Non-native electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs). PFAs (forever chemicals in the air and food). Heavy metals. Mold. These are just some of the toxins in our environment that assail us. And that we need to get out of the body so that it can function optimally. Today’s guest is Adam Parker, a detox expert and the host of the Your Ideal Day podcast.
He reviews simple steps to detox (including dry brushing and rebounding) and more intense protocols (like flushes, cleanses, and enemas). He goes over the use of castor oil, olive oil and lemon juice, dandelion root and chamomile as part of the detox process. In sum, he explains the how and the why behind detoxification and makes a strong case for its use, especially if you’re feeling “stuck” with no explanation for your health concerns.
Visit Adam’s website for more resources: youridealday.com – https://youridealday.com/
See our website for more podcast episodes and resources: westonaprice.org – https://www.westonaprice.org/#gsc.tab=0
Check out our sponsors: Baja Gold Salt – https://bajagoldsaltco.com/
Offally Good Cooking – https://offallygoodcooking.com/
Optimal Carnivore – https://www.amazon.com/optimalcarnivore
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.It’s not enough just to get the right nutrition and move about. We have to clear detox pathways to allow our organs to function optimally unhindered and remove obstacles to health. This is episode 444 and our guest is Adam Parker. He is the host of the Your Ideal Day Podcast and a detoxification expert. He offers insights on what we need to do to detox. He goes over what we need to detox from including heavy metals, chemicals, toxins, mold, and so forth, and how to go about it. He offers suggestions on simple detoxing solutions that include the use of saunas and Epsom salts for example. He talks about levels of detoxing so we can even go to the more extreme or challenging protocols of flushes, cleanses, and enemas.
Before we get into the conversation, we want to give a shout-out to Baja Gold Salt Co. Baja Gold offers the world’s healthiest most flavorful unrefined sea salt. It’s harvested from the Sea of Cortez. Baja Gold provides a complete spectrum of macro minerals and trace elements in higher concentrations than any other sea salt including Redmond, Celtic, or Pink Himalayan. They are keto, vegan-friendly, lab-tested, contaminant-free, and all the good stuff. Baja Gold’s incredible mineral benefits are also available in a liquid tincture as a bath soak and a sports electrolyte drink for improved endurance and performance. Check out Baja Gold and give it a try. Go to their website or call (770) 361-6092.
Visit Adam’s website for more resources: Your Ideal Day
See our website for more podcast episodes and resources
Check out our sponsors: Baja Gold Salt, Offally Good Cooking, Optimal Carnivore
Welcome to the show, Adam.
Hilda, it’s an absolute pleasure to be on the show.
I love talking to you. You are radiating with health. You had a baby. I want to invite people on your journey when you had that a-ha moment. You realized that you were trying so desperately to get well and then it struck you that it wasn’t about adding things but it was about something else. Can you take us to that moment?
The very top line led to how I discovered the power of detoxification while doing all the things that we should do. I was eating well and going to the gym. I hit a health crisis. I knew at the time that doctors were not for me. I’m going to do the holistic thing. That’s what I did. To summarize what those challenges were, there were horrendous digestive issues like bloating, gas, food sensitivities, and the whole gamut.
Anxiety also crept in. It was an interesting experience because I have nothing to be anxious about but I’m just anxious. Driving a car down a freeway, I was anxious about certain scenarios. I was like, “I never had this before.” The nail in the coffin, which made me take action, was my hormones tanked. I remember getting my blood work done and I had the testosterone of an 80-year-old. I was 31. Something is not right. Before that point, I enjoyed my youth, let’s say that.
That sent me down this path of practitioners. I learned from every single one of them, little pieces of the puzzle. The people I worked with are similar to the pharmaceutical model in diagnosing and supplementing your way out of it. I was taking twenty pills per meal. I was organized. I’ve got this and this. I was thinking something in this combination has to do something.
The turning point was when I started to look at cleanses and the penny dropped. I can’t remember which particular cleanse it was but I felt a little bit better detoxing versus taking all these supplements. That sent me down a rabbit hole of, “What does detox look like?” I didn’t know. I thought detox was like a juice cleanse. I opened up and threw all of my energy into understanding what detoxification is and how our organs work.
