For decades we’ve been told that fluoridation of water helps prevent cavities, but science doesn’t support that claim. As a matter of fact, fluoride is a waste product that is so toxic it is not allowed to be dumped in our landfills, and yet somehow it is routinely added to our water supply. Today, Integrative Biological Dentist Dr. Griffin Cole explains the history of water fluoridation and how this practice is negatively impacting our health. Systemic fluoride interferes with our hormone balance, the thyroid, kidneys, and more. He also explains how we can personally avoid fluoride in our diets and the water, and how to defend our rights to clean, fluoride-free water in our communities.
Highlights of the conversation include:
- the problem with fluoridation in the water
- how fluoride was a waste product of the metal and fertilizer industry
- the reason fluoride cannot be dumped in landfills
- the difference between topical fluoride application (in toothpaste, for example) and systemic fluoridation
- how fluoride negatively affects the thyroid, pineal gland and hormones, kidney function and glucose levels, the endocrine system, bones and teeth
- fluoride’s connection to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan
- 65% of adolescents have fluorosis of the teeth from too much fluoride (a visible sign of an often invisible consequence of fluoridation)
- how fluorisis affects teeth cosmetically and structurally
- approximately 75% of all municipalities in the US have fluoridated water
- fluoride is a neurotoxin, affecting mental function and IQ
- how to protect yourself from fluoride in the water supply
- how Europe does not fluoridate their water & still has low tooth decay rates
- how the ADA (American Dental Association) has restricted access to fluoride facts on their website
Fluoride action network – fluoridealert.org
Video “Poison horses”
Video “Fluoride gate”
Links to multiple studies on water fluoridation

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