Are you eager to hear something other than the mainstream narrative related to this “pandemic”? Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, brings some welcome alternative information that you won’t hear in the usual places. She puts numbers into context and offers some points of optimism amid the widespread COVID fear.
She offers insights on what vitamins help build robust lung health (vitamin K) and why it’s best to get vitamin D from food sources (as opposed to supplements). In this review of the recent wise traditions journal, Sally covers a few other topics as well: the nourishment from encocados (a coconut stew from Ecuador) and her own theory on why and how the COVID sickness is spreading.
Listen to the episode here:
Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.We are inundated by information from mainstream news outlets about the “pandemic.” Some news sources have a ticker tape-like counter at the bottom of the screen showing the latest death tolls and cases in real time. It’s frightening stuff and often overwhelming. This is Episode 300 and our guest is Sally Fallon Morell, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Sally puts the numbers in context, and she offers some points of optimism amid the widespread COVID fear. She recognizes, of course, that it is a genuine disease while reminding us what we can do to shore up our health overall. Both our lung health and to support our immune system. She criticizes the vitamin D to cure the COVID craze because vitamin D alone can often do more harm than good, and she explains why vitamin K is excellent for the lungs. She also offers insights on an entirely different take on how this sickness is spreading. This episode is an overview of our wise traditions Winter Journal.
Welcome to the show, Sally.
Thank you, Hilda. It’s great to be back again.
I love talking about the journal because it’s so meaty. There’s a lot that we can dig into but help us get an overview of what is offered. What was in this Winter Journal? What was the theme?
This journal is continuing the theme of the COVID illness that’s going around. What’s causing it and whether or not it’s caused by a virus. We have a big article on that in the journal.
Let’s get into that after we look at your caustic commentary. I like how you extract sound-bites from what’s happening out there, and you address the misinformation.
My favorite thing to do is write the caustic commentary. I feel that’s what I was born to do.
This first piece is about combating vaccine hesitancy.
This is the great dilemma for healthcare workers. Try as they may, there is a very large percentage of people who are not going to take this vaccine. Something like 40%, and probably higher among minorities. This particular classic commentary was about a program by the Ad Council. They’re being paid $50 million to do an ad campaign to convince African Americans and Hispanics to get the vaccine because they are the ones who are the most hesitant to take this vaccine. Particularly, it turns out in nursing homes and healthcare facilities, they’re not going to do it. They don’t trust it, and they shouldn’t trust it. It’s interesting that this hesitancy is higher among the minority communities, because they know from experience, they shouldn’t trust what the government is telling them.
You’re shedding light on the fact that they’re going to be promoting this, especially to minorities, and they’re trying to get them over their hesitancy.
Almost every day in the newspaper, you read an article like this. This is the great threat, and it’s being posed as these people who are not getting the vaccine are endangering everybody else who are good little boys and girls going out and getting their vaccine to protect everybody else. Even if they have side effects, they’re saying, “I’m taking a hit for humanity,” or something like that.
I understand that vaccine hesitancy is up by a great percentage. Let’s say, 20% of the population a few years ago was against vaccines or concerned and now it’s up to at least 50%. Do you know if that’s right?
Yeah, this is something that has happened with the COVID thing and it’s waking a lot of people up that something fishy is going on here, that the vaccines are a money-making machine. People have suddenly understood that the companies have no liability and that the number of reactions is very high.
No matter what that Ad Council does, we might be better off. Using that hesitancy or leaning into that. Talk to us about the cost of commentary about the stillbirth rate.
The stillbirth rate is up during this pandemic. I would say that’s because of wireless technology. Remember the old computer screens that were like great big TVs and they caused miscarriages? That was quite well known and then they switched to the flat-screen TVs and that went down, but now the miscarriages are up. By the way, there’s a lot of miscarriages in pregnant women who are getting the vaccines.