Our bodies are always detoxing but due to our environment and the amount of chemicals we are exposed to, I saw a stat. Years ago, they released 80,000 different synthetic chemicals into our atmosphere and 1,500 of these are known to be carcinogenic. It’s crazy. I realized, “Could it be my environment and what I’ve been exposed to? If so, is detoxing going to help me?” It slowly started to work. If there’s something there, then I jumped into all the different forms. That was the beginning of my recovery.
Let’s start at square one there. When the penny dropped, you were exploring what is detoxification and how it benefits the organs. Can we start with that, Adam?
What’s interesting is detoxification is a natural process of our bodies. We’re always detoxifying. We’re detoxifying through our sweat, stool, kidneys, and even through breaths. It’s a part of the body’s functioning to keep well and be healthy. Some people might say, “You don’t need to detox. The body’s well-equipped.” I would agree with them. In certain circumstances, if you’ve got a great genetic setup, a strong constitution, you’re breastfed from a young age, you’ve hardly had any antibiotics, and you live in a very low EMF and polluted environment, then amazing. You are going to do just great.
I was the canary in the coal mine in some respects. I got unwell and a lot of my friends were doing fine at the time. We’re always detoxifying. That’s a natural process of the body. The challenge we have is the environment in which we live doesn’t match up to our biology and genetics. We are the same genetically as our hunter-gatherer ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago. They didn’t have to deal with the amount of toxicity in our environment.
We are always detoxifying. It is a natural process of the body. But the challenge today is that the environment we live in doesn’t match up to our biology.
To give very top headline pointers on what those toxins are, it’s heavy metals and chemicals. There’s an array of chemicals we can discuss. The new kid on the block that sprinkles over them is EMFs. They’re the main heavy hitters. There are other ones. There’s glyphosate, which I’m sure the audience is aware of. There are even some natural toxins in nature like molds, which release mycotoxins. With the three heavy hitters, even if we shut ourselves away in our nice clean homes, we can’t avoid these toxins. They are everywhere.
That has changed our environment dramatically over the last several years, especially with 5G and everyone’s got a phone on them. That has created an environment where our bodies cannot cope with the amount or the body burden of what we’re taking in. It depends. It could be genetic factors. Do you have any genetic mutations that maybe don’t detoxify as well? I certainly had them. Do you live in a busy polluted city or a country? That can impact it. How many antibiotics have you had?
I have a friend and we were talking about digestive health. He’s from New Zealand. He’s like, “I never have any issues with my digestion. It might be because my mother breastfed me until I was four years old.” He can remember. He’s like, “I have memories of breastfeeding.” Since he was breastfed until he was four, he says his digestion is bulletproof. I was breastfed until I was six weeks old.
There are all different reasons behind it but what we’re seeing is younger generations are getting sicker earlier because they’re growing up in a more toxic environment. I got my first mobile phone when I was seventeen and it would’ve been 2G. Now, they’re getting their phones at 9 or 10 and it’s full 5G. You can see that there’s more going on. With microbiome health, you pass on what you’ve got as we have weaker microbiomes. It’s the perfect storm for people not to be able to deal with the modern environment.
I used to feel like you did. I thought the body is well-equipped if we’re well-nourished and doing all the things like getting sunshine and getting our feet on the ground. We’re going to be fine. I suddenly realized as you did that our environment is very different from that of our ancestors. We might need to do therefore some more serious detoxification protocols than they did. As Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride puts it, we’re swimming in a toxic soup.
You talk about grounding sunshine. I put them all on the same level as detoxification. Ultimately, what we are trying to achieve is the right environment and conditions that our ancestors lived in. We need the sun, the grounding, and the spring-like water without the heavy metals and chemicals. We need a vessel that is clean and can function. All of this stuff essentially is trying to mimic our ancestral heritage.
Through my teachings and education, I put grounding and sunshine. All of that stuff is on par with detoxification. The narrative of detox seems to get a lot more focused because people are looking for answers. It’s like, “These things aren’t working.” From my story, from practitioner to practitioner, I was able to bring myself back. It was all realizing it’s got to be about detox and cleansing the body. We’re aligning ourselves with our ancestral heritage.
