Binders escort toxins out of the body. Pine gum is an ancient remedy for parasites. Seed oils are to be avoided in our children’s diet. Eating less meat will not help the environment. Children’s Health Defense is an advocacy group committed to protecting our children on multiple levels.
These are some of the topics highlighted in today’s supersode. It’s bonus content that has not been previously published, with insights from guests we’ve featured in recent months. You’ll hear from Adam Parker, Vani Hari, Judith Schwartz, Laura Villanti, and Mary Holland. And you’ll be empowered to detox, improve your diet, and find resources for healthy living for you and your family.
Check out our guests’ websites:
Adam Parker –
Vani Hari –
Judith Schwartz –
Laura Villanti –
Mary Holland –
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(and use the code Pod10 for a $10 discount)
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.Welcome to the fall supersode. It’s a different kind of episode with not one but five guests who share brief insights with you that we didn’t get a chance to squeeze into the fall episode that we published with them. I call them power-packed and even nutrient-densed. There are no ads in this episode either. That’s one reason we’re calling this a supersode. Plus, supersode just sounds fun and cool. This is Episode 450 and out guests are Adam Parker, Vani Hari, Judith Schwartz, Laura Villanti, and Mary Holland.
At the top of each segment, I’ll let you know who the guest is, what they focus on, and where you can find the entire episode. Enjoy. By the way, we do many sodes like this on a regular basis and we post them in the Members Only space on our website. It’s one of the perks of being a Weston A. Price Foundation member along with their quarterly journal. You can join now at Weston A. Price and use the code Pod10 to do so for only $30 a year. Membership means you support our mission of research, education, and activism and initiatives like this show. Thank you for becoming a member. Again, it’s only $30 with the code Pod10. Go to Weston A. Price and welcome to the family.
First stop is Adam Parker from The Ideal Day Podcast. Adam was featured on Episode 444 called How (And Why) To Detox. In this brief minisode, Adam gets specific about binders and their role in helping the body rid itself of unwanted toxins.
Welcome to the minisode, Adam.
It’s an absolute pleasure to be on the minisode.
You referred to binders toward the end of our detoxing interview, and I wanted you to go a little bit more in-depth. As I understand them, they’re almost like escorts that help certain things out of the body. They take the hand off the heavy metal or the particular chemical you’re trying to get rid of and escort it out. Is that right?
Yes, binders are substances that go into our bodies. They will bind onto heavy metals, plastics, and all these different chemicals that we end up accumulating in our bodies and escort them out of the body. There are different binders for different types of toxins. Some binders are for the guts. Due to the size of the molecular structure, they don’t leave the guts.
An example is bentonite clay. Bentonite clay was referenced a lot by Weston A. Price on his tours around the world. Bentonite clay is an amazing binder. What’s also special about bentonite is it has a process called ketonic exchange, where it gives you minerals and pulls out the heavy metals. That’s a good binder, but then we have toxicity all through the body. We can accumulate it in all the fat tissues in the body, especially the brain.
You can get products like Nano-Zeolite products, which are able to bypass and go through the digestive tract, go around the body, grab onto those toxins, and safely escort them out through the stool. Binders are useful because as we are doing detoxification processes, we are rustling up these toxins. We need the detox pathway to be open so they can escape, but we also want to get them out as quickly as possible. That’s why we use binders to assist in that process.
If you don’t use binders, does it simply slow down the process or make it dangerous?
It will slow down the process, and depending on what you’re doing, it could make it dangerous. By dangerous, you’re not going to feel great. You’re going to feel like you’ve been hit by a bus or you’ve got the flu. It’s those types of symptoms. A Herxheimer reaction is flu-like symptoms. You’re like, “I feel terrible.”
We want to make sure that if we are pulling these toxins from wherever they’ve been resting. Sometimes, for years, we want to make sure that they don’t redistribute and land somewhere else. Drinking water helps with that process, but we can aid in that assistance by taking binders to grab them, and it’s by electrical charge. Binders are negatively charged, and toxins are positively charged. They bind together, locked in, and they become inert. They can no longer do what they had previously done, and there’s only one solution. That’s making their way out through the body out through the stool.
Are there certain binders that you were like, “I don’t want to play with that one because it’s too potent or doesn’t have a good reputation?”
