In the 1970s, President Nixon declared a war on cancer. Fifty years and trillions of dollars later, we are no closer to winning it. We haven’t completely understood what causes it, and consequently, our approach to treating it has been overwhelmingly ineffective.
Dr. Tom Cowan is a holistic physician and the author of “Cancer and the New Biology of Water.” On today’s podcast, part one of a two-part series, Tom offers his theory on what causes cancer in the first place. He unpacks how cancer develops–diving into the science of cell structure, spatial orientation, balance of sodium and potassium ions, and more. He contrasts healthy cell function with cancerous cells. Overall, he makes a strong case for a new understanding of cancer and how to fight it. And he shares practical ideas for how to nurture cellular and overall health.
Highlights from the conversation include:
- How in 1971, when President Nixon declared the war on cancer, 1 out of 7 people would be diagnosed with this disease. Today, it is roughly 1 out of 2 or 1 out of 3.
- How the fight against cancer is the second biggest project humankind has ever undertaken, second only to war, in terms of scope
- How only 3% of current oncology treatments have anything to do with Oncogenes
- Why the somatic mutation theory is flawed
- Studies show present therapies (especially chemotherapy) are mostly ineffective for stage 3 or 4 cancers
- Why Dr. Cowan tackles the subject of cancer, though he’s not an oncologist
- How cells are made up of the cytoplasm and nucleus
- How from peer-reviewed studies, it’s clear that the core of the problem is in the cytoplasm, not the nucleus
- What characterizes a tumor and its growth
- The importance of a “halo-like” negative charge around cells
- Where the negative charge comes from: water forms a crystalline gel that attaches to potassium and excludes sodium, which creates the charge
- How we live in a sodium-rich environment but our cells are low on sodium & high in potassium
- How being connected to people, sunshine, and the earth works to keep the crystalline gel intact
- Why we should avoid non-native electro magnetic fields (wireless radiation, dirty electricity, etc.) to keep our cells functioning properly
- How we must stay connected to the sun and the earth to live a healthy life
Dr. Cowan’s website: Fourfoldhealing.com
Dr. Cowan’s latest book: “Cancer and the New Biology of Water”

Years ago, I learned about clustered water. and I scould buy it at great expense through MLM. Later I rab across John Ellis water machine, which allows me to make my own clustered water, hubby had a cow that I spent $1700 on it, but I put 15 gallons of this water down our sulfur stinky well, and left it a few days and hubby had to pump it out while I was gone at work. Out came grey water for soe time, but eventually (hours) it came clean and the stink was gone, and so all these years, 17, our well is still clean and our water is drinkable. SO this water not only absorbs better in our cells, but it also seems to clean the water moving intonour well all the time.
Be that as it may, we also need the 90 essential nurtients (Dead Doctors Don’t Lie, Joel Wallach, )and because of soil minerals losses and then in the 70’s soil mineral binding from Round Up, our farm soils are down to 85% deficient (last checked in 1994.) so HOW do we expect to get our nutrients in such soils? This is why I take my supplements. And try to grow my own. soilminerals.com is a resource for education. There are some articles about William Albrecht and Weston Price on there. And he doesn’t point it out on the site but, dolomite is a good cheap source of calcium and magnesium and calcium limestone is a source of calcium and 60 minerals to supplement your garden. These will help your plants absorb their minerals and make their vitamins from them.
As fascinating as this talk was , I was very disappointed all he had to say to help our bodies prevent or fight cancer was get rid of 5G. I’m no fan of 5G, but we have no practical power over getting rid of it. The New World Order magnates are putting it in whether we like itnor not. It is more useful to tell us get our 90 essential nutriente and our clustered water and eat organic foods, and grow organic foods, and make our own foods, and stay off PUFA oils, and eat more real saturated fat from our own farmed eggs or other small livestock, get your meat animals on green pasture, as they will then MAKE you vitamin K2 in their livers and store it in their fat and skin, (true, my chickens and rabbits have neon yellow fat and some skin( certain chicken bloodlines stay white skinned, but the fat still gets neon yellow). Cow milk get very yellow and goat milk gets light yellow with K2. There are scads of ways to prevent cancer. I helped a 70 yr old lady overcome cancer with the 90 nutrients while she was taking chemo and the chemo almost killed her.