Honestly, I’ve been a little wary of some of the more dramatic detoxing protocols. I hope we can talk about the gamut from the simplest to the most challenging perhaps. I’ve been a little bit wary because it seems so intense. Let’s take it bit by bit before we go to the heavy hitters. There are simple things like sweating. There were sweat lodges in Native American communities. In some ancient Mexican cultures, they did the Temazcal ceremony. It’s an opportunity to let the sweat pour out in a very dramatic fashion, I would say. In some ways in the US with our little saunas and even Epsom salt baths, we’re doing our best to draw toxins out. Are those good places to start?
There are many different degrees of detoxification. What I want to promote is daily detoxification. I want to decode detox. Once you understand it and the process of how the body functions, it comes down to daily habits. I love saunas. I promote them regularly. I read a study that using the sauna 5 days a week reduced all-cause mortality by 40%. That blew my mind because you can see why it’s a cardiovascular workout. You’re sweating out all the toxins. Doing sauna is a good entry-level way to detox.

I say to my client’s friends and family, “You go to the gym, great. Jump in the sauna for twenty minutes.” There are a lot of cheap home sauna units where you zip yourself up in these little bags and sauna blankets. I have an actual sauna at the back of my garden. It’s an entry-level way to get detox into your life. You also said detox baths, Epsom salts, and magnesium flakes. There are different types of ingredients you can put into these baths that will gently cleanse the body.
You can bake these things into your routine. It doesn’t require much. It’s like, “Wednesday evening is my time. I’m going to jump into the bath, relax, and read a book.” That’s some good entry-level things you can do. Another thing you can do is move the lymph. The rebounders are good. Not everyone has a rebounder. If the gym has a rebounder, amazing. The lymph has no pump. An easy way of moving lymph is walking or skipping. You call it jump rope in the States. We call it skipping here in the UK. Buy a skipping rope.
A lot of people are like, “I don’t know how to do it.” I’m like, “I was there. Do 5 minutes every day for 30 days and you’ll be an expert.” Little things like that are good for moving the lymph. Dry brushing as well is a way of moving the lymph flow. There are loads of nice, easy entry-level things we can do. In terms of dietary changes, we can help with detox. One of the challenges, which I’m sure you’ll be aware of, is the quality of our foods isn’t as nutritious as it was many years ago. The vitamins and minerals in a carrot aren’t the same as what it was many years ago.
We have less minerals in our food. Why is that? It’s the way we’re farming the land and monocropping. We have fewer minerals. At the same time, we have an increase in heavy metals in the environment. Metals and minerals are similar in the body. When a mineral goes into the body, it binds to a cell receptor site. That’s when the mineral can be used. In the absence of minerals, heavy metals like to bind there as well. Since we’ve got less minerals and more heavy metals, that’s why we’re having these heavy metal issues because the body will use what it can.
For example, if you lack zinc, the body will use cadmium in its place. It’s not the best option but I’ll use cadmium from smoking. That’s another challenge. What can we do there? If we increase our mineral intake, that in its own right is a good, nice, slow entry-level detox. The more minerals you take in, you’ll push those heavy metals out because the body’s like, “I don’t need these metals anymore to do these functions. I can release them and push them out.”
We can get more minerals by making good bone broth or ideally, meat stock. That’s where the money is. A good meat stock, which is the gelatinous jello-like. Add in trace minerals and organ meats. Have sea vegetables. That’s where you get a lot of minerals. Something you could do every day is add some mineral drops to your water. That will flood your body with minerals and will push out those heavy metals. They’re easy entry-level ways to detox.
That makes me so happy because I don’t want any of our audience to be as intimidated as I have been at the thought of some of the detoxing protocols. I want to go back to something you said, “I want to decode detoxing.” Can you break it down? When you came across what its purpose and result were, what did you find?
