Tell House Cmte to Vote YES on SB 273, June 11th
Legalize Raw Milk Sales in Delaware
Senate Bill 273 (SB 273), “The Consumer Choice Milk Act” that would legalize raw milk sales for human consumption in Delaware, has passed out of the Senate and is now before the House Agriculture Committee; there will be a hearing Tuesday, June 11 at 10 a.m.
SB 273 would allow the sale of raw milk and raw milk products by dairy farmers who have obtained a permit from the state department of agriculture. Producers must include a warning statement on the labels of the raw milk and raw milk products and must have a similar warning on a sign posted at the point of sale. Producers are subject to inspection and must be in compliance with, among other things, testing, temperature, and training requirements issued through regulation by the Delaware Department of Agriculture.
1. Call and/or email members of the House Agriculture Committee asking that they vote YES on SB 273. It is especially important to contact a committee member if you are a constituent (see Contact Info after LINKS below). Talking Points listed below can be incorporated into your message.
To find your state representative, enter your address at:
You may copy/paste the following block of emails to contact all members of the committee:William.Carson@delaware.gov; william.bush@delaware.gov; Sherry.DorseyWalker@delaware.gov; kerrievelyn.harris@delaware.gov; Debra@DebraHeffernan.com; sean.matthews@Delaware.gov; stell.parkerselby@delaware.gov; Rich.Collins@delaware.gov; Timothy.Dukes@delaware.gov; Ronald.Gray@delaware.gov; Shannon.Morris@delaware.gov; Charles.Postles@delaware.gov; jesse.vanderwende@delaware.gov
2. Testify either in person or via zoom in favor of SB 273. You must register to testify; a link for registration is here. The hearing will take place on Tuesday, June 11th at 10 a.m. in the House Majority Hearing Room (H217) on the 2nd floor.
If you have questions about the process, see Public Participant Guide; to register, tap on “Register for Meeting” at https://legis.delaware.gov/MeetingNotice/33390
1. Delaware consumers have a legal right to drink raw milk; why should they have to go to a neighboring state to exercise that right? Delaware consumers want to be able to buy the foods of their choice from Delaware producers.
2. SB 273 could help farms in the state’s dairy industry remain in business. Ten years ago there were 44 Grade A dairies in the state; today there are 14. The dairy farms that remain need other sources of income to survive.
3. Raw milk has a good track record for safety. As demand for raw milk has skyrocketed in recent years, the number of illnesses attributed to raw milk consumption has remained flat or even gone down.
4. The media and public health agencies have been warning people not to drink raw milk because of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). There is no evidence that HPAI in raw milk or any other food can make people sick. [See Peg Coleman’s post, “Where Is the Evidence?”]
WAPF will send out further alerts on SB 273 as events warrant.
SB 273 –
Find Your Representatives –
House Ag Cmte –
Register for hearing –
House Ag Cmte video livestream –
Peg Coleman’s post – “Where Is the Evidence?”
CONTACT INFO – House Agriculture Committee Members
[Note that the legislative website does not show emails and phone numbers for all members; some emails were found through online search]
William J. Carson (District 28) – Chair
you can call Legislative Hall at 302-744-4351
William Bush (District 29) – Vice Chair
you can call Legislative Hall at 302-744-4351
Sherry Dorsey Walker (District 3)
you can call Legislative Hall at 302-744-4351
Kerri Evelyn Harris (District 32) – House Majority Whip
Debra Heffernan (District 6)
you can call Legislative Hall at 302-744-4351
Sean Matthews (District 10)
Stell Parker Selby (District 20)
you can call Legislative Hall at 302-744-4351
Richard G. Collins (District 41)
Timothy D. Dukes (District 40)
Ronald E. Gray (District 38)
Shannon Morris (District 30)
Charles S. Postles Jr. (District 33)
Jesse R. Vanderwende (District 35)
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