There are many binders. As I said, certain binders are better for binding certain things. The worst case scenario with a binder is you take too much, and it gives you constipation. There’s not going to be a scenario where it does damage. It’s going to back you up and block you up. Hence, the detox pathway is open before we start binding. When we’re taking the binders, we ease into it. We see how the body feels. “How is it impacting my bowel movements?” for example. Some of the nano-sized binders are literally water. You’re spraying water in your mouth because they’re so small. They’re suspended in water. There’s no real challenge there with constipation, but activated charcoal and bentonite clay, if taken too much, can cause you constipation.
It’s understanding your body. Everyone’s different. For example, with bentonite clay, if you have diarrhea, you can drink the whole thing. You can drink the sediment that falls to the bottom end of the water. Whereas, for me, normally, I’ll shake up the bentonite clay, it will settle overnight, and I’ll drink the milky water. If I were to drink the sediment, it might give me a little bit of constipation, but I don’t have diarrhea.
It varies upon what’s going on with you at that moment and how your body responds to it. As I said, the worst case is a bit of constipation. The best case is you avoid any of these uncomfortable Herxheimer reactions that you can get, which is part of the deal with detox. You will feel a bit off at times, but you offset that massively when you use minerals, as we said, and binders to bind up those toxins.
You offset that feeling and also, as you were saying, avoid the resettling of whatever you’re trying to get out of the body into some other organ or some other part of your body. You’re helping expedite the exit of what’s unwanted in the body. Thanks for being a part of the minisode. We appreciate you so much, Adam.
Thank you, Hilda. It’s been a pleasure.
Welcome to the minisode, Vani.
Thank you so much for having me.
We touched on a few of the ten most terrible ingredients to avoid for your children’s diet. Give us a few more. In the main episode, we touched on MSG additives, food colorings, and dyes, and number one was refined sugar. What else should we be on the lookout for?
This is the main staple of a traditional lifestyle, and that is the oils that you are using. A lot of the oils that are in the majority of foods you would buy at a restaurant or in processed foods have been genetically engineered to withstand heavy doses of Roundup, which is unfortunate because Roundup contains a chemical called glyphosate.
Glyphosate is now been implicated to cause cancer in several court cases across the United States. This is something you want to avoid in your diet. Also, the way these oils are produced, and I’m talking about corn, soy, and canola, these main oils are produced in a way that they are deodorized. There are tons of chemical solvents like hexane that are used to extract the oils. Hexane is something that is considered a carcinogen but is also not regulated by the FDA to determine how much hexane residue remains in a lot of these oils. That’s very concerning.
Hexane is considered a carcinogen but not regulated by the FDA to determine how much hexane residue remains in most of these oils.
I would say so.
Not to mention that because of the fact that they’ve been so processed, any health quality has been virtually eliminated. They taste good when you fry things in them and have a very mild flavor, but that’s because there’s nothing left in them. When they enter the body, that’s when it’s linked to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
Now, they’re saying that things that are high in linoleic acid, which is linoleic acid is very high in corn, soy, and canola oils, even in chicken that’s fed GMO, corn, and soy. Linoleic acid can be high in chicken. It’s that way, too. Linoleic acid can also be linked to cancer and turning on your cancer cells. This is something that we want to avoid in our children’s diets. We want to feed them grass-fed butter.
When I think about the main thing my kids are eating on top of their vegetables and in their food when I’m baking things, I’m using grass-fed butter. There are so many amazing rich vitamin A and other fat-building properties in terms of helping their brain generate. It is one of the best things that you could give your child. When I think of a child who doesn’t like vegetables, I’m thinking about the person who’s probably making vegetables that don’t taste good. When you add butter to vegetables, that’s delicious. A little Redman sea salt and with all the added minerals in there, it’s delicious. You can make any vegetable under the sun, use those two ingredients, and they can taste good.
It’s true. Sally Fallon Morell sometimes says, “Vegetable’s main reason for existence is as a vehicle for butter.” The thing about those oils, as you said, is that they’re linked to cancer. I’ve read a stat that said that there’s a huge increase in cancer in young adults. Scientists are puzzled as to why this is. The answer could be in those oils. Thank you for taking a little bit of extra time with us. We appreciate it.
Thank you so much, Hilda.
Welcome to the minisode, Judith.
Good to see you.
One thing we didn’t get to talk about in the full interview was this push to save the planet by eating less meat. If that’s not the best way to save the planet, do you have a better idea?
First of all, the implication that we need to eat less meat suggests that we need to have fewer animals on the land, whereas I say the opposite. We need more wildlife. We need more animals. If they’re domestic animals, we need to have those animals managed well and holistically, but we need more life. The more I explore, the more the animals will heal the landscape if we work with them and/or if we let them. Animals help the water cycle and the nutrient cycle. I would say more life.