It didn’t drop in one go. Over a couple of years, I started to piece it all together. I was like, “What about this detox?” Holistic health is the biggest rabbit hole you’ll ever go down. It’s the most rewarding when you understand it. I realized that detoxification was important because if the vessel is toxic, we cannot function. You can take all the supplements in the world but they will not be absorbed and utilized if your vessel isn’t clean.
Detoxification is important because if the vessel is toxic, we cannot function. You can take all the supplements in the world, but they will not be absorbed and utilized if your vessel isn’t clean.
As I started to detox, I started to have improvement in my symptoms. I then went to this place where I surpassed where I was previously. My digestion health is better than it was in my twenties and my teens because I’ve continued on that journey. It was understanding detox was key but then there was a process to it. For example, some people might be like, “I’ve got heavy metals. I’m heavy metal toxic. I’m going to do one of those big heavy-lifting metal protocols.”
What I’ve learned through being obsessed, learning, and studying is there’s a way to approach detox. You don’t jump into the heavy stuff straight off the bat. The main thing you need to do is open up what we call the detoxification pathway. There is a way in which toxins enter and stay in the body. Normally, they like to hang out in fat cells, fat tissue, or bone. That’s why we get mercury in the brain when we have amalgam fillings. It goes into the organs through the lymph, into the liver and bile, and then into the colon.
The first thing is understanding that there is a funnel or a pathway of how toxins leave. You need to optimize those before you do any heavy lifting. If you’re going to do a parasite cleanse or a heavy metal cleanse, get your pathways flowing. The easiest way for that to be working is, are you pooping every day? You’ll be surprised by the amount of people that don’t poop every single day. Ideally, it’s once or twice a day. You’ve got to get that working and that requires dietary and lifestyle changes. Once that’s flowing, we can start looking at all the other pieces of the puzzle.
It reminds me of what a chiropractor friend of mine said one time. He said, “Our job as chiropractors is to remove obstacles from the body’s healing process.” In other words, good health is our birthright and the body knows what it needs to do. You’re trying to take the traffic jam out of those detox pathways so that the body can do what it’s supposed to do. It wants to do it. It’s on your side. It’s not against you. What can be removed to make space for the healing processes to flow? That sounds like what we’re trying to achieve here.
Understand what we are exposed to and what we accumulate. To touch on some of the chemicals, a lot of your audience will be aware of these BPAs, Bisphenol A. You get these BPA-free bottles but they’re changing for BPA E, D, or C. They’re in receipts in bottles and coffee cups. They’re not as bad as some other chemicals because they’ve got a half-life of about four hours. They will pass through the body relatively quickly. However, it’s the constant accumulation. We’re never getting rid of them because we’re constantly loading them up. If you’re having a Starbucks coffee every day or a couple a day, you’re never ridding that of the body.
You’ve got phthalates and parabens. It’s a similar type of play in terms of how long it stays in the body. Also, consistently rubbing lotions on our skin. It’s even used in food preservatives and food packaging. It’s always there. One of them, which is of real interest to me, is these PFAs and these are forever chemicals. They don’t leave the body. They like to hang around in the body. Most people know Teflon pans. It’s things that are stain resistant, water resistant, anti-crease, and that lovely shine.
A lot of the audience will know about DDT and it was banned in 1972. DDT is still found in the blood of people because it’s a forever chemical. These things don’t disappear. They last forever in our environment. We will constantly accumulate them. The good news is we can remove them. With the correct detoxification protocols, we can remove these chemicals from the body. There are over 9,000 different variations of these forever chemicals. They’re in everything. They’re in our clothes and makeup. Anything that has a shine to it or a gloss, it’s there.

Also, if it says flame retardant. They used to think, “How great. They have flame-retardant pajamas for our children. If a fire breaks out, they won’t catch on fire,” not realizing the chemicals in that fabric are so damaging to their young little endocrine systems. You’ve given us the picture. We get the idea. I’m so thankful that our bodies know what to do once we make space and help clear these pathways. You’ve already talked about some simple entryways into detoxing that doesn’t sound too intimidating. If we’re ready for the next level, what would you suggest would initiate us into a more challenging cleanse that could be even better for our health?
