How can we be sure viruses don’t exist? What about the “patient 0” who transmits diseases at the start of nearly every pandemic? And do germs and microorganisms exist? What’s making us sick, if not these things? Dr. Samantha and Dr. Mark Bailey are the authors of “The Final Pandemic” and today they answer frequently asked questions about viruses. They explain how the medical community has been unable to prove that viruses make us sick or that they even exist in the first place. They also answer questions about the use of antibiotics and about whether germ theory and terrain theory can possibly coexist.
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda Labrada Gore and the regular text is Dr. Samantha Bailey and Dr. Mark Bailey.
How can we be sure that viruses don’t exist? What about patient zero who transmits diseases at the start of nearly every pandemic? Do germs and microorganisms exist? What’s making us sick if not these things? This is episode 473, and our guests are Doctors Mark and Samantha Bailey. We have them on our last episode. Now, we invited them back to answer frequently asked questions about all things related to viruses.
They explain how the medical community has been unable to prove that viruses exist or that they make us sick. They answer a number of questions, including those I asked at the top, whether antibiotics are ever a good idea and if germ theory and terrain theory could possibly coexist. They also go over a number of the pages from the Virus or Pandemic playbook. Also, they point to the work of a New Zealand doctor who has been their inspiration and a personal influence for how they shore up their health.
Before we get into the conversation, I want to let you know that the Weston A. Price Foundation has a popular brochure called The Timeless Principles of Healthy Traditional Diets. In it, there are pictures taken by Dr. Weston A. Price along with guidelines for living the Wise Tradition’s way. To celebrate one million copies distributed of this brochure, we are giving away five free copies to each Weston A. Price Foundation member who requests it. Just go to our website and log into the private section for members only. If you are not a member, you can join today. It’s only $30 for the year if you use the code POD10. Do it.
Visit Sam and Mark’s website
Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation
Check out our sponsors: Nutrition Therapy Institute and Polyface Farms Two Days of Truth Summit
Welcome to the show, Sam and Mark.
Thank you so much, Hilda.
It’s lovely to be here.
Patient Zero
We had you all on before, and it was wonderful and then I realized, “We need to ask you the most frequently asked questions about viruses.” Let’s start with the blame game when it comes to viruses. Usually, there’s patient zero or a place from which everything originated that gets a lot of attention, and then all the fear begins. Talk to us about that process.
There are multiple levels of blame that go on and this is to distract people from what causes illness, which we might get into later but the double deception that goes on is firstly they blame germs, whether they exist like bacteria, fungi, etc., or whether the fabrics of the virologists’ imaginations like the virus model. That’s the first level of blame. The second level of blame is that then they say that there are vectors, things that are making these germs come into the population.
One of those things might be animals and the so-called zoonotic diseases. The other one you mentioned there is the concept of patient zero. Now, patient zero is another fantastical concept that they’ve come up with no basis in reality. This is apparently their ability to trace back a pandemic to who the first case was or who started this whole thing. It’s so preposterous because you think, “How could there be a first case of something new that just appears?” That’s why they use the animal model as well and say that it must have come from animals first.
You are so right. In other words, it’s like the old adage, which came first, the chicken or the egg? How is a virus suddenly going to appear in a person from out of nowhere?
That’s why they distract people and say that it came from the jungle, it came from animals, etc.
They’re doing filthy things.
You’re like, “Where did it come from in the animals, etc.?” There’s just nothing underneath it. It’s all the way down. What they use is this mythology with the concept of patient zero. They did it most famously, perhaps with HIV. In our book, we give the example of Gaëtan Dugas, who was a gay flight attendant who they say brought AIDS to North America. The CDC published a study and it looked very technical. It had a diagram of all the contacts that Gaëtan had had with various men over a period of about five years and they said, “Here we go. It’s the smoking gun. He’s the guy that brought it to the United States.”
We exposed this paper and it showed the audience why it’s completely pseudoscientific. They had no evidence whatsoever that he had a new disease or that he was spreading it around. The problem though is that once they published that story in the 1980s, the mainstream newspapers picked up on it, and people started writing books about it. They said, “Gaëtan Dugas came across North America. He spread it coast to coast. That’s why the United States has this problem now.”
