Is there a push to alter human DNA to create a kind of “humanity 2.0”? Dr. Carrie Madej is convinced there is. She is an Osteopathic Internal Medicine Doctor who has directed two large medical clinics in the state of Georgia in the U.S. Her in-depth research of vaccination has led her to some startling discoveries.
Today, Carrie sheds light on some disturbing biotechnological advances, and the potential nefarious motives behind them. The attempt to combine artificial intelligence with human beings is ostensibly intended to improve the human race and social behavior, but it is likely to compromise our ability to be fully human and completely ourselves. In light of this, Carrie offers practical advice for maintaining control of our health, and resisting efforts to invade our privacy and modify our humanity.
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Transhumanism: Humanity 2.0?
Episode Transcript
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Technology is developing rapidly and becoming more and more a part of mainstream healthcare, but there may be a new push to take it too far moving us from Humanity 1.0 to Humanity 2.0. This is Episode 325, and our guest is Dr. Carrie Madej. She is an osteopathic internal medicine doctor who has directed two large medical clinics in the State of Georgia in the United States. Her in-depth research of vaccination for the past few decades has led her to some startling discoveries.
She is convinced that the new generation of vaccines is designed to alter human DNA and to move us into trans-humanism, a blend of biological humans with technology or artificial intelligence. This is the first of our Out There episode series on the show. In other words, we’re putting this episode out there, even though it may seem a little bit out there. The views expressed on nearly all of our episodes are not necessarily those espoused by the Weston A. Price Foundation, but they are weighty enough that we wanted to put them out there for your consideration.
Carrie sheds light on some disturbing biotechnological advances and the potential nefarious motives behind them. The attempt to combine artificial intelligence with human beings is ostensibly intended to improve the human race and social behavior, but it is likely to compromise our ability to be fully human and completely ourselves. In light of this, Carrie offers practical advice for maintaining control of our health, resisting efforts to invade our privacy and modify our humanity.
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Welcome to wise traditions, Carrie.
Thanks for having me.
You and I were talking earlier about the concept of transhumanism. Can you tell us what that is?
It essentially means the melding of artificial intelligence with the human body. It’s the introduction of nanotechnology, neurotechnology and biotechnology with the human body.
Is this a technology that they use to help amputees be able to move something when they don’t have the function of part of a limb?
It can be used for those good purposes and even looking for tumors and helping to fight tumors in the body, or perhaps healing a tendon as well.
My understanding is that you suspect that there is a movement to use transhumanism or this technology for nefarious purposes.
That’s 100% true because for me at least, I think that if you look at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Agenda 20, Agenda 2030, they all talk about using this technology to connect all humans together with the Internet of Everything. That means your human body will be wirelessly connected to the grid or the 5G, the 6G or whatever they have. You will always be your smartphone embedded inside your body, always transmitting and communicating information all the time. Perhaps, you feel that’s a good thing, but personally, I disagree with that.
Before we go to that point, we should have a very open and honest discussion with everybody about what do we all want? If you look at these forums, the World Economic Forum, they tell you what it would be to be a human in 2030. They sell it, they market it in this way. They say, “You will own nothing, you will have no privacy, and you’ll be happy.” They also go on to say that all thoughts and your dreams are recorded somewhere and that’s being analyzed. This is very disturbing for me. I don’t agree with that. That’s their vision of the future of a human with transhumanism.
Are they not going to take us there without our permission?
So far, they’ve made plans to do that and nobody’s heard anything about it, unless you do your research and due diligence, you don’t hear about this. I am suspicious already why don’t we hear about this and why aren’t we talking about this? Things are going forward without our permission.
Is there a chance that the mRNA vaccine is a step in this direction of making us melded with AI?
Absolutely. They are now, for the first time ever in a large group of humanity using nano lipid particles, which comes under the bigger heading of a hydrogel. If you look at hydrogel, you’ll see multiple different uses. One is on-demand drug delivery, which that’s what they say they’re using for in these injections. On-demand though means a trigger in impulse or something has to make that work. That’s already telling you there’s some technology involved.
The same substances can also be used for biosensors. This is what I’m talking about of losing your privacy, autonomy and freedom because a biosensor can measure your breathing, your respirations, your blood sugar. Those are nice but they also can measure your thoughts and emotions. They have an electrodermal analysis like a lie detector. Also, they can measure, blood alcohol content.