This idea that we should be vaccinating pregnant women with anything, especially a completely untested vaccine. We’ve lost our common sense. As Tom Cowan puts it so well, he said, “We are living under a spell. We are like Sleeping Beauty. Falling asleep and surrounded by briars. These are the lies that we’re surrounded with. We need Prince Charming to come and wake us up.” Prince Charming might be you or me. Somebody is giving the truth that makes all the briars fall away because people wake up to the truth.
I’m so thankful that you address this in your caustic commentary because people might have no idea why miscarriages or stillbirths are up.

They might think it’s just a coincidence or something unlucky for them because they’re not seeing all of these adverse reactions reported in the media.
You have a third caustic commentary about Cod liver oil. What’s that about?
We had one about vitamin K and the lungs and how important vitamin K is for the lungs and of course, COVID is a disease that very adversely affects the lungs. You still need to be eating your aged cheese, duck fat, goose liver, and egg yolks. Our diet is the right diet for protecting yourself against this disease, whatever may be the cause.
I love that we don’t just give information, but give helpful hints that people can take away with themselves. Let’s hit the other one on Cod liver oil.
This was a report on a study done in Sweden about Cod liver oil, and how people who took Cod liver oil seem to be more protected against COVID. Of course, we’d say exactly the same thing. Cod liver oil provides vitamin D and in a form that’s very usable, and that is supported by vitamin A. I am very concerned about people using this COVID disease to promote huge doses of vitamin D. We’re back to hearing about getting 5,000 units, even 10,000 units of synthetic vitamin D a day. This is a very dangerous practice. You need vitamin D supported by vitamin A. You get it from food. You get it from your Cod liver oil, and you get it from liver, especially poultry liver, and egg yolks and butter, all those great foods.
In our shopping guide, I believe people can find the brands that we mostly recommend. If people are at a loss, “Where do I get Cod liver oil?” Check out the Shopping Guide. It’s only $3 on our website.
It’s a great place to look for and we’re very specific about what we recommend. Most brands of cod liver oil are garbage because they’ve been heated so high and that destroys the vitamins, then they put synthetic vitamins back in. You’re taking synthetic vitamin A and D with most brands of Cod liver oil. Please use the Shopping Guide. Also, on the website under Cod Liver Oil Basics and Recommendations, we have recommended brand names.
Let’s dig into the articles. You and Tom wrote one on The Contagion Fairy Tale, kind of a follow-up to your book The Contagion Myth.
The purpose of this article was to counter some of the critics and of course, we had plenty of critics of the book. Plenty of critics of the premise that this illness, and it is an illness, it’s not a bad case of the flu. It’s a very serious illness that is not caused by a virus, but it’s caused by the deployment of 5G technology. It’s basically radiation sickness, and that this virus is kind of a fairy tale because no one’s ever found this virus. As you can imagine, a lot of people have sent us articles and most of the articles say something like, “Isolation and characterization of SARS to Coronavirus.” I did a search and I found over 250,000 articles that say isolation of a virus in the title. This is a huge misuse of the English language because none of these articles actually describe the isolation of the virus.
Why is that piece so important, Sally?
Everything that they’re doing is based on the idea that they’ve found this virus, that it’s a characteristic unique virus for this disease, except that it has this bad habit of mutating all the time. That the vaccine is based on this virus and that the testing is based on this virus. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have photographs in this article of what they call isolated virus and it looks like a mishmash of cells. You can see the little round things in there that are supposedly viruses. We also have a picture of a properly isolated virus that shows only the virus. It can be done. Certain viruses have been isolated such as the chickenpox virus, and the herpes virus. It’s been isolated from the actual sore or pustule but no one’s ever isolated a virus from the blood or the spit of more than sneezes or the droplets.
If they haven’t isolated this virus, I’m trying to understand this, then that means, how can they say that I got it from you or that I tested positive so I have it when it might be part of what is in my virome?
