We have lost the ability to think for ourselves when food is concerned. We’re the only animal on the planet that hires nutritionists and dieticians to tell us how to eat. But we’re the sickest species on the planet. Something’s wrong. And Dr. Bill Schindler wants to right that wrong. On today’s episode, Bill, professor of anthropology and archaeology at Washington College, and the director of the Eastern Shore Food Lab, walks us through 3+ million years of diet history to help us get a handle on what our ancestors ate. As we learn about the tools they used and which foods provided the most nutrients, we gain insights into how we can eat and live better today.
Bill describes what main foods were part of the primitive diet, how the diet shifted over time, how the dietary needs of the past compare to ours today, how our ancestors extracted the most nutrients from the raw food they hunted or gathered, and the importance of getting back in touch with our food.
Highlights from the conversation include:
- how participating in the National Geographic series “The Great Human Race” gave Bill perspective on just how our ancestors lived
- how just two rocks changed human dietary history and removed limitations for our ancient ancestors
- why buying a whole chicken is more healthier and more sustainable
- how ancient food technologies (like fire and rock flakes) and dietary food shifts over time changed the primitive human form
- what food processing strategies aid in extracting the most nutrients from the raw food materials hunted/gathered
- how we “pull back the nutritional veil” and focus on the importance of getting in touch with what we eat
- how our dietary needs of the past link to our dietary needs today
- the two obstacles/limitations the human race has dealt with in relation to food and overall survival
- why we as humans need the use of outside mechanisms to help us get the most from our foods versus how other animals in nature do
- how our relationship with animals about 2 million years ago can inspire us today
- before the use of food technologies, the main foods that made up the primitive human diet
YouTube –
NatGeo “The Great Human Race”, Episode 1 – https://youtu.be/FBjVXPoBCZU
“Nose 2 Tail Eating” Interview on RTE (Irish) – https://youtu.be/YY1P8P5nlRc
“Overview of the Eastern Shore Food Lab” – https://youtu.be/RfzPj3iE_Bs
Eastern Shore Food Lab at Washington College – https://www.washcoll.edu/departments/eastern-shore-food-lab/about-the-lab/
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I believe there is no evidence suggesting the earth is more than 6000 years old as the Bible shows and evolution is a fairy tale for grownups. Jacob and Esau contrast hunter gatherer with wise management of livestock.