Prevent Alzheimer’s, Autism and Stroke with 7 Supplements, 7 Lifestyle Choices, and a Dissolved Mineral
By Dennis N. Crouse, PhD
CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Alzheimer’s disease has been around for less than two hundred years. Many experts still try to argue that it is genetic. Dennis Crouse does a little simple math to explain how that is mathematically impossible. Millions of people around the world have Alzheimer’s disease. If a genetic mutation had occurred within the last two hundred years, it could not possibly have spread to millions of people this fast. Therefore, the real cause must be an environmental toxin or poor lifestyle choice. I was just shaving this morning with my Occam brand razor and felt myself strangely drawn to this simple answer.
People with a certain gene do seem to be more susceptible to the disease, but that gene has been around for thousands of years. We still cannot say the gene is the cause. Crouse reviews the extensive data showing a clear correlation between aluminum levels and Alzheimer’s. After he finishes explaining the mechanism by which aluminum does its damage, we have more than just an inconclusive correlation.
If you are not totally excited about the prospect of experiencing Alzheimer’s firsthand, this book has a lot of advice. Vitamin D facilitates excretion of aluminum. Taurine, vitamin K2, vitamin B12 and alpha-linolenic acid reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s. Crouse’s charts showing the best sources for these specific nutrients are loaded with those politically incorrect animal foods. There is not one plant in the charts for those nutrients. Not even kale. The first source he lists for vitamin D is cod liver oil.
Under normal circumstances, the human body does not readily absorb aluminum, even though it is one of the most common elements on this planet. However, there are ways of overcoming the body’s natural defenses. When combined with fluoride or mercury, for example, aluminum becomes much more toxic. When injected, aluminum is 100 percent absorbed. I did not know that water mains and storage tanks are lined with cement laced with aluminum. So, if you really do want to enjoy the Alzheimer’s experience, drinking fluoridated tap water or getting all those aluminum adjuvants in vaccines could help your dream come true.
This book also addresses autism. Autism is even more recent than Alzheimer’s, so the same logic applies. It is not genetic, and aluminum appears to be a major culprit. Soybeans are prone to accumulate high levels of aluminum, and Crouse strongly recommends against soy formula.
Crouse lists drugs used for treating these diseases but points out up front that they cure nothing. As the book’s title suggests, seven lifestyle choices can improve our odds of staying healthy. Stop smoking; don’t overdo alcohol; avoid aluminum; increase dissolved silica in your diet; exercise; get enough sleep; and avoid head trauma. If you like playing football or boxing, you might want to write that down because you will probably forget. But don’t forget that the thumb is UP.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2021
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