Ironically, they said, “Actually, it wasn’t him. We’ve got a different hypothesis about it,” but you can see that the damage was done because the public at that stage had been sold the story that this young, good-looking guy had moved around America. Also, because he was a flight attendant, he was traveling into the US and Canada, etc. Everywhere he was stopping, he was spreading this new virus around. Again, it’s incredible. There was no scientific basis to the entire thing, yet the mythology takes and the public got this idea into their minds that there’s a patient zero and they could appear amongst us at any time and spread deadly diseases around. We’ve got to be vigilant. We’ve got to be on the lookout.
What we point out is that in the 1980s and 1990s, some people were like, “It’s all very well, but I’m not part of a particular risk group, so this is not going to affect me.” By the time we got to 2020, I’m sure that everybody could see that they said, “Everyone’s at risk,” because we have a patient zero in Wuhan and this thing, nobody is safe. They took this bogus concept of patient zero and once again, sold it to the world but this time, on a grand scale.
In our book, we talked about the so-called Search for Patient Zero With COVID-19, and how there’s not a scrap of science behind it. It’s all them coming up with theories and opinions and it’s appearing in mainstream media as though these are facts. Virus Mania talked about this too, but we extend this concept in The Final Pandemic. What is the playbook? What are the things you need to be aware of? What are the terms, whether it’s patient zero, asymptomatic, transmission, super spreader, and all of these terms that they’ve introduced? How do they use them and why is there absolutely no scientific basis for any of them?
The one that always got me with hopefully, the final pandemic was the asymptomatic carrier because it made it so that you had to be afraid. As you said, be hypervigilant and keep your distance from everyone. This is for Joe Q. Public. I was not feeling that way because I didn’t believe it, but those who were convinced, what a great term. Asymptomatic carrier means that anyone could have this and infect you and cause your sickness or death.
Exactly, and I think what you’re talking about is the blame game, it takes it to another level, doesn’t it? The people who are well are fearful of complete strangers because they blame them. They think, “I could be a victim of this virus. They could infect me. It’s never something that you’ve done wrong. It’s never something that you’ve done to yourself. You don’t have to take any responsibility with viruses.”
As you know, in the book, Hilda, people don’t seem to realize that the first so-called asymptomatic carrier or transmitter was introduced more than a century ago in the form of Typhoid Mary. Strangely enough, there are odd things around the story, and I don’t think anyone should take it all as factual.
Typhoid Mary
I want to hear more about this, but I have to tell you, Joel Salatin always used to bring up Typhoid Mary and I thought, “Who is Typhoid? Mary?” He was always like, “People look at me like I’m a Typhoid Mary.” I’m like, “What does that mean?” Do tell us the story.
There are so many suspicious things surrounding the story. Now, if you read Wikipedia or some mainstream source, or even scientific publications, they talk about this as though it’s all fact. If you look back at the foundational evidence as we did, there’s very little available to make any deductions about what took place. Firstly, the problem is that nobody reported on the so-called Typhoid Mary.
Tell us the timeframe, too, because it’s been lost in the history books, and I’m curious about it.
One of the strange things was it was three decades after she was causing all these problems that the first report appeared. That’s odd in itself. You’d think that they would’ve reported on this at the time but we have the secondhand report three decades after these events supposedly took place. Mary Mallon immigrated to North America from Europe in the late 1800s or early 1900s.
She was then a cook for many wealthy families in the New York area. What they claim is that all of these households that she was working in were coming down with typhoid. They say that it was all traced back to her. She was dirty. She was constantly full of bacteria and she was shedding them out. It was getting into the food, and the household, and making everybody sick.
They said she went around multiple houses and was causing this absolute epidemic. They say she caused dozens of cases or maybe hundreds of cases, until they finally apprehended her and prevented her from working as a cook ever again. Now, there are so many problems with the story. You can’t even verify the stuff because as I say, we only have this one report written by a so-called sanitation engineer George Soper, which was written 2 or 3 decades after these apparent events.
If you read his report, it’s strange because he says he didn’t even need to do tests or anything. He knew that Typhoid Mary or Mary Mallon was spreading it everywhere just by looking at her. He also goes on to say that she looked incredibly healthy and robust, and she wasn’t affected whatsoever. Here we come into this contradiction because keep in mind in the early 1900s, this whole thing with germ theory is pretty new and most of the public are not really on board with it necessarily at this stage as they may be now.