If you’ve had sexual relations, which is a very sacred private thing, they can measure even if you have sunlight, if you fall and all kinds of things. This sounds like you’re getting into some very intimate details. Why does anyone need to know that? That’s what biosensors can do. If you think that, “They can do that, but they certainly, wouldn’t use it for that.” You have to think again.
Microsoft, by chance last year, put out a patent around the world which is 060606, that would use the biosensors in the human body. It would be communicating with your smartphone, which would go to the 5G, then the supercomputer and analyze it. With all these biorhythms, biometric data, you would be allotted cryptocurrency. They are already analyzing it.
Take that one step further. The vaccines right now that we’re using for COVID, which they’re calling vaccines are injections, in West Africa, Microsoft is testing this out right now, the patent I talked about with the COVID vaccine injections. What they’re doing is they’re putting biosensors inside of there. They’re using MasterCard as a cryptocurrency and also Trust Stamp, which is an artificial intelligence program.
What they’re saying they’re doing is they’re putting all their digital IDs in all their medical records, their history, but they said that this technology, they plan to also use it for surveillance and predictive policing right now. Predictive policing like the Minority Report with Tom Cruise. “I thought it was for the health and wellbeing of humanity.” Now, you’re telling me it’s for spying and for doing predictive policing. This is admitted in their protocol that they’re doing right now. They said, once it’s perfected, they plan to unveil it in the developed countries. That means us. Here you go, you’ve got some people doing this technology and already admitting they have a different purpose altogether.
For those of our readers who think this sounds farfetched, I would hasten to remind them that already our is being collected. I know Instagram knows where I am at every moment. There are certain apps on my phone that say, “Do you want to say where you’re at or your location?” I don’t even say it, but I’m still being traced. This is a simpler way for my data to be collected.
We aren’t being told everything and already we see lots of different lies going out in the media and we’re not being told the truth. If we’re not being told the truth about one or two things, how do we know how many other things are not being told the truth about? The other thing is with these vials, why aren’t we allowed to analyze them ourselves? Why isn’t there independent research being done? They refused it. It’s illegal to analyze the vials.
The vials of what’s in the injections?
Yes. It’s illegal for anyone to analyze them. If they have nothing to hide and what they’re doing is for the wellness and the wellbeing of humanity, they should have no problem letting anyone analyze it, but they won’t let anyone analyze it.
This is shocking. It’s hard for me to believe that this isn’t just some sci-fi movie and that this is happening in real life under our very noses.
It is shocking for all of us, the more you research and realize what’s going on. The more I researched and realized what’s going on and after attending meetings where they talked about their intent, which is exactly what I mentioned. You have to see that this is a big agenda around the world that for me, this virus and these injections are being used for another purpose altogether. It’s not our country, it’s worldwide. We need to start waking up to what’s happening. Question everything, question, everybody, and stand together for what is right for humanity.
If I understand you correctly, not only will these biosensors record data but they can move my emotions, my thoughts and my body to do things. Is that right or is that going too far?
No. If you look at what, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA can do, they’ve taken the same substance and Elon Musk talks about this as well. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Aaron Rakers all talk about using this technology as something fantastic to evolve a human. They would like us to be like the Matrix where instead of going to school, we would download another person’s memories who had learned a subject, who had learned karate, who’d learned to cook French cuisine to learn another language.
You’re downloading another person’s memories into your brain like a computer and automatically, you would know it. It would be so similar to your memories. You wouldn’t know if it’s your memory or someone else’s memory, which already you can see the problem with that of what is your reality then? There’s something called N3, where they can rewrite your memories. They can take the same substance and remotely, they can take out the memory and put new memory in. To me, why would you want to do this except for making a perfect crime? They say they would be nice for post-traumatic stress disorder, but I wholeheartedly disagree with that technology.
It has the threat of making us more robotic and less human.
If you look at everything, it’s taking everything spiritual out. They don’t believe in that. They think of us as biological beings and we’re not that. We’re mostly spiritual beings. They want to use this technology to connect all of us into a Hivemind, they call it but we’re already connected spiritually. We don’t need that. They also want us to be immortal. This is one of their intentions. If you listen to what immortal is, they believe all our memories are what makes us immortal or that’s what makes us.
