Do you see exercise as punishment for food you ate? Do you diet to make your body conform to someone else’s idea of what it should look like? Strength coach and nutritional therapist Steph Gaudreau used to live like that, too, but she’s developed some tools to break free from unhealthy relationships with movement and food. Today, she walks us through the four core pillars that have helped her shift her mindset and live her best life. We discuss what it looks like to honor our bio-individuality, how strength training helps the mind and the body, how to recharge without caffeine or sugar, and how to change our approach to health living. The idea is to develop a relationship with food and our bodies that is free and joyful, rather than punitive or restrictive.
Highlights from the conversation include:
- what a fresh approach to holistic, whole body movement entails
- how the “eat less, move more” emphasis is not health-promoting
- how health is not a destination, but a tool to living a good life
- the importance of bio-individuality.
- how having foods you say “yes” and “no” to forever is very restricting
- the tool of asking yourself “Is this food special?”
- how to listen to your body and know your “triggers”
- how to develop a more positive body image by focusing on what your body can do
- how to use posture and breath
- the confidence that comes from strength training
- how sleep is restorative but how we also need to de-stress during the other 2/3 of our day
- alternatives to caffeine and sugar for recharging
- how shifting our mindset is a life-long process, that starts with awareness
Steph’s website – https://www.stephgaudreau.com/
Brene Brown’s Ted Talk on vulnerability – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCvmsMzlF7o
Byron Katie – mental cleanse – http://thework.com/en
Dallas Hartwig – life coaching – https://dallashartwig.com
Carol Dweck – Fixed mindset – https://mindsetonline.com/whatisit/about/
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