Wise Traditions, Volume 2, Number 1
- Modern Diseases
- What Causes Heart Disease?, Sally Fallon and Mary Enig present the non-PC theories
- The Lifestyle Heart Trial, Dr. Uffe Ravnskov discusses the Dr. Dean Ornish study
- Magnetic Therapy for Stroke, Dean Bonlie describes his pioneering treatment
- Health Issues
- The Invisible Toothbrush, Dr. Emmanuel Cheraskin on vitamin C and dental health
- Traditional Diets: Guts and Grease, Sally Fallon and Mary Enig examine the diet of native Americans
- From the Archives: Weston A. Price on fat-soluble vitamins
- President’s Message: Sacred Cows
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon and Mary Enig take on the Diet Dictocrats
- Ask the Doctor: Tom Cowan on a treatment for hypothyroidism
- Children’s Health: Mary Enig reveals the dangers of lowfat diets for children
- Farm & Ranch: Charles Walters discusses parity and profits in agriculture
- Soy Alert!: George Glasser recounts a sad story
- Food Feature: Venison, the all-American Meat (In the Kitchen with Mother Linda)
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Thumbs Up: The Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov
- Thumbs Up: The Diet Cure by Julia Ross
- A Campaign for Real Milk (on realmilk.com): Tim Wightman sets up a cow-share program in Wisconsin
President’s Message: Sacred Cows
by Sally Fallon
Spring is here–the time when cows go out to pasture and the butter turns bright yellow. Time for a celebration of the sacred cow, and also for a little housekeeping.
In this issue, we turn to dusting off a few sacred cows of establishment nutrition, and consigning to the trash bin those that have outlived their usefulness. First into the hopper is the sacred cow of the heart disease establishment–that animal fats cause CHD. We bring to your attention many valid theories that have been ignored, and present evidence that butterfat from pasture-fed cows offers excellent protection against America’s number-one killer. We then present Dr. Price’s interesting discussion of butterfat, how it varies in quality according to the location and season. Price looked forward to a research program that would explore the best ways to produce butter naturally high in fat-soluble activators. The twin-headed monster of confinement dairying and the lipid hypothesis put a temporary stop to Price’s vision–it’s time to throw out these old dinosaurs and get on track again.
We’ve tackled a few other sacred cows in this issue: the sacred cow that breast feeding is always best (see Dr. Price’s fascinating comments on Page 32); the sacred cow that hunter-gatherers ate a lowfat diet; and another sacred cow about native Americans, the one that insists they are lactose intolerant (see page 47). On page 25, Dr. Uffe Ravnskov takes on another sacred cow, the Lifestyle Heart Trial of Dr. Dean Ornish. See Caustic Commentary for a debunking of the myth that saturated fats cause multiple sclerosis; and Guy Schenker’s excellent letter, which strikes a blow at the golden calf of Hormone Replacement Therapy–that estrogen protects against bone loss. We’ve also presented some eyebrow-raising information on the treatment of stroke damage with magnets, and the value of vitamin C for dental health.
Then go to Tim Wightman’s encouraging report on page 64 and find out how he is helping farmers set up cow-share programs so that unprocessed milk from truly sacred cows–cows allowed to feed on fresh, green pasture–can be made available to the consumer almost anywhere in the US. Consumers are finally waking up to the importance of unprocessed milk from cows that eat fresh grass.
We hope to see as many of you as possible at Wise Traditions 2001, our yearly conference in Silver Spring, MD, held this year April 21-22. We have an excellent slate of speakers for the 21st and are planning a delicious lunch based on nourishing traditional principles.
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