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Nutrition and Behavior
Thursday, November 8
10:00-4:00 | Chapter Leader Meeting |
4:00-9:00 | Registration |
6:30-10:30 | Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense FundRaiser Dinner |
Friday, November 9
07:30-09:00 | Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense FundRAISER UNDERGROUND Breakin’ Fast! (not included in registration fee) |
07:00-07:45 | Gentle Yoga– Relax your body and prepare your mind for a day of learning. Wear clothing that allows you to move comfortably. All levels welcome. |
08:00-08:45 | Yoga-How to Sit Comfortably Good sitting alignment makes you physically relaxed, mentally alert, and able to engage with the world around you. We’ll look at the role of the feet, knees, hips, spine, and shoulders for sitting postures that are simultaneously dynamic and restful. |
07:00-06:30 | Registration |
10:00-12:00 | Track Lectures (see below) |
12:00-01:30 | Lunch and Visit Sponsoring Exhibits (menu) |
01:30-03:00 | Track Lectures (see below) |
03:00-03:30 | Visit Sponsoring Exhibits |
03:30-05:00 | Track Lectures (see below) |
06:30-08:00 | Buffet Dinner (menu) |
08:00-10:00 | Choice of Evening Activities (see below) |
Track I: NourishingTraditional Diets
09:00-12:00 | Seminar on Traditional Diets, Part I, Sally Fallon Morell, MA |
01:30-03:00 | Seminar on Traditional Diets, Part II, Sally Fallon Morell, MA |
03:30-05:00 | Seminar on Traditional Diets, Part III, Sally Fallon Morell, MA |
Track II: Gut and Psychology
10:00-12:00 | Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD |
01:30-03:00 | Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD |
03:30-05:00 | Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD |
Track III: Nutrition and Behavior
10:00-12:00 | Sugar Addiction: Defeating the Greatest Dietary Crisis of all Time , Julia Ross, MA |
01:30-03:00 | The Depression and Anxiety Epidemic: How, Why, and What Works Better Than Anti-depressant Drugs, Julia Ross, MA |
03:30-05:00 | Insomnia: The Impact and Cure of This 21st Century Menace, Julia Ross, MA |
Track IV: Science of Farming
10:00-12:00 | Urban Homesteading, Rachel Kaplan |
01:30-03:00 | Turning Sunlight Into Animal Products, Peter Ballerstedt, PhD |
03:30-05:00 | Growing Grassroots Excitement for Raw Milk Institute, Mark McAfee |
Track V: Cooking Track
10:00-12:00 | Fermented Foods, Sandor Katz |
01:30-03:00 | The Farmstead Meatsmith, Brandon Sheard |
03:30-05:00 | Kombucha & the Human Microbiome, Hannah Crum |
Evening Activities
Treating Diabetes | Nancy Herrick, Deborah Gordon |
Farm and Food Activism | Judith McGeary, Esq. |
Miracles of Magnetism | Dr. Dean Bonlie |
GMO Dangers | Don Huber |
Film – American Meat |
Saturday, November 10
06:00-06:45 | Gentle Yoga-Relax your body and prepare your mind for a day of learning. Wear clothing that allows you to move comfortably. All levels welcome. |
07:00-07:45 | Yoga-Relieve Neck and Shoulder Tension Learn simple and effective techniques you can do anytime, anywhere to release tight muscles in your jaw, neck and shoulders. |
07:30-08:30 | Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense FundRAISER UNDERGROUND Breakin’ Fast! (not included in registration fee) |
07:00-06:30 | Registration |
Plenary Session: Nutrition and Behavior
09:00-09:30 | Introduction to the Work of Weston A Price, Sally Fallon Morell, MA |
09:30-10:45 | Meat, Organs, Bones, and Skin: Nutrition for Mental Health, Chris Masterjohn, PhD |
11:00-12:15 | Mercury, Glutathione and Alzheimers, Steven Fowkes |
12:15-01:45 | Lunch and Visit Exhibits (menu) |
01:45-03:00 | The Gut, Brain and Skin Connection, Chris Kresser, L Ac |
03:15-04:30 | Alzheimers and Coconut Oil, Bruce Fife, ND |
04:30-06:00 | Visit Exhibits |
Alternate Session: Wellness Track
09:00-10:30 | The Role of Sugar Intolerance and Addiction in Chronic Illness, Part I, Theresa Vernon, L.Ac. |
