Animals, climate change, the Wuhan lab, and germs and viruses. All of these are convenient scapegoats when looking to blame something/anything for sickness and disease. But what if they’re not to blame? Is it possible that the mainstream narratives are leading us in the wrong direction? Drs. Samantha and Mark Bailey are physicians and the authors of “The Final Pandemic“. In their book and in today’s interview, they point to flaws in our understanding of viruses and disease.
Sam and Mark once held the mainstream beliefs about sickness and viruses. After all, they were educated about germs and diseases in medical school. But the events of 2020 led them to do a deep dive into virology, where they found no proof that viruses exist or that they cause illness. They then scoured the history books and found a pandemic playbook of sorts that had been used repeatedly throughout history, to “create pandemics” and then present the so-called solution of “necessary” vaccines to eradicate them. Their findings are startling and may lead many to question the virus narrative, as they have.
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.What if you comb through the history books and the scientific articles, and found that there was no basis for our current understanding of viruses? This is episode 472 and our guests are Dr. Samantha and Dr. Mark Bailey. This is exactly the task that they have undertaken. Their conclusion, you may find in the book, The Final Pandemic, and also in our conversation, they are not negating the existence of the disease. Rather, they disagree with the faulty conclusions of those who promulgate the idea that we need to fear some microscopic germs or viruses that we are told can make the healthy sick, and that even leads some to blame the sick for spreading it around.
They make a strong case for the fact that there’s no pathogen out there trying to kill us. There never has been and there never will be. From polio to Chickenpox to COVID-19, Mark and Sam lift the veil and expose the emperor who is wearing no virus clothes. Before we get into the conversation, I want to invite you to follow the show on the platform of your choice. This way you won’t miss a thing or better yet, download our Wise Traditions Podcast app to the device of your choice, iOS or Android.
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Welcome to the show, Sam and Mark.
Thank you.
It’s lovely to be here, Hilda.
Your book is blowing our minds over here in the States. I know you’re in New Zealand, but I am excited that this is going to get worldwide traction. Before we dig into that, I want to ask you a story of your own misplaced beliefs. That was the name of one of your chapters. In other words, was there a time when you thought you caught a cold or you believed in germs? Tell me about it.
Fear Of Virus, Fear Of Dunes
Probably from growing up, it’s the tradition that we’ve been all taught that you have to wash your hands and be careful around young children because they might pass germs onto you. I had that belief growing up and through all of our academic training all the way through, it was a fear of viruses and germs.
You have to remember that we were both trained in the mainstream system and became allopathic doctors in 1999, and Sam a few years later. When we had our own family, we thought we were witnessing illnesses passing around within the family, particularly when our kids were in that younger age group when they were 3 or 4 years old whenever we felt unwell, we’d think, “Kids must have brought something home.” We hadn’t looked deep into the science at that point and it is amazing. I do understand how people find this stuff hard initially to accept because we observe these things in life and we think, “I’ve got the explanation for that.” We know throughout history that humans get stuff wrong all the time. That’s why we had a chapter called The History of Misplaced Beliefs. We include ourselves in that. We were once in that paradigm.
What was it in your medical training that led you to see the evidence that corroborated your experience? In other words, what are they telling doctors about contagion?
It’s an absolute that it’s a fact. It’s not questioned, it’s dogma within your medical training, allopathic training. The problem is that once you have certainty, you stop asking questions.
During our time in medical school and then as practitioners, we didn’t look at any of the foundational studies. That’s only come since 2020 when we started our own private research because what happens is that you get put in front of a lecture or laboratory or when you start practicing and you’ve got other doctors. You don’t realize at the time, but it’s a whole lot of mythology they’re teaching you. Let’s say for chickenpox, they say, “This is a highly contagious condition.” That’s it. Most people would think, “Surely the doctors at that point read all the pivotal studies dating back to the early 1900s.”
No, we’re not aware of those studies. Even with things like Cox Postulates, the so-called foundational basis of germ theory. We didn’t look at that. We were told these are the postulates, they were scientifically established and now we can all follow them. They didn’t tell us to go and have a look at Cox Postulates and see what you think. We did that subsequently and we were horrified that it didn’t say or prove what they were claiming.
