Our Wise Traditions journal, podcast series, websites, social media presence, blogs, shopping guide, advocacy and research are possible because of people who become members and/or donate. In order to continue our educational efforts, and to expand in new ways, we’d like to increase our membership! Please help!
We’ve launched a flash membership drive from August 21 through August 31 where all new members will save $10; which means $30 for those in the U.S. and $40 for those in all other countries. Learn about what your membership contribution supports and join.
Members who give 3 gift memberships will have their membership renewed for another year complimentary. Just email us the 3 names!
Everyone who becomes a member or gives three gifts between August 21 and August 31 will be entered into a drawing where five people will be randomly chosen to receive a signed copy of Dr. Tom Cowan, MD and Sally Fallon Morell’s latest book The Contagion Myth, which will be released September 15.
We’d love you to share this action alert with those in your circle, and if you are currently a member, let them know why!
Again, join here!
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Vaccine expert confirms depopulation agenda