There is lots of controversy and discussion on the topic of vaccination these days—some touting their benefits and others, their risks. Cilla Whatcott stays above the fray. She is not interested in being a part of any camp, but rather wants to empower parents and health care professionals about their choices, by educating them about homeopathy and homeoprophylaxis (HP). In today’s episode, you will become familiar with this safe alternative to vaccination. Some call HP the “green vaccine” because it does not cause harm but rather provides natural protection against disease. The goal of homeopathy is to educate the immune system and to help the body rediscover how to heal itself. Homeopathy combats chronic health issues including recurring ear infections, asthma, coughs, and more.
Cilla has a PhD in homeopathy, which she pursued after her one year-old daughter became ill with aseptic meningitis. She is the Director of Worldwide Choice and is a strong advocate for health care options.
When Cilla Whatcott’s one year-old daughter had a severe reaction to a vaccine, Cilla took her back to the doctor. After some tests, her daughter, Lily, was diagnosed with aseptic meningitis. The pediatrician did not associate the illness with the vaccine, so Cilla began to investigate alternative therapies to restore her daughter’s health and to protect all of her children from sickness and disease.
This led her to homeopathy and homeoprophylaxis. Cilla now has a PhD in homeopathy and she is the author of several books on the subject. The goal of homeopathy is to educate the immune system and to help the body rediscover how to heal itself. Homeopathy combats chronic health issues including recurring ear infections, asthma, coughs, and more. Homeoprophylaxis (HP) offers natural protection against diseases, so some tout it as the “green vaccine.”
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
- how HP differs from vaccines (one way is that HP does not cause harm)
- the many places in the world HP is being used successfully to protect against disease
- the definition of homeopathy
- the FDA’s stance on homeopathy
- studies are being conducted which indicate the efficacy of HP
- the difference between HP and essential oils
- stories of how homeopathy combats chronic issues (like asthma, coughs, recurring ear infections, etc.)
- how parents are pushing for HP as they seek alternative therapies to preserve their children’s health
- how Worldwide Choice sponsors conference to familiarize medical professionals (and all of us) with the research, theory, and results of HP
There Is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis by Cilla Whatcott
The Solution – Homeoprophylaxis by Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott
Worldwidechoice.org – Worldwide Choice website
Worldwidechoice.org/conference – Details on conference October 7-9, 2016, St. Petersburg, Florida (Use code: WAPF for registration discount)
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