Quite a long time ago my friend Heidi asked about recipes for split pea soup/stew. I make this regularly and never use a recipe, so I was not very helpful in explaining the process. I might have said something like, “put your peas into some broth and add some sort of pork”. So, this week I was making it again, and I did document it. I do confess that every time I make this it is different. It’s more of a freestyle recipe–using different cuts of meat/smoked hock, ham, etc. But this one was a keeper. I hereby dedicate this to Heidi for being so patient in waiting for it to be published.
Note from Recipe Moderator:
As with most legumes, peas contain naturally occurring anti-nutrients and phytic acids that can make them difficult to digest. By soaking peas for several hours and then slow-cooking them, the vegetable proteins will become more digestible and the phytic acids will be neutralized, allowing the vitamins and minerals to be better absorbed. You can learn more about legumes and the soaking process in the article Putting the Polish on Those Humble Beans found in our Winter 2006 Wise Traditions Journal.
- 1 large fresh pasture-raised pork hock with skin on, about 1 ½ lb (What if I only have a smoked hock? See below.)
- 1 large onion, chopped large
- 2 heads (not cloves!) of garlic, peeled and smashed a bit (about ½ C. . . I know, it’s a lot!)
- ¼ C extra virgin olive oil
- 1 t ground cumin (or smashed in mortar/pestle preferred)
- 1 t ground coriander (again, smashed in mortar is awesome)
- 1 t dried thyme
- 2 t kosher salt
- ½ t coarsely ground pepper
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 3 bay leaves
- 6-8 C chicken broth (4 for the pork roast and 4 to use later for the peas)
- 1 lb dried split peas (2 C) [We recommend they be soaked in plain soft, filtered or spring water with a pinch of baking soda for 10 hours to neutralize phytic acid]
- Grated Romano cheese to garnish
What if all you have is a smoked hock? You don’t need to go through the extensive roasting process if your hock is already smoked. Simply slather it up with the oil, add the spices and sauté it with the onions and garlic. Then, follow the directions to cook the hock and proceed from there.
- Heat oven to 450F.
- Score the fresh hock with a sharp knife. You want to cut through that fat layer to help it release all of its porky goodness. (It may look like a turtle or a pineapple on a bad hair day after you are done. No worries.)
- In a casserole that has a lid, pile the onions and garlic on the bottom.
- Rub the hock with oil and add the cumin, coriander, thyme, salt and pepper.
- Place hock on top of the onions and garlic.
- Add 2 C of chicken broth
- Put hock and onions and broth in the casserole uncovered and cook until browned for about 20 minutes. Do not let the broth burn.
- Take out, turn hock upside down.
- Add 1-2 more C of broth, cinnamon and bay leaves.
- Reduce heat to 350F and cook for 45 minutes.
- Remove, turn hock over again. Add more broth if it is getting dry. Return to oven for 45 minutes.
- OK, I know this is taking a long time. You will need to add 2 more cups of broth and roast covered for another 30-45 minutes.
- Once your pork is done, remove it and shred it off the bone. Remove the fatty pieces, as you will probably not like them. Many people like the skin, however—especially if it is given a quick dice and flash in a frying pan to crisp up (save to sprinkle on top).
- Add the pork and all the good drippings into your pot. You will want 6 C of liquid in addition to your pork. Add more broth to make up that measure.
- Add the soaked split peas.
- Cook: conventional pot cooking 40-45 minutes or until the peas are to the desired consistency. Mr. Artifact likes his well-pulverized, so I always have to do more time to get them to his liking. Me? I like them identifiably al dente, but most people don’t like that.
- Remove bay leaves and cinnamon. Taste and adjust seasoning.
- To serve, ladle into bowls and top with some Romano cheese.
And, best part of this whole recipe is that it is better as leftovers and that it freezes great.
Thanks to Heidi for giving me a reason to commemorate this.
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Loved reading your recipe and the about you page😊 I would love to learn more about homesteading, what’s the best way to start?
Hi Naomi, glad you liked the recipe and page. I’d say the best way to start is to do some reading. There are literally thousands of homesteading resources. One classic book is The Self Sufficient Life and How to Live It by John Seymour. Enjoy!