It was a major problem because people could see that the person that was supposedly carrying this disease should be sick because in the late 1800s and then with Koch’s postulates. The whole thing was based on the fact that if you found the microbe in the person, they had the disease. They were incredibly unwell, but clearly, Mary was not unwell. This is the first introduction in the history of the asymptomatic transmitter, the fact that we’ve got these people that are completely well but they’re spreading it everywhere. They’re ending up killing people or making them incredibly sick.
What we encourage the audience to do is to examine the pivotal original evidence as we did. We didn’t include this in the book, but to be honest, one of the photographs looks completely doctored. Back in those days with the black and white photography, it showed Mary in an isolation ward, but the photo looked suspicious because we couldn’t confirm 100% that the photo was a doctor, but I’m sure many people would look at it and conclude the same. This photo looks like it’s completely fake. She doesn’t look like she’s in a hospital, etc.
I suppose the blame game comes in part because of human nature. We like to have an understanding, and if we don’t have it, we come up with one, a framework with which to understand sickness. It’s so much easier to be able to point the finger at Typhoid Mary, this fellow with AIDS, or Patient Zero in any of these cases, even an animal or a bat, because then I can feel safe and secure knowing that at least I have an idea of someone I can point the finger at. Does that make sense?
Absolutely, and it goes on everywhere. I can think of my own anecdotal stories of when I was working as a doctor going in and having a runny nose. There was a fellow colleague I worked with who was a triathlete, and she was going to a competition. She got angry at me and she said, “You’re going to make me sick. You’re going to affect me. I’m not going to race.” It’s this blame of thinking someone else is giving it to you. You are not responsible.
I think Hilda, what becomes so bizarre, and I think people who have woken up to the fraud of the germ theory, etc., and virology in recent years are starting to see what the problem is here. You can talk to someone who’s obese. They eat at McDonald’s every day of the week eating this terrible food and terrible diet. They hate their job so they sit in an office all day with complete psychological discontent. They have an unhealthy home life. They don’t do any exercise, but all of that can be forgotten because what they need to worry about is germs. That’s what makes them sick.
Make sure you’ve got hand sanitizer on hand.
Once you see the fraud for what it is, you think, “This person honestly thinks the best thing that they can do is wear a face mask, stay away from people, take vaccines or antibiotics, etc.” Unfortunately, they take no responsibility for their own health and the blame game goes into extreme overdrive because when they do get sick, they say, “I guess it was when John came to work and he sneezed on me,” or, “I guess it was because not enough people got the vaccine, etc.” All of these completely bogus concepts, and they don’t get that it’s not what’s making them sick.
Now, I want to go back to something you mentioned earlier, Mark. You were talking about germs and bacteria and fungi. Do you believe that those things exist? If so, how do they affect our health and our immune system?
Yes. We make the distinction. There are microorganisms that do exist, so we can see them under a light microscope. We can study their effects and we can study their genetics, etc. Those things include bacteria and fungal cells.
Also, cells.
We also have the hypothetical or what we’d call mythical category, which is viruses, which are submicroscopic. They say that they can’t see them with light microscopes and that’s why they have to do all these other indirect studies on them. To us, it’s clear they have no evidence whatsoever that viruses exist. Perhaps more important is to look at the overall picture because I think people understand how bogus the virus model is when they can see that there’s no evidence that microbes have the ability to be pathogenic.
In this sense, pathogenic means the ability to cause disease, not react to disease, or have microbes that change depending on the underlying condition. The concept of pathogenic is that these things can invade healthy tissues. You can be perfectly well and then you swallow or inhale one of these microbes, and then that causes you to become unwell. What we found in our years and years of research on this and others, Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, Mike Stone, and David and Dawn Lester with their book What Really Makes You Ill? All of us have spent years researching this and looking at the pivotal studies. We’ve all concluded the same, that the microbes can’t cause illness by themselves. They simply do not.

All of these studies that they’ve tried to do for a hundred years, trying to show that the bugs, these little microbes cause us to become sick or cause animals to become sick or plants, etc., are simply not true. In some cases, it’s a mistake and in some cases, we think it looks like all-out fraud, is that they’re associated with certain conditions so that if an organism does become unwell, some of the bacteria which are usually present in very small numbers, suddenly proliferate and become present in very big numbers.
