We are sad to announce that our new book, The Contagion Myth, is banned on Amazon—sad for what has happened to American freedom of expression. But Amazon’s actions tell us that we have already struck a nerve and the powers that be do not want the paradigm-busting information in our book to circulate.
Amazon will be refunding your money or not charging you if you pre-ordered on their site. However, you have many choices for ordering the book online at:
Barnes & Noble
Thank you for your patience!
Thomas S Cowan, MD
Sally Fallon Morell
See Dr. Cowan’s newsletter announcement as well: Whatever Happened to Rigorous Open Scientific Discourse
The disease called Covid-19 is not contagious and scientists have not properly isolated and purified a virus associated with the disease. The illness, characterized by lack of oxygen, widespread clotting, electrical or “fizzing” feelings, and degeneration of the lungs, fits the description of radiation poisoning from exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. The most likely culprit: microwave radiation from fifth generation wireless—5G. The Covid-19 illness has appeared following the deployment of 5G first in Wuhan, then in Europe and then in large cities in the United States.
That’s the message of The Contagion Myth, now available from Skyhorse Publishing. The authors, Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell, are the founders of the Weston A. Price Foundation and well-known advocates for a nutrient-dense traditional diet as the best protection against illness and environmental toxins.
Scientists from the U.S. Public Health Service were never able to prove that the Spanish Flu of 1918—which burst on the scene with the worldwide rollout of radio towers–was contagious; and no health agency has carried out the needed contagion studies on Covid-19.
Initially formulated by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, the germ theory of disease—that bacteria and viruses attack us and make us sick–has never met the common-sense criteria of Koch’s postulates, which call for subjecting a healthy organism to the isolated bacteria or virus. In fact, while bacteria have received the blame for disease since the nineteenth century, the last two decades have witnessed a complete paradigm shift. Science has demonstrated that we live in symbiotic relationship with bacteria in the intestinal tract; bacteria help us digest our food, enhance the immune system, and also appear when necessary to clean up dead tissue. Bacteria only produce poisons under conditions of filth and lack of oxygen.
Cowan and Fallon Morell argue that we will soon see a paradigm shift when it comes to viruses; that viruses are not harmful, but helpful exosomes that our cells produce to rid the body of poisons and make adjustments to new environmental threats, such as 5G millimeter wave radiation.
It follows that masks, social distancing, testing for genetic material (not an actual virus) and vaccines will not solve the Covid-19 problem. The challenge instead is to institute etiquette and rules for the safe use of wireless technology. The authors also propose dietary and life-style strategies that can help protect against 5G and other electromagnetic frequencies.
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The book just got a remarkable endorsement by the largest online retailer on the planet! I’m sincerely looking forward to seeing just how this plays out. I think it could possibly be truly fabulous! In the meanwhile I am looking forward to the case of books that I have ordered!
As Rudolf Steiner has reportedly presented – any important issue deserves to have twelve perspectives. Another perspective in regards to : “what has happened to American freedom of expression” is to understand that the context of the book banning is within a corporation that has no obligation to respect “American freedom of expression”. The “American freedom of expression” has been exercised and there is nothing against that expression. Retailers are under no obligation to carry a particular book and they have the freedom not to carry a particular book for whatever reason they may have. Although the announcement above does not refer to “The Constitution” it is inferred here. However, that Constitution is about the United States Government/service providers and not about corporations. Issues about corporations fall within the jurisdiction of the States that charter the corporation.
It is my understanding that the constitution has been trampled over and over for many years. The Patriot Act makes enemies out of all of us. Corporations have taken over the government. The catastrophe of 9/11 was about a coup of the white house and congress by nazis/neocons/Israelis says the author and whistleblower Barbara Honegger in her video “Behind the Smoke Curtain: The 9/11 Pentagon Attack”.
AND, the video “The Corporation” says ALL corporations are psychopathic.
The U.S. military industrial complex proves their psychopathy every time they create a false flag to cause the people to back them up as they bomb other countries for their lands and resources. The United Nations is the leader of this violence.
First of all, it is unconstitutional for the government to pressure a corporation to limit speech in a way that would be illegal for the government themselves to do. Therefore when amazon, facebook, twitter, google, and so on follow government directives on which speech they decide to ban, it is a clear violation of the First Amendment.