One of the greatest ones I always mention because it was such a shock to me as a formerly trained doctor, was the Rosenau Experiments that were done in the Spanish flute era where they had prisoners and they tried to infect them. Lots of people know about this now, but at the time, when you first discover this, you can’t believe that this was omitted from your training. You’d never heard of it.
Is that the study where they would take the mucus or the snot from a sick soldier and put it into the nose of a healthy soldier trying to make him sick?
Not only that, they had people who were critically unwell. They said that with this flu, breathing into other people’s faces, coughing on them, they tried everything we give a concise summary in the book of what they did. We summarized the entire paper so people can see the extremes they went to because remember they’re telling us that you could walk into a room and somebody could breathe or cough and that’s it. You’re going to become sick now or they’re going to cough onto a door handle and then later on you touch the door handle and touch your face. Now you’re sick. They’re saying it’s contagious. It’s unbelievable this is not influenza, but chickenpox, measles, all of the stuff. When we started investigating the actual studies where they tried to do these human experiments, we were horrified. We were saying, “I’ve never achieved this before. Why are they saying this happens in reality?”

To your point, these misplaced beliefs have permeated our culture and our understanding. I have a little story. When my kids were little and they were in the car and they would start coughing, I would roll down the windows so that all the germs could ostensibly fly out the window and I could avoid catching whatever they had. Going back to chickenpox, people used to have chickenpox parties where I would take my 7-year-old to be around the 7-year-old with a chickenpox so that my kid would catch it from them. What do you make of that situation?
We’ve made a video on this very question because we got asked about it many times, but there are a lot of different areas that you have to unpack with this, but that did happen people were having chickenpox parties and presuming it would stop the child getting sick, but it’s also confounded by the fact of 1) Chickenpox, and I know this might sound like a silly question, but often rashes are mistaken by individuals. It’s in allopathic medicine, it tends to be what they call a diagnosis of exclusion. It’s one that you rule out a whole lot of other things and you say, “It’s probably chickenpox,” often parents think, “They’ve got chickenpox and it’s affected us.” The children themselves, one of the best ways of excreting toxins is through the skin eliminatory reaction that happens to children for a whole lot of causes.
The other thing was with the epidemiology of chickenpox because we get this too, people will say to us, “What about the time an entire class used to come down with chickenpox?” We’d say, “Can we see the data for that because we’ve not encountered that before?” We know if isolated, 1 or 2 people get it. In my own experience, when I was 10 or 11 years old, I was diagnosed with chickenpox. Now I was in a family of six, no one else in the family got sick, no one else in my class got sick, and I was told to stay home for a week or whatever. When you hear these stories of chickenpox parties, everyone got sick, etc., that’s not reality and it’s not supported by the studies that they did when they tried to get people to infect other people with chickenpox because I don’t know if you’re a wear holder, but the contagion studies, this is how they did them.
They found people or kids with chickenpox and then they used a needle and syringe and took fluid from their skin, the little bumps, the vesicles then they injected that into either other children or primates and caused skin reactions and then claimed that it was an infectious virus passing around. That’s not a natural mode of transmission and they didn’t replicate the same disease, it caused a local skin reaction. We know that when you inject foreign material into another human or animal, you’ll get a skin reaction. That’s not a contagious entity. The entire basis for chickenpox is rather surprising because they claim it’s infectious and that 90% of people could walk into a room with a chickenpox case and come down with it, but not backed up by science.
Germs And Viruses
Sam, you were laughing. It is laughable. We’ve made these presumptions or these assumptions based on faulty science that has literally spread everywhere, speaking about contagion. I’m curious because I’ve read The Contagion Myth, Good-Bye Germ Theory, and Virus Mania. How does your book differ from those other books in the same field suggesting that our understanding of germs and viruses is mistaken?
What we’ve tried to do here is put it in a way that anyone who’s been living in the last years of the madness can see through the headlines that were put forward through the scientific papers that were published. What a fast this is. We have gone back historically to provide the basis for this. I think what we aim to do, and we’ve done that pretty well, is to bring all of these examples in the last years, particularly with this COVID-19 situation to show why it can’t possibly be true. The book’s fairly timeless and you could pick it up in ten years’ time and it’ll still be relevant.