That’s the mistake that’s been made because then people say, “It’s a smoking gun.” We always use the analogy. There are lots of volunteer firefighters around. Usually, they’re in plain clothes. We don’t necessarily know one when we see them walking down the street. They’re amongst us or with us all the time. However, if there is a fire, suddenly they all appear. They’ve got their suits on, trucks, flashing lights, and hoses. They come and they put out the fire but we don’t say, “Those firemen keep causing fires and they’re real pain.” We say, “Yes, they do appear in greater numbers and are more obvious, but only at times when conditions have changed.
Maybe these bacteria are on our side. They’re not the ones causing the sickness. They’re responding to some dis-ease in the body.
There’s a great example of this in Virus Mania, where we talk about the problems when you try and introduce life without microbes. They’ve done studies previously with cows, with cattle, young cows, where they’re born by cesarean section. They are born into sterile conditions. Everything’s controlled like the food, etc., and they can only survive for two weeks before dying.
This is an example of why there’s been a huge mistake that’s been made with the theory of what these microbes are doing. Another thing we point out in our new book, The Final Pandemic, is that when you look at the number of cells on and in our body, we’re outnumbered. The cells that are outnumbered by the cells that they call microbes. Isn’t this crazy? We know we can’t live without them. We know there’s no such thing.
I find it incredible that people can’t see it. These scientists look at the world like it’s this war going on between us and them. They don’t see how beautiful it is and that we’re in this symbiosis. We interact with our environment and our microbes on us and in us will change depending on the environmental conditions that we encounter. Without them, we are dead. It’s clear that we can’t get all of our nutrients. We can’t be healthy. I find that this is something that’s important for people to understand is that the microbes, not only are not harmful, but they’re also essential to our very life.
Without microbes, we cannot get all of our nutrients and be healthy.
Mark, is the word germs, is that a disparaging way to categorize these microorganisms do you think?
That’s right. It’s disparaging to these little guys that are trying to help us. If we use the word germs in writing, we sometimes put it in quotes so that people know that we don’t view them in such a way. They’re like so many things and we point this out in our book. If you look at the etymology, and the origins of how words develop, they weren’t necessarily disparaging terms initially. The germ can also mean something that brings forward new life.
Over time, we’ve had this butchering of the language and the virus is another example. Once upon a time, it meant poison and we would agree that there are things that you can’t see that will poison your body. Eventually, by the middle of the last century, they completely had changed that word and it had come to mean the modern conception, which is these particles and genetic material that invade your body and hijack your system. It’s interesting. I think the more we’ve done this, the more we’ve studied the origins of the words that we’re talking about. Words like contagion, etc., which have been completely changed over the years.
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Working On Corpses
That’s so fascinating but I want to go back to something you said. You said that there can be invisible microbes or microorganisms that could affect our health. I’m thinking particularly of some doctor back in the day who, as I recall, would work with corpses and then he would go and help deliver babies. He unwittingly was transferring some microbes or something that was affecting the health and the outcomes of these deliveries. Do you know that story?
Yes. It’s the story of a physician called Semmelweis. He was an obstetrician who was in the same department where basically doctors would go and deliver babies and then soon after go and do some autopsies, and vice versa. There was a definite association. This has to do with something called hygiene. I’ve made a video on this subject as well. Being around dead bodies, there are toxins that you’re interacting with. By introducing that to new life, to women to post-puerperal fever.
People get confused with this concept. It’s like the difference between if you take a fresh piece of steak and you can eat it raw. That’s fine. You won’t get sick from that but if you leave that steak outside for a couple of days in the sun and the conditions, it starts to break down. Now, if you take the meat at that point, you can wash it off or you can remove all of the microbes off the meat, but if you eat that meat, you’ll get sick because now it’s been broken down into products that are not suitable for human consumption.
We know that because we look at it. It looks slimy. Something looks wrong with it. It smells awful. It’s unappealing to us, which is why people, when they try to eat rotten food start to gag and the body tries to throw it back out. That’s not because it’s done anything bad to us at that point, but it’s the body knowing that this is not suitable for human consumption. It’s the same concept with this washing of the hands.