It is the opposite. Alan Savory also says, “The animals are our only hope.” Why can’t we do the things that they do? Maybe we’ve tried, and it hasn’t worked out that well.
Every animal has a different way of being, a different role in the landscape, and a different set of knowledge and intelligence in relation to the landscape. It’s best that we be humble and honor what other species can do and can teach us.
Be humble and honor what other species can do and can teach us.
It is the very story you were saying in the full interview about the donkey. The donkey was addressing different things and doing different functions to the landscape than the cattle were. Donkeys were needed even if some perceived them as a nuisance. When we think, “We can do one thing. Put these chemicals here and tell the soil like that,” it’s not as diverse as what the animals bring to the table. Thank you so much, Judith. It has been a pleasure chatting with you.
Thank you.
Welcome to the minisode, Laura.
I’m so excited to share this detailed topic.
We didn’t get to it in the main interview, but I want to know about biofilm, and you said rope worm.
There are so many different types of parasites. We’ve heard of roundworms, flukes, and tapeworms, but in the last couple of years, there was much more aware of what is being called a rope worm. Some say it’s a parasite and some say it’s not a parasite. It’s not technically a parasite. However, the stuff that leaves the body sure looks like it could be a parasite, so people want to call it a parasite. We’ll call it a rope worm because that’s what it’s being called, but it is also a biofilm.
It is not technically one. It’s very common. I can’t give you numbers, but I don’t know if I could say 80% of us might have some biofilm going in us. When it’s been DNA tested, it’s a very sticky mucus-like substance that when it comes out, sometimes, if people do coffee enemas, they could maybe see some of this. I had mentioned that the particular herb, mimosa pudica, is exceptional for helping to release this biofilm, but when they’ve done DNA testing, they have found it has viral, lime, and bacterial components. All of those in it. It’s not one thing.
It is a community of these organisms, part viral, lime, and bacterial that have learned to live together in this mucus-like substance, and it can move throughout the body. You can even hold parasitic eggs in there. It’s a mucus-like substance of all of this. It does impact health. Many know autism, and I did not say that before, but autism is also an area where we commonly find parasites play a very big role.
Lessening this biofilm load or rope worm load brings dramatic help and health benefits for many. It could be just lime or dealing with autism, seizures, or any number of things. One Herb is an exceptional herb for it. What I’ll also share is an advanced enema protocol. This is for the advanced folks who want to go further.
Professor Gubarev first discovered this. He first identified these rope worms many years ago. Professor Alex Wolinski of Florida also does a lot of research on it. There are a few protocols. You would look up the names Gubarev and Wolinski. Read about these because you’re going to read and learn for yourself. It’s going to take great thought and some preparation to do these protocols where you are retaining some things. As I shared before, dairy is a big deal when it comes to parasites.
Dairy can even be used to tease the parasites out of the tissues and pull them into the gut. Come back out of that heart, come out of the lungs, liver, and sinuses, and get back into the gut, then use some herbals thereafter. It’s some very advanced enema protocols and holding enemas a lot longer than anyone’s ever held an enema. The Gubarev protocol can do amazing work for addressing these rope worms or biofilm. It’s worth people reading about and considering, “Is this for me?”
Have you had some clients use that protocol?
I have not had any clients use that protocol yet, nor have I. I’m not saying I’m opposed to it, but it takes time. You have to have a few hours in a day to do it on that day. It’s a graduated protocol. You do that first type, then you’d wait a bit, a day or two or such. You could do another type, but you have to graduate to where you can hold that particular one for two hours before you graduate. It’s not saying you have to take a week of vacation, but it’s a tool to be aware of.
I wanted to ask you on a personal note. Do you often do cleanses that are less intense or less advanced? Do you simply do all the things you said earlier in the episode about avoiding being a good host or trying to be a bad host that shores up your body in a way that you don’t worry about parasites that much anymore?
I love all the nutrient-dense food, the fermented foods, the yogurts, and supporting liver health and bio health. You have to that all. In good fortune, somewhere many years ago, I got to go on a juice fast retreat with a woman who had recovered herself from lupus. All organs were shut down. Doctors told her she did not have much time left to live, and here she was years later, teaching about juice fasting. I learned about coffee enemas there. I’ve been making use of coffee enemas for a couple of decades. I have not advanced to the Gubarev protocol. If I needed to, I would, but logistically, it could be true. You almost need to take a week or two of vacation to do it.
