Wise Traditions, Special Issue
Journal in PDF Format (12MB)
- Children’s Health:
- Moderrn Baby Books: Full of Bad Advice, Lisa-Bianco-Davis reviews the bad dietary advice in modern baby books
- FAQs on Homemade Formula, Marie Bishop, Sally Fallon and Mary Enig answer the questions parents have had
- Vaccinations: Parents’ Informed Choice, Lynne Born takes a clear-eyed look at the risks
- Gut and Psychology Syndrome Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride reveals the underlying causes of autism
- Vitamins for Fetal Development Chris Masterjohn shows how science vindicates Weston Price once again
- Traditional Remedies Sarah Pope describes non-toxic alternatives to antibiotics and over-the-counter drugs for childhood illnesses
- Women’s Health: Rethinking Reproductive Health, Katie Singer details the dangers of the contraceptive pill
- President’s Message: Our Highest Priority
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, PhD take on the Diet Dictocrats
- Know Your Fats: Mary Enig discusses vitamin A for fetal development
- Ask the Doctor: Tom Cowan on treating fevers in children
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Thumbs Up: The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson
- Food Feature: Jen Allbritton on feeding babies as they grow
- Soy Alert!: Bernard Poggi looks at the effects of phytoestrogens on male development
- A Campaign for Real Milk (on realmilk.com): Sally Fallon answers the question: Is mother’s milk sterile?
President’s Message: Our Highest Priority
by Sally Fallon
This issue is devoted to the subject of the optimal diet for children’s health, starting with the diet of the mother during pregnancy and then the feeding of the infant from birth. In these articles, we have attempted to answer the numerous queries and comments we receive on this subject–everything from how to mix up homemade baby formula to navigating through all the bad advice in the many books written on infant health.
We have often used the analogy of building a house to underscore the importance of optimal nutrition for the infant. A house that is spacious and strongly built will serve as a pleasant home for many, many years, even if the occupants are less than conscientious about the upkeep. And if such a house falls into disrepair because of poor maintenance, it can be brought back to good condition again with the proper attention. But a house that is poorly built may never be comfortable and will require constant maintenance just to keep it from falling down.
Most of us born after the Second World War live in the latter type of house; to be healthy we must pay very careful attention to our diets at all times. Our houses are constantly springing leaks–allergies, digestive problems, fatigue, etc. Those born before the Second World War when the food most Americans ate was of excellent quality, likely live in a body that is solidly build; these lucky individuals can indulge in junk food, at least for a time, without showing any signs of poor health, and if they are careful to eat a nutrient-dense traditional diet, can count on a long and healthy life.
Providing the information parents need to give their children their birthright of a healthy, well-built body is our number one priority at the Weston A. Price Foundation. The effort parents put into good nutrition for their children, starting even before conception, will return many blessings for the child, the parents and the generations to come.
Because we had so much material to include–not only on the subject of diet but also on the related themes of vaccinations and the dangers of drugs for contraception and fertility–we are not able to include some of our regular columns in this issue, and we have shortened our popular Letters and Caustic Commentary sections.
We hope to see many of you parents, grandparents and parents-to-be at Wise Traditions 2005, our 6th annual conference, November 11-13, 2005 at the beautiful Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, Virginia, close to Dulles International Airport. Registrations are already coming in and the paperwork for CEUs has been filed. For details on the conference, see page 18. See you there!
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Eve Richardson says
I want to order the Healthy Baby edition for a friend. Where can I find the order on your website?
Tim Boyd says
You can order that here – https://secure.westonaprice.org/CVWEB_WESTON/cgi-bin/msascartdll.dll/ProductInfo?productcd=J01