Vegetable oils are toxic to our health. Whole Foods uses vegetable oils in most of their prepared foods. Industrial oils such as canola and soybean are commonly used in most restaurants. If Whole Foods decides to change, other restaurants may be motivated to change their cooking oils.
Every day, many health conscious commuters find themselves in a quandary. They are out of town on business or they simply forgot to pack a nutritious lunch for work. Whole Foods is the place that many working people go to pick up a quick and healthy meal. However, the healthy options at the food bar are very limited. Most of the prepared dishes contain unhealthy vegetable oils.
In order to guarantee we are eating healthy, we must prepare most meals at home. This is not always feasible for the average person. We all have busy lives and it is nice to be able to have someone else cook for us. Whole Foods should be a leader in the move towards healthier food. In their core values, Whole Foods says that they “choose foods that are whole, fresh, natural, organic, local, seasonal and unprocessed.” Their continued use of these oils goes completely against their core values.
Let us take action and try to make this change starting with Whole Foods.
Please speak up for our health!
Sign the petition below on Remember to personalize your comments and tell Whole Foods why this is important to you. Please share this petition with friends, family and on social media. Whole Foods may decide to change to healthy cooking oils if they see their bottom line is affected.
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