As you were saying in the longer form interview, people need to pay attention to what their symptoms are and consult with some folks who can help them analyze the best approach, and not just take something on because they think, “I must have a parasite. I’m going to do all these things.” It’s better to be wise about it because I imagine some of these protocols could be quite intense for the body.
I do herbals as needed, like spot on as to what needs to get used. It would be so wise for all of us to, once or twice a year, do a parasite cleanse. If you’re in the category of chronic health issues, you’re weak, or your digestion is not working, any of those more advanced things, seek help from someone. It is worth it. Many traditional cultures had this built in.
Talk to me about the parasite cleansing. You said it would be good for us to do it once or twice a year. Which kind are you referring to?
Herbal. Using some of those herbs I described, but pay attention to everything else I said. Your bowels need to be open, have good bile flow to support the liver, and have addressed your heavy metals. Count all that, then do an anti-parasitic herbal protocol once or twice a year. I’ll share another one in this minisode. Dr. Jennifer Daniels has a protocol she’s developed using pine gum, pine oil, pine gum extract, and pine gum spirits. Go to her website, which would be called Vitality Cycles.
You have to have good bile flow, so support the liver.
You must read all about it because I wouldn’t give you the dosing. You’re going to read and learn because you have to use this stuff with perfect awareness. Pine gum and pine oil are amazing for releasing parasites. It couples in with sugar. Your sugar will attract pine gum to kill, but you have to do all your reading. Your bowels have to be open. You have to follow the instructions and be very aware. If you’re a chronic health person, you’re not going to jump into doing this. That would be way too much to do at the start.
Thank you so much for that resource. In closing, I want to ask this. You said many traditional cultures included some cleansing as part of their healthy lifestyle or healthy traditions. Do any come to mind?
This was many years ago. I’m at a gym. I would do yoga. In the locker section, I was in there. There is this lovely Pakistani woman who I became friends with. She was older than me, so I love traditional wisdom and all this stuff. I talked and asked her about food and this and that. One time, I asked her for any traditional wisdom things that her ancestors or grandparents did or cleanse near the seasonal changes. She’s like, “Yes, Laura. My grandmother would give us this drink of meem. It was so strong. Me and my brothers and sisters couldn’t stand it. We have to drink the thing. We go to the bathroom so much that next day.” Twice a year, they went to her house, and they’d have to stay for a day or two.
I’m like, “Amazing wisdom.” They knew they had to do that at least twice a year. It could have had more than meem in it that she knew about, but it sounded like it was a thick, potent, tough-to-get-down thing, but they had to do it. I love it because this was a little tidbit, but I’m like, “It’s priceless wisdom,” because there is probably a good chance now the grandmothers are not assigned to giving the meem juice to the grandchildren.
I hope that tradition and wisdom aren’t lost, and you’re part of keeping it alive. Thank you for being a part of the main interview and this minisode. We’re grateful for you, Laura.
Thank you, Hilda, for all you do.
Welcome to the minisode, Mary.
Hilda, I want to tell people what we’re doing at Children’s Health Defense. We’re doing a lot of different things. We work in education, advocacy, science, and litigation. We have a daily newsletter that’s free, the Defender. We source everything we publish, Hilda. It’s a newspaper about children’s health but about all the toxic exposures that we face and the censorship that we’re facing, the news that you’re not going to get anyplace else.
We also have content on our website,, from CHCT-TV every day. We have Good Morning, CHD every day at 10:00 AM. Again, we’re diving into the news, and we’re doing some great interviews with people that these readers would be interested to hear from. On the advocacy side, we have chapters around the world.
We have a chapter in most states in the United States. That’s a way that you can get together with your tribe. You can do things in your home state to support the larger organization and connect with like-minded people, which is so important. I’ve been deeply involved with litigation in the past. I’m now the President and focusing on the institution as a whole. We’ve got about 50 lawsuits that relate to censorship, medical exemptions, and mandates of COVID shots for children and adults.
We’re still pursuing these even though the COVID pandemic is over. It’s critical that we fight these lawsuits to ensure that this can’t happen again and we take away these emergency powers that were exercised judiciously. We have our own science. We published a book Vax-Unvax by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Brian Hooker. It’s a meta-analysis of a hundred studies comparing health outcomes of people who’ve been vaccinated and unvaccinated. The bottom line could not be clearer, and that is unvaccinated people are healthier. They have not had these unnatural interventions with their immune system. They simply are healthier people.