Second of all, there have always been laws that restrict corporate ownership of the media, for obvious reasons. These laws have been relaxed since Clinton, and honestly have never been put at the forefront of the public consciousness as they should have. Covid presents the perfect opportunity to open the debate on how much power the big social media companies, publishers, online retailers, search engines, and so on, should have in regulating speech. Most people would agree that if you cannot fire an employee for their political beliefs, a company that has such a monopolistic level of control over the flow of information should not be able to blacklist an author because of their political beliefs. That goes against the fundamental political culture of America. Even if you could argue that it’s technically legal, it shouldn’t be.
Finally, keep in mind that fascism/corporatism is little more than an end run around our liberties. The government can’t restrict our rights, but if corporations own everything then they can restrict our rights as much as they want, can’t they? Put another way, is monarchy an all-powerful government? Or is it just a rich guy who owns everything? In the end the two are the same.
I pre-ordered from one of the lesser known booksellers because I knew Amazon would do that to you. I’m sorry. I’m doing everything in my power not to use Amazon for anything anymore. It costs me more money but I don’t feel like I’m surrendering my soul to tyranny. Do you have any way to sell the books yourself, in case, the other booksellers do the same thing?
It is definitely discouraging, not being able to find a copy of your Contagion Myth. I cannot locate it anywhere, and even the sites you’ve mentioned are not available to me in Canada.
Do you have any other suggestions?
A pdf download?
I really look forward to reading it.
Audrey Drake
Hello – of course I don’t know where you live but if you contact the Light Cellar in Calgary, Alberta – they have copies. I bought one yesterday.
I found it on the Chapters website
No one will ever be able to take away the fact that we are electromagnetic energy fields just like the 7 billion billion billion atoms we all consist of, which are spinning as energy and light each time a quark bursts forth spinning the speed of light as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons. I found these words in the book “The Quantum World” written by the physicist Kenneth Ford. Quantum physics is the way to win.
As electromagnetic energy field beings, we are NOT biological or physical or material. We are electrical. Protons spin as positive charges and electrons spin as negative charges. Those billion dollar colliders around the world NEVER find solidity. We are not solid and we do NOT die. We are holograms, or super complicated patterns of energy and light. We are eternal energy and light exactly like the universe. See the book ‘Hands of Light” written by the physicist Barbara Brennan to see how to heal yourselves with your own minds/images. AND as these minds/images, this is how we are connected to everyone else. Those spinning quarks are constantly beaming outwards like fireworks that continue to go on and on and on.
Saying there is such a thing as germs or viruses that attack us is like saying germs and viruses attack electricity.
But germs and viruses would also be composed of electricity… Since we are mostly composed of them. Most cells in your body aren’t human cells.
One good thing to come out of the C virus hoax, is more people are now Homeschooling instead of being brainwashed in pagan public schools. The schools shot themselves in the foot when they showed students how easy it is to learn from home. So, why use pagan teachers? Why pay pagan teachers? Why attend pagan schools rampant with drugs, gangs, stealing, cheating, lying, abortions, etc etc?
Another great thing is that those kids will not be eating that GMO insecticide, pesticide laden, white bread, fluoride water, hormone filled foods and milk at those schools. Not at the expense of the tax payers, even though all costs have always been at the expense of the tax payers, like the medical bills that occur because of eating fast food and all those non organic foods in grocery stores. Most organic foods I see are put on the top shelf at Walmart, like organic beans. AND last time I looked, those can liners those beans are in are NOT BPA free.
Still, those oligarchs that don’t eat those insecticide/pesticide/fluoride/hormone disrupters take our money to build their own organic gardens and fluoride free water systems, etc. What these communists do to hide from that ongoing meltdown of those Fukushima reactors, I don’t know. Why would they radiate the whole world when they live in it? That must be what those underground bunkers are for. I saw on TV the expense it has taken to build those lavish layouts, at OUR expense, of course.
In case someone reading here doesn’t understand the harm of GMOs, read about the insecticides they are built with. The result is cancer, tumors, and death according to rat analysis.
AND, kids and everyone else staying at home researching what is really going on surely is not what these oligarchs want. It is my understanding that it is the United Nations and CFR that is behind all this communist/nazi/oligarch ideals. These people think there are too many people on earth so they have put together a depopulation agenda.
The Birch Society mentions a whole lot about the organization that has to come together to create what these communists have done to us. Lying about their “care” of the people has been their hugest propaganda. The Birch Society mentions “communists” a lot. One example is the CDC. Robert Kennedy Jr. sued the CDC/DHHS in 2018 because papers could not be found of the testing that should have been done on those vaccines. No testing had been done in 32 years. Look up all the ingredients in those vaccines. Besides high levels of mercury are aluminum and formaldehyde, etc. it is disgusting the parts of animals that they are putting into those vaccines. Watch the video “Vaccine Expert Proves Depopulation Agenda”. He saw what seemed like snot, etc. Everybody remembers the cruelty of nazis, right? Can you imagine them harshly laughing at us while putting these vaccines together?