In that case with Semmelweis, he was touching dead and dying tissue. Some of these were corpses, literally. The corpses were breaking down and some of the biological products that come out of that process could get into our hands. If we go and put them inside a woman who’s giving birth in an invasive kind of way, that could potentially make them incredibly sick. It has nothing to do with germs. What they could have done was remove the germs from those samples and the woman would still get sick.
That’s the big difference is that there are toxins and these toxins do form in nature. We know nature’s here to help us, but there are also toxins in nature that are incredibly dangerous to us. Luckily, we’ve been given lots of warnings about them because they stink or they look unappealing. They have certain colors or whatever, and we know not to touch them.
Health Tips
I remember Sally talking in The Contagion Myth along with her coauthor, Tom Cowan, about how improved hygiene, clean water, and better sanitation, improve the health of communities better than any attempts on our part with vaccines and such to stem the sicknesses. Who knows what was going on back in the time of Typhoid Mary? Here they are blaming this robust cook when it may have been anything else that was causing people’s health to crash. Apart from hygiene, good sanitation, and clean water, what are some other things that you all recommend to bolster our health?
I think it’s all the things that Weston A. Price talks about constantly. You guys do it so well. It’s things that we all know that have been passed down for generations. It’s getting outside in the sun, being outside, getting good sleep in a loving relationship, having organic food that hasn’t been sprayed with glyphosates, and being psychologically in a good place. I think addressing those issues when often people are very unhappy in relationships in their work environment. Also, they don’t think that it will make them sick, but over time, it will. The body will find a way out if psychologically, you can’t find a way out.
People often think that unhappy relationships or work environments do not make them sick. But over time, the body will find a way out psychologically.
I think we are very influenced by Dr. Ulric Williams, who was a New Zealand physician in the 1930s through to about the 1950s. He rejected allopathic medicine. He was a surgeon and an obstetrician. Halfway through his career, he rejected all of that stuff and became a naturopath. We followed in his footsteps and were very similar. Ulric knew of Weston A. Price. In the 1930s, he’s already talking about Weston A. Price. We’re on that same tradition here. What Ulric came to the conclusion was that diet is so important as well as other things, but he essentially came up with these four principles of health, which we believe in as well.
One is that a lot of people are making dietary mistakes. They’re either eating too much, which is common. There are too many calories, etc. The next problem is that they’re eating depleted foods. Despite the fact people think, “I’m eating fruit and vegetables and I’m eating this and that.” The fact is that by the time the food gets to their plate, it’s very depleted and it doesn’t have the health benefits that they think it does.
It’s also potentially contaminated by toxins. Dr. Williams talked about that in the 1930s. He was horrified back then about how processed food was. Now, that’s in the 1930s. They barely had things like plastic and stuff with their foods back then and you think about what we have now, it’s completely different. The next principle he talked about was that diet was so important.
The next principle he talked about was lack of exercise and lack of getting outside in the sun. People thought that they could be healthy by staying at home and by never really doing a lot of exercise, etc. Unfortunately, with affluence, that became an option for people. They didn’t have to walk places. They didn’t have to use their bodies much and exercise.
The third was what Sam talked about. It is the psychological component. Particularly finding a pathway that gives you meaning and makes you feel content. I’ve got to say, that most people we encounter struggle on this one. They dismiss it as not that important to physical health but it is so important. We meet people all the time who hate their jobs, but they say, “I’m trained as an accountant,” or, “I’m trained as a dentist. What else would I do?” You can do something else if you want. If you find that the work’s making you feel discontent, there are other options.
Number four was a spiritual connection, which came to Dr. Williams. The reason he changed everything was because he felt he had no spiritual connection. He felt that he was selfish and that he was materialistic. He became ashamed of himself and realized that there was a God and that instead of serving God, he was serving himself. I think those four guiding points are very widely encompassing, but I think if people come back to those, you can’t go wrong.
Antibiotics And Pharmaceuticals
They’re beautiful. I hadn’t heard of them before or of this doctor. Thank you for bringing him up. I have a few more questions to ask you before we wrap up. One is, even though we’ve been talking about the wonders of natural choices, a better diet, a better mood, a spiritual connection, and all these things, is there ever a circumstance in which antibiotics are a good idea?