It’s cellular debris. It’s what it is. When they say they’ve isolated the virus, what they do is they take some snot from somebody, and they dilute it and they centrifuge it. After that, they filter it through a very fine mesh so that presumably, all the fungus and bacteria are filtered out. What’s left is only the virus but it’s not only virus, because there are debris and chemicals. It’s like saying that coffee is the same as caffeine, coffee contains caffeine but there’s a lot of other stuff in coffee besides caffeine.
They take what’s called a supernatant and they inoculate it into some cells. Usually, lung cancer cells or kidney cells, and they do this along with giving the cells strong antibiotics. It’s very toxic, especially the kidney cells, so they want to make sure there are no bacteria there. That’s the logic. They also give it what’s called a minimum nutrient medium, which means that they starve the cells, and the cells start to break down. When cells break down, they do create these little round things that are called viruses. That’s their “proof” that the virus is causing harm to the cells.
Are you and Tom saying that it’s true this virus is around, it’s true that some of us may have that virus, but it’s not true that virus is making us sick?
All we’re saying is when you look at electron micrograph photographs of this mishmash after they’ve done all this to the kidney cells to the lung cells. Among a lot of other things, you see these little round things that they’re causing viruses. That’s all we can say. We don’t know if these are viruses, or if they’re exosomes, or if they’re harmful, if they’re starting inside the cell going out or outside the cell going in. We don’t know because we’re just looking at this photograph through an electron microscope. By the way, to even take the photograph, they have to stain this mess of breaking down tissue with a metal dye, because that’s the only thing the electron micrographs can see, is metal. It’s like looking at this picture of a skeleton, like the skeleton of a hand or bone or something, and trying to figure out the characteristics of this thing from this picture of a skeleton.
I get that they can’t isolate the virus thing, but how do you get from that to, it’s a myth that there is contagion or the possibility of contagion?
What got me started on this was reading about the contagion studies they did with the Spanish flu. The US Public Health Service did excellent studies, trying to show that this was contagious. People who are really sick, who were coughing and sneezing, and they put them with people who were well. They had them cough and sneeze over the well people. They took the blood of sick people and injected it into the well people. They took syringes of all this snot, and they put it down the noses and they put it down the lungs of the well people. Not a single well person got sick from any kind of exposure from a sick person. Of course, they were bewildered. They still insisted it was contagious, but the studies proved that it was not contagious.
Sally, why don’t we do that now?

Cough on each other? No.
I mean, why aren’t they doing those studies?
That’s the first thing I want to say. No one has done a study like this. I did read that WHO is considering doing a study like this and that should have been done at the very beginning. They have followed people who “test positive” but who are asymptomatic. This has been done in Italy, I believe in China, and also here in the US what they found that these so-called asymptomatic people are not contagious. They don’t make other people sick.
Let’s take symptomatic people and put them next to asymptomatic people. They don’t get sick. In fact, in the upcoming issue, we have an article via an Italian physician. When this first broke out, she said it broke out in nursing homes where they changed the phone system and put in Wi-Fi. A lot of people started getting sick but they didn’t make the nurses sick. The people who were getting sick were people who were on a lot of inhibitory drugs. Sleeping pills and anti-psychotics to make them calm because they give these drugs to people in nursing homes. That was the combination of the new Wi-Fi and these inhibitory drugs that made them so sick.
Radiation affects all of us but people with comorbidities or compromised health are going to be more susceptible to getting sick from it.
People with comorbidities are people taking a lot of drugs. Even blood pressure medications are inhibitory to a certain extent. They slow you down and make you sleepy. All of these drugs they give to people. Even metformin, a diabetes drug. What happens is that people almost become paralyzed. They can hardly move because of the effect on the sympathetic nervous system. By all accounts, this is not contagious. What we do see is the appearance of contagion because people are getting the same influence at the same time. All the people in the nursing home got the Wi-Fi influence. Several got sick at the same time so you might say, “That shows that it was contagious.” It shows nothing of the kind, it only shows that there’s something making people sick.
