I hate to give away all my secrets. But it’s really no secret at all. If keto carnivore is your jam, and you are looking for something a bit more exotic (or cheaper) than ribeye, look no further than seared tongue. Read more about the background behind this recipe.
Recipe Moderator Notes: We recommend that all the animal products be 100% pasture-raised, and the salt be unrefined.
- 1 beef tongue
- salt
- bacon grease, lard, or fat of your choice
- 3-4 canoe cut marrow bones, 1 for each guest
- A day in advance, cover beef tongue with salt, place in a snug container and cover with water. Refrigerate overnight.
- Rinse beef tongue, place in a pot, add water to cover by a couple inches. Bring to a boil. Skim any foam that rises to the surface. Reduce heat to a simmer and cover pot. Let simmer for a couple of hours. Reserve skimmed broth for soup or other uses later in the week and remove tongue to a plate or cutting board. Let cool for about 10 minutes, until cool enough to handle, then peel the tongue.
- Meanwhile, place your marrow bones on a baking sheet under the broiler for 10 minutes.
- Heat the lard in a pan on medium heat. Slice tongue into strips, optionally season with salt, and sear in the pan for a couple of minutes on the first side and just a minute to warm through on the second side.
… coloque os ossos da medula em uma assadeira sob o frango !
Que ossos e qual frango?
Não entendi.
I translated your comment to English:
“”place the marrow bones in a roasting pan under the chicken!
Which bones and which chicken?
I didn’t understand””
She placed it under the oven “BROILER” not under a chicken.
love the translation! to help with the confusion: a broiler is a butchering chicken, but also the use of the top elements in an oven:)
Thank you for sharing your recipe. I’m excited to give it a try. Would you spread the marrow on the tongue slices?