Nazis are mentioned a lot in my reading. The author Barbara Honegger said she worked in the white house for 30 years listening to those people. Then she had to resign to become the whistleblower that wrote “October Surprise” and to become the main speaker in the video “Behind the Smoke Curtain: the 9/11 Pentagon Attack” where it is said there was a coup operated by nazis/neocons/Israelis on that day. 9/11 was the Pearl Harbor of these nazis. Honegger says Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, Chalabi, Zakheim, Perle, Bush were the nazis to blame for 9/11.
I have researched a lot the last 40 years to find out who severely abused me as a child and did not rescue me. I found the article “The Federal Reserve Cartel: The 8 Families”. It is written in this article that all bank failures/crashes are on purpose to take the people’s money. This cartel formed in 1913 to take our money on purpose. WOW. That means that the 1929 stock market crash/STEAL was what caused my grandparents/mother to become distant and bitter and violent. I became totally anti social for many, many years because of this cartel. I blame the fed cartel specifically and so should everyone everywhere for every bitter experience they have had BECAUSE I say these nazi/communists cartel have also formed the medical cartel AND in doing so, they have ignored quantum physics. This is the study of subatomic particles. Physicists say that atoms are electrical energy fields. People consist of 7 billion billion billion atoms, each one spinning the speed of light AS energy and light. This means we are not physical or solid or biological. There are no germs or viruses. That would be like saying germs/viruses attack electricity. Our whole existence is electromagnetic. Otherwise, how would we have electricity and lightning? Dis-ease is a lie. Covid is specifically electromagnetic. I have seen the patents people display online. I don’t need to see a patent to know everything is energy everywhere. I don’t need to hear Tesla say everything is energy. But I did need to hear: protons spin as positive charges and electrons spin as negative charges.
The physicist Barbara Brennan wrote the book “Hands of Light” to tell us all that we are eternal, holographic, electromagnetic, multidimensional energy and light beings. In this book you can learn how to heal yourself with your own thoughts/images because we are eternal holograms. Quantum physics turns out to be the only religion there is. You can also learn that creation is constant each time a quark bursts forth spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons. These last words come from the book “The Quantum World” written by the physicist Kenneth Ford.
there are several fairly convincing voices arguing that nuclear weapons & nuclear power (including fukushima) is another big lie / hoax. galen winsor is one, the big-lies.org site is another. Walter Russell argued against nuclear power in his excellent book “Atomic Suicide” (freely available as a pdf) but strangely also claims the whole of what we think of as nuclear theory is as bogus as viruses
Mine sent via amazon. Said to be arriving on Saturday….?
Kudos, Sally and Thomas.
Hi. Can I order the Contagion Myth book directly from the publisher or another source? I really want to read it. Could you provide information on how to order?
I’m not surprised by this at all. Paradoxically, all the information they’re attempting to keep from us is revealing even more TRUTH. “The plan” has back-fired in a big way and they’ll do anything they can right now to keep people scared and brainwashed. Resist these falsehoods and move forward without FEAR. Don’t forget Dr. Price’s last dying words, “You teach, you teach, you teach!” Keep spreading the TRUTH, Price Foundation, (and all members and chapter leaders), not just to the enlightened few and friends and family; but especially in the areas where people need it the most. Don’t be afraid. Looking forward to this read when it arrives.
Hi Sally, LOVE you and your work.
There is a book by Ethel Douglas HUME (she had to use her husbands name because of the “time period”).
Anyway, Mrs Hume discusses how Pasteur “borrowed” a lot of the research done by a French Professor called Antoine Bechamp.
Its very encouraging to see not all in the medical and academic arena have lost their backbone and still have self respect coupled with a duty to honesty and truth. Many of us have sorted out the lies since the beginning of this scam and this narrative have pushed us into researching topics and checking up on the claims made by the group perpetrating this “pandemic”. I learned of this book and authors via multiple sources but mostly from Ickonic.com and from Max Igans page. I support these doctors and professionals who are doing the right thing in the face of dictatorial regulations. It’s just sad that one is deemed brave by the simple action of speaking the truth.
“For most of years of his existence on earth, man blamed his bodily ills on demons: malignant spirits of dead, witches, sorcerers or the evil eye. Today, Germs have taken over the demons’ role.”