I think it’s the contemporary element. We featured those headlines from 2020 and I think even we were surprised looking back at them going at the time, “This is pretty crazy stuff.” Now it looks even stupider these so-called people dropping dead in the street, these maps of China that they had with arrows pointing to wet markets and labs and stuff the absolute propaganda people leading bats in China saying, “This has caused a worldwide pandemic.” They were seeding many silly scientific concepts. I think that’s one of the differences.
They were gaslighting all of us. I think the difference, particularly with Virus Mania, because I didn’t want it to exactly the same because it’s a time and a massive book. It’s not a criticism, but it’s one of the feedback that I used to get was that it’s such an almost intimidating book because it’s big and there’s a lot of stuff in there and people can find it a wee bit overwhelming to read it for the first time, to even open the book we wanted something that could be on the coffee table that would create interest that people would go that’s about, and you can pick up and read a small chapter. It’s not like you have to emotionally get involved in this very much heavier book.
In one of the chapters, we’ve exposed the playing field, particularly in our chapter press Release Science where we talk about the fact that those of us that didn’t go along with it, I mean they’ve gone after Sam, but I wasn’t practicing anymore at the start of 2020. I got out of allopathic medicine in 2016, but in 2020 the authorities and the World Media came after Sam with everything they had. We realized that by speaking out, they’re going to try and end people’s careers. He also described the playing field of what happened with those of us who spoke out versus those of us or the people who went along with it and were rewarded financially. Sometimes, we included a part in one of the chapters where we show in New Zealand how much money some of the vaccine centers like the medical centers and the pharmacies were getting. some of them were getting millions and millions of dollars.
Just for speaking out, they are going to try and end people’s careers.
Over a two-year period, it is phenomenal. That’s released.
This is one of those things where people say, “How can they all be in on it?” We’re showing them that, the choices speak out and get prosecuted. In New Zealand, we’re getting doctors that they’re trying to find over $100,000 for speaking out. It’s crazy, whereas we can see that the ones that went along with it were rewarded richly. I think that’s another important aspect of the book. People don’t realize what the CARES Act brought about in the United States, but incentivized people to go along with this stuff, incentivized them to do PCR tests, give inappropriate treatments to people, and vaccinate all these healthcare professionals, etc. It was incentivized. They created this playing field right from the start.
You covered much territory in the book that I know we can’t quite encapsulate it all here, but I did notice one thing that made my jaw drop was the chapter called Treatments Cause The Disease. Can you elaborate a little bit on that? What did you mean by that?
One of the things we often get asked about is, “Are you denying that disease exists?” No, we definitely do not. A classic example of this is polio where polio was thought to be an illness that was spread around by flies and insects. One of the treatments was DDT, which is a very toxic chemical spray and it was literally used everywhere and was shown to basically cause the same symptoms of polio.
That’s one example. In the book, we highlight also the example of rabies. Rabies is something rare. It’s strange that people would even remotely consider it. Over a few decades period in the United States, there have been about 50 cases. People should be worried about heart disease and diabetes and getting run over by a car basically, or getting hit by lightning twice, which is more likely than getting some of these diseases that people are told to worry about. We use the example of rabies to say here was something that basically didn’t exist. It was rare, then they introduced a vaccine and the cases tripled overnight over the next few years. We have practitioners like Montague Levison historically pointing out that, Hey, “This is interesting because Pasteur is saying that he’s curing rabies with his vaccines, but the data indicates that the number of cases has gone through the roof since he’s introduced his vaccines.”
Rabies is something which is so rare. It’s strange that people would even remotely consider it.
It all makes sense now because Pasteur’s work was exposed in the 1970s and he didn’t have evidence for a vaccine. It wasn’t working. In fact, it often makes the animals sick and sometimes die. We highlight this and point out that we give an example, but it’s not the tip of the iceberg. This is the same in psychiatric medicine where people are put on medications and then they start drawing or have problems moving and people say, “Look at that, they’re mentally unwell.”No, it’s the effects of the so-called treatments that they’re giving. It spans all of allopathic medicine.
AZT and HIV are another classic, but that’s a whole other issue.