10:30-10:45 | Morning Break |
10:45-12:15 | The Role of Sugar Intolerance and Addiction in Chronic Illness, Part II, Theresa Vernon, L.Ac. |
12:15-01:45 | Lunch and Visit Exhibits (menu) |
01:45-03:00 | Healing is Voltage, Part I, Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), MD(P) |
03:00-03:15 | Afternoon Break |
03:15-04:30 | Healing is Voltage, Part II, Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), MD(P) |
05:00-06:00 | Visit Exhibits |
Alternate Session: Farming Track
09:00-10:30 | Tara Firma Farms, Tara Smith | ||
10:30-10:45 | Morning Break | ||
10:45-12:15 | Chaffin Family Orchards, Chris Kerston | ||
12:15-01:45 | Lunch and Visit Exhibits (menu) | ||
Turning Sunshine into Online Solar Dollars, John Wood | ||
03:00-03:15 | Afternoon Break | ||
03:15-04:30 | Story of Organic Pastures Dairy, Mark McAfee | ||
05:00-06:00 | Visit Exhibits | ||
06:30-10:00 | Awards Banquet (menu) Keynote Address by Andrea Malmberg, Allan Savory Institute |
Sunday, November 11
06:00-06:45 | Gentle Yoga-Relax your body and prepare your mind for a day of learning. Wear clothing that allows you to move comfortably. All levels welcome. |
07:30-08:30 | Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense FundRAISER UNDERGROUND Breakin’ Fast! (not included in registration fee) |
07:00-07:45 | Yoga-Daily Activities: The Ease of Good Alignment Learning how to sit and stand well is nice. But what about cooking, gardening, moving boxes and milking cows? Try out some simple guidelines to maintain ease and even muscle tone when you’re being productive. |
07:30-05:30 | Registration |
09:00-10:20 | Track Lectures (see below) |
10:30-11:50 | Track Lectures (see below) |
11:50-01:30 | Brunch and Visit Exhibits (menu) |
01:30-02:50 | Track Lectures (see below) |
02:50-04:00 | Visit Exhibits |
04:00-05:20 | Track Lectures (see below) |
05:30-06:30 | Closing Ceremony: Jeffrey Smith |
Track I: The Frontiers of Science
09:00-10:20 | Dark Field Microscopy, Beverly Rubik, PhD |
10:30-11:50 | The Threefold Man or the Fourfold Man, Tom Cowan, MD |
01:30-02:50 | Muscle Testing, Biocom, Holly McClenahan |
04:00-05:20 | NAET, Ruth Mueller |
Track II: Nutrition and Behavior
09:00-10:20 | Gut, Mind and Homeopathy, Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA) |
10:30-11:50 | How to Fix a Broken Brain, Pam Killeen |
01:30-02:50 | ADHD-ing It Up: Nutrition, Lifestyle and the Gifts of ADHD-itude, Kaayla Daniel, PhD |
04:00-05:20 | Treating Schizophrenia and related conditions with the GAPS diet, Kim Schuette, CN, Certified GAPS Practitioner |
Track III: Native Ways
09:00-10:20 | Traditional Posture and Movement, Esther Gokhale, L Ac |
10:30-11:50 | Tending the Wild, Kat Anderson and Jennifer House (will not be recorded) |
01:30-02:50 | The Plants We Eat, Anore Jones |
04:00-05:20 | Indigenous Ways, Tamara Wilder |
Track IV: Wise Entrepreneurs
09:00-10:20 | Fermented Foods Business, Monica Ford |
10:30-11:50 | Dealer.com, Scott Bevins |
01:30-02:50 | Marketing with Facebook and Blogs, Ann Marie Michaels and panel |
04:00-05:20 | The Small, Farmstead Creamery-A Lifestyle Business, Gianaclis Caldwell |
Track V: Nutrition
09:00-10:20 | Nutritional Adjuncts to the Fat-Soluble Vitamins, Chris Masterjohn, PhD |
10:30-11:50 | Discovery of Zinc as an Essential Element for Human: Impact of zinc on health and disease, Ananda S Prasad, MD, PhD, MACN |
01:30-02:50 | Taurine, Stephanie Seneff, PhD |
04:00-05:20 | Magnesium Miracle, Carolyn Dean, MD, ND |
Monday, November 12
07:45-05:00 | Farm Tour with Kathy Kramer, CN |
08:00-12:00 | Posture and Movement, Esther Gokhale, L Ac |
12:00-4:00 | Posture and Movement, Kim Thompson |
08:00-04:00 | Nutrition Topics, Stephanie Seneff, PhD |
09:00-04:00 | Seven Days of Dinner, Jessica Prentice |
Gut, Mind and Homeopathy |