It’s as if we all got headaches in this house and you might say, “Your sickness got to me,” but what if we had just painted and the off-gassing was affecting our sense of wellbeing? Sally, you mentioned how they use a centrifuge, is that part of the PCR test process?
The PCR test was designed by Kary Mullis to detect certain genetic sequences. It was never supposed to be used to diagnose illnesses. It’s supposed to be used to test whether this genetic sequence is in whatever you’re looking at, but not to diagnose illness. For the so-called Coronavirus. They took this mishmash of stuff and they did what’s called genetic sequencing. They figured out the genetic sequencing in some of this stuff, but they’re only looking at 30,000 to 40,000 pairs. The virus apparently contains 300,000 to 400,000 pairs.
These sequences of genes that they found could be anything. It could be from the cellular breakdown, who knows? Some of them are similar to what’s in humans. The test is not even such a thing as false positive or false negative is a false test. It doesn’t test for anything relevant when you’re testing people with it. This is being used to justify the lockdowns, put people in nursing homes, and diagnose them as being sick. When you get a positive on this test it does not mean that you’re sick. The fact that they talk about asymptomatic cases is proof of that.
I’ve always thought that some of this ridiculous concept like, “Of I’m asymptomatic, that may not mean I’m healthy.”
You’ve got this hidden lurking disease and they’ve done everything in their power to make this virus seem like this stealth attacker. They use all the terminology for war and rape like, “It invades your cells. It gets through your cell wall, and then it gets into your cells and multiplies and takes over your DNA and then goes out and does this to other cells.” It’s so silly.
No wonder people are wearing several masks and shields. They’re trying to defend themselves. Another war term here.
Against the invaders, but when you look at a picture of what a virus looks like, it looks like this tiny soap bubble on the edge of a cell. We don’t know if it’s going in or out or what it is.
Thank you for that article. Anybody who wants to dig deeper can get the journal when you become a member. Keep that in mind. It’s only $40 a year and right now, we’re doing March Membership Madness, so you might be able to join up for a discount. Who knows? Ask for the winter issue in particular.
Let’s go to the article about coconuts in Ecuador.
Encocado, it’s like a coconut stew. I love this article. This is by a darling lady who lives in Ecuador. She’s very concerned about the anti-coconut propaganda that’s going on.
There’s anti-coconut propaganda, what’s next?
We had that in this country too. The Center for Science in the Public Interest back in the ‘80s got all the coconut oil out of the food supply because they were in bed with the soybean industry and trying to get soybean oil in the food supply. Now that the soybean industry has pretty much saturated the food supply in the United States, they’re looking for other markets. They did a real job on India, for example. They’re in countries like Ecuador. It’s a big propaganda campaign against coconut oil. First, they say it’s full of cholesterol. That’s nonsense because there’s no cholesterol in plant oils but they say it’s bad for them. She talks about the wonderful healthy villagers who eat coconut every day. They have no heart disease or anything like this. Some lovely coconut stews are very typical dishes that these healthy people have eaten all their lives.
I am remembering, I don’t know if it was the FDA, but somebody was saying, “Coconut oil is killing you.” I guess that was that campaign.
It’s all part of that campaign. These people are paid to say this and are completely uneducated. There’s not a shred of evidence that coconut or coconut oil is associated with any kind of increased rates of heart disease or any other disease. In fact, there are many components of coconut oil that are extremely healthy and good for you.
Are the recipes for the encocado in this article? I’m curious about that.
Yes. We have a fish coconut stew and we have coconut milk with plantains. That looks so good.
I will check it out as well. Every journal, we have an article that has more to do with farming, what is this journal’s article about?