That we would upload the memories and download them into a new body or a digital form, they talk about this. To me, that is not being immortal. That is not a life because I believe in the spiritual nature of us. We have a group of people doing this technology that for the most part, they say they don’t believe in God, they don’t believe in that spirituality. They only believe in the biological form. I don’t want to follow that way. If that’s what they want to do, that’s great, but they shouldn’t try to impose their technology on the rest of us who think differently.
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The World Economic Forum, DARPA, Davos, there’s a Codex Alimentarius, which is an international trade agreement, which talks about genetically modifying everything including humans. There’s Agenda 2021, Agenda 2030. You look at all of these things and you look at what they’re trying to do and what they’re pushing, and you’ll see the same theme come up every time.
Why isn’t the general public more concerned about this? If it has been out in the open and I have found my research. I have found some of this stuff that you’re saying, but why aren’t people like, “We need to wake up to this.”
They’re watching the major media, the news stations, the CNNs, and all that, which are not reporting on these things and they see the same thing going in front of them all the time. If they shut their televisions off and talk to one another and looked at alternative forms of media, they would see that these things are out there, but they keep relying on the same major media to give them instructions and direction.
Are there people in DARPA and the World Economic Forum who genuinely think this will be for the betterment of society and the betterment of humanity?
I’m sure there are people like that, but it’s in their worldview, their eyes. For me, living forever through memory would be a total hell for me, but in their eyes, they think that’s fantastic. We’re all different and we should value and honor that. That’s not living forever. I would never want to be like that. If that’s their choice, that’s their choice. We should honor that.
Also being connected through artificial intelligence, I 100% disagree with that. It’s my body, my choice, my soul, my mind. We should value that above everything else. We can see how easily once you start to connect with that, how someone can hack into it. How could you control that at that moment? That would be very hard to control.
What are some steps each of us as individuals can take right now to hold onto our humanity, to hold on to that spirit, that essence of who we are without allowing ourselves to be programmed or connected to AI?
First, shut your televisions off because they are brainwashing devices and get your education elsewhere. I highly recommend everybody in their community to start a meeting once a week. It’s so important to meet physically. You’ll find your tribe, find like-minded people that will raise you up, gives you empowerment. Each other, you can share information, share education, share knowledge. I believe that we should get connected to our spirit again. Pray, dance, sing, worship, whatever that fills you with joy and love. That’s the highest form of energy vibration.
The fear and panic that the news gives you and the movies in the programming now, it’s full of darkness and despair, and it makes you very low energy. In low energy, we are enslaved, we are following the wrong path. We need to find and connect with the spirit again. Be outside, go barefoot in the grass ground with ourselves, be in the sunlight. We do everything they tell us not to do. We hug, we kiss, we sing and we dance. We’re doing everything they tell us not to do that.
The biosensor, is that inside the hydrogel that is in some of these vaccines? Is that what I hear you saying?
The hydrogel is this technology that can be fluid in like a syringe. Once it’s injected into you with certain pH changes, temperature changes, it can form a scaffolding and it has a predilection to nervous tissue your nerves, your brain, etc. With that, it’s almost having this antenna, which is a two-way communication device now, information in, information out. With that, you can imagine if it’s putting information out, it can gather information like your pH changes.
We know how to measure thoughts and emotions based on different changes in the body physically, and electrodermal analysis, and all of these things. Because now, we have something in the body that can accumulate data and information and wirelessly transmit it. If you’re going out, you can come in. That’s the danger. Now, information can come in. What is the information? What if someone can hack into it? Who’s putting information into you? What’s the purpose? These are questions that have to be answered.
If I’ve already gotten an injection, is there any way I can detox that little biosensor out?
We don’t have answers right now because we need to analyze the vials. We should put a moratorium and start to do an independent analysis, first of all. We don’t know exactly how, but we do know it’s cumulative. The more you get, the more it is in your body. We don’t have answers. I know heavy metal detox is important and making your body as healthy as possible. Make sure that you have a healthy gut and that you’re eating clean food. I like detox baths. There are lots of detox baths you can do.
