Behind the scenes, there is a battle raging over access to raw milk. You can protect your rights, and the rights of your kids and grandkids, to choose raw milk by supporting a unique campaign through the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA).
The SRA team, led by microbiologist and new RAWMI board member Peg Coleman, is engaged in battles that need grass roots support from you! Help us challenge the establishment and protect access to raw milk. Our work will expose the ‘Whole Truth’ about natural beneficial microbes, the milk microbiota, in a peer reviewed study in scientific terms, as well as understandable educational materials!
Please donate at any level and share this information with your community who also value access to safe, healthful raw milk. https://www.colemanscientific.org/blog/2018/12/13/launch-of-sra-whole-truth-whole-milk-campaign
Not ready to donate yet? Follow the campaign and Peg’s blogs for updates.
Thanks for supporting this campaign.
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I’m truly delighted to see this announcement – for the public in general and also for the following reason. I have a certain anthropological professor friend who essentially insists that every report coming out of the CDC (that claims raw milk is the most dangerous substance on the planet) is written impartially (according to the “clean hands” doctrine) and based solely on the highest standards of proven scientific methodologies and therefore implies that anyone who doesn’t avoid raw milk must be an idiot. “A peer reviewed study in scientific terms” is most welcomed! Maybe it can be seen by a few very well indoctrinated professors who then might be willing to reconsider their imposed mental conditioned.
If you are paying attention and not too brain damaged, you realize that the second amendment was put there precisely to address situations like this if necessary. In a Republic (we are NOT a democracy) one should not have to be on their knees begging for their rights. The entire purpose of a Republic is to protect the rights of the minority from the wishes of the majority.