Coming up, Adam explains how to level up your detoxing. Offally Good Cooking. Do you want to learn how to serve nutrient-dense meals that you and your family will love? Join in on a free masterclass led by Janine Farzin of Offally Good Cooking. Janine helps conscientious people learn how to prepare and cook organ meats so that they can feel confident in the kitchen align with their values, nourish their family, and have more energy for the things that they truly love in life. If this is you, sign up for the free masterclass. Go to Liver Lover Challenge.
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There are varying degrees depending on which part of your body you want to work on. I’d always say the colon is a good place to start. We looked at the detoxification pathway. The colon has to be free to flow and for regular bowel movements to occur. Water enemas are a great next-level step up. Water enemas have been used even as way back as the Egyptians as a part of health and healing. It’s a great way to rid the body of toxicity.
Here’s a pro tip for everyone. When I first did enemas, I was like, “I don’t want that going anywhere near where it has to go.” Once I did it, it was like, “Is that it?” It’s like riding a bike. Here’s the thing. If you have a headache, you can’t shift this headache, and you don’t want to take any medications, do a water enema and watch that headache disappear. Any form of symptom we get normally boils down to a toxicity load in our environment or us. When you cleanse the colon, you lower that load in the body and that headache will disappear. That’s a little pro tip there.
If you have a headache, you don’t want to take any medications. Do a water enema. Any form of symptom you get normally boils down to a toxicity load in the environment or in your body.
Enemas are useful and there are many different types of enemas. Water enema is the entry-level. You can do a chamomile enemas. That’s quite soothing. One which we’ve all heard of is the coffee enema. It’s a different result. A coffee enema is about focusing on the liver, which would be the next level up. You would insert coffee into the colon to trigger the liver to dump bile. There’s the hepatic portal vein that’s connected to the large intestine to the liver. When coffee goes up there, the palmitic acid and the caffeine trigger will stimulate that portal vein to the liver and tell the liver to start releasing bile.
Bile is the most underrated part of health in my opinion. The reason I say that is because no one talks about it. Bile does so many different things in the body that it’s the most underrated thing. Bile is to help digest fats and we know that. The challenge is a lot of people have congested livers and bile flow. When you have congested bile flow, I’ll tell you a couple of things that can manifest.
Firstly, people can start getting SIBO, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. Bile is Mother Nature’s best detergent. When you are regularly releasing bile, it goes through your digestive tract and kills everything. I said that because I had SIBO. I was doing all the tests like breathing into the tubes, “This is high and that’s high.” I was doing all the diets like low FODMAP. They all have their place. When I fixed my bile flow, all of it went away. Bile is important in that respect.
Another thing I want to ponder as well is from personal experience and client experience. We all get the low stomach acid scenario. If you go to allopathic land, you’ve got too much because you’re getting acid reflux so you take the TUMS. If we go to a functional world, our stomach acid is low so let’s have some apple cider vinegar, do some bitters, and stimulate the stomach acid. That’s good. Is that solving the root cause of the problem?
The root cause is a lack of bile flow. The body is constantly trying to keep us safe. If the body recognizes bile flow is lowered, it will lower stomach acid because stomach acid plus bile creates chime in the small intestine for absorption. Low stomach acid is a byproduct of low bile flow. When you fix the bile flow, the stomach acids are also fixed. That is from testimonials and theory but for people who’ve had stomach acid issues, it’s normally, from my experience, a bile flow issue at its root cause, which is a congested liver.
You’re mentioning using the enema to get the bile flowing and the liver cleansed. I’ve also heard that greater liver cleanses look super dramatic to me. You’ve even done them, Adam?
For each organ, there are different grades. We’ll finish on the colon and move on to the liver. In the colon, you could start with a salt flush, which is drinking water and salt. That’ll clear things out. You can move up to a water enema or coffee enema. There are all different degrees. You’ve got the liver. Liver flushing is by far probably the biggest heavy hitter in terms of creating rapid change in someone’s health. I do stress that there’s no magic bullet.
