April 4, 2006
Purpose: Develop a Fact Sheet on raw milk use and safety considerations.
When: Friday and Saturday, May 26 and 27, 2006
Where: Lifelong Learning Center, 601 East Benjamin Avenue, Norfolk, Nebraska
Event Sponsors: Nebraska Dairy Group; University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Knox County; Center for Rural Affairs; Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society; Northeast Nebraska, PrairieLand and Nebraska Loess Hills Resource Conservation & Development Councils; and Knox County Development Agency.
Details: Call the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Office in Knox County at 402-288-5611 or email knox-county (at) unl.edu . Details will soon be available on our website: http://www.knox.unl.edu/
Special Note: Sally Fallon, Mark McAffee, Dr. Richard Franssen and members of the Nebraska Dairy Group will be present at the summit.
Method: Workshops will focus on three topic areas: Home Use; Farming; and Science with oral reports presented after each. Fact Sheets will be compiled by those attending the summit. Endorsements from organizations will be solicited and included on the Fact Sheet.
Bring Your: Ideas, documentations and anything that could support our effort. Thanks!
Workshop Fee: $20.00 (individual) or $30.00 (family or farm unit)
Shuttle & Hotel: If you desire a shuttle service from a bus station, train station or airport to the Norfolk area, please contact the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Office in Knox County at 402-288-5611. For lodging information visit http://www.visitnorfolkne.com/welcome.php
or call (888) 371-2932.
National Raw Milk Use and Safety Summit
Friday & Saturday, May 26-27, 2006
Lifelong Learning Center
601 East Benjamin Avenue, Norfolk, Nebraska
Friday, May 26
8:00 a.m. Registration and Coffee
9:00 a.m. Background, Purpose and Format
Jan Jorgensen
Martin Kleinschmit
Terry Gompert
9:30 a.m. History of Pasteurization
Mark McAffee
10:30 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. Raw Milk Use/Past-Present-Future
Sally Fallon
12:00 noon Lunch on Own
1:30 p.m. Workshop 1
A. Science (Pathology, Food Safety)
B. Farming (Milk Facility, Milk Handling, Delivery, Records,
3:00 p.m. Break
3:30 p.m. Workshop 2
C. Science (Health Advantages, Components)
D. Consumer (Know the Farmer, Kitchen Handling, Transporting, Home Pasteurization, Making Products)
5:00 p.m. Workshop Reports
6:00 p.m. Dinner on Own
7:30 p.m. Milk – Safety, Health and Wealth Considerations
Sally Fallon
Saturday, May 27
8:30 a.m. Coffee
9:00 a.m. Workshop Reports
10:00 a.m. Milk Testing on the Farm Mark McAffee
10:30 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. Issues and Facts Participants
12:00 noon Lunch on Own
1:30 p.m. Issues and Facts (go until completed) Participants
(clip and return)
Registration for National Raw Milk Use and Safety Summit
Name(s)/Family or Farm Unit: _____________________________________
Address ______________________________
Phone ________________________________
Email ________________________________
Fees (circle whichever applies):
$20.00 per individual
$30.00 per family or farm unit
For those registering after May 15, an additional $5.00 late fee will be applied.
Register by May 15, make checks payable to UNL Extension-Knox County and send to:
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Extension in Knox County
PO Box 45
Center NE 68724
To register and pay by credit card, call 402-288-5611 Extension is a Division of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln cooperating with the Counties and the United States Department of Agriculture.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension educational programs abide with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.
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