What’s coming to my mind right now is that in the US there seems to be a lot of trouble with, these, shooters going into schools or public spaces and killing all these people and then killing themselves. 9 times out of 10, if not 10 out of 10, the person committing the violence is a person on psychiatric meds. We think, “They were put on meds because they were dangerous, but did the meds cause the condition that they found themselves in?” It’s wild to think about. It’s shaky because you’re pulling the rug out from under people who have a certain worldview.
Reversing The Way We Think
This is what is amazing about Weston A Price because the way you describe it is perfect for completely reversing the way we think. I mean for us even, this is a hard shift, when you start unraveling it. For us, it got down to going back to the original science and going, “We’re not going to accept anything now. We have to go back to the foundational papers and look at it ourselves and not trust all the experts what they’re telling us.” That’s what has been a big focus of ours.
We have to go back to the foundational papers and look at it ourselves and not trust what all the experts are telling us. Just look at it for ourselves.
Almost like in 2020, we developed not a new technique, it’s what scientists should do. We were put onto it by watching an interview with Kary Mullis when he was alive. What he’d said was that someone said to him, “HIV causes aids.” He said, “Where’s the citation?” They said, “What do you mean?” He said, “I want to see the paper that shows what you’re claiming because we’re doing science here, we need to go back to the evidence,” they said to him, “There’s no paper that you could go to, it’s been accepted by the experts.
This is what we’ve found over and over again. In 2020 we started this new way of researching. We go to the CDC and they say there’s a disease that they’ll mention, whether it’s chickenpox or yellow fever or COVID-19. They’ll make statements, “This disease is caused by a virus.” We say, “Where’s your reference?” Often there’s none or it’s a textbook if they do have a reference. We go and get the textbook and then we read the chapter of the textbook and we say, “There are two citations here, which say that there’s a virus.” We get those papers and we read through them and that’s when we find there’s no virus. People are being disingenuous with the way that they’re referencing material. They’re saying, “This was all established 50 years ago,” or whatever. That’s not what the papers say. Interestingly, multiple times we’ve encountered the fact that the authors themselves don’t make these claims when they write the papers. They might say something like, “We suspect that there’s an infectious agent or something along those lines,” but it’s other people who say, “They proved that in the 1950s and they changed what the claim was.”
Coming up, Mark and Samantha review the flaws in the virus narrative and they expose the fear-mongering for what it is, a ploy to dominate a vulnerable populace.
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What would you say to the skeptic who’s like, “No, you guys are completely off base. Aren’t we better at diagnosing and using these amazing microscopes to detect illnesses at a nano level?”
Unfortunately, this reductionist stuff is we can see now it’s a complete dead end because we’ve gone into the pits of this stuff to see what they’ve got and looked into molecular biology, locked into electron microscopy, etc., unfortunately when they get down there, they lose complete conception of what life is and what health is because they’re trying to find the explanations at the tinier and tinier level right down to this microscopic level, unfortunately, and we even start our new book with a prologue by Chris Hedges who talks about this that the problem with it is that people think that the development of science and technology can bring us closer to some truth, when in fact it can be used to do the complete opposite and to enhance the power of deception as people get more and more tracked into thinking that these scientists are providing answers with laboratory experiments.

The other thing that makes me think of is how compartmentalized we are with the understanding, one of the advantages we’ve had is that we’ve come from clinical medicine and we know that very well of what we’ve been taught and all that stuff, but virology was completely new to us. We didn’t know about it until 2020. We had to learn all this stuff. We had to go and understand exactly what they’re talking about, understand what happens with electron microscopy, in the labs and the wet lab, dry lab, what’s genomics, all this stuff. Now we have a very lovely overview of how it all works. You realize that people in the labs don’t have a viewpoint of what happens in the clinical world. They’re stuck in the lab world and vice versa. It’s very hard. It’s this black box of trying to unpack it all. What we do is go through everything.
One of the things I set out to do in early 2020 was understand the process. We’d come from clinical medicine. We knew what it was like to be on the front lines when patients came in. To understand the process of when someone comes in and presents with what they say as a viral illness through to samples being taken and what happens along that entire pathway until we end up with a computer sequence “genome” on a screen that people say, “This is the reason why this person got sick.” We set out to understand that entire pathway.