This won’t come as a surprise to our readers or folks who are members of the Weston A. Price Foundation because we advocate looking to the past for good health. Isolated indigenous people groups that Dr. Price studied were thriving. They were radiant with health. They had a vibrancy about them that we’re missing sorely and what we think is modern help, popping pills or pharmaceutical drugs or different surgeries. I know some things are needed in emergency situations, but mostly, these things are setting us back. We’re deprived of the great, vibrant health that is our birthright.
We have a lot of great ways that people can connect. Almost all of it is completely free. You can become a lifetime member for $10, and that helps us if we want to bring a lawsuit on behalf of people in those locations. We’ve got this bus that we talked about. We’ve got a bus traversing the country, the CHD bus, collecting stories of vaccine injury and injuries from all of these draconian COVID measures that we suffered over the past few three years. I encourage people to check out,, and use it to help.
What a great resource. I’m so glad our organizations are aligned, and we are thankful that you took this extra time, Mary. Thanks again.
Thank you, Hilda.
Important Links
- Adam Parker
- Vani Hari
- Judith Schwartz
- Laura Villanti
- One Herb
- Vitality Cycles
- Children’s Health Defense
- Vax-Unvax
- Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation here (and use the code Pod10 for a $10 discount)
About Adam Parker
Adam Parker is a Detoxification Expert and the Host of The Ideal Day Podcast. He is passionate about educating the public on the importance of Sustainable Detox, considering the toxic world we all reside in. Adam developed a unique detox and healing program from years of uncovering and solving his own health challenges. Through his podcast, group programs, coaching and speaking events, Adam educates and inspires people to take responsibility for their own health by learning the principles of detoxification and ancestral nutrition.
About Vani Hari
Vani Hari is a revolutionary food activist, a New York Times best-selling author, co-founder of the organic food brand Truvani, and was named one of the “Most Influential People on the Internet” by Time magazine. Hari started to spread information about what is really in the American food supply. She teaches people how to make the right purchasing decisions at the grocery store, how to live an organic lifestyle, and how to travel healthfully around the world. Visit her online at:
Her new cookbook, Food Babe Family will officially hit stores October 17, 2023.
About Judith Schwartz
Judith D. Schwartz is an author who tells stories to explore and illuminate scientific concepts and cultural nuance. She takes a clear-eyed look at global environmental, economic, and social challenges, and finds insights and solutions in natural systems. She writes for numerous publications, including The American Prospect, The Guardian, Discover, Scientific American, and YaleE360. Her latest book, “The Reindeer Chronicles”, is a global tour of earth repair, featuring stops in Norway, Spain, Hawai’i, New Mexico, and beyond. Judy has a B.A. from Brown University, an M.S.J. from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Northwestern. She lives and works on the side of a mountain in Vermont with her husband, author Tony Eprile, and cherishes visits from their musician son, Brendan. When it snows, she cross-country skis, and when ski season is over, she’s in the garden. Three times a week she trains in Uechi-Ryu karate, and has reached the rank of Nidan. Whatever she’s doing, she will stop to listen to the song of the hermit thrush.
About Laura Villanti
Laura Villanti has been teaching and inspiring others with food as medicine for over twenty years. She started her practice, At Home With Wellness ( in 2011 to help individuals find their vibrant health with tools that they can employ from their home—whether in the kitchen, garden or otherwise—in addition to helping individuals feel at home (meaning comfortable and confident) with their path to healing.
Laura is a functional nutritional therapy practitioner, certified GAPS practitioner, allergy release technique practitioner, and bio-individual nutrition practitioner. She has studied for several years with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and his autonomic response testing protocol. Through the use of the advanced functional assessment of the autonomic nervous system she has gained great insight into the magnitude and complexity of parasites, in addition to Lyme, viruses, retroviruses, heavy metals, toxicity, jaw infections and scars and how to find and address these root causes that are preventing clients from finding their healing – even if they have been searching without success for decades. She is also a WAPF chapter co-leader for Rochester, New York.
About Mary Holland
Mary Holland is the President and General Counsel for the Children’s Health Defense. Educated at Harvard and Columbia Universities, Holland has worked in international public and private law. Prior to joining NYU, Holland worked for six years at major U.S. law firms, with three years based in Moscow, Russia. She also worked at a U.S. human rights organization as Director of its European Program.
After graduating law school, she clerked for a federal district court judge in the Southern District of New York. She has taught courses at Columbia Law School and has served as a consultant to the Aspen Institute Justice and Society Program.
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