The Winter 2015 journal, which focuses on water, is now online ( with some great feature articles:
The Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald Pollack
Sewage in a Glass? by Norm LeMoine
Water Stressors and Blood Flow by Marty Michener, PhD
Please forward these articles to your discussion groups and Facebook friends.
The Spring 2016 issue was mailed recently and will soon be posted on our website. This issue includes articles on folic acid and glyphosate, why we need saturated fats, the lead scandal in Flint, Michigan, sourdough einkorn bread and cod liver oil testing.
All our journals are found at We believe that the information we publish should be available free to the public, so there is no charge for access to them online. But we can’t do this without your membership support. If you have received a renewal notice lately, please renew without delay!
VACCINES: Are They Safe and Effective?
Is there another choice for immunization we haven’t heard about?
Watch this “Disease Prevention Primer” and learn — Free thru May 1st!
With rising interest in vaccination options, HP Worldwide Choice recently produced a “Best of” compilation video, which gives an excellent overview of the topic in less than 45 minutes. Parts 1 and 2 compare the safety and efficacy of vaccines with this “new” method of disease prevention known as HomeoProphylaxis (HP), while Part 3 talks about the immune system in a new light–explaining why it’s really our BEST bet for disease prevention and why a WHOLE FOOD diet as WAPF recommends is so necessary!
Click on the link to watch the video at no charge through May 1st. After that it will be available for just $9.95. And please share. It turns out there are other, better alternatives we should be looking at. Know any new or expecting parents? Why not share this fact-based, science based video with them? It could spare them a lot of anguish. If you’d like to purchase any of the full length conference videos, just type NUREMBERG into the Promo Code box and get any of them for just $14.95 or the whole set for just $125.
Please spread the word about these events if you know anyone living near them.
Sally Fallon Morell will present three one day seminars: Traditional Diets, The Oiling of America and My Own Health Secrets.
June 2-4 Shelburne, VT: Nourish Vermont Traditional Foods and Health Gathering. Presenters include Sally Fallon Morell, Drs. Wolfson, Jeff Leach, Beth Lambert and more! for details.
June 4 Lake Clear, NY: Nourishing Traditional Diets and the Oiling of America Seminars with Sally Fallon Morell at Lake Clear Lodge,
Sept 10 Halifax, Nova Scotia: Nourishing Traditional Diets and the Oiling of America Seminars with Sally Fallon Morell. Details to follow.
Sally Fallon Morell will be speaking on The Key to Vibrant Health on May 1st, 5:30-7:30 pm, Woodrow Wilson High School, 3950 Chesapeake St, NW, Washington, DC.
Attend in person or listen live via mixlr which will be on the website. Go there at 5:30 on Sunday May 1, and join us!!
“Everyone should listen! This information has the potential to be groundbreaking for you and your family’s health. A must-listen to!” ~Booboosmom2000 on iTunes
“Great information in a short time I love these podcasts. It’s amazing how much can be explained in short 30-minute interviews. This is the information people need so we can turn the tide of our national health crisis.” ~srg1969 on iTunes
That’s what people are saying about the WAPF podcast! Every week a 30-minute episode is released. You will hear from health professionals, farmers (like Joel Salatin), doctors (like Natasha Campbell McBride), and Sally Fallon Morell, the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Look for Wise Traditions on iTunes and Stitcher and on the website! You’re going to love it!
Here are some guest quotes from recent Wise Traditions podcast episodes:
Vaccines: what’s all the fuss about? (Part 1) “Right now if an adult follows the CDC vaccination schedule, they will get 91 doses of vaccines between 18 and 80. The national adult immunization plan would identify adults who are not complying to push the vaccines that are coming. It verges on a police state. This is medical tyranny,“ Leslie Manookian, documentary filmmaker, The Greater Good.
The marvelous pigness of pigs “If we treat animals like bunches of protoplasm to be manipulated then it’s not a stretch to start looking at other people the same way and at foreign cultures, too,” Joel Salatin, speaker and author, Polyface Farm.
PODCAST POSTCARD: Would you help us get the word out about our helpful and enjoyable weekly podcast? If you own a health food store or book store, are a practitioner, farmer, vendor, a chapter leader, part of a co-op, have family and friends–please consider distributing the WAPF podcast postcard. If you would like cards, please let us know how many to send (10, 25, 50).
A Tribute to Mae-Wan Ho
We are saddened to announce the passing of Dr. Mae-Wan Ho of London, UK, who has contributed to the Wise Traditions journal and once gave the keynote address at the Wise Traditions conference.
Mae-Wan was an amazing person and, as we all know, a great champion in the anti-GM campaign. Despite her frail appearance, she had tremendous energy and accomplished much with seemingly little effort. She wrote books, articles and scientific papers, and gave lectures around the world. Sometimes she travelled to China with her husband, Prof Peter Saunders to view a project of interest, to see whether it could have an effect elsewhere. She initiated conferences and petitions that brought awareness of important issues such as GM, sustainable agriculture and sustainable energy production to the attention of various authorities.
