Egg yolks are in; breakfast cereals are out. Raw milk is nature’s perfect food. Vaccines include ingredients that pose a risk to our health & information on this topic is subject to censorship. Nutrition support is available for those who struggle with substance abuse.
Sally Fallon Morell, the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, reviews the quarterly Wise Traditions winter journal, expounding on a variety of topics with quite a different perspective than you’ll find most anywhere. Today, among other things, she explains how the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous once wanted to offer nutritional counseling at AA meetings. She reviews what foods especially can help those struggling with substance abuse, including egg yolks and bone broth. She goes into why the media doesn’t cover much in the way of vaccination risks. And she reviews why raw milk is so beneficial and why the China Study got it wrong.
Highlights from the conversation include:
- How dairy farms go out of business at the rate of 16 per week in the U.S.
- The reason Europe is losing 4000 farms per year (it has to do with climate change laws)
- The real concern that Europe may not even be able to feed itself in the future
- Breakfast cereals are the most profitable food item in the world
- Trends in breakfast cereals
- How to help alcoholics and those with substance abuse tendencies
- The importance of eliminating processed foods and sugars & nourishing the body well
- How Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, toward the end of his life, started experimenting with diet to stabilize his cravings
- How he proposed to the AA board that they offer nutritional counseling at AA meetings
- The value of egg yolks and bone broth in the diet for those with alcohol abuse issues
- What to drink instead of alcohol
- Benefits of zinc, B6, and manganese for those who need dietary support
- How homeopathy is under attack
- How pharmaceutical companies got indemnity when it comes to vaccines
- Why we don’t get much information on the risks associated with vaccination
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is going to be a keynote speaker at the Wise Traditions Conference
- How the Weston A. Price Foundation gets out information to lift up vaccine awareness
- A 2019 study from China: how milk proteins are affected by boiling, microwaving, spray drying and freeze drying
- How in the “China Study” rats given powdered milk got cancer
- The economics of raw milk: not illegal to purchase, but illegal to sell it in some places
Sally Fallon Morell’s blog website: https://nourishingtraditions.com
Become a member: https://www.westonaprice.org/why-join/
American’s for Homeopathy Choice: https://homeopathychoice.org
WAPF Vaccination Page: https://www.westonaprice.org/vaccinations/
Campaign for Real milk: https://www.realmilk.com

Timely Sally! Hilda! Keep us informed!
I have just bought a Freeze dryer for the purpose of storing food long term. People have been saying that the Freeze dried food keep its nutrients for up to 25 to 30 years. I have also been following Westin A Price foundation for a long time. In the rush of it all I bought a very expensive Freeze dryer. The other day I was looking at how some candy that we freeze dried puffed up and it dawn on me….This works on freezing and low pressure to remove the water from the food. I all of a sudden thought of High heat and high pressure foods such as extrusion making puft destroyed food from the store. Does anyone have any information on how Freeze dryers affect our food? I would be so appreciative as I have been giving my kids things like the freeze dried apples and fruits.