A liver flush is part of an overall detoxification strategy like detox is part of an overall health strategy. We talked about the grounding and the sun. There’s no magic bullet but liver flushing has the biggest bang for the buck. Let’s talk about what are some lower-level entry pieces for the liver. You might look at herbs. Milk thistle and dandelion root are some nice entry-level ways of trying to help your liver. You could then look at Castor oil packs, which are a nice way of stimulating the liver to detox. We’ve talked about coffee enemas. That’s another level up.
The top of the tree is liver flushing. That was created by a gentleman called Andreas Moritz. He wrote the book, The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush. I don’t even think he invented it. He took it from ancient tradition. He used to live in Greece. When small children were sick, the mothers and grandmothers would give their children olive oil and lemon juice in certain amounts. He took that narrative and created a protocol.

Essentially what it is doing is freeing our livers of the congestion that has built up due to the toxicity within our environments. What builds up in the liver? We get intrahepatic gallstones. That coin was phrased by Johns Hopkins University. Intrahepatic gallstones are gallstones that could be green, red, or yellow. They’re made out of cholesterol and bile salts.
We’ve heard of gallstones in the gallbladder. You also get calcified gallstones. They’re the hard ones that you’ll pick up on scans. They normally reside in the gallbladder but most gallstones, whether they’re calcified, noncalcified, or intrahepatic are in the liver. Why did they get there? The reason is toxins, PFAs, BPAs, and heavy metals. All these different toxins enter our body either through our digestive system, our skin, or through the air. They land in the blood, go through the blood, and then land in the liver.
When they get to the liver, the liver says, “I don’t recognize this toxin. It’s not part of my wiring. My hunter-gatherer genetics don’t recognize this toxin. I don’t know what to do with it so I’m going to store it and protect the body. I’ll wrap it in bile salt and cholesterol. We’re safe. The toxin is not exposed because we’ve wrapped it up. I’m going to store it for safekeeping.”
Over months, years, or decades, those stones accumulate. Eventually, the liver is congested. When a liver is congested, the bile flow, and the liver makes about a quarter of bile a day, start to be impacted. Bile flow and digestion are impacted so there’s a cascade of poor health. Everyone has congestion in their livers. I heard a statistic that said 1/3 of US children had early stages of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. That’s the congestion from the seed oils and the chemicals.
When we do this process of liver flushing where it’s drinking olive oil and lemon juice in certain amounts, we dilate the bile ducts prior with Epsom salts and drink that. There’s a preparation week. When you drink olive oil and lemon juice, it stimulates the liver to dump a huge amount of bile in one go. With that suction process, it pulls those stones and that sludge congestion from the liver. You would do it at night and the next day, you would poop out these green stones and sludge.
That in itself isn’t the healing modality. What that does is give the liver the ideal environment to do its job. It’s not healing you but it’s saying, “We’re putting the liver back as good as it was when you were younger or whatever it is.” It creates the ideal scenarios for the liver to function correctly. As a result, people start to have miraculous healing because the liver can do its job.

This is so fascinating. I’m so glad you’ve mentioned some of the resources that helped guide you as you’ve become this detoxification expert and experienced it with yourself, the benefits, and your clients. I want to ask you, is there such a thing as detoxing too much? I have a friend who’s doing coffee enemas every single day and I can’t help but wonder, is that overkill?
We are detoxing every single day naturally but can we proactively detox too much? We can. There’s a balance to be had. We talked about minerals, which are the spark plug of our metabolism. Detoxification is taxing on our bodies. For example, you wouldn’t do a liver flush every single day. You would do one every 3 to 6 weeks. The body needs to recoup and recover. If some people feel like they want to do enemas every day and that works for them, that works for them but I wouldn’t recommend that purely because we have to think about the microflora in the guts and give that time to replenish and thrive.
Coffee enemas can be addictive because of the caffeine hits if you’re not too careful. You can overdo it. You have to go for it, detox, and then rest and replenish by eating nourishing foods and getting rest, sunshine, and grounding. You want to go again for the next round. In any of the protocols that I take people through, there’s a lot of rest in between. You can do more harm than good if you’re detoxing. Everything is cyclical. We want to rest, digest, and then go for it. It’s the same with detoxification. We don’t want to go crazy all the time. We want them to be successful as well.

