Unfortunately, traditional fats have been replaced in many kitchens by “heart healthy” processed oils and spreads. Today, Sally Fallon Morell, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, explains how detrimental this is for our health. She discusses who is behind this push and why. She busts the myth that high cholesterol has a role in chronic illness and heart disease. She helps us understand why we actually need cholesterol in our diet, how the food we consume does not affect the cholesterol in our bloodstream, and why statins are not the answer for avoiding heart disease. Sally goes deep and wide, examining the flawed research that has led us to where we are today and making a strong case for why we should embrace traditional fats like butter, lard, and tallow, rather than demonizing them.
Highlights from the conversation include:
- Why traditional fats have been demonized
- Who is behind the push to have us switch our fats and their motivation for having us do so
- How LDL cholesterol is even more protective than the HDL cholesterol we are taught about
- The many side effects of statin drugs and how doctors make up for the numbers of patients that stop taking them
- How the Framingham Study helped the marketing of margarine and vegetable oils
- Why “junk science” is given more credit than the real cause especially in the case of animal fats
- The many functions of cholesterol inside the body to help us heal from the inside out
- How the idea of “the longer the shelf life the shorter your own life” saying mirrors the nature of processed fats and oils in our bodies
- The health benefits of Arachidonic Acid
- Why animal fats are beneficial to mental health, especially for our chldren
- How the 1913 Story of Crisco book “pushed the buttons” of the modern American woman
- Why heart disease still increases even with low saturated fat consumption
- The main reason why our seniors require more cholesterol in their diets
The Oiling of America – Sally’s Entire Talk
Ask a Patient website – to look at various medicine side effects
Know your Fats – The Skinny on Fats (Article)
Our Seniors: A Dumping Ground for Drugs (Article)
Book by Sally Fallon Morrell

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