For the health conscious, choosing a wine can be problematic. Are there “clean” wines for those who like to eat “clean?” What difference does alcohol content make? How do we decide between “natural” and “organic” wines? How can we avoid additives? Which are the best brands? Is it smart to even drink alcohol in the first place, when you are pursuing a healthy lifestyle?
With 15 years of experience in the wine industry, Todd White, the founder of Dry Farm Wines, educates us about the wine industry, while answering these questions. He shares the industry’s dirty little secrets related to labeling, alcohol content, and what’s really put into the products. He explains that the label “organic,” for example, does not necessarily mean that the wine is additive-free. He goes over which additives cause headaches and are actually toxic to our bodies. And he offers suggestions for how healthy people can choose the best wine.
Highlights from the conversation include:
– how the FDA has approved 76 additives in wine, four of which are toxic
– why wine, even though it’s a food product, has no ingredient label on it
– how 52% of US manufactured wine is made by only 3 large companies,
and 70% of all the wine in the US is made by the top 30 companies.
– how the quality of the soil the grapes are grown in affects the quality of the wine
– how natural wine growers use naturally occurring yeast
– why industrial wine makers use sulphur dioxide and GM grown commercial yeast instead
– why most winemakers prefer to produce a wine that is high in alcohol
– alcohol is actually a neurotoxin and is a domino drug and an addictive drug
– why beer is problematic: it’s loaded with maltose sugar which converts into fat in the liver
– why wine companies are allowed to mislabel the alcohol content of their wines
– how the label “organic” doesn’t mean that it’s additive-free
– organic wines can still be high in biogenetic amines, tyramine, and histamine
– added sulphur dioxide sterilizes the wine and can have damaging effects on gut bacteria
– in general, seek out natural wines and those w/ lower alcohol content
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