We can go too hard. It’s also about understanding where we are on the journey. Say you do your first liver flush. You might have some real Herxheimer reactions afterward because you’ve never done it before. Your body isn’t used to this amount of toxins being dumped into the system. I’ve done over 100 flushes in my time. I can tell you the more you do, your body gets better at detoxifying and knowing the toxins are coming out and getting rid of them quicker.
Also, you learn how you best cope. Something we haven’t talked about is binders. It’s a big part of detoxification. There are binders for metals, chemicals, and molds. The longer on the journey you go, you realize certain binders and combinations of binders can alleviate a lot of the symptoms as well. You can detox too much. It’s about doing it in a nice, easy way so you don’t get too depleted because we’ve got to have the energy to detoxify.
I’m hoping that people can follow up with you. If people can get more specifics either on a liver flush or the binders you referenced and other protocols for detoxing, maybe guidelines, do you have some stuff like that available on your site?
If they check out my Instagram feed, there are loads of content on there as well. If you go to my website, there are a couple of freebies as well. There’s a liver flush freebies that they can download. I also have a detoxification group called The Detox Blueprint. There’s a lot of information out there online for me to advise on detox and where to start. It’s complicated when you know you need to do it but you don’t know where to start. A lot of people get a bit nervous about liver flushing but once they’ve done them, they’re like, “That was amazing. Is that it?” “That’s it.”
I feel like you have decoded detoxing for us, Adam. I’m grateful that you’ve shared your experience and that of your clients. With the resources, I’m thrilled about it all. I want to pose you the question I like to pose at the end here. This could be related to detoxing or perhaps not but if the audience could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
Take responsibility for your health. To be fair, the majority of the audience will already do that. I see that switch in people. People who come to me don’t fully have that on boards. Realizing the empowerment you can have when you know you can heal yourself if you have the right information is amazing. It’s that switch of owning it and being like, “I am my best doctor. I will solve this problem.”
When you empower yourself with the right knowledge, it’s the best thing in the world because you know you can protect yourself and your family. You view life through a different lens. I’m big on responsibility, not just on health, detox, and everything. Empower and educate yourself because when you know better, you do better. It starts with that responsibility perspective on how you take on life.
Empower and educate yourself. When you know better, you do better. It starts with the responsibility and perspective on how you take on life.
Adam, thank you once again. It was great having you.
Thank you, Hilda. It’s been an absolute pleasure.
Our guest was Adam Parker. Find out more and explore resources on his website on Your Ideal Day. Find me and my resources at Holistic Hilda. Now for a review on Apple Podcasts from SusieQNoExcuses. She titled it Sampler Podcast. She says, “Fantastic sampler podcast. Keep up the good work. I appreciate all the info you put out.” If you don’t know what Susie is talking about, you need to go check out the sampler podcast we put out at the end of August 2023, which gave little snippets or clips from each of the guests that we featured in the summer and spring of 2023.
This is behind-the-scenes bonus information that we put out. If you like the sampler podcast, email us at Info@WestonAPrice.org and tell us so because then we can put out more of them. We value your feedback, either as a review on the Apple Podcasts or reaching out individually. Thank you so much for reading. Stay well. Remember to keep your feet on the ground and your face to the sun.
About Adam Parker
Adam Parker is a Detoxification Expert and the Host of The Ideal Day Podcast. He is passionate about educating the public on the importance of Sustainable Detox, considering the toxic world we all reside in.
Adam developed a unique detox and healing program from years of uncovering and solving his own health challenges. Through his podcast, group programs, coaching and speaking events, Adam educates and inspires people to take responsibility for their own health by learning the principles of detoxification and ancestral nutrition.
Important Links
- Your Ideal Day Podcast
- Adam Parker
- The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush
- Instagram – Adam Parker
- The Detox Blueprint – Facebook
- Baja Gold Salt Co.
- Offally Good Cooking
- Liver Lover Challenge
- Optimal Carnivore – Amazon
- Holistic Hilda
- Info@WestonAPrice.org
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