Subscribers to the magazine Science in Society (SiS) of the Institute of Science in Society (ISIS), of which she was a founder (with Peter) and Director, became aware of her illness when a notice of termination of ISIS and hence of the magazine was announced on 24 February: “It is with great sadness that the Institute of Science in Society is to cease operation at the end of March 2016 on account of serious illness of our Director Dr Mae-Wan Ho.” Even during the last months of her life, when she was very ill, she continued writing for ISIS. Her last contribution, which appears on the ISIS website ( is dated 3 March–just three weeks before she died. The subject of that last entry, “Unifying Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity,” testifies to fearlessness not only of meeting opponents head-on but also in tackling subjects outside her normal realm of genetics. .
We shall indeed miss Mae-Wan, and our thoughts go out to Peter and her son and her brother, who were with her in the last weeks of her life.
Raw Milk Could be Legal in Canada with your Support
Raw milk advocates in Canada have created a petition to ask their government to legalize availability of raw milk. In the petition, they state facts about raw milk and conclude with their request.
“We, the undersigned, Citizens of Canada, call upon the Minister of Health to Modernize and amend the Food and Drugs Act and the corresponding Food and Drug Regulations, to permit the legal sale of, and/or access to, raw (i.e. unpasteurized) milk and milk products through small scale certified herd share programs, or other such suitable arrangements, capable of managing any associated health risks in a responsible and reasonable manner.”
Currently, raw milk is completely illegal in Canada even if obtained through cowshares or herdshares. If this petition reaches 500 valid signatures of Canadians by its deadline on August 11, 2016, the petition will be presented in the House of Commons. Once presented, the government is required to respond within 45 days. Of course, we want to far exceed the minimum requirement.
1. Sign the petition
2. Using email or social media, spread the word and ask others to sign it. Sample wording below.
Canadian citizens are petitioning their government to create meaningful dialogue about raw milk availability. Please sign this petition and ask others to do the same. You do not need to be a raw milk drinker or even a supporter to sign this petition. This is about our rights as citizens to choose the foods of our choice from the producer of our choice.
Mark your calendar!
International Conference – Montgomery, Alabama; November 11-14, 2016
Registration and more details will be available soon.
Speakers include:
Sandeep Agarwal, expert on ghee
Carla Bartolucci, expert on einkorn wheat
Alvin Bey, expert on nutrient-dense vegetable gardening
Calvin Bey, PhD, expert on nutrient-dense vegetable gardening
Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), Vaccine Free Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Disease with Homeopathy
Dean Bonlie, DDS, magnetism expert
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)
Ann Childers, MD, expert on psychiatric care, sleep and metabolism management
Tom Cowan, MD, author of The Fourfold Path to Healing
Hannah Crum,
Sally Fallon Morell, MA, author of Nourishing Traditions
Ben Greenfield, fitness expert
Will Harris, expert on humane animal husbandry and environmental sustainability
Kim Koepp, RD, PhDc, expert on elder care
Beth Lambert, author of Compromised Generation
Celeste Longacre, author of Celeste’s Garden Delights
Leslie Manookian, producer of The Greater Good
Chris Masterjohn, PhD, expert on fat-soluble vitamins
Leah McCullough, author of Freedom from Fibromyalgia
Kelly Moeggenborg,
Ken Morehead, DOM, specializes in musculo-skeletal disorders
Richard Morris, author of A Life Unburdened
Ramiel Nagel, author of Cure Tooth Decay and Healing Our Children
Frank Niceley, Tennessee state senator
Tetyana Obukhanych, MD, author of Vaccine Illusion
Daphne Olivier, LDN, RD, CDE, CLT, expert on metabolic disorders
Alan Phillips, JD, leading vaccine rights attorney
Raymond Silkman, DDS, holistic dentist
Laura Schoenfeld, RD, expert on adrenal health
Pam Schoenfeld, RD, co-director Healthy Nation Coalition
Kim Schuette, CN, expert on nutritional and biotherapeutic drainage therapies
Stephanie Seneff, PhD, expert on Sulphur and vitamin D
Lorie Stevens, DMD, holistic dentist
Nina Teicholz, author of The Big Fat Surprise
Veronica Tilden, DO, expert on fertility and hormone issues
Sandra Van Gilder, DPT, FAFS, creator of The Move Method
Carrie Vitt,
Andrew Wakefield, MD, gastroenterologist and vaccine expert
Cilla Whatcott, PhD, HD, RHom, CCH, author of There Is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis
Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND, author of Radical Medicine
Will Winter, DVM, expert on pastured livestock
Jereme Zimmerman, author of Make Mead like a Viking
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As always, thank you for your support.
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Very informative. Thank you !