The short answer is no. I get asked this question a lot of times in emails, and I always try and point to the person. You have to reflect on why has this happened to you first and you have to reverse that cause that antibiotics will “work.” They suppress symptoms, but ultimately you haven’t addressed the cause and the problem usually does come back. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself but antibiotics are anti-life. That’s what the word means if you break it down.
Antibiotics may address the symptoms but not the cause.
As Mark talked about, where do you distinguish the difference between bacteria and human cells? We are all the same thing so you are attacking yourself. I would always look at why has this happened. What is the cause? We get asked about sepsis often. We do monthly questions and answers for our viewers. What would you do in this situation? I believe that if I were that sick, I’d be looking at things like IV Vitamin C and IV fluids if I were in the hospital, but I would not want antibiotics. I would be trying to address, “What have I done wrong? There’s something that I’ve made a mistake with here, and it’s been serious enough to make me this sick.”
I think Sam’s got a video called The Truth About Antibiotics. That’s something that people could look at. In that video, like everything, when we start researching, we go to the scientific literature and we pour through it trying to find examples of life-threatening conditions like gangrene and tried to find examples of where they’d done a proper trial scientifically to see if antibiotics save lives. We didn’t find any. Now, that’s strange because if they’re claiming that they’re life-saving pharmaceuticals, wouldn’t it be a slam dunk for them at some stage in the last 70, 80 years to do a study and say, “It was definite.”
Instead, we have this mythology. We hear that in World War II, all of the allies were being saved with the marbles of penicillin, etc. There are no scientific studies that show that. That’s pure mythology that’s been propagated for decades now. The other thing that Sam says to me, the reason it wouldn’t work in terms of the killing of the microbes is that we’re absolutely covered in bacteria. You’ve got tens of thousands of species all over you. How are they supposedly killing one type? This comes back to the whole concept of the magic bullet and we mentioned this in a footnote in the new book.
Speaking of magic, I understand that the root word of pharmaceuticals is pharmacopoeia. It’s a Greek word, and doesn’t it have its origin and a word that is connoted with witchcraft or sorcery?
Also, deception, etc. We’re not sure of the significance of that, but we are mainly concerned with the whole development in the early 1900s of the petrochemical industry and all of its products. They had this “solution” and then went looking for a problem. Rockefeller and some of those powerful corporations worked out that there was going to be this huge market if they could get things like germ theory to take in the public.
The medical industry got captured and the rest is history in terms of how this mythology has been propagated but we just keep pointing it out to people. When you look at your body and your health, you don’t have a pharmaceutical deficiency going on and also, we got taught pharmacology for years. It was drilled into us and how medicines are supposed to work, etc. We came to the understanding that this is complete nonsense. This is how it works. You swallow a chemical and your body tries to get rid of it. Sometimes that means your blood pressure goes down. Sometimes that means it does something else to your guts. It gives you constipation, diarrhea, etc. These are all the effects of your body trying to get rid of something.

Interestingly, they call them side effects. Going back to etymology and the way words sound, side effects sound better than effects, but honestly, it is effects. As you’re pointing out, Mark, how does the medication know exactly what it’s supposed to do and go to that one spot in the body? It’s not going to work like that. It’s going to go to different places and cause different things to happen.
It’s completely bogus. If someone’s reading, there are a couple of isolated examples. They can make synthetic hormones, for instance, things like insulin, etc., but they mimic stuff that’s been already produced by the body. They’re copycat kind of molecules but any of the petrochemical-type derived pharmaceuticals are simply intruders in the body. The body does its best to get rid of them.
It’s interesting because I had a conversation with someone who used to be in the pharmaceutical industry and had woken up to all of the fraud going on. I think he said to me something like, “I take something like acetaminophen, Tylenol, and that’s about the only thing I take.” I said, “Don’t take that.” They don’t even know what that does. Even within the mainstream medicine system, they say, “We don’t know how it operates.”
Also, we know that your body, as soon as it goes in, tries to detox the molecule and it depletes your glutathione system. Your body treats it as it does with every other poison and activates the glutathione system to get rid of it. It’s incredible that people think a nasal spray or some Tylenol, something over the counter is perfectly safe not realizing that their body treats it as an attack.
Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory
I am excited to get this out but I have one more question before my final one, and it’s this. Can germ theory and terrain theory coexist?
No, I don’t think so. This gets put out to us a lot, this question of whether you can take the good and take the good from this. No, I think they’re mutually exclusive and the reason is because germ theory has a specific reason, which is that there is one germ that causes one disease and there’s one treatment. The terrain theory is the concept that your terrain is altered, and then sickness will come about. It’s a completely different way of looking at things.
I think because this issue has been brought to the forefront more and more lately with the freedom community, who can see there are major problems here, I think it feeds back into germ theory in particular. I know we talked about this last time, but as things like the biolab and bioweapon fake stories that are going on, this is unhealthy and dangerous. They are causing more fear in people so they can’t coexist. What do you think?
I think first of all, it’s a shame. We say germ theory because that’s what everyone in the public calls it, but it’s not even a theory. It was the germ hypothesis, and it’s been refuted. We can show people dozens of studies where it’s been refuted. Remember with a scientific hypothesis, you only have to refute it once, and then it’s finished. It can’t progress to become a theory but we know because of the fraud that went on with developing the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines, etc. that they elevated it and said, “That’s been established as a theory,” which means that it hasn’t been refuted, which is absolute nonsense.
It’s very important for them to propagate this fraud. Also, it’s very specific. As Sam says, they came up with these very specific hypotheses about what bacteria, fungi, and imaginary viruses could do. We don’t even have to show that there’s an alternative. We just show that the gem theory is incorrect. I think also to be clear to people, the terrain theory, we probably shouldn’t call it theory either. We should call it a terrain paradigm, etc. because we’re not saying that it’s being put forward with specific scientific hypotheses.
I think terrain is a word we use to say that germ theory is incorrect. That’s not what’s happening. Terrain embraces a wide paradigm of the reasons why people get sick and how microbes work when they interact in the environment and with us. I think for us, what’s become the major problem now, and unfortunately, this is in health freedom people is the whole bio lab thing because they don’t realize this is the strongest thing supporting the germ theory. Not only do these germs are dangerous, but they can make them even more dangerous and they can fiddle around with them in labs.
I think what they don’t realize is that people think, “If we expose this to the public, it’s going to be great. We’re going to cause the whole thing to unravel.” No, the reaction will be that the public will freak out and they’ll think that biosecurity needs to be ramped up to the point that people won’t be able to travel. They’ll have to have passports that indicate if they’ve been vaccinated, tested, etc. It’s moving into something that globalist organizations want. They want this extreme biosecurity to restrict what people can do.
Also, this feeds back into your first question about the blame game. “It’s come from a lab in Wuhan.” It feeds straight back into that psychology.
It’s such a good point. I don’t think people had thought through logically, or I’ll say for myself, I hadn’t thought through. We’re feeding into the lie that will put us in a more submissive state, literally where we as citizens, wherever we may live are going to be subjugated to more restrictions to ostensibly protect us from these bioweapons.
People can’t see it. We can give an example in our own country New Zealand, and I’m sure it’s the same in the United States. There are certain animals that if you keep on your farm, they say that they have the right to come onto your property at any time and test the animals, which they say they’re testing them for germs. If their tests come back positive, they then have the right to kill your animals, your entire herd, or your flock on the basis of these tests.
We know that this happens across the world, in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand. If people can’t see what they use as an excuse and how that could be used to an even worse extent on the human population, soon it will be a case of, “Look at that. You tested positive for this test, which means that now you’ve got to do this and got to do that before you’re even allowed to leave your house again.” Again, it buys back into this terrible germ paradigm.
Closing Words
You’ve given us so much food for thought and now, I want to pose to you the question I love to pose at the end. You may have a different answer than last time, but if the reader could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend?
I’ll give a different answer this time. One of the people I follow regularly is Tom Cowan because he keeps firing out all these nuggets. You think that’s a great idea and you take it on board. I think that’s what people appreciate these little things that you can do each day. Mine would be to take a pure glass of water each day, squeeze a lemon in there, and drink that because that is magnificent. It is much better than taking any Vitamin C supplement.