We’ve been running a series of articles by a young writer out of college, Annalise Abbott, who wrote them in response to what she was taught in college, which was that we couldn’t have organic agriculture, we’d all starve. We have to have industrial agriculture and pesticides to feed the world. I’m sure we’ve all heard this. She had a little red light come on and thought, “Is this true?” Of course, all of this started with the Reverend Malthus, who said that, “Humanity is increasing geometrically, and the food supply is only increasing arithmetically. We’re going to have so many people and we’ll never have enough food for all these people.” This philosophy, this point of view, is still around. It’s part of this reduce the world’s population philosophy that we can’t feed all these people or that if we have all these people, we’re going to pollute the world too much. We have to have a polluting type of agriculture to feed all these people.
She has taken this on, and she points out that first of all, the population does not increase geometrically, it does at certain times, like if you had a war or something, you have a very rapid increase in population, but populations stabilize. They drop off. This has even happened in India. After people reach a certain level of prosperity, they limit their families. The one factor that limits population growth is prosperity. Not poverty, but prosperity, because then people voluntary limit the size of their families. They don’t need all the children for the farm or whatever it is. At the same time, since Reverend Malthus, the whole world opened up, and we started to get food from Russia, Argentina, Australia, and United States.
Industrialization has definitely played a part in this. Big tractors and things like that have made it possible to harvest grain easily. We don’t need as much manpower to do that. At the same time, this has been used as justification for industrial agriculture, and all the poisons involved and she’s saying, “This is not necessarily so.” She’s not making any grand sweeping conclusions, but she’s saying, “We need to look at this whole argument more carefully.”
I remember hearing a president some years ago saying, “We need to feed the world.” I thought, “Do we though?” Think of all the industrial aspects of this. We’re getting grain and we’re shipping it to this other part of the world when maybe that population thrives actually on something else.
We shipped the wrong kinds of grains and puts local farmers out of business too. The interesting thing is that most of these places that everyone was going to starve to death like Calcutta, India, and Africa. These places can feed themselves, and they are feeding themselves. In fact, for the previous years, India was a food exporter. I t’s important not to be an automatic pessimist about the world. Technology has a real place in making the world better but we need to be careful about the technologies we choose. Things are never as bad as they seem. Of course, I’m the eternal optimist.

That is a great note to wrap up this conversation, Sally, because people are especially discouraged now.
Yes, people are very discouraged. If you’re cynical, you might say that this was a campaign to eliminate the gullible. I cringe when I see how much under a spell people are, including our relatives and good friends. People we love very dearly. All we can do is provide them with information and not even in a pushy way. Just, “Maybe you want to read this.” I’m not getting vaccinated. I think it’s a bad idea. Hopefully, we will change some minds.
I also think that information and inspiration, which is what you bring, and others when we simply demonstrate that we have options, we have agency, we don’t have to just go with the flow.
There’s there are lots of solutions to this COVID disease. One is to minimize your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. One is to get off inhibitory drugs. Get plenty of vitamin C in your diet, the fat-soluble vitamins, and eat a good diet. This is a real opportunity and a wake-up call for us to live a healthier life, or just to protect ourselves.
If the readers could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do, Sally?
I’d recommend the Wise Traditions diet, but it would have to be two things. Start to minimize your exposure. Start with your bedroom at night. Don’t have your cell phone in your bedroom, try to turn off your Wi-Fi in the house. Put your bed as far away from any smart meters or electricity coming into the house. Anybody can do this and it doesn’t cost a lot.
That’s wonderful. Thank you for that advice at this time.
Thank you, Hilda.
About Sally Fallon Morell
Sally Fallon Morell, MA, President, is best known as the author of the best-selling cookbook, Nourishing Traditions®: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats.
She is also the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation since its founding in 1999.
Her latest book is “The Contagion Myth,” co-authored with Dr. Tom Cowan.
Important Links:
- Winter Journal
- Sally Fallon Morell
- Shopping Guide
- Cod Liver Oil Basics and Recommendations
- The Contagion Fairy Tale
- The Contagion Myth
- March Membership Madness
Thank you for all the amazing health information