We say to people too, because often Sam will do a presentation for fifteen minutes and try to make these complicated scientific concepts easy to understand then we get the critic saying, “You guys don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve worked in genomics for 40 years and I’m an expert in this.” We say to them, we’ve written technical papers as well, which sounds like you need to look at my essay Farewell to Virology, which is almost 30,000 words. specifically addressing the argument of virus existence and why viruses don’t exist, why there’s no evidence for them. We’re used to that as well of people saying, “This is completely crazy haven’t looked into it.”
We’ve done it for years.
You should go to our more technical publications if you wish to look into it with the depth that we have.
I feel funny asking you this question. We both know Tom Cowen and he always says, “Just because I can point out that viruses don’t exist doesn’t mean that I need to know the cause of sickness,” but I have to ask you all if viruses and “germs” don’t make us sick, what does?
It’s a cover story for thousands of things. The problem is that everybody has their own individual story of what’s happened to them. I get sent emails a lot about, “This happened to me. If it’s not a virus, then what is it?” You have to unpack so much what is the environmental conditions that a person has been living in. What psychological stress have they been under? It goes on and on, the questions that you need to know to understand often it’s best for that person. I often put it back and say, “What do you think if it’s not a virus? What do you think caused it?”

Often the person has some of the best answers themselves and goes. We had this more recently, a person was saying about how they’d been unwell and then they revealed they’d been under much psychological stress financially and that they could see that this has been putting it all together, not sleeping and everything else because of it you realize that we can figure it out. It’s a very difficult question to unpack.
The more you look into it, the more silly the whole germ thing seems because of the narrative that they’re trying to put onto the world and this is coming from the CDC, WHO, and all of these governments as they’re saying, “Forget about your diet and the water you’re drinking. Forget about whether you’re overweight or not exercising. Forget about all the psychological pressures and stresses that you might be under. Don’t worry about environmental toxins and pollution. Forget about all those things. What we’ve got to worry about is invisible particles, moving around, causing you to become sick. It’s absolutely silly. We point that out to people and say, “You’re far better off thinking about what you’re putting in your mouth every day and how you’re living your life, what thoughts you’re having, whether you have a good relationship at work, and with your family.”
Are you getting outside? Are you getting in the sun? Are you exercising?
It’s so much easier to have a scapegoat to be able to say, “That invisible thing made me sick,” as opposed to taking responsibility.
That’s what we’re finding. People want someone else to blame. They want to say, “The reason I got sick was because John came to work and he shouldn’t have, or that person didn’t wear a mask or that person didn’t have a vaccine,” all of this nonsense. Unfortunately, they’ve pushed this hard increasingly for a couple of decades at least, but more so in the last few years. You see that now with us saying, “We’re going to have endless diseases popping out of the jungle. In the book, we do a chapter on this nonsense of zoonosis, which is the idea that they have that animals are making us sick. We’re getting close to animals and their diseases are jumping out. Apparently, their animals are perfectly fine.
On the safari, there’s no problem.
They’re all perfectly healthy. We come into contact with them. From our point of view, particularly in countries like New Zealand where we’re all surrounded by animals, there are many animals here and we’ve had a great track record of people being extremely healthy, not much anymore because people are getting overweight, getting a lot of psychological problems, but there’s no evidence at all that being around animals is making people sick yet the CDC and other organizations are saying that this is one of the biggest threats. They’ve even married it up to another big threat, climate change. They say that climate change is causing diseases to jump out of the animal kingdom into humans. We’re sitting there going, “How silly is this whole narrative going to get?”
The Final Pandemic
“When will it end?” That’s why your book is titled The Final Pandemic. You’re hoping that as people learn to think critically and analyze what’s going on, they may reach some conclusions that’ll be better for their health and for the world. I wanted to ask you this. is this a case of I’m inventing the disease because I want to sell you the cure on some level?
I think that’s part of it I think. There are lots of opportunists out there, unfortunately taking advantage of that. The easiest way of controlling people is I’m sure you and your audience would understand very well, like this surveillance state, this horrible thing that’s coming, it’s already here to a lot of extent is done through invisible, the invisible enemy, which is germs people are the most controllable when they’re fearful.
Germs and people are the most controllable when they’re fearful.