The supplements do not capture the complex of compounds that nature can produce. That would be my advice, particularly to those people who are thinking, “I’m taking my daily vitamin C, natural supplement, etc.” I would say Stop that and make sure the lemon’s organic. That’s something I do. You’re supposed to do it at the start of the day. I don’t do that. I do it more towards the evening. I love it when I’m sitting down in the evening and doing a little bit of work, and I squeeze a lemon into that glass of water. Initially, I thought, “It’s so sour,” but I’ve got so used to it. It tastes absolutely delicious now.

What about you, Sam?
I’m a big fan too of experimenting on yourself but I don’t think you need to do any types of fancy studies. I like to do this. Mark will say that I’m a fan of trying out different stuff like a new shampoo or just doing things that you experiment with a problem in your life and thinking, “What can I do differently?” At the moment, what I’m trying is sourcing as much as I can myself. Also, learning how to make things myself. I haven’t done it yet. I would like to try getting salt from the sea. Sea salt and making that myself. It’s little things that you think, “I want to try this and see how it works.” There’s always something new to learn. That would be my tip.
Thank you both so much. It’s been a lovely conversation. I’ve learned so much. Thank you.
Thanks, Hilda.
Our guests were Dr. Mark and Samantha Bailey. For a recent review from Apple Podcasts. AnnEG said this, “So great. I absolutely love listening to this podcast. It is my go-to in the kitchen, garden, on road trips, etc. It’s a great resource for so many topics and has helped transform my family’s health and nutrition. 10 out of 10 recommend.”
Ann, thank you so much for your review. It means a ton. If you want to leave us a review, please go to Apple Podcasts, and click on the ratings and reviews. Give us as many stars as you’d like, and tell the world why the show is worth listening to. Thank you so much for listening, my friend. Stay well, and remember to keep your feet on the ground and your face to the sun.
About Dr. Samantha Bailey
Dr. Samantha Bailey and Dr. Mark Bailey are the authors of “The Final Pandemic”.
Dr. Samantha Bailey trained and worked as a conventional doctor over two decades before a new understanding of health compelled her to leave the medical system. In 2020 she started what was to become New Zealand’s largest YouTube health channel with her videos gaining millions of views and an international following.
About Dr. Mark Bailey
Dr. Mark Bailey completed his medical training in 1999. He worked in many specialties as a resident doctor and was also a clinical trials research physician for several years. In 2016 he left clinical practice due to dissatisfaction with the allopathic medical system. Since early 2020, he has been the duo’s chief researcher with a focus on microbiology, the existence of viruses, as well as historical and epistemological issues within medical science.
Important Links
- Mark and Samantha Bailey
- The Timeless Principles of Healthy Traditional Diets
- Virus Mania
- The Final Pandemic
- What Really Makes You Ill?
- Apple Podcast – Wise Traditions Podcast
- Weston A. Price Foundation
- Nutrition Therapy Institute
- Polyface Farms
I’m curious how this explains something like the disease and illnesses that settlers and colonizers spread, at times intentionally such as smallpox infected blankets, to Indigenous populations in the Americas that had horrific and detrimental impacts on entire populations?
Its hard to discern the truth about Typhoid Mary story. Back then infectious disease WAS the #1 cause of death. Its hard to weigh truth and need to think about several viewpoints.
I heard about typhoid Mary and that she did not wash her hands after going to the bathroomo. As a child, we were not taught to wash our hands after bathroom. This story helped!! Doctors who performed autopsies transferred bacteria to newborns because they didn’t wash their hands. Its good to questions as long as we don’t vilify someone who lived 200 years ago. I love this channel. I love the doctors here. Thanks for sharing!!
Prove It.
You say that Viruses aren’t real? Prove It.
Go find someone with AIDS and share a needle with them.
Go kiss someone with Ebola.
Let a rabid dog bite you.
Do something where germ theory says you will get a deadly infection, and your theory says you won’t. Then let everyone see what happens.
Put up or shut up.
Prove It.
I know you’re probably just a troll but I’m going to answer anyway. None of the things you list prove anything about the existence of a virus. If you knew anything about basic logic you would know that you can’t prove a negative. I could say all those things are caused by cooties and demand you prove they are not. You can’t do it. If you are going to impose mandates on anyone, the burden of proof is on you to prove that viruses do exist.