Discover the benefits of eating a low-carb, high-fat diet for health and weight loss. Learn why we don’t need to wear a mental illness label for life. And find out why there’s no such thing as a “safe vaccine.” These three topics are featured in our end-of-year “Best of 2018” episode!
We have taken excerpts from our three most popular Wise Traditions episodes of the year. Professor Tim Noakes explains why he is an outspoken advocate of the Banting diet (LCHF), even though it got him into some legal hot water in South Africa. Holistic psychiatrist Kelly Brogan discusses why depression is a symptom, pointing to an imbalance in the body. And holistic physician Tom Cowan describes the risks inherent to vaccination.
To listen to the episodes in their entirety, check out:
#121 “Low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet on trial” w/ Professor Tim Noakes
#122 “Depression: a symptom, not a disease” w/ Dr. Kelly Brogan
#149 “The vaccine trade-off” w/ Dr. Tom Cowan
For the highlights of each conversation, go to the show notes for each individual episode listed above.
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Hi Hilda,
I have been listening to your podcasts and admire your intelligent questions.
I’m hoping you can help guide me on my journey. I have stubborn psoriasis that has not responded to creams, salves, steroids, light therapy, etc. When I asked what else can we do the doctors shrugged.
Through my research the past few days I have come to understand that there are “biologics” and since 2002 they have been available in prescription form. These biologics are treatments which are usually successful. I have never been offered these biologics.
I also know the group of genes IL-37 (a group of inflammatory proteins) is the known culprit. A few people also have the IL1RL2 Gene that prevents the IL-37 from expressing. So it is targetted, I believe, in these biologics.
My problem arose after being on high dose steroids. I have learned recently that the doctors took me off too quickly and psoriasis is one of the side-effects from not tapering off slowly. So can the damage from the steroids be reversed and can the gene IL-37 go back to a state of dormancy (non-expression) and how would that happen?
Can you point me to someone to talk to try to figure out how to stop IL-37 from expressing.? Of course, I would like the agent that does this to be found in food or ingesting some kind of mimicry (herb, oil etc) of IL1RL2 rather than taking the medications?
Hannele Davidson