When we say the book opens with a chapter on allopathic medicine and vent diseases, we’re not saying that they’re causing new types of illness and disease. We are saying that people have always got sick in certain ways. Their body has certain conditions. What they do is they create a new case definition. With COVID-19, you can look up the systemic reviews and the literature. There are no specific symptoms and signs. The cases are determined, test, a PCR or a rapid antigen test. That’s how they confirm a case. People say, “There was a pandemic,” and we say, “No, there was a pandemic of testing. They rolled out a new test,” wherever they did the test.
They started finding cases we explained in the book how the case definitions are what’s used to create the appearance of a pandemic. An example would be we use the Australian influenza Statistics. Tangely in Australia, they were reporting about 2000 deaths a year from influenza as a background, right up until 2021. We looked it up and they said, no more deaths from influenza we thought that was strange because now they have COVID-19 deaths going on. It’s this complete reclassification.
Repackage it. Market it out.
Speaking of repackaging, the CDC said here in the US that COVID-19 can be treated as any other respiratory virus. In other words, they’ve reclassified it. Now it’s going to be considered like flu, which I guess they still want us to get shots for, but what’s changed in their decisions on this?
We had a chapter, a sub-chapter in the book called COVID-19, the Bait and Switch because if you remember back to early 2020, they’re showing us people dropping dead in the streets of China saying that this is going to kill everybody unless you stay at home and do lockdowns, etc.
They never manifested.
That’s ridiculous. It’s not a thing. It was by 2022 here in New Zealand, they started, the government was broadcasting every single day drilling this propaganda into people. They made an announcement in 2022 and said, “If you’ve got a runny nose and feeling unwell, that may be COVID-19 and it may be indistinguishable from a common cold.” We had told people that there’s nothing new what they do is they scare people into thinking that there’s something bad, something terrible coming, and then by the end of it, they’re convincing people or trying to convince people that the common cold is now COVID-19.
The tests make it real for people when they take a test and they say, “I had COVID,” it’s because you even see the rollout of how they did tests. Initially, it’s this PCR test that’s only offered in hospitals. You get these walk-in clinics or drive-throughs where they can do it in the car and it’s still the PCR test then it moves to lateral flow tests, like pregnancy and rat tests that everybody has, and then it’s mainstream, and then the cases blow up because everybody has access to these tests. These tests don’t tell you anything
As you’ve alluded to, this all comes back to creating a narrative that is beneficial to certain industries like the biotech industry. Even if you look up how much they made out of PCR testing, it’s tens of billions of dollars for the testing. In New Zealand, we’re a tiny little country, five million people. It was by 2022 that we realized that they’d spent something like $1 billion or $2 billion on PCR tests in New Zealand because you get all of these biotech and pharmaceutical industries as well who have a lot of interest here.
That was the other thing, one of the chapters in our book pointed out, and this all pandemics lead to vaccines. It’s not the fact that they’re rolling out these crazy products, it’s the transfer of wealth going on. People don’t realize that COVID-19 was one of the biggest transfers of wealth that’s ever taken place in history. They took so much of the public’s money and resources and transferred it into a small number of holding companies around the world. It was disgusting. They used it as a Trojan horse to bring about other agendas.
People don’t realize that COVID-19 was one of the biggest transfers of wealth that’s ever taken place in history.
Can you give an example of that? I’m trying to wrap my head around that.
One of the things they did was there’s the financial fraud that took place. In most countries around the world, around early to mid-2020, they inflated the money supply massively because they said, “We’ve got a pandemic coming and we need to ease things for the public. Let’s start printing money.” These days they don’t physically print money. They do a digital form of it that happened around the world. That’s why nobody’s currency has collapsed yet because you guys in the US inflated your money supply massively. We did it in New Zealand and they did it in Australia That’s why now there’s all this cost of living crisis, which doesn’t benefit the public, but continues to benefit governments in a small number of industries. People had to pay for things voluntarily.
All of the things like the CARES Act in the United States, which was an incredible amount of money. We’re talking billions and billions of dollars and the things that funded the PCRs and the vaccines themselves. This huge transfer of money. Keep in mind that most people didn’t want to take the vaccines. They took them because they were either scared of the propaganda or coerced into doing it through mandates, but everyone had to end up paying for them. We had countries like Canada, which ordered six doses for every man, woman, and child in the country. The taxpayers were forced to pay for them regardless of whether they got used or not. We outline cases in Europe where even vaccines that were used, the taxpayers had to pay for many of them ended up being dumped.