Reference: HEALTH AND DISEASE by Rene Dubos, Maya Pines.
In other words, At one time, people blamed the cause of dis-ease on demons, or evil spirits.
Today, Germs have taken over the demons’ role as an IMAGINARY cause of dis-ease.
Looking forward to getting of copy of the Contagion Myth, to add to my library.
Respiratory diseases are caused by salt
From the flu, colds, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, sinusitis … Almost all respiratory diseases are caused by the excessive consumption of salt that we have, which means that the body cannot eliminate it so it accumulates in the lungs in the form of mucus (white blood cells, water and salt).
That is why the flu cannot be cured with anything since it is not an infection, it is a cleansing mechanism of the body. Why does the flu happen in winter? The official theory says that it is due to a virus that only lives in winter and that also mutates every year. It’s a bit of a strange theory if we think about it a bit.
The reality is that when it’s hot we sweat more and drink more so we eliminate more salt. With the arrival of the cold we eat more dishes with salt, we sweat less and drink less. For this reason, in winter when the lungs are stuffed with mucus, respiratory diseases begin. For this same reason there is more flu in the northern areas of Spain than in the eastern and southern areas.
The cough in the flu serves to get the mucus out of the lungs. The fever in the flu is due to the acceleration of the metabolism to eliminate the mucus as quickly as possible, without fever the flu would last for months. And fatigue in the flu is because the body takes away the energy to dedicate it to eliminating mucus.
The fact that the flu seems contagious is due to the mirror neurons that make us imitate others, as is the case with yawning, contagious laughter …
In my personal experience I used to have clear snot continuously, in summer I had less snot. As soon as I stopped taking salt I stopped having mucus, then I spent a season eliminating green phlegm every morning when I got up until my lungs were clear.
be worth you reading “Zodiac & the salts of Salvation” by George Carey. it’s beyond fascinating. & his take on current respiratory problems – which he predicated 100+ years ago – is that it’s some kind of conjunction of the increasing vibrational energies of the earth (as we’re transitioning to the age of aquarius) & severe malnutrition amongst many people. it’s very scientific though, & involves astrology & alchemy in such a way as to make it even more scientific. his take is that there are 12 key salts (referred to by the cell salts community as ‘Schuessler salts’) that regulate the basic functions of the body. 3 of them being involved in breathing. two sodium ones (phosphate & chloride) are responsible for the body taking in water & getting rid of it – to ensure the blood has the right consistency, & iron phosphate which regulates the bodies capacity to absorb oxygen in the lungs & carry it to where it’s needed. deficiencies in any of these 3 leading to poor respiratory function & thus less capacity for the body to breath satisfactorily in this new aquarian age of finer or higher vibrational ethers. weird i know but it makes for compelling reading. obvs there’s stacks of other things involved in having optimum health but this could be quite important in lieu of the current pretend-corona hysteria
My god.
What colour paisley is the sun where you people live?
Because you must ask what color paisley the sun is, what planet do YOU live on?
Robert O. Young — this is the doctor to get on your side Weston Price
Robert Young is a fake doctor who never went to a real school
Anyone ever heard of Dr. Hamer and his research and discoveries? This started back in the 70s I believe. It has also come to be known as German New Medicine, or New Medicine. I wonder how the research in this book correlates to Dr. Hamer’s discoveries. Dr. Kelly Brogan, who is thanked in the book “Contagion Myth”, was the one who initially turned me on to German New Medicine and Dr. Hamer.
Yes, we actually have several practitioners within our ranks!
Wow, I’m so glad to hear! I’m really starting to put together the pieces here, at least in my mind. It’s starting to make a lot of sense. Do Cowan and Fallon include the findings of Dr. Hamer in their latest book? I’m wondering how they, or you at the Weston Price, speak about the causes of disease in relation to the 5 biological laws. It makes sense how poisons and toxins would lead to a disease process, as explained in GNM, and how nutrition does play an important role in healing. I’m just interested in the shock-conflict aspect of it and how it relates to the findings of Weston Price, Cowan and Fallon?
Can you connect me with one of those practitioners?
I have written of the work of the physicist Barbara Brennan before, I thought. But I don’t remember getting a reply.
She wrote the book “Hands of Light” plus several others. After reading over 200 books the last 40 years I am convinced that she has “the theory of everything”. Of course many others do, too. She wrote that all of us are eternal, electromagnetic, multidimensional, holographic energy and light beings. That means we are holograms, every thought we have being an image. Our bodies are patterns of energy and light that vibrate super fast at the quantum level, which is every level. But our thoughts have become very slow compared, so most people look towards food and pills and surgery and chemo to help themselves.
