We’re passing this important message on from our friends at the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
The food freedom movement is growing by leaps and bounds, but so is the opposition to it. From local zoning conflicts to burdensome state and federal regulations, we need more people – both farmers and consumers – to speak up.
The Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance is offering a two-day Citizen Activism Workshop to help you learn how to be effective in speaking up on the issues that matter to you, whether it’s as part of a larger group like FARFA or leading the charge at the local level. The knowledge and information you will gain will help you make good use of your valuable time and have a greater impact.
Attend this important educational opportunity on November 10-11 in Austin, Texas! Seating is limited for this workshop so that we can provide personalized attention to all attendees.
The workshop takes place at the Barr Mansion, and the $40 registration includes lunch on both days, prepared from scratch by their in-house catering using the best quality organic and local ingredients.
Register online (you can also download a mail-in form):
Scholarships are available, contact Judith@FarmAndRanchFreedom.org for more information.
Need a place to stay? We’ve arranged a special hotel block rate for workshop attendees, and there are other affordable lodging options nearby. For info on hotels visit: http://farmandranchfreedom.org/2014-citizen-activism-workshop/#hotel
We need people from all over the U.S. to get involved in fighting for our farms and our food!
The workshop will cover key aspects of being an effective advocate:
* Deciding on your goals
* Knowing who can get you what you want
* Framing your message
* Handling the media
* Finding allies and building coalitions
* How to lobby elected officials, whether local, state, or federal
The workshop will be presented by Steve Bruno, a political consultant with 15 years worth of experience working in and around the Texas Capitol; Brian Cummings, founder of EatGreenDFW with 30-plus years of experience in both corporate and agency public relations; and Judith McGeary, executive director of Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance.
For more information about the speakers: http://farmandranchfreedom.org/2014-citizen-activism-workshop/#presenters
Whether you want to learn how to organize at the local level, be a citizen lobbyist in upcoming legislative sessions, or have an impact on your Congressman, this training will help you meet your goals to grow and strengthen the local food movement.
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