There were many different ways where they transferred wealth from the hapless public to these corporations. At the end of the day, it was only the governments and big corporations that benefited from this COVID show that they did the average person is far worse off like most people will say to you that they’re finding it harder than they did pre-2020.
One thing I observed even in my neighborhood is that small mom-and-pop businesses that were not part of a larger chain like Walmart, CVS, or whatever all had to close the smaller ones, but the bigger ones got to stay open as if the virus could distinguish the two. The small ones had more susceptibility to getting people sick. It was a money grab, but who else stands to benefit from the public being afraid of this money shift of wealth? Who’s trying to program us and to what end?
This is the big question of who it is. We don’t know who exactly it is, but there’s so much evidence that even on a small level, well there’s been good documentaries done about this where it’s called Monopoly, who owns the world? It’s two big companies, BlackRock and Vanguard. You can’t see who owns them and they both own each other. In terms of who benefits, that’s always the question. You can follow it. There are lots of opportunists that you’ve got where people are going, “This is a great way to make some money.”
In general, we have these fraudulent entities from our point of view who call themselves governments around the world who run this monopoly of coercion and violence against the citizens. It’s a great benefit to them because, at the end of the day, they don’t want to be out on the street having to enforce things. They’d rather have a fear narrative that makes people police themselves. We saw that during the COVID era, people called the police because they thought their neighbors were having friends over or people called the police because they saw their neighbor driving somewhere. It was ridiculous. But in these dystopian worlds, they sue governments because, at the end of the day, the nature of their work by coercion and fear narratives is perfect.
I don’t think they care which fear narrative is put out there. They’re finding at the moment that this whole germ thing, this whole thing about pandemics, it’s getting much traction that they will keep running for it for as long as they can I think we’re not naive to the fact that if too many people catch onto the fact that contagion is not a thing and that these pandemics are fake, they’ll switch the narrative. There’s no doubt about it then they’ll say it’s climate change lockdowns, and they’ll use another version. We’re not saying that they won’t do that. We’re saying it’s helpful for people to know for their own personal health and that their family, that contagion is not a thing. It’s not something you need to worry about there are much better ways to look after your health.
The other thing I wanted to quickly mention, and it’s very much in the book, is about this gain of function narrative and the lab leak story because from the beginning we realized that there are two accepted narratives. There’s the mainstream narrative that the virus is out there killing everyone then there’s also that it was created in a lab. These are the accepted narratives and you can either go down one or the other path. The third one, which we’ve been trying to show to people is that there’s no virus. There’s nothing to be fearful of. Viruses don’t exist if you don’t believe in viruses anymore, it completely takes away their power and empowers you with your own health. You’re not on the plantation anymore.
My videos that made the most sense were always those about the no virus. That’s why we’ve said this gain of function lab stuff is a huge distraction for people. It’s keeping you on the plantation and in the belief of germs essentially. You can see it in lots of areas. It’s like vaccine shedding. It’s another offshoot of germ theory. It keeps people fearful when saying, “Don’t interact with people that have been vaccinated. You’re going to get sick.”It’s very important for people to understand how much we’ve all been gaslit. This is a huge thing that’s gone on psychological warfare against us you can take your power back by not believing in it.
We’re concerned. That’s why we’ve done a number of videos and articles and talk about it in the new book about this whole thing about gain of function, she was up to no good and stuff this is all complete rubbish. It’s interesting to us that they seem to realize a lot of freedom from people, and that the whole COVID thing was a fraud they say, but the virology behind it all is okay. They give the thumbs up to it. We’re like, “Please take it a little bit of a further step and we’ll show you that that’s a fraud. That’s the foundational fraud.” We use some examples in the book and say that the whole lab leak thing that was covered by the mainstream media in early 2020, those narratives were out there in the open.