She taught, and teaches in her college, that releasing all stress by loving the moment, seeing every bit of it as love itself, is the cure for all pain. Healing is emotional.
This allows our holographic bodies to become channels for the faster energy we need to be vibrant and happy. I tried this in my 20s. I already knew there was no such thing as death because I had a NDE or near death experience as a child where I became aware of another dimension. There were energy beings there that talked to me. I felt and heard them loudly. So that stress was already relieved — the one that says we die. I read that physicists says time is simultaneous and that we are immersed with a holodeck of images, meaning this universe is only a super small image within this holodeck.
We are saturated within a grid of electrical energy within this holodeck. We are constantly being created within this grid with the energy of this grid. This is why at the quantum level quarks are constantly bursting forth spinning billions of times as second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons. These words come from the book “The Quantum World” written by the physicist Kenneth Ford.
Ford used the word “magically” before quarks. We just seem to be popping into existence out of nowhere, yet I have read books that say our literal electrical souls are creating us. It is those quarks that are the images of these souls that are creating us with THEIR purpose for us. We are the faces of these souls. We are not people or humans. We are electrical eternal energy and light beings. So this is the way to heal knowledge, which heals the emotions. We ARE listened to and really DON’T ever die because we are created from the same energy as the universe, which is a small image compared to the entire holodeck, which is what many call God. So when we image healing, and stay focused on that, then healing is what happens.
This is fascinating. Just curious, according to this theory then, how is new energy aka new life created? How are babies formed/grown?
You have no idea what you are talking about. I don’t even know where to start here. Take this bit:
“Science has demonstrated that we live in symbiotic relationship with bacteria in the intestinal tract; bacteria help us digest our food, enhance the immune system, and also appear when necessary to clean up dead tissue. Bacteria only produce poisons under conditions of filth and lack of oxygen.”
Seriously? Bacteria are not all the same. They represent an entire domain of life that are as different from each other as a tree is from a squirrel. They can have very different cells and behaviors. The Bacteria that help us are completely different from the ones that cause diseases. This is like saying that humans have a symbiotic relationship with housecats, therefore tigers aren’t dangerous.
Or the spanish flu was caused by radio? Okay so what was causing flu before radio was invented? Why did the spanish flu stop even though radio was still being used.
You have clearly done no research whatsoever.
I am glad Amazon banned this book. It is dangerous nonsense that will get people killed.
Here you have the answer to your question. Read before making a quick judgement.
How about you summerize the relevent arguments instead of just linking to a place to give you money. From the description the claim is that infectious diseases are caused by electricity, but this makes no sense on the face of it. All these diseases mentioned self evidently existed before electricity was common, Hippocrates described them in ancient greece for example, and life expectancy has been continuely increasing in the time since electricity came into common use, and is longest in rich nations that use the most electricity. And when you add how many once common disease like smallpox, polio, measles, whooping cough etc have become very rare after extensive vaccination campaigns this notion is absurd.
I appreciate your skepticism and I share it. However EMF as a main causative factor for disease is well supported by decades of research. It isn’t possible for someone to summarize all that in a few “arguments” but Firstenberg is NOT against germ theory like you may think. He simply ascribes most of our health problems to environmental toxins like EMF and the data supports him.
It is kind of funny to say the flu existed in 1918 or before that since the flu virus was not isolated until 1933.
Regarding the success of extensive vaccination campaigns, even a CDC study admitted that vaccines did not really do much to reduce diseases of any kind. You can read more here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rfk-jr-daniel-pinchbeck-vaccines-eliminating-mortality/
How do you explain that Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, who all are bringing in 5G, have almost no covid. When covid is introduced there from overseas arrivals and it escapes from hotel quarantine, it quickly infects close contacts, but by isolating these contacts, the disease is eliminated. Sounds like a virus to me. I disapprove of 5G for other potential health reasons, butI don’t think we can blame it for covid.
Here, you have the answer to your question.
The COVID illness maybe labeled differently in Asian countries like Taiwan. Also, Taiwan is along the Ring of Fire, a major fault line. The unique electrical nature of the environment may forestall significant “COVID” style illness.
Per my recent search, it looks as if Amazon will start selling The Contagion Myth on June 22, 2021.
There is a book on Amazon right now called “The Truth About Contagion”. Is this the same book just renamed to get around the sensor?