Having clean water, making sure you don’t have any dental decay. Dental decay is the number one issue with lots of people. They have a bad old root canal or a silver filling. Make your body, your terrain is as healthy as possible. I’ve seen what people consider miracles all the time and it’s because of their will and their connection with spirit, with God that overcomes all material things. If you get that strong, powerful connection, I believe that it can do anything.
You mentioned fear earlier and how that suppresses immune system function. How do you personally stay out of the fear when you’re reading these materials and you’re so aware of some of these agendas that are against humanity?
Those are dark places you can go to. I have to separate and laugh and find funny things, humorous things and be around like-minded people. I get inspiration from the Bible. I’m not in any religion, but I’m a believer in Yeshua, Jesus Christ. I think about how he was when he walked the earth and I find inspiration with that. You follow what he did. You go around all different kinds of people. You love them, you do random acts of kindness. You’re doing that, but you get tenfold, a hundredfold back. It fills you with hope and joy and love. That’s what I do.
I have two more questions. One is, what was the first moment when you were in some of those meetings and you had an a-ha like, “This isn’t going in the direction I thought it would.” That these groups want to control the population or manipulate them using technology?
In the scientific meetings, they talked about patenting and owning human genes, genomes and therefore, humans. We’re in the world would anyone want to patent and own a human? Right then and there you say, “Someone’s abusing your power.” Knowing that they tried to do that with our natural organic genes and genomes, thank goodness that was turned down in the Supreme Court, but they got around that where they were able to say, “Let’s put something synthetic in the gene, something not from nature or something synthetic in the genome.”
Now, can we own the gene genome or the human? The answer was yes. As it stands, the Supreme Court Justice as a human being can be owned and patented if there’s anything synthetic inside of them. Did anyone hear about this on the news? No, but I heard about this in the meeting. You can look this up yourself, this law still stands. That’s one of the biggest things you should never be able to own and patent any human no matter what, even they have something synthetic inside of them. That should make everybody question everything.
Also, when they were talking about biosensors with that patent. Bonafide business owners’ meetings talking about using that technology to augment the behavior and affect the behavior of a group of people without their permission because it was for “the betterment of society.” Using this technology that they felt, we can make people nicer to each other and less racist. Who are they to play God, and who are they to do this? That’s the second example of how I feel that we’ve lost the checks and balances in science and medicine.
What year did that law go down that you’re talking about? The ability to patent something within the human or even the human being?
It’s around many years ago.
I’m going to wrap things up. I know we need to get back to this conference, which is amazing. Tell me if the reader could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
Water is the essence of life. Water is amazing. We are mostly water beings. Most people have no idea that the water that they drink is very contaminated. Make sure you have a way to clean your own water. A tabletop water distiller or a Berkey filter. If you make sure you have clean water, your health changes. Don’t ever trust water from the refrigerator, the tap, those plastic water bottles, all kinds of things. Clean water is the essence of life.
Thank you so much for this time. It’s been a great conversation.
Thanks for having me.
About Dr. Carrie Madej
Dr. Madej served as a private clinician and medical director of clinics in Georgia until 2015. Dr. Madej also served as an attending physician for the Pennsylvania College of Osteopathic Medicine – Georgia Campus, where she mentored students in clinical applications of internal medicine for 8 years. She has served as a public speaker and was featured in the documentary, “The Marketing of Madness” about the overuse of prescription psychotropic medicines.
Important Links:
- Dr. Carrie Madej – Twitter
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
- BordeauxKitchen – Etsy
- The Bordeaux Kitchen
- Tania Teschke – LinkedIn
- Secrets From The French – Previous episode
- World Economic Forum
Reference links:
- United Nations Agenda 2030:
United Nations Agenda 21:, a nongovernmental organization working to create worldwide digital IDs: Economic Forum, links on The Great Reset economic agenda and strategy:The original WEF social media video containing “You’ll own nothing and be happy,” posted on Facebook in 2016: Odysee link to the same video, for those who may not use Facebook: Economic Forum, Davos Agenda 2021: Stamp official website: Mastercard news release summarizing how Trust Stamp works: Digital Wellness: Vaccine Alliance summary of the public-private partnership between GAVI, Mastercard and Trust Stamp: MIT news release on an injectable dye designed as a permanent, biologically embedded vaccine passport, using development funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:
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