’s speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand in 2003.
Bonnie Bauer, new chapter head from the far north of Queensland.
on McFarlane of Biological Farm Tours, Julie Phillips, head of the Brisbane chapter and Kyle Grimshaw-Jones, head of the Oxenford chapter in Queensland, Australia.
Farmer Pat McCarthy and Sally Fallon enjoy a glass of Real Milk. Farmer Pat provides delicious grass-fed Jersey milk, butter and cream through a cow share program in Queensland.
Jenny Smith from South Island, who traveled to Auckland to help out with the talks.
Karen McFarley, editor of Lifesytle Magazine, sponsor of a Seminar on Traditional Diets in Auckland, New Zealand.
A meeting of Melbourne activists including former Melbourne chapter head Diana Dexter (center back) and new chapter head Mary Pope (front right) with Geoffrey Morell (front left), secretary and Sally Fallon, president.
Ron Sinclair, a lawyer helping with A Campaign for Real Milk in Queensland.
Soy crusaders finally meet after years of email exchange: Mike Fitzpatrick, Sally Fallon, Richard James and Valerie James.
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