Directed by Cade Prior
Produced by Noel Ostrosky
Executive Producers: Dean Brennan, Josh White and Paul Saladino
Much of the human race seems to be losing its capacity to reproduce. This is not just due to older generations neglecting to explain the birds and the bees to the younger generation. Along with the birds and the bees, they should have explained how to eat if one wants to see any babies in one’s future. This video, available on YouTube, provides a quick, basic tutorial.
Some of the video’s stars were vegans who could not get pregnant. As soon as they converted (for some it was almost a religious experience) to more nutrient-dense, animal-based foods, they began reproducing like rabbits. In addition to proper diet, it is a good idea to avoid drugs and other toxic stuff polluting our world today. The estrogen-mimic substances in plastic could be a major problem. Of course, breastfeeding is the best option. Stay away from commercial formulas and industrial seed oils.
The video shows a couple of placentas—one from a vegan and one from a proper omnivore. The vegan one is calcified and pale compared to the healthy darker placenta. They both looked a little gross to me, but that is just a dumb guy perspective. Be that as it may, the midwife and doula were horrified with the clear physical evidence of what a vegan diet can do to a baby. The thumb is UP.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2023
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