In fact, they started in 2018 when the China Daily, which is the communist Chinese government’s own media platform, was putting out stories saying, “Look at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. We’ve got 1,500 viruses here.” Why would they be promoting that on Twitter and other mainstream media outlets? It makes no sense at all. We show that to people who think that this has all been uncovered. These labs in Wuhan and other places around the world, or they show us patents or they show us Fauci emails. It comes back to what we talked about right at the start of this chat, where are the foundational scientific babies because whenever we look at them, no virus and nothing, whenever we look at them, when they try and do a contagion study, it doesn’t work. We don’t have sick people making healthy people unwell, yet I think the gain of function stuff. It’s exciting to people and they’ve revealed.
There’s a scapegoat we can point to, and people love that. What I love is that in your voices and this conversation, I can sense this freedom. You would think as people who are aware of the deception and the money grabbing and the things that have happened over the years, you would be bitter. I sense this freedom and this joy, which is part of what your message is that we can be empowered once we uncover the truth about what’s going on.
The thrill for us is seeing the next generation come through, like our own children who understand this stuff, and even our own boys, they’ll observe things. They’ll read a book and it will mention something about a germ or something about Louis Pasteur being a hero. They come up to us and say, “Look at this. This is not right.” We are thrilled that there are millions of people who are aware of this stuff now.
The well wishes and emails that Sam gets from around the world of people who say, “I was scared in 2020. I started watching your videos, and it’s finally making sense. Now I feel much so more confident about my own health,” or people who say they had to let go of the concept of this germ theory nonsense in order to not vaccinate their kids. They are thankful. They send us messages saying, “I’ve got this beautiful 3-year-old now, not one health problem. All of their peers are getting all these problems and going back to their doctor.” My little unvaccinated one is healthy. I thank people like yourselves for pointing out that the germ theory is complete nonsense.
I want to speak now here as we wrap up to the person who’s like, “I am taking ownership of my health. I have felt empowered and I want to take a step further.” That’s why I want to pose to you the question I love to pose at the end here. If the readers could only do one thing to bolster their health or improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
My message, and it’s been the same from the beginning, is to remove your fear of germs. It’s just a mindset. Once you do that, everything starts flowing. What do you think?
For me, this draws back to one of our biggest influences, who was Dr. Ulric Williams. He was a physician here in New Zealand in the middle of the last century, the 1930s onwards. He had these simple maxims that we can measure ourselves up to. He said, “The way to be healthy is right thinking and right living.” People may hear that and go, “That’s too vague. I need protocols and supplements.” Every time our family gets any problem, we think, “Are we thinking the right way here and are we living the right way?” Almost universally, within half an hour or a day, you’ve worked out that there is something better that you can do. I would challenge people to do that because it might even be you’re talking to someone and they tell you, “I eat organic food and I’m exercising and stuff.”
You get to the crunch and say, “How’s your thinking?” They go, “I hate my job.” We’re like, “There you go. That’s it. Your job.” You can never be healthy because you’re in this toxic environment. You hate what you do, you don’t believe in it basically only doing it for the money now. That’s where your health problems are stemming from. For me, it’s right thinking, right living and you can’t go wrong.
Thank you both so much. It’s been a pleasure.
It’s been a pleasure for us. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for reading. Stay well, and remember to keep your feet on the ground and your face to the sun.
About Samantha Bailey
Dr. Samantha Bailey trained and worked as a conventional doctor over two decades before a new understanding of health compelled her to leave the medical system. In 2020 she started what was to become New Zealand’s largest Youtube health channel with her videos gaining millions of views and an international following. She is the co-author of The Final Pandemic.
About Mark Bailey
Dr. Mark Bailey completed his medical training in 1999. He worked in many specialties as a resident doctor and was also a clinical trials research physician for several years. In 2016 he left clinical practice due to dissatisfaction with the allopathic medical system. Since early 2020 he has been the duo’s chief researcher with a focus on microbiology, the existence of viruses, as well as historical and epistemological issues within medical science.
Important Links
- The Final Pandemic
- Wise Traditions Podcast on Google Play
- Sam Bailey and Mark Bailey
- The Contagion Myth
- Good-Bye Germ Theory
- Virus Mania
- Lytebalance
- The New Biology
Excellent video, I shared with my non believer friends, keep up the great work Hilda and I look forward to seeing you at the conference ❤️
The name is Koch, not Cox. It is Koch’s Postulates and not Cox Postulates