Cook Your Way to Wellness
Maria Atwood, CNHP
Selene River Press
If you are looking for help making fermented foods, this is a good video. Colorado Springs chapter leader Maria Atwood demonstrates how to make a variety of ferments including kefir, whey, salsa, sauerkraut, beet kvass and kombucha—plus bone broth, butter, jerky and other things. She makes it all look easy although I’m pretty sure I could mess it up anyway.
If you have the kefir grains, which can be ordered from our Shopping Guide sources, and raw milk, kefir really is fairly easy. Salsa takes a little more work and more ingredients. The key to making butter is to know that the cream must be at room temperature or you will just get whipped cream. Atwood likes to use ice cube trays to make convenient butter lumps. It is also important to wash the butter or it will smell like … well, never mind what it will smell like. You will know if you didn’t wash it well enough.
Jerky is made from thin-sliced beef or buffalo that is salted and dehydrated. She recommends leaving the fat on, which is a good idea to balance the protein. That sounds simple enough.
Fermented grains are briefly covered toward the end followed by helpful tips for cleaning up the mess I would make. She must have known I would be watching. The thumb is UP.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2016
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